Registered partnership in Finland

Registered partnership in Finland
Legal recognition of
same-sex relationships


South Africa

Performed in some jurisdictions

Mexico: Mexico City
United States: CT, DC, IA, MA, NH, NY, VT, Coquille, Suquamish

Recognized, not performed

Aruba (Netherlands only)
Curaçao (Netherlands only)
Mexico: all states (Mexico City only)
Sint Maarten (Netherlands only)
United States: CA (conditional), MD

Civil unions and
registered partnerships

Czech Republic
- New Caledonia
- Wallis and Futuna

Isle of Man
New Zealand
United Kingdom

Performed in some jurisdictions

Australia: ACT, NSW, TAS, VIC
Mexico: COA
United States: CA, CO, DE, HI, IL, ME, NJ, NV, OR, RI, WA, WI

Unregistered cohabitation



Recognized in some jurisdictions

United States: MD

See also

Same-sex marriage
Same-sex marriage legislation
Timeline of same-sex marriage
Recognition of same-sex unions in Europe
Marriage privatization
Civil union
Domestic partnership
Listings by country

LGBT portal
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Registered partnerships in Finland (Finnish: rekisteröity parisuhde; Swedish: registrerat partnerskap) were created for same-sex couples in 2002. The legislation granting similar rights and responsibilities to same-sex couples as to married opposite-sex couples was passed by the parliament in September 2001 with votes 99-84.[1] In May 2009, the Parliament revised the law allowing couples to adopt the biological children of their partner.[2] Registered partnerships, which are available only to same-sex couples, are registered and dissolved using a procedure similar to that for civil marriage. The legislation also permits joint custody of children and grants immigration rights to a foreign partner.

Same-sex marriage

Laws regarding same-sex partnerships in Europe
  Same-sex marriage
  Other type of partnership
  Unregistered cohabitation
  Issue under political consideration
  Constitution limits marriage to man–woman

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A December 2006 EU poll put Finnish support for same-sex marriage at 45%.[3] Currently, an August 2010 survey conducted by Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE, puts the Finnish support for gay marriage at 54%, with 35% of Finns opposing it.[4]

A poll conducted by Christian newspaper Kotimaa reported in March 2010 that a narrow majority of Finnish MPs opposed same-sex marriage. Of the 126 MPs who responded asked if they would support a gender-neutral marriage law 46% were in favour and 54% were opposed. 63% of Social Democratic representatives supported gay marriage as well all MPs from the Greens and Left Alliance. Majorities of the Centre Party and National Coalition Party opposed gender-neutral marriage law.[5][6]

However, a later survey in April 2010 by Helsingin Sanomat reported that there was cross-party support for gender-neutral marriage law and joint adoption rights. The National Coalition Party's secretary Taru Tujunen stated that an initiative would be put forward at the next party congress on gender-neutral marriage.[7][8] In the June 2010 party congress, the NCP delegates voted in favor of a gender-neutral marriage law, though the vice-chairman of NCP parliament group Ben Zyskowicz does not believe a same-sex marriage bill will be approved by the NCP during the upcoming four years, basing his view on the fact that majority of the current NCP MPs are against it.[9] Two weeks earlier the Social Democrats passed a measure in favor of same-sex marriage on their party congress.[10] Left Alliance and Green League also support it.[11][12] Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb, who held a speech at the opening ceremony of Helsinki Pride week on June 28, 2010, said he demands a gender-neutral marriage law with full adoption rights for gay couples.[13]

On July 2, 2010, Minister of Justice Tuija Brax announced that the Ministry of Justice is preparing a reform of the Marriage Act in the autumn of 2011.[14] According to Brax it is possible that same-sex marriage will be legalized in Finland by 2012.

See also


  1. ^ Parliament narrowly passes law allowing same-sex registration
  2. ^ "Finland allows gay couples to adopt partner's children". Pink News. 2009-05-15. Retrieved 2009-05-17. 
  3. ^ "Eight EU Countries Back Same-Sex Marriage". Angus Reid Global Monitor. December 24, 2006. Retrieved July 21, 2010. 
  4. ^ "Survey: Majority Favour Gender Neutral Marriage Law". YLE. Retrieved August 22, 2010. 
  5. ^ "Slim majority of Finnish MPs against same-sex marriage -Poll". Helsinki Times. 11 March 2010. Retrieved 11 March 2010. 
  6. ^ (Finnish) "Homoliitot jakavat eduskunnan". MTV3. 11 March 2010. Retrieved 11 March 2010. 
  7. ^ "Widespread support within Parliamentary parties for gender-neutral marriage". Helsingin Sanomat. Retrieved 23 April 2010. 
  8. ^ "Finnish parliamentary support for gay marriage and adoption rights". IceNews. 23 April 2010. Retrieved 23 April 2010. 
  9. ^ (Finnish) Helsingin Sanomat. "Lehdet: Zyskowicz toppuuttelee sukupuolineutraalia avioliittolakia". Retrieved July 30, 2010. 
  10. ^ NCP delegates endorse abolition of mandatory Swedish, gender-neutral marriage
  11. ^ (Finnish) Rikkaus lisääntyy jakamalla
  12. ^ (Finnish) Vihreä tehtävä 2010–2014 - poliittinen ohjelma
  13. ^ (Finnish) "Stubb vaati homopareille täyttä adoptio-oikeutta Helsinki Priden avajaisissa". Helsingin Sanomat. June 28, 2010. Retrieved July 20, 2010. 
  14. ^ "Gender-Neutral Marriage Law Possible by 2012". YLE. Retrieved 2 July 2010. 

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