- Dhaneti
Dhaneti or Dhanetee is village in Bhuj Taluka of Kutch District of Gujarat State of India. It is at a distance of about 26 km from Bhuj the Taluka and District Headquarter of Kutch. Although it is in Bhuj Taluka, the Anjar Taluka headquarter of Anjar is only 18 km away.
About the history of Dhaneti, the village holds a special place in annals of Kutch Gurjar Kshatriyas or Mistris of Kutch. These group of Rajput warriors from Rajasthan first entered Saurashtra in Gujrat in early 7th Century AD fighting and repelling attack from North-West. Then a major group entered Kutch and fought a battle on the land of the Dhaneti village in late 12th Century around 1177–78 A.D. (V.S. 1234) and got themselves established and settled at this village. They named the village Dhaneti for the war that was fought on that land. Dhanetu in Gujarati language means "sudden, spontaneous war".[1][2][3][4][5]
Paliyas belonging to war heroes of Mistris of Kutch, the founders of Dhaneti Village, standing near village pond dating back to 1178 ADEven today, intricate Paliyas (hero stones) or Parias of their Dadas or Shurapuras and Deris of their Satis are standing there near village pond and other areas of village, as a mute witness to the war that was fought on this land by these Kutch Gurjar Kshatriyas, who later came to be known as Mistris in Kutch. Today almost a thousand years after the war, families or descendants of the Kutch Gurjar Kshatriyas visit Dhaneti to pay respect to these hero stones, built in memory of their forefathers, who gave up their lives fighting to defend their next generations.
Later during 14th to 15th century AD these Kutch Gurjar Kshatriyas or Mistris in course of time left Dhaneti and went on to establish other nineteen villages in Kutch, which were granted to them by the king. They were master craftsmen and architects and have played major role in erection and construction of majority of forts, palaces and architects of Kutch. It was because of their this quality they later came to be known as Mistris in Kutch.
Present Status
At present, majority of people who live in this village are Sorathia, Ahirs and Rabari. Dhaneti today is famous for special Ahir & Rabari embroidery done by women of this community, and has developed as major centre for this art and tourist attraction.
Ramakrishna Mission is running a School, Students Home and other activities in Dhaneti since 1992.
- ^ In the 12th (twelfth) century (1178-79) our ancestors made entry into one village named DHANETI in between Anjar and Bhuj of Kutch district.
- ^ Gurjar Kshatriyas, also known as Mistris, came to Kutch from Rajasthan. They are skilled in building construction. They first established themselves at Dhaneti and were granted 18 villages by the rulers of Kutch.
- ^ [http://gorasia.net/KLP-Our%20Journey%20to%20the%20Prosperity%20_English.pdf Hemraj Hardasana Solanki a descandant of Solanki dynasty from Saurashtra moved from Halar region to Dhanety in Kutch with other Kshatriyas. His son Madha Kanji Solanki later founded Madhapar.
- ^ History: In Vikram Samvant 1234 Gurjar Kshatriyas with leader Patel Ganga Maru came to Dhanetee.
- ^ Book :Kadia Kshatriya Ithishas : Published by Kumar Praksahan in 1896 in Gujarati Language : Dhaneti was founded (toran bandhyu) in 1179 AD ( Vikram Samvant 1234) by them (Gurjar Kshatriyas a.k.a. Mistris Of Kutch) under leadership of Patel Ganga Maru, when Rao Raydhan Ratna was Ruler of Kachchh.
Categories:- Villages in Kachchh district
- Kachchh district geography stubs
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