
Shorpo being made in a kazan in Kyrgyzstan

Chorba (Turkish: çorba, pronounced [tʃoɾˈba]), ciorbă (Romanian: ciorbă, pronounced [ˈt͡ʃorbə]), shurpa (Russian: шурпа [ʂurˈpa]), shorpo (Kyrgyz: шорпо [ʃorpó]), or sorpa (Kazakh: сорпа [su̯ʊrpɑ́]) is one of various kinds of soup or stew found in national cuisines across Middle East. In the Indian subcontinent, the term shorba (Hindi: शोरबा, Urdu: شوربہ) simply means gravy.



Chorba is derived from the Arabic word "Shorba" of which origin comes from the root "Š-R-B" means "to drink".

Romania and Balkans

In Romanian cuisine, "ciorbă" is a thick soup (distinct from a stew) coming in a large array of variants and combinations of vegetables and meat. The most popular are "ciorbă de burtă" tripe soup and "ciorbă de fasole" bean soup.

Central Asia

In Kyrgyz and Kazakh respectively, shorpo and sorpa may refer to any broth. A typical shorpo is made by boiling sheep parts.

Other regional varieties include çorba (Turkmen), and shurbo or shurpo (Tajik).


See also

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