Kosmos 1818

Kosmos 1818
Kosmos 1818
Illustration of Cosmos 1818 and Cosmos 1867.jpg
Illustration of Kosmos 1818
Mission type radar ocean reconnaissance satellite (RORSAT)
Satellite of Earth
Launch date February 1, 1987 23:31:00 UTC
Launch vehicle Tsyklon-2
Launch site Baikonur Cosmodrome
Mission duration ~ 5 to 6 months
COSPAR ID 1987-011A
Mass 1,500 kg (3,307 lb)
Power TOPAZ nuclear reactor
Plasma-2 SPT electric engine
Orbital elements
Eccentricity 0.001392
Inclination 65.0°
Apoapsis 790 km (491 mi)
Periapsis 810 km (503 mi)
Orbital period 100.6 min

Kosmos 1818 (Russian: Космос 1818) is a radar ocean reconnaissance satellite (RORSAT) that was launched by the Soviet Union February 1, 1987. It was put into a high orbit about 800 km (500 mi) from the Earth's surface. Its mission was monitoring the oceans for naval vessels. It had a mission life of about five or six months. It was powered by a nuclear reactor.[1][2][3]

About July 4, 2008, either Kosmos 1818 was either struck by an object or a coolant tube cracked due to thermal stresses by repeated solar heating. This created at least thirty fragments.[4][5]


Kosmos 1818 was launched on February 1, 1987 on a Tsyklon-2 rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. It was put into an orbit about 800 km (500 mi) above the Earth's surface at an inclination of 65° and a period of 100.6 minutes. Its NSSDC ID is 1987-011A, and its NORAD ID is 17369. The satellite had a mission life of about five to six months.[1][2] The satellite was powered by TOPAZ 1 nuclear reactor. This was cooled by liquid sodium-potassium, NaK, metal, it uses a high-temperature moderator containing hydrogen and highly enriched fuel. It produces electricity using a thermionic converter. It had a Plazma-2 SPT electric engine.[4] Its mission was to search the oceans for naval and merchant vessels. Unlike earlier Soviet RORSAT satellites, Kosmos 1818 and its twin, Kosmos 1867, were launched into high orbits. This avoided mishaps, such as occurred with Kosmos 954, which broke up over Canada in 1978, showering the Earth with radioactive debris.[4] In 1992, Kosmos 1818 had an approximate visual magnitude of 3.3.[6]


About July 4, 2008, Comos 1818 was either hit by an object or a coolant tube cracked due to thermal stresses by repeated solar heating.[5] The US Space Surveillance Network reported that about thirty objects were formed. These have orbital periods ranging from 100.5 to 101.5 minutes. Some of the debris appears to be metallic spheres. These could have resulted from the NaK coolant.

Russian Space Forces chief of staff General Alexander Yakushin indicated that the debris was high above the orbit of the International Space Station and did not pose any threat of radioactive contamination to the Earth.[7]


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