DigiTech Whammy

DigiTech Whammy


DigiTech WH-1 Whammy


A DigiTech WH-1 Whammy with power adapter

The WH-1 Whammy pedal, the original whammy, first engineered and manufactured in 1989 by IVL Technologies and discontinued in 1993, remains the most sought-after.[1]


It is controlled by a rocker and a single rotary knob, from which 16 presets can be selected; five "Whammy" effects, nine "Harmony" effects, and two "Detune" effects.

Harmony effects
  • Second up - third up
  • Minor third up - third up
  • Third up - fourth up
  • Fourth up - fifth up
  • Fifth up - sixth up
  • Fifth up - seventh up
  • Fourth down - third down
  • Fifth down - Fourth down
  • One octave down - one octave up
Detune effects
  • Shallow
  • Deep
Whammy effects
  • One octave up
  • Two octaves up
  • Two semi-tones down
  • One octave down
  • Two octaves down

Notable users

Notable musicians who have made use of the WH-1 Whammy include:

DigiTech Whammy II


A DigiTech Whammy II with power adapter

The DigiTech Whammy II featured a black chassis (in contrast with the series' now famous 'Ferrari red' colour).


It is controlled by an expression pedal and a button which selects the settings, which are nearly the same as the WH-1. Its effects are as follows:

Harmony effects
  • One octave down - One octave up
  • Fourth down - Third down
  • Fifth up - sixth up
  • Fourth up - fifth up
  • Minor third up - major third up
Detune effects
  • Detune
Whammy effects
  • One octave up
  • Two octaves up
  • Two semitones down
  • One octave down
  • Two octaves down

also has the ability to store one preset setting, which allows the user to choose any two modes and toggle between them using the setting select button

Notable users

Notable musicians who have used the DigiTech Whammy include:

DigiTech XP-100 Whammy-Wah


The XP-100 Whammy/Wah was more complex, incorporating both whammy and wah-wah possibilities.


It is controlled by a rocker, and a button which selects the 29 different presets; "Volume" effect, five "Wah-Wah" effects, six "Auto Wah" effects, eight "Whammy" effects, and nine "Harmony" effects.

List in categories (with modulation action of the pedal):

Volume effects
  • 01 - Volume Pedal - volume
  • 02 - Original Cry Wah - wah frequency
  • 03 - Cry Wah 2 - wah frequency
  • 04 - Dark & Deep - wah frequency
  • 05 - Sweet Spot 1 - wah frequency
  • 06 - Sweet Spot 2 - wah frequency
Auto Wah effects
  • 07 - Original Cry Auto - sensitivity
  • 08 - Envelope Filter - sensitivity
  • 09 - Brass Attack - sensitivity
  • 10 - Original Cry Auto - attack time
  • 11 - Envelope Filter - attack time
  • 12 - Brass Attack - attack time
Whammy effects
  • 13 - Up 1 Octave - pitch shift
  • 14 - Up 2 Octaves - pitch shift
  • 15 - Up 2nd - pitch shift
  • 16 - Down 2nd - pitch shift
  • 17 - Down 4th - pitch shift
  • 18 - Down 1 Octave - pitch shift
  • 19 - Down 2 Octaves - pitch shift
  • 20 - Down 6 Octaves - pitch shift
  • 21 - Down 1 Octave, Up 1 Octave - harmony pitch
  • 22 - Down 4th, Down 3rd - harmony pitch
  • 23 - Up 5th, Up 6th - harmony pitch
  • 24 - Up 4th, Up 5th - harmony pitch
  • 25 - Up minor 3rd, Up major 3rd - harmony pitch
  • 26 - Up 2nd, Up 3rd - harmony pitch
  • 27 - Down 4th, Up 5th - harmony pitch
  • 28 - Up 5th, Up 1 Octave - harmony pitch
Detune effects
  • 29 - Detuner - detune amount

Notable users

Notable musicians who have used the XP-100 include:

DigiTech Bass Whammy


The Bass Whammy was a Whammy pedal built for bass guitar. It featured same chassis as the DigiTech Whammy II, but blue. It features different harmony options than the other Whammy models.


Harmony effects
  • One octave down - One octave up
  • One octave down - Fourth down
  • Fourth down - third up
  • Fourth down - fifth up
  • Fifth up - sixth up
  • Fifth up - octave up
Whammy effects
  • One octave up
  • Two semitones up
  • Two semitones down
  • Four semitones down
  • One octave down
Detune effects
  • Detune

Notable users

Notable musicians who have used the Bass Whammy include:

DigiTech Whammy IV


The Whammy IV; the current fourth edition, is closer to the WH-1 in terms of design but with several new features, such as MIDI control and a 'Divebomb' feature.


The controls are identical to the WH-1 controls, along with two new presets, "Divebomb" and "Droptune".

Harmony effects

  • One octave down - one octave up
  • Fifth down - Fourth down
  • Fourth down - third down
  • Fifth up - seventh up
  • Fifth up - sixth up
  • Fourth up - fifth up
  • Third up - fourth up
  • Minor third up - third up
  • Second up - third up
Detune effects
  • Shallow
  • Deep
Whammy effects
  • Two octaves up
  • One octave up
  • One octave down
  • Two octaves down
  • Dive bomb - three octaves down
  • Drop tune - two semi-tones down

Notable users

Notable musicians who have used the Whammy IV include:


In late 2008, effect manufacturer Molten Voltage devised a number of modifications for the Whammy IV pedal including Upper and Lower Pitch Limiter Controls which allow the player to set the limits of the expression pedal rather than using the octave presets.

In early 2010, Molten Voltage released Molten MIDI 2, which is cheaper than the original and has more features. Molten MIDI 2 is a programmable MIDI stompbox designed to control the Whammy 4, and gives users 5 new ways to control the Whammy. They can make looping arpeggios, with or without portamento, step through intervals not normally available on the Whammy (also with or without portamento), and step through the Whammy's presets settings. The new model is capable of being programmed manually or with a computer-based interface available on their website.[31]

Power Supply

The Whammy IV requires a 9v AC supply.


  1. ^ "Ebay". Popular Items. http://popular.ebay.co.uk/ns/Musical+Instruments/Whammy.html. Retrieved 2008-03-03. [dead link]
  2. ^ "Gilmourish >> The Division Bell 1994". Gilmourish. Gilmourish.com. http://www.gilmourish.com/?page_id=31. Retrieved 2008-04-17. 
  3. ^ "Sounds of Silence". Interview by Brad Tolinski. Guitar World. September 1994. http://www.pinkfloydfan.net/t1479-david-gilmour-sounds-silence-guitar.html. Retrieved 2010-07-28. 
  4. ^ "Jonny Greenwood: Guitar Effects". Just...Radiohead. http://www.sigur-ros.it/franz/RHG/Jonny/jonnyeffects.html. Retrieved 2008-03-03. 
  5. ^ "Vai.com: Live Gear". http://www.vai.com/Machines/livegear_firegarden.html. Retrieved 2008-03-03. 
  6. ^ "Satriani.com: 2/1/03@Fillmore". http://www.satriani.com/2000/road/lwpg.cgi?dir=2003-02-01/;start=9. Retrieved 2008-03-03. 
  7. ^ Gill, Chris (1997-09). "Close to the Edge". Guitar World. http://www.sibcorp.com/writehitsongs/u2.html. Retrieved 2008-03-03. 
  8. ^ "effects: Dave". gear. angels-gone.com. http://www.duke.edu/~drw5/gybe.htm. Retrieved 2008-03-03. 
  9. ^ "Signal Routing". Jimmy Page's Guitar/Effects/Amps Floor System. petecornish.co.uk. http://www.petecornish.co.uk/jptt.html. Retrieved 2008-03-03. 
  10. ^ "Dimebag Darrell: Pantera". The Guitar Rig Database. guitargeek.com. http://guitargeek.com/rigview/415/. Retrieved 2008-03-03. 
  11. ^ "Metclub >> Kirk's amplifiers and effects". Metclub. Metclub. http://www.freewebs.com/montyjay/kirkamps.html. Retrieved 2008-07-10. 
  12. ^ Cline, Nels (2005). "Nels Cline >> Tech Talk". http://nelscline.com/tech.html. Retrieved 2010-04-23. 
  13. ^ The Official Gear Page of Tommy Kessler
  14. ^ "Current Main Live and Studio Equipment". Herman Li. Biography. Archived from the original on 2008-02-28. http://web.archive.org/web/20080228064750/http://www.dragonforce.com/herman_li.php. Retrieved 2008-03-03. 
  15. ^ "Buckethead FAQ v 1.0". Buckethead. FAQ. http://www.bucketheadland.com/faq/index.html#anchor1786483. Retrieved 2008-04-06. 
  16. ^ "Trey's Rig". Trey Anastasio. Biography. http://www.treyanastasio.com/treysrig/. Retrieved 2008-11-09. 
  17. ^ "Buckethead". http://www.bucketheadland.com. Retrieved 2008-03-03. 
  18. ^ "The Definitive Korn Pedalboard Thread". Korn. Gear guide. http://www.korn.bhlabs.com/kornboard/index.php?showtopic=98207. Retrieved 2008-03-03. 
  19. ^ "John Scofield -- Jazz Guitarist". http://www.johnscofield.com/equipment.html. Retrieved 2009-02-27. 
  20. ^ "Produtziones Aldabar". aldaer, opactli, rodototoed, etc.. http://aldaer.bandcamp.com. Retrieved 2011-01-13. 
  21. ^ "Bass Player Magazine". No Limits - An Interview with Justin Chancellor. http://www.bassplayer.com/article/no-limits/jul-07/29662. Retrieved 2008-03-03. 
  22. ^ "Earthunder 2". Lightning Bolt. 2005-09-09. http://www.laserbeast.com/photos/090405/Lightning-Bolt-Earthunder-2.jpg. Retrieved 2008-06-14. 
  23. ^ The Official Gear Page of Tommy Kessler
  24. ^ [1]
  25. ^ Roadies in the Midst - Touring with the Red Hot Chili Peppers
  26. ^ Just...Radiohead: Ed O'Brien Equipment
  27. ^ Picture of Agata's effects board
  28. ^ Picture of Deacon with equipment
  29. ^ [2]
  30. ^ Buckethead
  31. ^ http://www.moltenvoltage.com/molten_midi_2.html

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