- Mirza Ghulam Ahmad bibliography
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Mirza Ghulam Aḥmad[1] (February 13, 1835 – May 26, 1908) was a religious figure from India, and the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. He claimed to be the Mujaddid (divine reformer) of the 14th Islamic century, the promised Messiah ("Second Coming of Christ"), and the Mahdi awaited by the Muslims in the end days.[2][3]. He declared that Jesus (Isa) had in fact survived the crucifixion and later died a natural death, after having migrated towards Kashmir and that he had appeared in the spirit and power of Jesus[4].
Ghulam Ahmad is known to have produced a vast amount of literature. He wrote over eighty books, many of which extend hundreds of pages. Apart from his books, he is also known to have composed poetry in three different languages, namely Persian, Urdu and Arabic. His writings contain the exposition and explanation of Islamic teachings, often reinterpreted. A wide range of subjects are also dealt with such as mysticism and the intricate issues of Islamic theology. His writings always used the Qur'an to elaborate and give meanings to various ideas. His works often contain very strong arguments in favour of Islam. His lecture "The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam" (originally presented at a conference of religions held in Lahore in December 1896 and later published as a book) is a good example of this. All major newspapers who covered the lecture were unanimous in their praise.[5] Several of his books were distributed globally during his lifetime. His essay entitled The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam was well received by various intellectuals including Leo Tolstoy of Russia.[6]
Initially his books were published individually but after his death, his complete works were collected under the leadership of Mirza Nasir Ahmad, the third successor of Ghulam Ahmad. His writings were compiled in the twenty-three volume corpus known as Roohani Khazāin (Spiritual Treasures) which includes all his books, pamphlets, and various periodicals and articles he wrote before his claim, known as Porani Tehrirėn (Old Writings). His complete announcements and advertisements were collected in the Majmooa Ishtiharat (Collection of Advertisements) with only a small number of his books not being translated into English.[7] His letters have been compiled into three volumes known as Maktoobat-e-Ahmad and his complete discourses or sayings have been compiled in 5 volumes known as the Malfoozat.
List of books
Name of Book (Original) Name of Book (English) Volume Book A’ina Kamalāt Islam Mirror of the Excellance of Islam 5 1 Al-Balagh Ya Faryad-e-Dard The Conveyance 13 2 Al-Haq Mubahathah Dehli Delhi Debate 4 2 Al-Haq Mubahathah Ludhiana Ludhiana Debate 4 1 Al-Huda Wa-Tabsirato Liman Yara 18 4 Al-Wasiyyat The Will ([1]) 20 6 Anjam-e-Atham The End of Atham 18 1 Anwarul-Islam The Splendours of Islam 9 1 Arba‘in Forty Brochures 17 10 Aryah Dharam The Arya Religion 10 1 Ăsmani Faisla The Heavenly Decree ([2]) 4 3 Ayyam-us-Sulh Days of Reconciliation 14 4 Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya (Part I) Proofs of Muhammad... (Part I) 1 1 Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya (Part II) Proofs of Muhammad... (Part II) 1 2 Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya (Part III) Proofs of Muhammad... (Part III) 1 3 Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya (Part IV) Proofs of Muhammad... (Part IV) 1 4 Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya (Part V) Proofs of Muhammad... (Part V) 21 1 Barakat-ud-Du‘a’ Blessings of Prayer ([3]) 6 1 Chashma'-e-Ma‘rifa The Fountain of Enlightenment 23 1 Chashma'-e-Masih The Fountain of Christianity ([4]) 20 7 Dafi‘ul-Bala’ Wa Mi‘yaro Ahlil-Istifa’ Repeller of the Calamity 18 3 Daruratul-Imām The Need for the Imam ([5]) 13 3 Diya’ul-Haq The Radiance of Truth 9 3 Eik ‘Isa’i Kei Tin Sawal Aur Unkei Jawaba
Three Questions by a Christian and their Answers ([6]) 4 5 Eik Ghalati Ka Izala A Misconception Removed ([7]) 18 3 Fateh-Islam Victory of Islam 3 1 Government Angrezi Aur Jihad The British Government and Jihad 17 1 Gunah ki Ghulami Sei Riha’i Panei Ki Tadabir kaya Hain?
How to be Free from Sin ([8]) 18 6 Hamāmat-ul-Bushra The Dove of Glad Tidings 7 3 Haqiqatul-Mahdi The Reality of the Mahdi 14 5 Haqiqatul-Wahi The Reality of Revelation 22 1 Hujjatul-Islam The Convincing Proof of Islam 6 2 Hujjatullah The Convincing Proof from God 12 3 I‘jaz-e-Ahmadi The Miracles of Ahmad 19 3 I‘jazul-Masih Miracle of the Messiah 18 1 Islami Usul Ki Philosoph The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam 10 3 Ismat-e-Anbiya 18 7 Istifta Asking for Opinion on a Religious Matter 12 2 Itmāmul-Hujjah Completion of Proof 8 3 Izala-e-Auham Removal of Suspicions 3 3 Jalsa-e-Ahbab 12 5 Jang-e-Muqaddas Holy War 6 4 Karamatus Sādiqeen Miracles of the Truthful 7 2 Kashf-ul-Ghatā Unveiling of the Curtain 14 3 Kishti-e-Nuh The Ark of Noah 19 1 Khutbah Ilhamiyyah The Revealed Sermon 16 1 Kitab-ul-Bariyyah The Book of Acquittal 13 1 Lecture Lahore Lecture Lahore 20 3 Lecture Ludhiana Lecture Ludhiana ([9]) 20 5 Lecture Sialkot Lecture Sialkot ([10]) 20 4 Lujjatun-Nur The Sea of Light 16 2 Mahmud Ki Amin 12 6 Masih Hindustan Mein Jesus in India 15 1 Mawahibur-Rahman Gifts of God 19 5 Mi‘yarul-Madhahib The Criterion for Relgions ([11]) 9 6 Minan-ur-Rahman Bounties of the Gracious God/Arabic, the Mother of all Languages [12]) 9 2 Najm-ul-Hudā The Guiding Star 14 1 Nasim-e-Da‘wat The Breeze of Invitation 19 6 Nishan-e-Ăsmani The Heavenly Sign ([13]) 4 4 Nurul-Haqq (Part I) Light of Truth {Part I) 8 1 Nurul-Haqq (Part II) Light of Truth (Part II) 8 2 Nurul-Qur'an (Part I) Light of the Qur'an (Part I) 8 4 Nurul-Qur'an (Part II) Light of the Qur'an (Part II) 8 5 Nuzul-ul-Masih The Descent of the Messiah 18 5 Paigham-e-Sulah A Message of Peace 23 2 Purani Tahrirein Old Writings 2 1 Qadian Kei Aryah Aur Ham 20 9 Raz-e-Haqiqat The Secret of the Truth 14 2 Review Bar Mubahathah Batalvi Wa Chakrhalvi
19 4 Ro’idad-e-Jalsa-e-Du‘a’ 15 5 Sabz Ishtihar Green Advertisement 2 4 Sachcha’i Ka Izhar 6 3 Sanātan Dharam Sanatan Religion 19 7 Satt Bachan The True Word 10 2 Shahadatul-Qur’an Testimony of the Qur'an 6 5 Shahna'-e-Haqq Battalion of Truth 2 3 Siraj-e-Munir The Bright Lamp 12 1 Siraj-ud-Din ‘Isa’i Kei Char Sawalon Ka Jawab
Four Questions by Mr. Sirājuddīn, a Christian, and their Answers ([14]) 12 7 Seerat-ul- Abdāl Disposition of the Truthful 20 2 Sirr-ul-Khilafah The Secret of Caliphate 8 4 Sitara-e-Qaisariyyah 15 2 Surma chashm Ărya Guidance for the Ăryas 2 2 Tadhkiratush-Shahadatain A Narrative of Two Martyrdoms ([15]) 20 1 Tajalliyyat-e-Ilahiyyah Divine Manifestations ([16]) 20 8 Taudih-e-Maram Elucidation of Objectives ([17]) 3 2 Tiryaqul-Qulub Antidote of the Hearts 15 3 Tuhfa-e- Golarhviyyah A Present to Golarhvi 17 2 Tuhfa-e-Baghdad A Present to Baghdad 7 1 Tuhfa-e-Ghaznaviyyah A Present to Ghaznavis 15 4 Tuhfa-e-Qaisariyyah A Present to the Queen 12 4 Tuhfatun-Nadwah 19 2 Notes
- ^ "Great is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, he claimed to be The Messiah". Sunday Herald, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.. 1907. http://www.flickr.com/photos/engrmhk/3302912161/. Retrieved March 07, 2011.
- ^ "Chapter Two - Claims of Hadhrat Ahmad". http://www.alislam.org/books/3in1/chap2/index.html. Retrieved March 07, 2011.
- ^ Ali, Maulana Muhammad. "The Call of Islam". http://aaiil.org/text/books/mali/callofislam/callofislam.pdf. Retrieved March 07, 2011.
- ^ "Our Teaching". http://www.alislam.org/library/books/OurTeaching.pdf. Retrieved March 07, 2011.
- ^ Ahmad, Mirza Ghulam. "Philosphy of the Teachings of Islam". pp. xxv. http://www.alislam.org/library/browse/volume/Ruhani_Khazain/book/Islami_Asool_ki_Philosphy/?l=English#page/0/mode/1up. Retrieved March 12, 2011.
- ^ Zamindar Newspaper, Munshi Siraj ud Deen, India, August 16, 1906
- ^ Ahmadiyya Muslim Community - Introducing the Books of the Promised Messiah (as)
- An Introduction to the Hidden Treasures of Islam. Islam International Publications. ISBN 978-1-84880-050-2. http://www.alislam.org/library/books/Hidden-Treasures-of-Islam.pdf.
- "Introduction to the Books of the Promised Messiah". Al Islam. http://www.alislam.org/library/links/80-books.html.
- Works by or about Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
Beliefs and Practices Distinct views Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Literature Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya · The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam · Jesus in India · Noor-ul-Haq · Victory of Islam · Malfoozat · Tafseer-e-KabeerAhmadiyya Muslim Community Miscellaneous Category:Ahmadiyya ·
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