ISO/IEC 6937

ISO/IEC 6937

ISO/IEC 6937 is a multibyte extension of ASCII, or rather of
ISO/IEC 646-IRV, developed in common with ITU-T (then CCITT) for telematic services under the name of T.51. Certain byte codes are used as lead bytes forletters with diacritics ("accents"). The value of the lead byte oftenindicates which diacritic that the letter has, and the follow byte thenhas the ASCII-value for the letter that the diacritic is on. Onlycertain combinations of lead byte and follow byte are allowed, andthere are some exceptions to the lead byte interpretation for some followbytes. Note, however, that no combining characters at all are encoded inISO/IEC 6937. But one can represent some free-standing diacritics, oftenby letting the follow byte have the code for ASCII space.

ISO/IEC 6937's architects were Hugh McGregor Ross, Peter Fenwick, Bernard Marti and Luek Zeckendorf.

ISO6937/2 defines 327 characters found in modern European languages using the Latin alphabet. Unfortunately non-Latin European characters, such as Cyrillic and Greek are not included in the standard. Also, some accents used with the Latin alphabet like the Romanian comma are not included.

The ISO/IEC 2022 escape sequence to specify the right-hand side of the ISO/IEC 6937 character set is ESC - R (hex 1B 2D 52). [ Supplementary Set of ISO/IEC 6937:1992] The high-ASCII half of the character set. (The left-hand side is [ U.S. ASCII] .)]

ingle byte characters

The primary set of ISO6937/2 is based on ISO646 (characters 0x00..0x7f) with the exception of character 0x24 ($) which is denoted as a "general currency sign" (¤):

!"#¤%&`()*+'-./0123456789:;<=>?@ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [] ^_` abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz] |125
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|007E|~ |126
chset-color-ctrl |chset-ctrl3|007F|DEL |127
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |128
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |129
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |130
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |131
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |132
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |133
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |134
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |135
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |136
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |137
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |138
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |139
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |140
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |141
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |142
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |143
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |144
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |145
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |146
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |147
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |148
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |149
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |150
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |151
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |152
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |153
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |154
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |155
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |156
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |157
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |158
chset-color-undef|chset-ctrl3| | |159
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00A1|¡ |161
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00A2|¢ |162
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00A3|£ |163
chset-color-undef|chset-cell3| | |164
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00A5|¥ |165
chset-color-undef|chset-cell3| | |166
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00A7|§ |167
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00A4|&curren; |168
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|2018|&lsquo; |169
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|201C|&ldquo; |170
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00AB|&laquo; |171
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|2190|&larr; |172
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|2191|&uarr; |173
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|2192|&rarr; |174
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|2193|&darr; |175
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00B0|° |176
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00B1|&plusmn; |177
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00B2|² |178
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00B3|&sup3; |179
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00D7|&times; |180
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00B5|&micro; |181
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00B6|&para; |182
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00B7|&middot; |183
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00F7|&divide; |184
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|2019|&rsquo; |185
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|201D|&rdquo; |186
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00BB|&raquo; |187
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00BC|&frac14; |188
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00BD|&frac12; |189
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00BE|&frac34; |190
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00BF|&iquest; |191
chset-color-undef|chset-cell3| | |192
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0300|&#x0300;|193
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0301|&#x0301;|194
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0302|&#x0302;|195
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0303|&#x0303;|196
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0304|&#x0304;|197
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0306|&#x0306;|198
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0307|&#x0307;|199
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0308|&#x0308;|200
chset-color-undef|chset-cell3| | |201
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|030A|&#x030A;|202
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0327|&#x0327;|203
chset-color-undef|chset-cell3| | |204
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|030B|&#x030B;|205
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0328|&#x0328;|206
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|030C|&#x030C;|207
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|2015|&#x2015; |208
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00B9|&sup1; |209
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00AE|&reg; |210
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00A9|&copy; |211
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|2122|&trade; |212
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|266A|&#x266A; |213
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00AC|&not; |214
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00A6|&brvbar; |215
chset-color-undef|chset-cell3| | |216
chset-color-undef|chset-cell3| | |217
chset-color-undef|chset-cell3| | |218
chset-color-undef|chset-cell3| | |219
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|215B|&#x215B; |220
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|215C|&#x215C; |221
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|215D|&#x215D; |222
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|215E|&#x215E; |223
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|2126|&#x2126; |224
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|00C6|&AElig; |225
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0110|&#x0110; |226
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00AA|&ordf; |227
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0126|&#x0126; |228
chset-color-undef|chset-cell3| | |229
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0132|&#x0132; |230
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|013F|&#x013F; |231
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0141|&#x0141; |232
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|00D8|&Oslash; |233
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0152|&OElig; |234
chset-color-punct|chset-cell3|00BA|&ordm; |235
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|00DE|&THORN; |236
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0166|&#x0166; |237
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|014A|&#x014A; |238
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0149|&#x0149; |239
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0138|&#x0138; |240
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|00E6|&aelig; |241
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0111|&#x0111; |242
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|00F0|&eth; |243
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0127|&#x0127; |244
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0131|&#x0131; |245
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0133|&#x0133; |246
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0140|&#x0140; |247
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0142|&#x0142; |248
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|00F8|&oslash; |249
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0153|&oelig; |250
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|00DF|&szlig; |251
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|00FE|&thorn; |252
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|0167|&#x0167; |253
chset-color-intl |chset-cell3|014B|&#x014B; |254

Character code 0xA0 is a non-breaking space (U+00A0), while code 0xFF is a soft hyphen (U+00AD). The above table uses the Unicode combining accents (U+0300U+036F) for the accents from codes 0xC10xCF, but the translation is not exact; Unicode combining accents suffix the accented character, while ISO/IEC 6937's non-spacing accents prefix the characters they modify.


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