TC Resmi Gazete

TC Resmi Gazete
Logo of TC Resmi Gazete.

TC Resmi Gazete (English: Official Gazette of Republic of Turkey) is the national and only official journal of the country publishing legislation. It is referred to as "Resmi Gazete" in short.

It has been published since 7 October 1920, approximately three years before the proclamation of the republic. It is published every weekday including weekends. During national holidays it can be published if the service requires it.

Prime Ministry Directorate General of Legislation Preparation and Publication is responsible for its preparation, publication and distribution.

Every issue is given a date and a number. Number are given consecutively. When more than one issue is published per day, all issues are given the same number and the additional issues are titled as repetitions (e.g., first repetition, second repetition etc.). Issue no 27449 was published on the 31st of December, 2009.

Its content include legislation (laws, decisions of the Council of Ministers, regulations, communiqués etc.), certain case-law and official notices, especially tender notices.

Resmi Gazete is also available from the web. Issues back to 27 June, 2000 were available online until 2011. Today all issues are available.

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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