- Cardinal Greenway
The Cardinal Greenway is a
rail trail that encompasses convert|60|mi of abandoned CSX railroad corridor in east centralIndiana . The trail runs from Richmond to Marion and is the longest rails-to-trails project in Indianaas of 2004 . The Cardinal Greenway was designated aNational Recreation Trail in June 2003 and is an important part of theAmerican Discovery Trail .Name
Cardinal Greenway takes its name from the last passenger train to regularly travel the route (Chicago-Cincinnati-Washington): the Cardinal. The train service in turn derived its name from the state bird of all five states which it traversed.
The trail is managed by "Cardinal Greenway, Inc." (http://www.cardinalgreenways.org/), formerly known as "Delaware Greenways, Inc." (http://www.delgreenways.org/] ). Cardinal Greenway, Inc. is organized under federal tax regulations as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. [ [http://www.cardinalgreenways.org/giddy-up/sponsors.htm Sponsorship ] ] It's mission statement is as follows:
Cardinal Greenway, Inc. is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life by developing and operating corridors and trails to connect people and communities. [http://www.cardinalgreenways.org/ Cardinal Greenway, Inc.] homepage]
Cardinal Greenway, Inc. 700 East Wysor Street Muncie, Indiana 47305-1916 Phone: 765-287-0399 Fax: 765-287-0396
In 1993, over 200 people responded to a small newspaper item saying there would be a meeting to investigate the possibility of purchasing an abandoned rail line for a rails-to-trails conversion project. (Rail removal had begun on said line in Fall of 1992. Work started in Marion and was completed from there through Richmond by June of 1993. [a September 14, 2004 [http://railroad.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=327#p52658 post] on Mike Rogué's [http://railroad.net/ railroad.net] ] ) Cardinal Greenway, Inc., a not-for-profit, was formed, and it purchased 60 miles of the former railroad corridor from
CSX Corporation in that same year (1993).American Trails Cardinal Greenway [http://americantrails.org/nationalrecreationtrails/trailNRT/Cardinal-IN.html article] ] Cardinal Greenway, Inc. [http://www.cardinalgreenways.org/History/cardinal_greenway.htm Trail History] ] In 1996 a Master Plan was completed and final tracings were submitted to INDOT.Groundbreaking took place in September 1997, marking the start of "Phase 1", a convert|10|mi|adj=on Muncie section from the Wysor Street Depot to County Road 534 East. The convert|8|mi|adj=on Jonesboro-Marion section and the convert|2.5|mi|adj=on Richmond section were constructed sometime before 2003. [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20030414035540/http://www.state.in.us/dnr/outdoor/images/railtrail.jpgIndiana Rail Trails as of July 18, 2002] ] The convert|10|mi|adj=onFact|date=March 2008 Muncie-Gaston section was constructed around 2003.Fact|date=March 2008On Thursday, June 5, 2003, the Cardinal Greenway was designated a
National Recreation Trail .National Recreation Trail Database [http://tutsan.forest.net/trails/FMPro?-db=nrt.fp5&-format=traildetail.htm&-recid=33919&-find entry] ] [ [http://www.nps.gov/applications/release/Detail.cfm?ID=373 NPS Director Announces 23 National Recreation Trail Designations in 12 States] ]The convert|7|mi|adj=on Losantville-Mt. Pleasant section was opened in a ribbon-cutting ceremony held in Losantville on April 19, 2007. Governor
Mitch Daniels helped cut the ribbon. [http://www.state.in.us/gov/govimages/apr2007/041907GovsTravels59.html] U.S. DOI NPS NCRC "Conservation Successes" [http://www.nps.gov/ncrc/successes/cons0707.pdf July 2007] (bottom of page 1, top of page 2)]On Tuesday, May 20, 2008 Governor
Mitch Daniels announced [ [http://www.state.in.us/portal/news_events/22370.htm $19 Million Investment for New Indiana Trails] (Office of the Governor press release)] grants which include [ [http://www.state.in.us/dnr/files/or-trailgrants2008.pdf 2008 State Trail Grants] (see top of page 4 and top of page 7)] work on the Richmond-to-Losantville section (improving six bridges, among other work) and the Sweetser Switch Trail Connector (connecting the two trails along an abandoned railroad corridor).Route
The trail starts in Richmond, travels through Wayne, Randolph, Henry, Delaware, and Grant counties, and ends in Marion.
The trail is paved with asphalt.
Richmond Section
The trail begins with a convert|2.5|mi section on the north side of Richmond. This is near the Whitewater River.
Planned Richmond-Muncie Construction
The Richmond section and the Muncie section planned to be joined in the future. The total of the lengths of the Richmond section, the new section, and the Muncie section will be “around convert|52|mi”.Fact|date=March 2008
The constructed link will go through Losantville.Fact|date=March 2008
Planned Richmond-Losantville Construction
This planned route, convert|20.6|mi from Industries Road to Losantivlle [the [http://www.cardinalgreenways.org/Cardinal%20Greenways%20Newsletter%20-%20Spring%202008.pdf Spring 2008 Newsletter] of Cardinal Greenways, Inc.] , will go under I-70 and through the town of Economy. [ [http://www.lehmanandlehman.com/projects/GreenwaysTrails-LehmanLehman-Portfolio.htm Greenways & Trails - Lehman & Lehman - Portfolio ] ]
This is the curviest segment of the former railroad corridor. [a March 8, 2008 [http://indianarailroads.org/board/index.php?topic=1742.msg10041#msg10041 post] on Nathan Bilger's [http://indianarailroads.org/ indianarailroads.org] ]
Planned Losantville-Mt. Pleasant Construction
This convert|7|mi|adj=on planned section (2 miles in Randolph County, 3½ miles in Henry County, and 1½ miles in Delaware County) will go through Blountsville and will probably parallel
U.S. Route 35 most of the way.Trailheads
* Losantville: South Main Street , just north of W 1000 S/US-35
* Blountsville: North Wilber Wright Road, just off of US-35(Mt. Pleasant-) Muncie (-Gaston) Section
This is the longest completed section, offering convert|20|mi of paved trail with
trailhead s, rest areas, and interpretive signage. All rest areas and trial heads are handicapped accessible.This section picks up the trail at the intersection of S 534 E and E 700 S, southeast of the
Prairie Creek Reservoir . This area has convert|10|mi of adjacent horse trail.IndianaTrails.org: [http://www.indianatrails.org/Cardinal_Greenway_Muncie.htm Cardinal Greenway — Muncie] ]The Cardinal Greenway then travels into the heart of Muncie, bisecting with Wysor Street Depot in the middle. Just to the north of the depot the Cardinal Greenway intersects the
White River Greenway .The trail continues out of Muncie to Gaston. It is about convert|10|mi from the depot to the trailhead in Gaston.
* Mt. Pleasant: intersection of S 534 E and E 700 S, southeast of the Prairie Creek Reservoir
* Medford: E 500 S, just east of US-35 — includes restroom, picnic table, and equestrian trailhead (no water available, though) [ [http://www.cardinalgreenways.org/equestrian_trail.htm Cardinal Greenway Inc.: Equestrian Trail] ]
* Muncie: The Wysor Street Depot (700 East Wysor Street) — includes restrooms
* Gaston: End of Broad Street (off of West Elm Street) [ [http://www.bikeforums.net/archive/index.php/t-256381.html Cardinal Greenway Trail ] ]Gaston-Jonesboro Gap
An convert|11.3|mi|adj=on section of the former rail corridor, going from Gaston to Jonesboro and running through Fowlerton, is owned by private land owners. Cardinal Greenways, Inc. states that a route “will be chosen using public roads to connect the two sections of Cardinal Greenway.” [http://www.indianatrails.org/ IndianaTrails.org] states that “ [t] he county road route can be followed using
Dan Henry -style pavement markers.”Gaston-Jonesboro County Road Route
The route connects around the gap by following convert|17.2|mi [ [http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=West+Elm+Street%2C+Gaston+%4040.3137,-85.5079&daddr=850+W+%4040.34705,-85.54952+to:600+E+%4040.3869,-85.5594+to:1100+S+%4040.3940,-85.5943+to:350+E+%4040.4550,-85.6077+to:East+10th+Street%2C+Jonesboro+%4040.4761,-85.6225&via=1,2,3,4 West Elm Street, Gaston to East 10th Street, Jonesboro] — Google Maps] of county roads. From the Gaston trailhead, it continues
* west on 850 N (West Elm Street in Gaston),
* north on 750 W,
* west on 950 N,
* north on 850 W,
* west on 1200 N (crossing over I-69),
* north on 900 W, which becomes 600 E in Grant county,
* west on 1125 S,
* north on 500 E,
* west on 1100 S,
* north on 350 E (crossing IN-26 at 900 S),
* northwest (bear left) onto Wheeling Pike, which becomes Muncie Pike at 275 E,
* right onto East 10th Street in Jonesborowhere the greenway resumes (at the first left after Boyd Street).(Jonesboro-) Marion Section
This section of the route is convert|8|mi in length.IndianaTrails.org: [http://www.indianatrails.org/Cardinal_Greenway_Marion.htm Cardinal Greenway — Marion] ] [ [http://www.cardinalgreenways.org/Maps/index.htm Maps & Facts ] ]
The trail resumes in Jonesboro at East 10th Street. From there it travels along the
Mississinewa River until it crosses US-35/IN-22. By East 4th Street in Jonesboro, there is a pedestrian bridge over the Mississinewa to the Eugene “Beaner” Linn Park, a 90-acre [ [http://www.gascity.com/visitors/attractions/parks.htm Parks in Gas City and Jonesboro] — Gas City Area Chamber of Commerce] park in Gas City.After crossing US-35/IN-22, the trail goes on into Marion, going by Hogin Park [http://web.archive.org/web/20070206150211/http://www.jamesdeancountry.com/Trails.php#maincontent] [http://www.marionindiana.us/maps/Park%20Map%202006.pdf] , through the short tunnel under South D Street, under “the bypass” (IN-9), and ending at South Miller Avenue.
* Jonesboro: South Lincoln BoulevardFact|date=March 2008 [http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=40.48837,-85.626867&spn=0.001767,0.003932&t=h Google map]
* Marion (Hogin Park): South Valley Avenue and West 14th Streethttp://www.marionindiana.us/maps/Cardinal%20Greenway.pdf]
* Marion (Miller Avenue): South Miller Avenue [http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=40.557712,-85.692718&spn=0.000817,0.001955&t=h Google map]Beyond Marion
Plans were announced on October 16, 2007 to expand the Cardinal Greenway convert|3|mi west to the Sweetser Switch Trail [http://www.indianatrails.org/news_files/articles/Cardinal_exp_Sweetser_10-07.pdf] [ [http://www.indianatrails.org/Sweetser_Switch_Trail.htm Sweetser Switch Trail ] ] in Sweetser, and perhaps eventually to Converse in Miami County.
Connections With Other Trails
The Cardinal Greenway is part of the Northern Route of the
American Discovery Trail .American Discovery Trail : [http://www.discoverytrail.org/states/indiana/inn_points1.html Ohio State Line to Marion, Indiana] ]The Cardinal Greenway connects to the
White River Greenway just north of the Wysor Street Depot near downtown Muncie. Current expansion is underway to construct a larger White River Greenway trail along Wheeling Road north of downtown Muncie.In Richmond, the trail connects to the Whitewater Gorge Trail and
Gennett Walk of Fame in the Whitewater Gorge Park.Map
The map included here show Delaware County and surrounding areas. For more complete maps of the entire length of the trail visit the [http://www.indianatrails.org/ Indiana Trails] site.
*ee also
American Discovery Trail External links
* [http://www.cardinalgreenways.org/ Cardinal Greenway, Inc.]
* "Greenways Foundation, Inc."'s [http://www.indianatrails.org/ IndianaTrails.org]
** [http://www.indianatrails.org/Cardinal_Greenway_Richmond.htm Richmond Section]
** [http://www.indianatrails.org/Cardinal_Greenway_Muncie.htm Muncie Section]
** [http://www.indianatrails.org/Cardinal_Greenway_Marion.htm Marion Section]
* [http://wikiwalki.com/trails/view/0MS6HKg2NPEAeaZk Cardinal Greenway Shown on a Google Map]
*American Trails Cardinal Greenway [http://www.americantrails.org/nationalrecreationtrails/trailNRT/Cardinal-IN.html article]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.