- Foreign relations of Paraguay
Paraguay is a member of the
United Nations and several of its specialized agencies. It also belongs to theOrganization of American States , theLatin American Integration Association (ALADI), theRio Group ,INTERPOL andMERCOSUR (the Southern Cone Common Market). Its foreign policy has followed closely the Rio Group’s lead on many issues of wideranging political importance.Paraguay recognizes the
Republic of China onTaiwan instead of thePeople's Republic of China .A military training agreement with
Asunción , giving immunity to US soldiers, caused some concern after media reports initially reported that a base housing 20,000 US soldiers was being built atMariscal Estigarribia within 200 km of Argentina and Bolivia, and 300 km of Brazil, near an airport which could receive large planes (B-52 ,C-130 Hercules , etc.) which the Paraguan Air Forces do not have. [ Cite news | title=U.S. Military Moves in Paraguay Rattle Regional Relations | publisher=International Relations Center | date=December 14 ,2005 | accessdate=April 2006 | url=http://americas.irc-online.org/am/2991 ] [http://www.clarin.com/suplementos/zona/2005/09/11/z-03615.htm US Marines put a foot in Paraguay] ,El Clarín ,September 9 ,2005 es icon ]ee also
*Paraguayan diplomatic missions
*List of diplomatic missions in Paraguay References
External links
* [http://www.mre.gov.py/ Foreign Ministry of Paraguay] (in Spanish only)
* [http://www.paraguayconsulatela.com/ Consulate General of Paraguay in Los Angeles, USA]
* [http://www.paraguaysp.com.br/ Consulate General of Paraguay in Sao Paulo, Brazil]
* [http://www.embajada-argentina.org.py The Embassy of Argentina in Asuncion]
* [http://www.ambafran.gov.py The Embassy of France in Asuncion]
* [http://www.embajadadeitalia.org.py The Embassy of Italy in Asuncion]
* [http://www.py.emb-japan.go.jp/becas-entren-tecnico-info.htm The Embassy of Japan in Asuncion]
* [http://www.paraguayembassy.co.uk The Embassy of Paraguay in London, United Kingdom]
* [http://www.geocities.com/embapur The Embassy of Paraguay in Montevideo, Uruguay]
* [http://www.embassyofparaguay.ca The Embassy of Paraguay in Ottawa, Canada]
* [http://www.embassy-avenue.jp/paraguay The Embassy of Paraguay in Tokyo, Japan]
* [http://www.embaparusa.gov.py/embajada_english.html The Embassy of Paraguay in Washington, USA]
* [http://www.embperu.org.py/index.asp The Embassy of Peru in Asuncion]
* [http://www.roc-taiwan.org.py/ The Embassy of the Republic of China in Asuncion]
* [http://asuncion.usembassy.gov/ United States Embassy in Asuncion]
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