

The InterRegio is a train service seen in some European countries. Mostly they are trains that run "from region to region", as best described by Swiss Federal Railways.


The InterRegio in Switzerland was first introduced in 1997. They replaced some of the former fast trains with their own identity (InterRegio).

InterRegio trains are now very commonplace in Switzerland. The abbreviation is IR in a 45°-edgy font, white letters on red.

The ICN runs as an InterCity train but with halt frequencies in the same manner as an IR. When ICN services first began on May 28, 2000, the ICN was placed as an InterRegio train.


InterRegio trains were also commonplace in Germany from 1988 to 2003. They liaised mainly between regions in Germany. Most of the InterRegio lines have been replaced by InterCity lines, others have been replaced by the newly established "InterRegioExpress" type. However, InterRegioExpress lines belong technically to the short distance train category, and tend to be shorter.


The InterRegio system was also introduced to the Danish railways in the early 90's and became an alternative to the InterCity services, with no seat reservation required.However, unlike other countries, InterRegio trains in Denmark only operates on Fridays and Sundays, to support the heavy flow of passengers that travel on those days. These InterRegio services also has fewer stops than the InterCity services, which goes against the original InterRegio concept of long-distance trains with more local stops.There are no specific rules for the composition for these trains, and both old and new material has been used for InterRegio services.

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