I.B. Tauris

I.B. Tauris

I. B. Tauris (usually typeset as I.B.Tauris) is the name of an independent publishing house with offices in London and New York. Its New York offices are co-located with those of Palgrave Macmillan who function as the company's North American distributors. Tauris Parke is a paperback imprint belonging to the firm. Tauris Academic Studies is an imprint of the firm that specialises in academic monographs in the Humanities and Social Sciences, including those derived from PhD dissertations .

I. B. Tauris specialises in non-fiction books on history; politics and International Relations; the Middle East and the Islamic world generally; religion; and visual culture (including film, photography and contemporary art). Its books are aimed primarily at the specialist market - including academics and students - but because of the wide current interest in its preferred topics, they also sell to a general audience. As of 2007, it produces nearly 200 new titles per annum, while its back catalogue includes approximately 2,000 books.

External links

* [http://www.ibtauris.com/ Company site]

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