Chromatography software

Chromatography software

A chromatography software, also known as a Chromatography data system (CDS), collects and analyzes chromatographic results delivered by chromatography detectors.

Many chromatography software packages are provided by manufacturers, and many of them only provide a simple interface to acquire data. They also provide different tools to analyze this data.

The most common tool is "integration": It computes simple areas to delimit peaks by adding valleys automatically or not. Areas are computed between two valleys, a signal, and a baseline.

Another tool is the "calibration".

Next is a list of software providing these tools and many others:

Chromatography software
Name Publisher Control Analysis Type Comments
Malcom[1] Techsia Yes GC
ChemStation[2] Agilent Yes limited LC XML, Macros
Chromeleon[3] Dionex Yes Yes GC/LC/IEX/MS
Empower[4] Waters Yes Yes GC/LC
OpenChrom Philip Wenig Yes GC/LC open-source EPL

See also

  • Laboratory informatics
