- Muhammad Iqbal bibliography
This is a selective list of scholarly works related to Muhammad Iqbal, the poet-philosopher of the Indian subcontinent.
Translations (English)
- Johnson, Reynold A. (tr. from original in Persian ) (1920). Secrets of the Self (Asrar-i khudi) - A philosophical poem by Sheikh Muhammad Iqbal. Macmillan & Co., London. http://www.archive.org/stream/secretsofselfasr00iqbauoft#page/n5/mode/2up.
- Abbas, Prof. S.G.. Dr Muhammad Iqbal - The Humanist. ISBN 969-416-030-8.
- Akhtar, Sultan Zahoor. Representation and Reply (Shikwah/ Jawab-i-Shikwah). ISBN 969-416-028-6.
- Dar, Bashir Ahmad. Iqbal’s Gulshan-i-Raz-i-Jadeed & Bandagi Namah. ISBN 969-416-068-5.
- Hajný, Filip. Khutbat-i-Iqbal. ISBN 969-416-301-3.
- Khalil, M.A.K. The Call of the Marching Bell (Bang-I-Dara). ISBN 969-416-069-3.
- Kiernan, Victor. Poems from Iqbal. ISBN 969-416-002-2.
- Mirza, M. Yaqub. A Selection and Translation of Iqbaliat. ISBN 969-416-067-7.
- Zubair, Suleman. Expostulation with the Almighty (Shikwah/Jawab-i- Shikwah). ISBN 969-416-026-X.
Translations (Spanish)
- Calderon, Jose Esteban. La Reconstruccion Del Pensamiento Religioso En EL Islam. ISBN 969-416-013-8.
Translations (French)
- Mujahid, Sharif-al; Annotation Brigitte Piquard. Iqbal LE Poete de L’ Islam. ISBN 969-416-276-9.
- Ahmad, Doris. Iqbal As I Knew Him. ISBN 969-416-074-X.
- Iqbal, Javid. Zinda Rood.
- Mir, Mustansir. Iqbal. I.B. Tauris. ISBN 1-84511-094-3.
- Rashid, Saeed. Mukalmat-e-Iqbal.
- Rashid, Saeed. Tazkara-e-Iqbal.
Critical Appreciation
- Khatoon, Jamila. The Place of God, Man and Universe in the Philosophic System of Iqbal. ISBN 969-416-035-9.
- Erfan, Niaz. Iqbal & Existentialism and Other Articles. ISBN 969-416-055-3.
- Dar, Bashir Ahmad. Articles on Iqbal. ISBN 969-416-053-7.
- Maitre, Luce-Claude; M.A.M. Dar (Trans. From French ). Introduction to the Thought of Iqbal. ISBN 969-416-052-9.
- Siddiqi, Nazeer. Iqbal – in his Varied Aspects. ISBN 969-416-050-2.
- Anwar, Khurshid. The Epistemology of Iqbal. ISBN 969-416-048-0.
- Khan, Zulfiqar Ali. Voice from East. ISBN 969-416-005-7.
- Qaiser, Nazir. A Critique of Western Psychology and Psychotherapy and Iqbal’s Approach. ISBN 969-416-072-3.
- Schimmel, A. Gabriel’s Wing. ISBN 969-416-012-X.
- McDonough, Sheila. The Flame of Sinai. ISBN 969-416-313-7.
- Munawwar, M. Dimensions of Iqbal. ISBN 969-416-059-6.
- Munawwar, M. Iqbal on Human Perfection. ISBN 969-416-265-3.
- Munawwar, M. Iqbal and Quranic Wisdom. ISBN 969-416-060-X.
- Munawwar, M. Iqbal-Poet Philosopher of Islam. ISBN 969-416-061-8.
Comparative Studies
- Chaghatai, M. Akram. Iqbal and Goethe. ISBN 969-416-292-0.
- Maruf, Muhammed. Iqbal and his Contemporary Western Religious Thought. ISBN 969-416-051-0.
- Qaiser, Nazir. Iqbal and the Western Philosophers. ISBN 969-416-304-8.
- Qaiser, Shahzad. Iqbal and Khawaja Ghulam Farid on Experiencing God. ISBN.
- Sabir, Ghulam. Kierkegaard and Iqbal. ISBN 969-416-316-1.
- Khan, Wazir Mohammed Ashraf (1959). Iqbal aour Goethe. Lahore.
Iqbal and Pakistan movement
- Ali, Perveen Shawkat. "Iqbal and the sub-continents’ politics", The Political philosophy of Iqbal. Lahore: united, (N.D).
- Ali, Perveen Shawkat. "Iqbal and the Genesis of Pakistan", The political philosophy of Iqbal. Lahore: United (N.D).
- Ahmad, S. Hasan (1979). "The Concept of Pakistan", Iqbal, his political ideas at the crossroads. Aligarh: Prinwell Publication.
- Hussain, Riaz (1977). "Towards Pakistan", The politics of Iqbal. Lahore: Islamic book service.
- Hussain, Riaz (1977). "Iqbal's View of Indian history", the politics of Iqbal. Lahore: Islamic book service.
- Tasawur, T.A.. "Iqbal: his vision of a Muslim home land", Iqbal studies and Pakistan news papers. Lahore: Bazm-e-Iqbal.
- Rastogi, T.C.. "Iqbal and Political awakening in India", Iqbal in final countdown. Delhi: Omsons publications.
- Malik, Hafeez (ed) (1971). "Ideology of Muslim nationalism", Iqbal poet philosopher of Pakistan. London: Columbia University Press.
- Vahid, S.A.. "Iqbal as architect of Pakistan", Introduction to Iqbal. Karachi: Pakistan publications.
- Naim, C.M. (ed.) (1979). Iqbal, Jinnah and Pakistan: the vision and the reality. Syracuse University. ISBN 0-915984-81-4.
- Malik, Rashida. Iqbal and the Concept of Pakistan. ISBN 969-416-310-2.
- Malik, Rashida (January 2003). Iqbal : The Spiritual Father of Pakistan. Sang-e-Meel Publications. ISBN 969-35-1371-1.
General books
- Munawwar, M. Iqbal’s Contribution to Literature and Politics. ISBN 969-416-277-7.
- Umar, M. S. "That I May See and Tell" Significance of Iqbal’s Wisdom Poetry. ISBN 969-416-278-5.
- Chishti, Yousaf Saleem. Sharah Baal e Jibreel. ISBN.
- Chishti, Yousaf Saleem. Sharah Musnawi Pas Cah Baeed Kurd Moa Musafir. ISBN.
- Chishti, Yousaf Saleem. Sharah Arghman e Hijaz (Hissa Farsi). ISBN.
- Chishti, Yousaf Saleem. Sharah Arghman e Hijaz. ISBN.
- Chishti, Yousaf Saleem. Sharah Israar e Khudi. ISBN.
- Chishti, Yousaf Saleem. Sharah Piyaam e Mashriq. ISBN.
- Chishti, Yousaf Saleem. Sharah Bang e Dara. ISBN.
- Chishti, Yousaf Saleem. Sharah Zarb e Klim. ISBN.
External links
- "Bibliography". Iqbal Academy Pakistan. http://www.allamaiqbal.com/publications/books/booklist.htm.
- "Bibliography - Iqbal and the Pakistan Movement". Iqbal Academy Pakistan. http://www.allamaiqbal.com/person/movement/move_bibl.htm.
- "Bibliography". YesPakistan site. http://www.yespakistan.com/iqbal/reconstruction/bibliography.asp.
- "Iqbal - Books on him or by him". Halalco. http://www.halalco.com/iqbal.html.
- "Iqbal related works". Kazi publications. http://www.kazi.org/default.php?cPath=12.
- "Author: Muhammad Iqbal". Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?_encoding=UTF8&sort=relevancerank&search-alias=books&field-author=Muhammad%20Iqbal.
- Works by or about Iqbal in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
Categories:- Bibliographies by author
- Muhammad Iqbal
- Bibliographies of Indian authors
- Bibliographies of Pakistani authors
- Poetry bibliographies
- Philosophy bibliographies
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