Bahn TV

Bahn TV
Bahn TV
Launched January 2001
Closed 31 December 2010
Owned by Deutsche Bahn
Picture format 576i (16:9 and 4:3) (SDTV)
Country Germany
Language German
Broadcast area Germany
Headquarters Berlin
Website Official website
SES Astra Astra 19.2°E
Internet television
Bahn TV Online Website
The "BahnTower" in Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, headquarter of the DB. It was also the home of the studios of Bahn TV.

Bahn TV (i.e.: Railway TV) was a television channel owned by the Deutsche Bahn (DB), the national railway company of Germany, dedicated to rail transport topics. Started in the beginnings of 2001, it was closed on 31 December 2010.[1] From February to the 31st December 2010 the channel was named DB Bewegtbild[2] (i.e.: DB Video).



The channel was launched on January 2001 as a staff television for the employees of the DB Group. The program was initially received only in some offices, break rooms and cafeterias of the Deutsche Bahn. To send content to DB employees, in early 2003 it was moved on the common satellite position at 19.2 degrees East.

Since May 2005, the station has been expanded to the specialty channel and promoted since September 2006 as "TV customers of DB Group" and as a niche channel for mobility, logistics and travel. The station had been fed into the digital channel packages of cable networks from Primacom, Net Cologne, Kabel BW, Tele-Columbus AG, Unity Media, and other digital city networks.[3]

Bahn TV was produced by the television production company Atkon AG in Berlin. The editorial was in Leipziger Platz, the studio in Potsdamer Platz. The presenters included Bettina Melzer, Jan Möller, Christine Mühlenhof, Roger pulse, Fabian Dittmann, Monika Jones, Anja Heyde and Manuela Carpenter. The executive manager was, since 2009, Volker Knauer.

The broadcasting of web TV by satellite ended on 1 July 2008. The reception of the channel, from that day, was possible exclusively via Internet (Bahn TV Online), choosing between five different webcasts: "Aktuell" (latest news), "Mobilität und Logistik" (mobility and logistics), "Fernweh" (wanderlust), "Nostalgie" (nostalgia) and "In Fahrt" (ride in). Renamed "DB Bewegtbild" on February 2010, at the end of December the Web TV was closed and now refer to the DB Group website.[1][4]


  • "Bahn TV-Nachrichten" (BTW news) - The Web TV news informed about events in the DB Group, the mobility and industrial markets in Germany, Europe and worldwide.
  • "Talk Show" - Conversation partners and employees from the DB Group discussed in a talk swoh about business, science and culture.
  • "Bahn TV Reise" (BTV Travel) - The travel magazine presented rail travels into Germany, Europe and worldwide.
  • "fit4life" - The health and fitness magazine: It focused on topics related to health, fitness, nutrition and wellness. In addition, new products and services were presented.
  • "Bahn TV In Fahrt" (BTV Ride In) - This program showed train rides as seen from the cab of a locomotive. The trails lead through Germany, and sometimes Austria and France. Additional data such as station names, geographic corners at the track, tunnels and the like provided as a running text for background information. The show was broadcasted around midnight and was offered for download.
  • "Reportage" - This documentation format told stories from the world of Deutsche Bahn
  • "DB mobil TV" - It was the weekly magazine of web TV and also the TV output of the DB-mobile customer magazine.
  • "Lexikon der Mobilität" (Encyclopedia of mobility) - The Encyclopedia of mobility also stated themes from the world of DB.
  • "Bahnen der Welt" (Railways in the World) - A program about the railways at home and abroad. Components were train and equipment, routes, employees and travelers, sights, landscape and history. Every last Saturday of the month, the program dealt mainly with Austria and the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB).
  • "Zeitgeschichte" (History) - This format allowed the past life, and deals exclusively with nostalgic rail topics.
  • "Spielzug" (Turn) - It was the Hertha-related magazine of the DB, which since 2006 has been the main sponsor of Hertha BSC, the principal Berliner football club.


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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