Chief of the Land Staff

Chief of the Land Staff
Chief of the Land Staff
Chef dÉtat-major
Type Commissioned Officer
Command  Canadian Army
Status Currently constituted
Abbreviation CLS
Next (higher) Chief of the Maritime Staff
Next (lower) Chief of the Air Staff

The Chief of the Land Staff is the commander and institutional head of the Canadian Army. The Chief of the Land is based at National Defence Headquarters in Ottawa, Ontario.


History of the post

The appointment was entitled Chief of the General Staff from 1904-1964 when the appointment was retitled Commander of Mobile Command in 1964 during the lead-up to the unification of the Canadian Forces that saw the Canadian Army dissolved and replaced by Force Mobile Command.[1] The position retained that title until 1993 when Force Mobile Command was renamed to Land Force Command at which time it was renamed Chief of the Land Staff.[2] In 2011 Land Force Command was renamed to Canadian Army however the appointment Chief of the Land Staff has not been renamed.

Chief of the General Staff

  1. Brigadier-General Sir P.H.N. Lake 1904-1908
  2. Brigadier-General Sir W.D. Otter 1908-1910
  3. Major-General Sir C.J. Mackenzie 1910-1913
  4. Major-General Sir W.G. Gwatkin 1913-1920
  5. Major-General Sir J.H. MacBrien 1920-1927
  6. Major-General H.C. Thacker 1927-1929
  7. General A.G.L. McNaughton 1929-1935
  8. Lieutenant-General E.C. Ashton 1935-1938
  9. Major-General T.V. Anderson 1938-1940
  10. Lieutenant-General H.D.G. Crerar 1940-1941
  11. Lieutenant-General K. Stuart 1941-1943
  12. Lieutenant-General J.C. Murchie 1943-1944
  13. General C. Foulkes 1945-1951
  14. General G.G. Simonds 1951-1955
  15. Lieutenant-General H.D. Graham 1955-1958
  16. Lieutenant-General S.F. Clark 1958-1961
  17. Lieutenant-General G. Walsh 1961-1964

Commander of Mobile Command

  1. Lieutenant-General J.V. Allard 19651966
  2. Lieutenant-General W. Anderson 19661969
  3. Lieutenant-General G. Turcot 19691972
  4. Lieutenant General W. Milroy 19721973
  5. Lieutenant-General S. Waters 19731975
  6. Lieutenant-General J. Chouinard 19751977
  7. Lieutenant General J.J. Paradis 19771981
  8. Lieutenant-General C.H. Belzile 19811986
  9. Lieutenant-General J. Fox 19861989
  10. Lieutenant General K. Foster 19891991
  11. Lieutenant-General J. Gervais 19911993

Chief of the Land Staff

  1. Lieutenant-General G. Reay 1993-1996
  2. Lieutenant-General M. Baril 1996-1997
  3. Lieutenant General W. Leach 1997-2000
  4. Lieutenant-General M. Jeffery 2000-2003
  5. Lieutenant-General R. Hillier 2003-2005
  6. Lieutenant-General M. Caron 2005-2006
  7. Lieutenant General A. Leslie 2006-2010
  8. Lieutenant General P. Devlin 2010-present

See also


  1. ^ Integration and Unification of the Canadian Forces
  2. ^ Chasing the Silver Bullet: the Evoluction of Capability Development in the Canadian Army by Major Andrew B. Godefroy CD, Page 59

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