Coal Company Zarechnaya

Coal Company Zarechnaya
Coal company Zarechnaya
Industry Energy
Genre Coal mining
Founded 2008 (2008)
Headquarters Moscow, Russia
Key people Alexander Starikov, Victor Shevtsov,Vitaly Kharitonov,
Products Coal
Owner(s) Victor Nusenkis

Coal company Zarechnaya is a Russian coal company on top five largest Russian exporters of thermal coal. It is headquartered in Polysaevo, Kemerovo region.



Coal Company Zarechnaya is a part of CJSC MPO Kuzbass, owned by Victor Nusenkis. Chairman of the Board of MPO Kuzbass is Alexander Starikov, General Director of MPO "Kuzbass" is Victor Shevtsov. General Director of the Coal Company Zarechnaya is Vitaly Kharitonov.


OJSC Mine Zarechnaya

The record of August 2009

OJSC Mine Zarechnaya is the largest enterprise of the Coal Company Zarechnaya. Mine Zarechnaya (ex- North-Polysaevskaya) - the first hydraulic mines in the USSR, it was commissioned in August 1953 with an estimated capacity of 150 thousand tons of coal per year. In the late 90s due to lack of funds for modernization, the mine was scheduled to be closed. In 1998, the mine was ought by Victor Nusenkis. Due to a change in ownership and the subsequent inflow of investments, the company managed to emerge gradually from the crisis. Today mine Zarechnaya is one of the leading companies in coal production in Russia. Annual coal production exceeds 5 million tons. Coal reserves in total with emergency stockpile are 299.8 million tons of Gas coal. Mine Zarechnaya is the economic base of Polysayevo Kemerovo region and it’s included in the list of the most important enterprises and organizations of Kuzbass.

Coal washing plant Sputnik

Coal washing plant Sputnik

Coal washing plant Sputnik was built and commissioned in 2003 with the full cycle of enrichment and a closed water supply. Modern equipment of CP Sputnik allows to converte almost all coal extracted by mine Zarechnaya into a high-quality concentrate. The factory was originally built with a production capacity of 2.4 million tons of coal per year. After the modernization in 2008 without cessation of enrichment process . Today, the efficiency of the complex is 5 million tons of coal concentrate per year. It is planned to increase production capacity to 6 million tons of coal in 2011. The plant washes the coal of the mines Zarechnaya and Octyabrskaya and of the other companies.

Mine Oktyabrskaya

Mine Oktyabrskaya (ex- Polysaevskaya-2) is commissioned in 1956 with estimated capacity 1,2 mln tones per year. In 2010 Oktyabrskaya was purchased by Coal Company Zarechnaya. At the time the modernization of purification and tunneling equipment, strengthening of the engineering and operating staff are in progress. Since 2012 it is planned to increase gradually the volume of coal production output, with the production capacity of 4 million tons of coal by 2014. Current annual production is 2,9 mln tones.

Mine Aleksiyevskaya

Mine Aleksiyevskaya (ex-Leninskoye mine), commissioned in 1964, purchased in 2007 by Coal Company Zarechnaya. Mine reconstruction allowed to avoid its closure. Moreover it became the reason for coal production increase. In 2010 coal production come up 622, 8 mln tones of Flame coal . According to the development program the reconstruction of the mine is still in progress with planned production capacity 5 mln tones by 2015. Concentrating plant will be built by the beginning of mining high-ash banks in 2018. In 2011 mine is planned to produce 1.2 mln tones of coal.

Mine Karagaylinskoye

Mine Karagaylinskoye

Mine Karagaylinskoye – the enterprise was purchased in 2006 and now is under construction, that takes place on subsoil area, once belonged to company Mine Karagaylinskaya, which was closed in result of total coal industry restructuring in 1990s. Balance coal reserves in total with emergency stockpile are 110,7 mln tones of coking Fat coal . Construction project of the mine implies the start of the mining in 2012 with output of 500 thousands tones, with a stepwise growth to estimated capacity2 mln tones by 2015.

Mine Sibirskaya

Mine Sibirskaya was purchased in 2010. The mine is situated on the coal lease of the ex- mine Kuznetskaya. Coal reserves in total with emergency stockpile are 398,4 mln tones of Gas coal. At the moment construction and engineering works are in progress. After that, the process of baring and preparing of the field, construction of technologic complex on the surface, the enrichment factory and other units will be carried out. The coal recovery is scheduled to begin in 2013 with a stepwise production capacity growth to of 5, 0 tones annually since 2017.

Mine Seraphimovskaya

Mine Seraphimovskaya. The license for subsoil use for exploration and coal mining on the yard Seraphimovskiy, Ushakovskiy deposit was purchased in 2009. Licensed coal supply is 163,0 mln tones, reserved – 393,0 mln tones. Deposit exploration and supply expertise are in progress. Mine’s infrastructure provides construction of the concentrating plant, railway station Seraphimovskaya and local railway. The mining is planned to begin in 2016 with output 3,0 mln tones with a stepwise increase by 8,0 mln tones in 2020.

Gramoteinskie central electromechanical works

Gramoteinslie central electomechanical works

Gramoteinskie central electromechanical works was organized in 1976. In 2004 it was purchased by LLC Mine Zarechnaya. LLC Gramoteinskie central electromechanical works makes hardware, arched steel timbers, monorail and switch elements, realizes complete overhaul of electric motors. Thereon increasing demand of the Coal company’s mines, the manufacture is widen, the assortment of production is broaden.

LLC Georesurs

LLC Georesurs was purchased in 2007. Manufacture does complex of geological surveyance and mining operations, allows efficient salvation of subsoil research issues. Serves for coal banks degassing. On the base of LLC Georesurs a group of mine geophysics was founded for efficient maintenance of mining process, which allows monitoring geological conditions of mining.


Technoparkinvest-Kuzbass was founded in 2008 for participation in forming new hi-tech manufactures jointly with Technopark of Kuzbass. The main streams of innovation activity are:

  • deep coal processing – for production high marketable coal output at the place of mining;
  • methane extraction of coal banks for increasing security of purifying and mining processes;
  • mining machine building development;
  • salvation of ecological issues.

Baltic Coal Terminal

Baltic Coal Terminal is a coal terminal in Ventspils, Latvia. In 2009 the first starting terminal was set in operation with annual мощность processing 6 mln tones per year. It’s fit up by modern equipment, complied with all demands of ecological security, which allows loading ships with displacement for 150 000 tones and providing complex of services that improve the quality of the coal: displacement, refinement, magnetic separation. In the nearest future, after setting in operation the second terminal will reach more than 10 mln tones per year.


The miners of LLC Mine Zarechnaya

Coal company Zarechnaya is restructured into a holding in 2008. There are 6 coal mining enterprises (3 acting mines and 3 being under construction) washing plant and a number of survieing enterprises:

Current production of Coal Company Zarechnaya is 9,5 mln tones of RoM coal per year. The figures of production increased after 8.4 mln tones in 2010. In 2012 the Company plans to produce up to 11 mln tones of RoM coal.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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