- Engrailed
image_width = 240px
image_caption = Photo courtesy of [http://www.entomart.be/ Entomart.be]
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
subphylum =Hexapoda
classis =Insect a
ordo =Lepidoptera
unranked_familia =Macrolepidoptera
superfamilia =Geometroidea
familia =Geometridae
subfamilia =Ennominae
tribus =Boarmiini
genus = "Ectropis "
species = "E. crepuscularia"
binomial = "Ectropis crepuscularia"
binomial_authority = Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775The Engrailed ("Ectropis crepuscularia") is a
moth of the familyGeometridae . Some authors split this moth into two species: "E. bistortata" The Engrailed and "E. crepuscularia" Small Engrailed. It is distributed across most ofEurope .The ground colour of the wings is buff or grey variably marked with darker
fascia . The darker markings are not usually as strong as in the rather similarWillow Beauty . Melanic forms occur fairly frequently. Thewingspan is 38-45 mm. One or two broods are produced each year. In the British Isles the adults can be seen at any time between March and August; this time range may vary in other parts of this moth's range. The species flies at night and is attracted to light.The greyish
larva is trulypolyphagous , feeding on a huge range ofplant s (see list below). The species overwinters as apupa .Recorded food plants
*"Abies" -
*"Acer" -Maple
*"Aconitum " - Monkshood
*"Alangium "
*"Alnus" -Alder
*"Aquilegia " - Columbine
*"Betula" -Birch
*"Calluna vulgaris " - Heather
*"Camellia japonica " - Japanese Camellia
*"Castanea" -Chestnut
*"Cinchona "
*"Cirsium arvense " - Creeping Thistle
*"Cornus" -Dogwood
*"Cytisus" - Broom
*"Daphniphyllum "
*"Diervilla " - Bush Honeysuckle
*"Euptelea "
*"Eurya "
*"Frangula" - Alder Buckthorn
*"Fraxinus" - Ash
*"Genista" - Broom
*"Glycine" - Soybean
*"Hypericum maculatum " - Imperforate St John's Wort
*"Ilex" -Holly
*"Juglans" -Walnut
*"Larix" -Larch
*"Ligustrum" -Privet
*"Lindera " - Spice Bush
*"Lonicera" -Honeysuckle
*"Lythrum salicaria" -Purple loosestrife
*"Malus " - Apple
*"Philadelphus" -Mock-orange
*"Picea" -Spruce
*"Pinus" -Pine
*"Plectranthus "
*"Populus" -Poplar
*"Prunus "
*"Pseudotsuga" -Douglas-fir
*"Pyrus" -Pear
*"Quercus" -Oak
*"Rhododendron "
*"Ribes rubrum" -Redcurrant
*"Robinia "
*"Rosa" -Rose
*"Rubus idaeus" -Raspberry
*"Rumex " - Dock
*"Salix" -Willow
*"Sambucus" - Elder
*"Shepherdia canadensis" -Canada Buffaloberry
*"Sorbus" spp. -rowan s
*"Spartina" -Cordgrass
*"Symplocos "
*"Thuja "
*"Trifolium" -Clover
*"Tsuga " - Hemlock
*"Ulmus" -Elm
*"Vaccinium "
*"Zanthoxylum "References
*Chinery, Michael "Collins Guide to the Insects of Britain and Western Europe" 1986 (Reprinted 1991)
*Skinner, Bernard "Colour Identification Guide to Moths of the British Isles" 1984External links
* [http://www.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insecta/lepidoptera/ditrysia/geometroidea/geometridae/ennominae/ectropis/index.html#crepuscularia The Engrailed at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera pages]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.