List of postal codes in the Republic of China

List of postal codes in the Republic of China

Postal or ZIP Codes in the Republic of China (Taiwan) are five digits. However, only the first three digits of the postcodes are necessarily required, the last two digits are optional. The following only lists the first three digits of the postcode system.

=Taipei City (台北市)=
*Zhongzheng District (中正區) 100
*Datong District (大同區) 103
*Zhongshan District (中山區) 104
*Songshan District (松山區) 105
*Daan District (大安區) 106
*Wanhua District (萬華區) 108
*Xinyi District (信義區) 110
*Shilin District (士林區) 111
*Beitou District (北投區) 112
*Neihu District (內湖區) 114
*Nangang District (南港區) 115
*Wenshan District (文山區) 116

=Kaohsiung City (高雄市)=
*Sinsing District (新興區) 800
*Cianjin District (前金區) 801
*Lingya District (苓雅區) 802
*Yancheng District (鹽埕區) 803
*Gushan District (鼓山區) 804
*Cijin District (旗津區) 805
*Cianjhen District (前鎮區) 806
*Sanmin District (三民區) 807
*Nanzih District (楠梓區) 811
*Siaogang District (小港區) 812
*Zuoying District (左營區) 813
*Dong-Sha Islands (Pratas Islands) (東沙) 817
*Nan-Sha Islands (Spratly Islands) (南沙) 819 note

=Taiwan Province (台灣省)=

=Keelung City (基隆市)=

**Ren-ai District (仁愛區) 200
**Zhongzheng District 中正區 202
**Xinyi District (信義區) 201
**Zhongshan District (中山區) 203
**Anle District (安樂區) 204
**Nuannuan District (暖暖區) 205
**Chidu District (七堵區) 206

Taipei County (台北縣)

**Banciao City (板橋) 220
**Jhonghe City (中和) 235
**Lujhou City (蘆洲) 247
**Sanchong City (三重) 241
**Shulin City (樹林) 238
**Sijhih City (汐止) 221
**Sindian City (新店) 231
**Sinjhuang City (新莊) 242
**Tucheng City (土城) 236
**Yonghe City (永和) 234
**Danshuei Township (淡水) 251
**Rueifang Township (瑞芳) 224
**Sansia Township (三峽) 237
**Yingge Township (鶯歌) 239
**Bali Township (八里) 249
**Gongliao Township (貢寮) 228
**Jinshan Township (金山) 208
**Linkou Township (林口) 244
**Pinglin Township (坪林) 232
**Pingsi Township (平溪) 226
**Sanjhih Township (三芝) 221
**Shenkeng Township (深坑) 222
**Shihding Township (石碇) 223
**Shihmen Township (石門) 253
**Shuangsi Township (雙溪) 227
**Taishan Township (泰山) 243
**Wanli Township (萬里) 207
**Wugu Township (五股) 248
**Wulai Township (烏來) 233

Yilan County (宜蘭縣)

**Yilan City (宜蘭市) 260
**Toucheng Township (頭城) 261
**Jiaosi Township (礁溪鄉) 262
**Jhuangwei Township (壯圍鄉) 263
**Yuanshan Township (員山鄉) 264
**Luodong Township (羅東鎮) 265
**Sansing Township (三星鄉) 266
**Datong Township (大同鄉) 267
**Wujie Township (五結) 268
**Dongshan Township (冬山鄉) 269
**Su-ao Township (蘇澳鎮) 270
**Nan-ao Township (南澳) 272
**Tiaoyutai Islands (Diaoyu Islands, Senkaku Islands) (釣魚台列嶼) 290 note

=Hsinchu City (新竹市)=

**Hsinchu City (新竹市) 300

Hsinchu County (新竹縣)

**Baoshan Township (寶山鄉) 308
**Beipu Township (北埔) 314
**Cyonglin Township (芎林) 307
**Emei Township (峨眉鄉) 315
**Guansi Township (關西) 306
**Hengshan Township (橫山) 312
**Hukou Township (湖口) 303
**Jianshih Township (尖石鄉) 313
**Jhubei City (竹北市) 302
**Jhudong Township (竹東) 310
**Sinfong Township (新豐) 304
**Sinpu Township (新埔鎮) 305
**Wufong Township (五峰鄉) 311

Taoyuan County (桃園縣)

**Bade City (八德市) 334
**Dasi Township (大溪鎮) 335
**Dayuan Township (大園鄉)337
**Fusing Township (復興鄉) 336
**Guanyin Township (觀音鄉) 328
**Gueishan Township (龜山鄉)333
**Jhongli City (中壢市) 320
**Longtan Township (龍潭鄉)325
**Lujhu Township (蘆竹鄉) 338
**Pingjhen City (平鎮市) 324
**Sinwu Township (新屋鄉)327
**Taoyuan City (桃園市) 330
**Yangmei Township (楊梅鎮) 326

Miaoli County (苗栗縣)

**Dahu Township (大湖鄉) 364
**Gongguan Township (公館鄉) 363
**Houlong Township (後龍鎮) 356
**Jhunan Township (竹南鎮) 350
**Jhuolan Township (卓蘭鎮) 369
**Miaoli City (苗栗市) 360
**Nanjhuang Township (南庄鄉) 353
**Sanwan Township (三灣鄉) 352
**Sanyi Township (三義鄉) 367
**Shihtan Township (獅潭鄉) 354
**Sihu Township (西湖鄉) 368
**Tai-an Township (泰安鄉) 365
**Tongluo Township (銅鑼鄉) 366
**Tongsiao Township (通霄鎮) 357
**Toufen Township (頭份鎮) 351
**Touwu Township (頭屋鄉) 362
**Yuanli Township (苑裡鎮) 358
**Zaociao Township (造橋鄉) 361

Taichung City (台中市)

**Beitun District (北屯區) 406
**Central District (中區) 400
**East District (東區) 401
**Nantun District (南屯區) 408
**North District(北區) 404
**Situn District(西屯區) 407
**South District (南區) 402
**West District (西區) 403

Taichung County (台中縣)

**Cingshuei Township (清水) 436
**Da-an Township (大安) 439
**Dadu Township (大肚鄉) 432
**Dali City (大里市) 412
**Daya Township (大雅) 428
**Dongshih Township (東勢鎮) 423
**Dajia Township (大甲鎮) 437
**Fongyuan City (豐原市) 420
**Heping Township (和平鄉) 424
**Houli Township (后里) 421
**Longjing Township (龍井鄉) 434
**Shalu Township (沙鹿鎮) 433
**Shengang Township (神岡鄉)429
**Shihgang Township (石岡鄉)422
**Sinshe Township (新社鄉)426
**Taiping City (太平市) 411
**Tanzih Township (潭子鄉) 427
**Waipi Township (外埔) 438
**Wuci Township (梧棲鎮) 435
**Wufong Township (霧峰鄉) 413
**Wurih Township (烏日) 414

Changhua County (彰化縣)

**Beidou Township (北斗鎮) 521
**Changhua City (彰化市) 500
**Dacheng Township (大城鄉)527
**Dacun Township (大村鄉) 515
**Erlin Township (二林鎮) 526
**Ershuei Township (二水鄉) 530
**Fenyuan Township (芬園鄉) 502
**Fangyuan Township (芳苑鄉) 528
**Fusing Township (福興鄉) 506
**Hemei Township (和美鎮) 508
**Huatan Township (花壇鄉) 503
**Jhutang Township (竹塘鄉) 525
**Lugang Township (鹿港鎮) 505
**Pitou Township (埤頭鄉) 523
**Pusin Township (埔心鄉) 513
**Puyan Township (埔鹽鄉) 516
**Shengang Township (伸港鄉) 509
**Shetou Township (社頭鄉) 511
**Siansi Township (線西鄉) 507
**Sihu Township (溪湖鎮) 514
**Sijhou Township (溪州鄉) 524
**Sioushuei Township (秀水鄉) 504
**Tianjhong Township (田中鎮) 520
**Tianwei Township (田尾鄉) 522
**Yongjing Township (永靖鄉) 512
**Yuanlin Township (員林鎮) 510

Nantou County (南投縣)

**Caotun Township (草屯鎮) 542
**Guosing Township (國姓鄉) 544
**Jhongliao Township (中寮鄉) 541
**Jhushan Township (竹山鎮) 557
**Jiji Township (集集鎮) 552
**Lugu Township (鹿谷鄉) 558
**Mingjian Township (名間鄉) 551
**Nantou City (南投市) 540
**Puli Township (埔里鎮) 545
**Ren-ai Township (仁愛鄉) 546
**Shueili Township (水里鄉) 553
**Sinyi Township (信義鄉) 556
**Yuchih Township (魚池鄉) 555

Chiayi City (嘉義市)

**Chiayi City (嘉義市) 600

Chiayi County (嘉義縣)

**Alishan Township (阿里山) 605
**Budai Township (布袋) 625
**Dalin Township (大林) 622
**Dapu Township (大埔) 607
**Dongshih Township (東石) 614
**Fanlu Township (番路)602
**Jhongpu Township (中埔) 606
**Jhuci Township (竹崎) 604
**Lioujiao Township (六腳) 615
**Lucao Township (鹿草) 611
**Meishan Township (梅山) 603
**Minsyong Township (民雄) 621
**Puzih City (朴子市) 613
**Shueishang Township (水上) 608
**Sikou Township (溪口) 623
**Singang Township (新港) 616
**Taibao City (太保市) 612
**Yijhu Township (義竹) 624

Yunlin County (雲林縣)

**Baojhong Township (褒忠鄉) 634
**Beigang Township (北港鎮) 651
**Cihtong Township (莿桐鄉) 647
**Dapi Township (大埤鄉) 631
**Dongshih Township (東勢鄉) 635
**Douliou City (斗六市) 640
**Dounan Township (斗南鎮) 630
**Erlun Township (二崙鄉) 649
**Gukeng Township (古坑鄉) 646
**Huwei Township (虎尾鎮) 632
**Kouhu Township (口湖鄉) 653
**Linnei Township (林內鄉) 643
**Lunbei Township (崙背鄉) 637
**Mailiao Township (麥寮鄉) 638
**Shueilin Township (水林鄉) 652
**Sihhu Township (四湖鄉) 654
**Siluo Township (西螺鎮) 648
**Taisi Township (臺西鄉) 636
**Tuku Township (土庫鎮) 633
**Yuanchang Township (元長鄉) 655

Tainan City (台南市)

**Annan District (安南區) 709
**Anping District (安平區) 708
**Central West District (中西區) 700
**East District (東區) 701
**North District (北區) 704
**South District (南區) 702

Tainan County (台南縣)

**Anding Township (安定鄉) 745
**Baihe Township (白河鎮) 732
**Beimen Township (北門鄉) 727
**Cigu Township (七股鄉) 724
**Danei Township (大內鄉) 742
**Dongshan Township (東山鄉) 733
**Guantian Township (官田鄉) 720
**Gueiren Township (歸仁鄉) 711
**Houbi Township (後壁鄉) 731
**Jiali Township (佳里鎮) 722
**Jiangjyun Township (將軍鄉) 725
**Lioujia Township (六甲鄉) 734
**Liouying Township (柳營鄉) 736
**Madou Township (麻豆鎮) 721
**Nanhua Township (南化鄉) 716
**Nansi Township (楠西鄉) 715
**Rende Township (仁德鄉) 717
**Shanhua Township (善化鎮) 741
**Shanshang Township (山上鄉) 743
**Siaying Township (下營鄉) 735
**Sigang Township (西港鄉) 723
**Sinhua Township (新化鎮) 712
**Sinshih Township (新市鄉) 744
**Sinying City (新營市) 730
**Syuejia Township (學甲鎮) 726
**Yanshuei Township (鹽水鎮) 737
**Yongkang (永康市)710
**Yujing Township (玉井鄉) 714
**Zuojhen Township (左鎮鄉) 713

Kaohsiung County (高雄縣)

**Alian Township (阿蓮鄉) 822
**Ciaotou Township (橋頭鄉) 825
**Cishan Township (旗山鎮) 842
**Daliao Township (大寮鄉) 831
**Dashe Township (大社鄉) 815
**Dashu Township (大樹鄉) 840
**Fongshan City (鳳山市) 830
**Gangshan Township (岡山鎮) 820
**Hunei Township (湖內鄉) 829
**Jiading Township (茄萣鄉) 852
**Jiasian Township (甲仙鄉) 847
**Linyuan Township (林園鄉) 832
**Liouguei Township (六龜鄉) 844
**Lujhu Township (路竹鄉) 821
**Maolin Township (茂林鄉) 851
**Meinong Township (美濃鎮) 843
**Mituo Township (彌陀鄉) 827
**Neimen Township (內門鄉) 845
**Niaosong Township (鳥松鄉) 833
**Renwu Township (仁武鄉) 814
**Sanmin Township (三民鄉) 849
**Shanlin Township (杉林鄉) 846
**Taoyuan Township (桃源鄉) 848
**Tianliao Township (田寮鄉) 823
**Yanchao Township (燕巢鄉) 824
**Yong-an Township (永安鄉) 828
**Zihguan Township (梓官鄉) 826

=Penghu County (澎湖縣)=

**Baisha Township (白沙鄉) 884
**Cimei Township (七美鄉) 883
**Husi Township (湖西鄉) 885
**Magong City (馬公市) 880
**Siyu Township (西嶼鄉) 881
**Wang-an Township (望安鄉) 882

Pingtung County (屏東縣)

**Changjhih Township (長治鄉) 908
**Chaojhou Township (潮州鎮) 920
**Checheng Township (車城鄉) 944
**Chunrih Township (來義鄉) 922
**Donggang Township (東港鎮) 928
**Fangliao Township (枋寮鄉) 940
**Fangshan Township (枋山鄉) 941
**Gaoshu Township (高樹鄉) 906
**Hengchun Township (恆春鎮) 946
**Jhutian Township (竹田鄉) 911
**Jiadong Township (佳冬鄉) 931
**Jiouru Township (九如鄉) 904
**Kanding Township (崁頂鄉) 924
**Laiyi Township (來義鄉) 922
**Ligang Township (里港鄉) 905
**Linbian Township (林邊鄉) 927
**Linluo Township (麟洛鄉) 909
**Liouciou Township (琉球鄉) 929
**Majia Township (瑪家鄉) 903
**Manjhou Township (滿州鄉) 947
**Mudan Township (牡丹鄉) 945
**Nanjhou Township (南州鄉) 926
**Neipu Township(內埔鄉) 912
**Pingtung City (屏東市) 900
**Wandan Township (萬丹鄉) 913
**Sandimen Township (三地門鄉) 901
**Shihzih Township (獅子鄉) 943
**Sinpi Township (新埤鄉) 925
**Sinyuan Township (新園鄉) 932
**Taiwu Township (泰武鄉) 921
**Wanluan Township (萬巒鄉) 923
**Wutai Township (霧臺鄉) 902
**Yanpu Township (鹽埔鄉) 907

Taitung County (台東縣)

**Beinan Township (卑南鄉) 954
**Changbin Township (長濱鄉) 962
**Chenggong Township (成功鎮) 961
**Chihshang Township (池上鄉) 958
**Daren Township (達仁鄉) 966
**Dawu Township (大武鄉) 965
**Donghe Township (東河鄉) 959
**Guanshan Township (關山鎮) 956
**Haiduan Township (海端鄉) 957
**Jinfong Township (金峰鄉) 964
**Lanyu Township (蘭嶼鄉) 952
**Lyudao Township (綠島鄉) 951
**Luye Township (鹿野鄉) 955
**Taimali Township (太麻里鄉) 963
**Taitung City (臺東市) 950
**Yanping Township (延平鄉) 953

Hualien County (花蓮縣)

**Fongbin Township (豐濱鄉) 977
**Fonglin Township (鳳林鎮) 975
**Fuli Township (富里鄉) 983
**Guangfu Township (光復鄉) 976
**Hualien City (花蓮市) 970
**Jhuosi Township (卓溪鄉) 982
**Ji-an Township (吉安鄉) 973
**Rueisuei Township (瑞穗鄉) 978
**Shoufong Township (壽豐鄉) 974
**Sincheng Township (新城鄉) 971
**Sioulin Township (秀林鄉) 972
**Wanrong Township (萬榮鄉) 979
**Yuli Township (玉里鎮) 981

=Fuchien Province (福建省)=

Kinmen County (金門縣)

**Jinsha Town (金沙) 890
**Jinhu Town (金湖) 891
**Jinning Township (金寧) 892
**Jincheng Town (金城) 893
**Lieyu Township (烈嶼) 894
**Wuqiu Township (烏坵) 896

=Lienchiang County (連江縣)=

**Nangan Township (南竿) 209
**Beigan Township (北竿) 210
**Juguang Township (莒光) 211
**Dongyin Township (東引) 212


Of the disputed territories, it is practically possible to send mail to Taiping, the largest island of the Spratly Islands and is controlled by the ROC. It is also highly unlikely that it is possible to send mail to Tiaoyutai (controlled by Japan).

ee also

*List of postal codes

External links

* [ Chunghwa Post's ZIP code finder for Republic of China administered territories]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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