The grapheme Ň ( minuscule: ň ) is a letter in the Czech, Slovak and Turkmen alphabets. It is formed from Latin N with the addition of háček (cz)/mäkčen (sk) and is placed right after regular N in the alphabet. Ň and ň are at Unicode codepoints U+0147 and U+0148, respectively.[1][2]

It is used to denote /ɲ/, the palatal nasal. Thus, it has the same function as Serbo-Croatian nj, Polish ń, Spanish ñ, and Portuguese nh.

In Turkmen, ň represents the sound /ŋ/, the velar nasal, as in English thing.


See also

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Letter N with diacritics
Ńń Ǹǹ Ňň Ññ Ṅṅ Ņņ Ṇṇ Ṋṋ Ṉṉ N̈n̈ Ɲɲ Ƞƞ Ŋŋ Ꞑꞑ ɳ ȵ
Letters using caron sign ( ◌̌ )
Ǎǎ Čč Ďď Ěě Ǧǧ Ȟȟ Ǐ ǐ J̌ǰ Ǩǩ Ľľ Ňň Ǒǒ Řř Šš Ťť Ǔǔ Žž Ǯǯ

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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