List of Medieval composers

List of Medieval composers
Lists of classical music
composers by era
Medieval (476 – 1400)
Renaissance (1400 – 1600)
Baroque (1600 – 1760)
Classical era (1730 – 1820)
Romantic era (1815 – 1910)
20th century (1900 – 2000)
21st century (since 2000)


Note on the List

Composers whose names are italicised have no known surviving music, although in some cases texts to songs attributed to them survive without music.

Early Medieval Composers (born before 1150)

Name Born Died Nationality
Yared 505 571 Ethiopian
Khosrovidukht 8th century 8th century Armenian
Sahakduxt 8th century 8th century Armenian
Kassia 805/810 867 Byzantine
Notker Balbulus
(Notker the Stammerer)
c. 840 912 Frankish?
Hucbald 840/850 930 Frankish
(Tutilo of Saint Gall)
c. 850 915 Irish
Odo of Cluny c. 878 942 French
(Heriger of Lobbes)
c. 925? 1007 Frankish?
Odo of Arezzo 10th century 11th century Italian
Adémar de Chabannes c. 988 1034 French
Hermann of Reichenau 1013 1054 German
Godric c. 1065 1170 English
Adam of Saint Victor fl. c. 1098 1146 French
William IX, Duke of Aquitaine
(Guilhem de Peitieus;
Guillaume d'Aquitaine)
1071 1126 Occitan
Petrus Abaelardus
(Peter Abelard)
1079 1142 French
(Jocelin of Soissons)
fl. 1126 1152 French
Hildegard of Bingen 1098 1179 German
Marcabru fl. c. 1129 c. 1150 Occitan
Bernard de Cluny 12th century 12th century French
Jaufre Rudel fl. 1125 after 1147 Occitan
Albertus Parisiensis
(Albert of Paris)
fl. 1146 c. 1177 French
Bernart de Ventadorn 1130/1140 after 1190/1200 French
Chrétien de Troyes fl. from 1160 c. 1190 French
Tibors de Sarenom c. 1130 after 1198 Occitan
Giraut de Bornelh c. 1138 1215 Occitan
Berenguier de Palazol fl. 1160 1209 Catalan
Arnaut de Mareuil fl. c. 1170 c. 1200 Occitan
Beatritz de Dia
(Comtessa de Dia)
c. 1140 c. 1200 Occitan
Bertran de Born 1140/1150 1215 Occitan
Hendrik van Veldeke
(Heinrich von Veldeke)
1140/1150 c. 1190 Limburgish/ German
(Magister Leonius)
fl. from 1150s c. 1201? French
Vidame de Chartres
(Guillaume de Ferrières?)
c. 1145/1155 1204? French
Raimbaut d'Aurenga
(Raimbaut of Orange)
c. 1147 1173 Occitan
Guilhem de Saint-Leidier
(Guillem de Saint Deidier)
before 1150 c. 1195/1200 Occitan

Middle Medieval composers (born 1150–1300)

Name Born Died Nationality
Arnaut Daniel c. 1150/1160 c. 1200 Occitan
Conon de Béthune c. 1150 1219 French
Folquet de Marselha
(Folquet de Marseille)
c. 1150/1160 1231 Occitan
Friedrich von Hûsen
(Friedrich von Hausen)
c. 1150/1160 1190 German
Gontier de Soignies fl. 1180 after 1220 French
Peire Raimon de Tolosa fl. 1180 after 1220 Occitan
Raimbaut de Vaqueiras c. 1150/1160 1207 Occitan
Azalais de Porcairagues c. 1155? 1209? Occitan
Blondel de Nesle c. 1155 1202 French
Reinmar von Hagenau
(Reinmar der Alte)
fl. 1185 c. 1205 German
Richard I of England
(Richard the Lionheart)
1157 1199 English
Alamanda de Castelnau c. 1160 1223 Occitan
Audefroi le Bastart fl. 1190 after 1225 French
Cadenet c. 1160 c. 1235 Occitan
Gace Brule c. 1160 after 1213 French
Monge de Montaudon fl. from 1193 after 1210 Occitan
Neidhart von Reuental 12th century after 1240 German
Perdigon fl. 1190 after 1212 Occitan
Peirol c. 1160 c. 1222/1225 Occitan
Philippe le Chancelier
(Philip the Chancellor)
c. 1160/1170 1236 French
Raimon de Miraval c. 1160 c. 1220 Occitan
Albertet de Sestaro fl. 1194 after 1221 Occitan
Chastelain de Couci c. 1165 1203 French
Gautier de Dargies c. 1165/1170 c. 1236 French
Bernger von Horheim fl. 1196 13th century? German
Guillem Magret fl. c. 1196 after 1204 Occitan
Castelloza 12th century 13th century Occitan
Gaucelm Faidit 1170 1202 Occitan
Gui d'Ussel c. 1170 after 1209 Occitan
fl. c. 1200 13th century French
Pierre de Molins fl. 1190 c. 1220 French
Pons d'Ortaffa c. 1170 c. 1246 Catalan
Richart de Semilli fl. c. 1200? 13th century? French
Walther von der Vogelweide c. 1170 c. 1230 German
Wolfram von Eschenbach c. 1170 c. 1220 German
Aimeric de Peguilhan c. 1175 c. 1230 Occitan
Guilhem Ademar fl. from c. 1195 after 1217 Occitan
Peire Vidal 1175 1205 Occitan
Pons de Capduelh
(Pons de Capdoill)
fl. 1195 1236? Occitan
Gautier de Coincy 1177 1236 French
Maria de Ventadorn 12th century 1222? Occitan
Guilhem Augier
(Ogiers Novella)
fl. c. 1209? after 1230 Occitan
Colin Muset fl. c. 1210 after 1250 French
Garsenda de Proensa c. 1180 c. 1242 Occitan
Peire Cardenal c. 1180 c. 1278 Occitan
Daude de Pradas fl. 1214 c. 1282 Occitan
Aimeric de Belenoi fl. 1215 after 1242 Occitan
Guiot de Dijon fl. 1215 after 1225 French
Uc de Saint Circ fl. 1217 after 1253 Occitan
Hue de la Ferté fl. 1220 after 1235 French
Guillaume le Vinier c. 1190 1245 French
Eustache le Peintre de Reims fl. 1225 c. 1240? French
Gilles le Vinier fl. 1225 1252 French
Adam de Givenchi fl. 1230 after 1245 French
Guibert Kaukesel
(Hubert Chaucesel)
fl. c. 1230 after 1255? French
Margot 13th century 13th century French
Maroie 13th century 13th century French
Maroie de Dregnau de Lille 13th century 13th century French
Reinmar von Zweter c. 1200 after 1248 German
Sordello c. 1200 after 1269 Italian
Wincenty z Kielczy c. 1200 after 1262 Polish
Thibaud de Champagne
(Thibaud IV, Count of Champagne;
Theobald I, King of Navarre)
1201 1253 French
Gautier d'Épinal (fr) fl. 1232 1272 French
Gertrude of Dagsburg 1205 1225 French
Jehan Bretel c. 1210 1272 French
Martin Codax fl. c. 1240 after 1270 Spanish (Galician)
Thomas Herier fl. c. 1240 after 1270 French
Raoul de Soissons c. 1210/1215 c. 1270 French
Guiraut d'Espanha fl. c. 1245 after 1265 Occitan
Lambert Ferri fl. c. 1250 c. 1300 French
Alfonso el Sabio
(Alfonso X, King of Castile)
1221 1284 Spanish (Castilian)
Robert de la Piere fl. 1255 1258 French
Guiraut Riquier c. 1230 c. 1292 Occitan
Konrad von Würzburg c. 1230 1287 German
Adam de la Halle c. 1237 1288 French
Meister Rumelant fl. c. 1273 after 1286/1287 German
W. de Wycombe fl. c. 1275 13th century? English
Jehan de Lescurel
(Jehannot de l'Escurel)
13th century 1304? French
Ernoul le Vielle de Gastinois
(Ernous li Viele)
fl. c. 1280 13th century? French
Der wilde Alexander
(Meister Alexander)
fl. 1285 after 1288 German
Petrus de Cruce fl. c. 1290 after 1302 French
Dom Dinis
(Denis, King of Portugal)
1261 1325 Portuguese
Marchetto da Padova c. 1274 after 1319 French
Philippe de Vitry 1291 1361 French

Late Medieval and transitional composers (born 1300–1400)

Name Born Died Nationality
Maestro Piero c. 1300 after 1350 Italian
Guillaume de Machaut c. 1300 1377 French
Jacopo da Bologna fl. 1340–1360 14th century Italian
Giovanni da Cascia
(Giovanni da Firenze)
fl. 1340? 14 century Italian
Gherardello da Firenze 1320/1325 1362/1363 Italian
John Hanboys fl. c. 1370? 14th century? English
Francesco Landini 1325/1335 1397 Italian
Lorenzo da Firenze
(Lorenzo Masini)
14th century 1372/1373 Italian
Donato da Cascia fl. c. 1350 after 1370 Italian
Grimace 14th century 14th century? French
Monch von Salzburg (de) 14th century 14th century? German
Jehan Vaillant ([1])
(Johannes Vaillant)
fl. c. 1360? 1390/1400? French
Johannes Alanus 14th century 1373? English
Vincenzo da Rimini fl. c. 1362? after 1364? Italian
Bartolino da Padova fl. 1365 after 1405 Italian
Matheus de Sancto Johanne ([2])
(Mayshuet de Joan)
fl. c. 1365 after 1387 French
Philippus de Caserta
(Philipoctus de Caserta)
fl. c. 1370 c. 1400 Italian
Egardus fl. c. 1370? after 1400 Flemish
Egidius de Francia 14th century 14th century? French
Johannes Cuvelier ([3])
fl. c. 1372 after 1387 French
Franciscus Andrieu fl. c. 1377 c. 1400 French?
Johannes Symonis Hasprois ([4]) fl. 1378 1428 French
Arrigo (Henrico) 14th century 14th century Italian
Niccolò da Perugia 14th century c. 1400 Italian
Jehan Suzay ([5]) fl. c. 1380 after 1395 French
Trebor fl. c. 1380 c. 1400 French
Antonio Zacara da Teramo c. 1350/1360 c. 1413/1416 Italian
Jacob Senleches fl. c. 1382 after 1395 French
Andrea da Firenze
(Andreas de Florentia)
fl. c. 1375 c. 1415 Italian
Paolo da Firenze
(Paolo Tenorista)
c. 1355 c. 1436 Italian
Solage 14th century after 1403 French
Hugo von Montfort 1357 1423 German (Austrian)
Giovanni Mazzuoli
(Giovanni degli Organi)
1360 1426 Italian
Grazioso da Padova
(Gratiosus de Padua)
fl. c. 1391? 15th century? Italian
Martinus Fabri fl. 1395 1400 Dutch
Borlet fl. c. 1397? after 1409 French
Aleyn fl. c. 1400 15th century English
Johannes Ciconia c. 1370 1412 Flemish
Matteo da Perugia fl. 1400 after 1416 Italian
Johannes Tapissier
(Jean de Noyers)
c. 1370 before 1410 Burgundian
Antonio da Cividale
(Antonius de Civitate Austrie)
fl. c. 1392 1421 Italian
Anthonello de Caserta 14th century after 1402? Italian
Oswald von Wolkenstein c. 1377 1445 German
Andrea Stefani fl. c. 1399 15th century Italian
Bartolomeo da Bologna fl. 1405 after 1427 Italian
Baude Cordier c. 1380 before 1440 French
Thomas Fabri fl. 1400 after 1415 Flemish
Pierre Fontaine c. 1380 c. 1450 French
Piero Mazzuoli 14th century 15th century? Italian
Mikołaj Radomski
(Nicolaus de Radom)
fl. c. 1400 15th century Polish
Ugolino da Orvieto (it) c. 1380 c. 1457 Italian
Leonel Power c. 1370/1385? 1445 English
Jacobus Vide fl. 1405 1433 Burgundian
Johannes Cesaris fl. c. 1406 1417 French
Roy Henry
(probably Henry V of England)
fl. c. 1410 15th century English
(possibly Thomas Byttering)
fl. c. 1410 after 1420? English
Conradus de Pistoia
(Coradus de Pistorio)
fl. c. 1410 15th century Italian
John Dunstaple c. 1390 1453 English
Hugo de Lantins fl. c. 1420 after 1430? Flemish
Richard Loqueville fl. 1410 1418 French
Pycard fl. c. 1410 15th century English or French
Arnold de Lantins fl. 1423 1432 Flemish
Guillaume Dufay 1397 1474 Burgundian
Estienne Grossin fl. 1418 after 1421 French
Gilles Binchois c. 1400 1460 Burgundian
Johannes Brassart c. 1400/1405 1455 Burgundian

See also

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