- Rail transport in Spain
Infobox rail network
name = Spain
color =
caption = High speedAVE train, Madrid-Barcelona line.
nationalrailway =RENFE
infrastructure =Adif
majoroperators = RENFE,FEVE ,EuskoTren , FGC, FGV
ridership =
passkm =
statyear =
freight =
length = convert|14781|km|mi
doublelength =
ellength = convert|8760|km|mi
freightlength =
hslength =
gauge =
hsgauge =
gauge1 = Broad gauge (1668 mm)
gauge1length = convert|11829|km|mi
gauge2 = Standard gauge (1435 mm)
gauge2length = convert|998|km|mi
gauge3 = Metric gauge (1000 mm)
gauge3length = convert|1926|km|mi
gauge4 = Narrow gauge (914 mm)
gauge4length = convert|28|km|mi
el =
el1 = 3000 V DC
el1length = Main network
el2 = 25 kV AC
el2length = High-speed lines, recent electrification
el3 =
el3length =
notunnels =
tunnellength =
longesttunnel =Sierra de Guadarrama , convert|30|km|mi
nobridges =
longestbridge =
nostations =
highelevation =
highelat =
lowelevation =
lowelat =Rail transport in
Spain operates on fourrail gauge s and services are operated by a variety of private and public operators. The total route length in 2004 was 14,781 km (8,791 km electrified): [ [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sp.html#Trans CIA - The World Factbook - Spain ] ] :"broad gauge " (1668 mm): 11,829 km (6,950 km electrified at 3 kV DC):"standard gauge " (1435 mm): 998 km (all electrified at25 kV AC ):"narrow gauge" (1000 mm): 1,926 km (815 km electrified):"narrow gauge" (914 mm): 28 km (all electrified)Most railways are operated by
RENFE ; narrow-gauge lines are operated byFEVE and other carriers in individual autonomous communities. It is proposed to build or convert more standard-gauge lines, including some dual gauging of broad-gauge lines, especially where these lines link to adjacent countries.History
During the 19th century
Spain was one of the poorest and least economically developed countries inWestern Europe , and was also politically unstable.Railway s were therefore relatively late to appear. The first line to be built in the Peninsula was a short link fromBarcelona toMataró opened in 1848, although by that date a line was already working inCuba - then part of theSpanish empire . It was not until laws were passed in the 1850s making railway investment more attractive to foreign capital, that railway building on a large scale began.One major misfortune was the decision, taken at an early stage, that Spain's railways should be built to an unusual broad track gauge of 1674 mm (roughly 5 ft 6 in, or six Castilian feet). Some believe that the choice of gauge was influenced by Spain's hostility to neighbouringFrance during the 1850s: it was believed that making the Spanish railway network incompatible with that of France would hinder any French invasionFact|date=June 2008. Other sources state that that decision was taken to allow bigger engines that could have enough power to climb the steep passes in the second most mountainous country of Europe. As a result, Portuguese railways were also built to a broad gauge (roughly the same, 1664 mm, but rounded to a Portuguese unit). Spain and Portugal have since rounded their gauge to 1668 mm.This unfortunate decision came to be regretted by future generations, as it hindered international trade, and also made railway construction more expensive. Apart from the widespread broad-gauge lines, a large system ofnarrow gauge railway s was built in the more mountainous parts of Spain, especially in the north coast of the country, where narrow gauge was the most adequate option.The main-line network was roughly complete by the 1870s. Because of Spain's (until recently) relative lack of economic development, the Spanish railway network never became as extensive as those of most other European countries. For instance, in terms of land area Spain is about 2.5 times the size of Great Britain but its railway network is about 3,000 km (1,900 miles) smaller.
Civil War
During the
Spanish Civil War in the 1930s the railway network was extensively damaged. Immediately after the war the Franco regime nationalized the broad gauge network, and in 1941RENFE was formed. Narrow gauge lines werenationalize d in the 1950s, later being grouped to formFEVE .It took many years for the railway system to recover from the war; during the 1950s it was common to see intercity expresstrain s hauled by 100-year-old steamlocomotive s on poor worn-out track. In spite of this, innovators likeGoicoechea created advanced trains like theTalgo and the TER. Only with the disappearance of the Franco regime in 1975, and Spain's emergence from international isolation, did the Spanish railway network begin to modernize and catch up with the rest of Europe.Post Franco
Following the
decentralization of Spain after 1978, those narrow gauge lines which did not cross the limits ofautonomous communities of Spain were taken out of the control of FEVE and transferred to the regional governments, which formed, amongst others, "Eusko Trenbideak" and "Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya ".Madrid (Madrid Metro ),Barcelona , Valencia andBilbao (Metro Bilbao ) all have autonomous subway services.Spain's "Beeching cuts" were effected in 1986/7, with many radial routes closed: thousands of kilometres of passenger lines were axed.
The Railway Sector Act of 2003 separated the management, maintenance and construction of rail infrastructure from train operation. The first activity is now the responsibility of a new public company, Administrador de Infrestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF), while Renfe (full name: Renfe Operadora) owns the rolling-stock and remains responsible for the planning, marketing and operation of passenger and freight services (though no longer with a legal monopoly).
Spanish railways have been a target of sabotage and attacks by
ETA , and once byAl-Qaeda , inMarch 11, 2004 Madrid attacks .High speed
In recent years Spain's railways have received very heavy investment, much of it coming from the
European Union . In 1992 astandard gauge high-speed rail line (AVE ) was built betweenMadrid andSeville . In 2003 high-speed service was inaugurated on a new line from Madrid toLleida and extended toBarcelona in 2008, the same year the lines from Madrid toValladolid and from Córdoba toMálaga were inaugurated.The Madrid-Barcelona line is being extented onwards via an international tunnel beneath the
Pyrenees toPerpignan where it will link up with the FrenchTGV high-speed system. Delays on the part of the French government in authorizing construction on its side of the border have held up Spanish plans to some extent, however. Further high-speed links are under construction from Seville to Cadiz, from Madrid to Valencia and toLisbon . TheBasque Y , also under construction, will link the three Basque cities.Operators
* Renfe Operadora is the
state-owned company which operates freight and passenger trains on the 1668-mm "Iberian gauge" and 1435-mm "European gauge" networks of the Spanish nationalrailway infrastructure company ADIF (Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias).*
FEVE (Ferrocarriles Españoles de Vía Estrecha, meaning "Narrow-Gauge Spanish Railways") is a state-owned Spanish railway company, which operates most of Spain's 1,250 km (775 miles) of metre gauge railway.*
EuskoTren ("Eusko Trenbideak / Ferrocarriles Vascos" – Basque Railways) operates trains on part of the narrow gauge railway network in the Basque Country.*
Ferrocarril de Sóller or FS operates an electrified 914 mm narrow gauge railway on the Spanish island ofMajorca , between the towns of Palma andSóller .*
Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca or SFM operates themetre gauge railway network on the Spanish island ofMajorca .*
Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana or FGV operates severalmetre gauge lines, in the Autonomous Community of Valencia.*
Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government Railways), or FGC operates several unconnected lines inCatalonia ,Spain . It operates 140 km (88 miles) of metre gauge, 42 km (24 miles) ofstandard gauge , and 89 km (56 miles) ofbroad gauge route, two metre gaugerack railway s and four funicular railways.*
Acciona Rail Services , subsidiary ofAcciona . Operates a cargo line (coal) betweenAsturias and theprovince of León .
= Metro/light rail systems=*
Alicante (Alicante Tram )
*Barcelona (Barcelona Metro /Barcelona Tram )
*Bilbao (Bilbao Metro /Bilbao Tram )
*Madrid (Madrid Metro )
* Valencia (Valencia Metro)
* Malaga (Malaga Metro ) "under construction"
*Granada (Granada Tram ) "under construction"
*Palma de Mallorca
*Vitoria-Gasteiz (Vitoria-Gasteiz tram ) "under construction"
*Seville (Seville Metro ) "under construction"
*Parla (Parla Tram orVíaParla )
*Vélez-Málaga "under construction" due to open September 2006Links with adjacent countries
* Andorra - no
* France - yes -
break-of-gauge 1668mm/1435mm (new high-speed lines will link without any break-of-gauge)* Portugal - yes - same gauge
* Gibraltar - no
* Morocco - no - proposed undersea tunnel, maybe
break-of-gauge 1668mm/1435mm (by the time the tunnel will be opened, Spanish network may have been converted to standard gauge)ee also
Transport in Spain References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.