- Juǀʼhoansi
Juǀʼhoan Zuǀʼhõasi Spoken in Namibia, Botswana Region near border with Angola Native speakers 35,000 (date missing) Language family Kx'a- !Kung
- Southeastern
- Juǀʼhoan
- Southeastern
Language codes ISO 639-3 ktz This page contains IPA phonetic symbols in Unicode. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Unicode characters. Juǀʼhoan (also called Zhuǀʼhõasi, Dzuǀʼoasi, Zû-ǀhoa, JuǀʼHoansi) is a southern variety of the !Kung dialect continuum spoken by about 30,000 people in the northeast of Namibia and by another 5,000 in the Northwest District of Botswana. Four regional (sub)dialects are distinguished: Epukiro, Tsumkwe, Rundu, and Omatako, with Tsumkwe being the best described.
Juǀʼhoan has four tones.
There are five vowel qualities, /i e a o u/. However, these may be nasalized, glottalized, murmured, or combinations of these, and most of these possibilities occur both long and short. The qualities /a/ and /o/ may also be pharyngealized and strident (epiglottalized). Thus, there are a good 30 vowel phonemes, perhaps more, depending on one's analysis. There are, in addition, many vowel sequences and diphthongs.
Juǀʼhoan has an unusually large number of consonants. The following occur at the beginnings of roots. For brevity, only the alveolar clicks are listed with the other consonants; the complete set of clicks is found below.
Labial Alveolar Postalveolar
/PalatalVelar Corresponding
ClickGlottal Nasal voiced m n ŋ ᵑǃ murmured (mʱ) ᵑǃʱ aspirated ᵑ̊ǃʰ Plosive voiced b d dz dʒ ɡ ᶢǃ tenuis p t ts tʃ k ǃ (ʔ) aspirated pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʃʰ kʰ ǃʰ breathy voiced bʱ dʱ dsʱ dʃʱ ɡʱ ᶢǃʱ glottalized tsʼ tʃʼ kxʼ ǃˀ voiced ɡlottalized dzʼ, dsʼ dʒʼ, dʃʼ uvularized tᵡ ǃᵡ voiced uvularized dᵡ dzᵡ dʒᵡ ᶢǃʶ epiglottalized tʜ kʜ ǃʜ voiced epiglottalized ɡʢ ᶢǃʢ Fricative voiced z ʒ ɦ voiceless (f) s ʃ χ Tenuis and voiced consonants (blue) may occur with any vowel quality. However, other consonants (grey, transcribed with a superscript diacritic to their right) do not occur in the same root as murmured, glottalized, or epiglottalized vowels.
The phonemic status of [ʔ], [dz] and [dʒ] is uncertain. [ʔ] may be epenthetic before vowel-initial words; alternatively, it may be that no word may begin with a vowel. /mʱ/ occurs only in a single morpheme, the plural diminutive enclitic /mʱi/. /f/ and /l/ (not shown) only occur in loan words, and some accounts posit a /j/ and /w/. Labials (/p, pʰ, b, bʱ, m/) are very rare initially, though common between vowels. Velar stops (oral and nasal) are rare initially and very rare medially.
The consonants listed as epiglottalized, following Miller-Ockhuizen (2003), have uvular frication and glottalization; they are similar to consonants in Nǀuu described as uvular ejective by Miller et al. (2009).
Only a small set of consonants occur between vowels within roots. These are:
Labial Alveolar Velar Uvular Glottal β̞ ɾ ɣ m n ŋ k, ŋk kʜ χ ɦ Medial [β̞, ɾ, m, n] (green) are very common; [ɣ, ŋ] are rare, and the other medial consonants occur in only a very few roots, many of them loans. [β̞, ɾ, ɣ] are generally analyzed as allophones of /b, d, ɡ/. However, [ɾ] especially may correspond to multiple root-initial consonants.
Juǀʼhoan has 48 click consonants. There are four releases: dental, lateral, alveolar, and palatal. There are twelve accompaniments. These are perfectly normal consonants in Juǀʼhoan, and indeed are preferred over non-clicks in word-initial position.
affricated clicks 'sharp' clicks accompaniment dental lateral alveolar palatal ǀ ǁ ǃ ǂ Tenuis ᶢǀ ᶢǁ ᶢǃ ᶢǂ Voiced ᵑǀ ᵑǁ ᵑǃ ᵑǂ Nasal ǀʰ ǁʰ ǃʰ ǂʰ Aspirated ᶢǀʱ ᶢǁʱ ᶢǃʱ ᶢǂʱ Murmured ᵑ̊ǀʰ ᵑ̊ǁʰ ᵑ̊ǃʰ ᵑ̊ǂʰ Aspirated nasal ᵑǀʱ ᵑǁʱ ᵑǃʱ ᵑǂʱ Murmured nasal ǀˀ ǁˀ ǃˀ ǂˀ Glottalized (perhaps w nasal accompaniment) ǀᵡ ǁᵡ ǃᵡ ǂᵡ Uvularized ᶢǀʶ ᶢǁʶ ᶢǃʶ ᶢǂʶ Voiced uvularized ǀʜ ǁʜ ǃʜ ǂʜ Epiglottalized ᶢǀʢ ᶢǁʢ ᶢǃʢ ᶢǂʢ Voiced epiglottalized Glottalized clicks occur almost exclusively before nasal vowels. This may indicate that these clicks are nasalized [ᵑǃˀ] etc, as is the case in most if not all other languages with glottalized clicks. The nasalization would not be audible during the click itself due to the glottalization, which would prevent any nasal airflow, but the velum would be lowered, potentially nasalizing following vowels.
In the 1960s the South African Department of Education set about establishing official orthographies for the languages of Southwest Africa (Namibia). Jan Snyman was selected to develop an orthography for the then-unwritten Juǀʼhoasi, which was accepted in 1969. In this orthography, the name of the language is spelled Žuǀʼhõasi. A slightly modified form (Snyman 1975) is shown below.
In the 1980s the Bible Society of South Africa requested a new orthography, one which used only letters of the Latin alphabet, avoided diacritics as much as possible, and conformed as much as possible to the conventions of Afrikaans. This second orthography was accepted in 1987, in which the language is spelled Zjuc'hôa.
A third orthography was developed by the Ju|wa Bushman Development Foundation in 1994. The three are compared with the IPA below. Tone is evidently unmarked:
Three Juǀʼhoan orthographies Labial plosives Alveolar plosives Velar plosives Alveolar affricates Postalveolar affricates IPA [b] [p] [bʱ] [pʰ] [d] [t] [dʱ] [tʰ] [ɡ] [k] [ɡʱ] [kʰ] [ts] [dsʱ] [tsʰ] [ds’] [ts’] [tʃ] [dʃʱ] [tʃʰ] [dʃ’] [tʃ’] [kx’] 1975 b p bh ph d t dh th g k gh kh ts dsh tsh ds’ ts’ tš dšh tšh dš’ tš’ kx’ 1994 ds tz tc dch tch dc tj kx 1987 gh ’gh ds’ ts’ tj djh tjh dj’ tj’ kg Hetero-organic affricates Fricates Nasals Syllabic
NasalsApproximants IPA [dʶ] [tᵡ] [tʜ] [dzʶ] ? [dʒʶ] ? [z] [s] [ʒ] [ʃ] [χ] [h] [ɽ] [m] [n] [m̩] [ŋ̍] [m̰] [m̤] [j] [w] 1975 dx tx tx’ dzx tsx dx tx z s ž š x h r m n m ng m̭ mh y w 1994 tk djx tcx j c mq 1987 dg tg tg’ - tsg djg tjg zj sj g m̹ Dental clicks Alveolar clicks IPA [ᶢǀ] [ǀ] [ᶢǀʱ] [ǀʰ] [ǀˀ] [ᵑ̊ǀʰ] [ᵑǀ] [ᵑǀʱ] [ᶢǀʶ] [ǀᵡ] [ᶢǀʢ] [ǀʜ] [ᶢǃ] [ǃ] [ᶢǃʱ] [ǃʰ] [ǃˀ] [ᵑ̊ǃʰ] [ᵑǃ] [ᵑǃʱ] [ᶢǃʶ] [ǃᵡ] [ᶢǃʢ] [ǃʜ] 1975 gǀ ǀ gǀh ǀh ǀ’ ǀ’h nǀ nǀ’h gǀx ǀx gǀx’ ǀx’ gǃ ǃ gǃh ǃh ǃ’ ǃ’h nǃ nǃ’h gǃx ǃx gǃx’ ǃx’ 1994 nǀh gǀk ǀk nǃh gǃk ǃk 1987 gc c dch ch c’ c’h nc nch dcg cg dcg’ cg’ gq q dqh qh q’ q’h nq nqh dqg cq dqg’ cq’ Palatal clicks Lateral clicks IPA [ᶢǂ] [ǂ] [ᶢǂʱ] [ǂʰ] [ǂˀ] [ᵑ̊ǂʰ] [ᵑǂ] [ᵑǂʱ] [ᶢǂʶ] [ǂᵡ] [ᶢǂʢ] [ǂʜ] [ᶢǁ] [ǁ] [ᶢǁʱ] [ǁʰ] [ǁˀ] [ᵑ̊ǁʰ] [ᵑǁ] [ᵑǁʱ] [ᶢǁʶ] [ǁᵡ] [ᶢǁʢ] [ǁʜ] 1975 gǂ ǂ gǂh ǂh ǂ’ ǂ’h nǂ nǂ’h gǂx ǂx gǂx’ ǂx’ gǁ ǁ gǁh ǁh ǁ’ ǁ’h nǁ nǁ’h gǁx ǁx gǁx’ ǁx’ 1994 nǂh gǂk ǂk nǁh gǁk ǁk 1987 gç ç dçh çh ç’ ç’h nç nçh dçg çg dçg’ çg’ gx x —* xh x’ x’h nx nxh dxg cx dxg’ cx’ Plain vowels Pressed
vowelsNasal vowels Pressed
Nasal vowelsIPA [i] [e] [a, ə] [o] [u] [aˤ] [oˤ] [ĩ] [ã] [õ] [ũ] [ãˤ] [õˤ] 1975 i e a o u a̭ o̭ ĩ ã õ ũ ã̭ õ̭ 1994 aq oq in an on un aqn oqn 1987 a, e a̹ o̹ î â ô û â̹ ô̹ The 1994 orthography also has ih, eh, ah, oh, uh for breathy (murmured) vowels, and ihn, ahn, ohn, uhn for breathy nasal vowels. However, Snyman maintains that these are positional variants of low-tone vowels, and not needed in an orthography.
One of the clicks (*) is not attested.
- Dickens, Patrick J. (2005) A Concise Grammar of Ju|’hoan With a Ju|’hoan-English Glossary and a Subject Index, ISBN 978-3-89645-145-3, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag: Köln.
- Miller-Ockhuizen, Amanda (2003) The phonetics and phonology of gutturals: case study from Ju/'hoansi. Psychology Press.
- Snyman, Jan W. (1975) Zuǀʼhõasi Fonologie en Woordeboek. Cape Town: AA Balkema.
- Snyman, Jan W. (1983) 'Zuǀʼhõasi, a Khoisan Dialect of South West Africa/Namibia', in Dihoff, Ivan R. (ed.) Current Approaches to African Linguistics Vol 1, 115–125.
- Snyman, Jan W. (1997) 'A preliminary classification of the ǃXũũ and Zuǀʼhõasi Dialects', in Haacke, W.H.G. & Elderkin, E.D. (eds.) Namibian Languages: Reports and Papers. (Namibian African Studies, 4). Köln: Rüdiger Köppe, 21–106.
- Snyman, Jan W. (n.d.) An Official Orthography for Žu|'hõasi Kokx'oi. Pretoria.
- 1980 - The Gods Must Be Crazy
- 2003 - Journey of Man
External links
- Map of Juhoan language from the LL-Map Project
- Juǀʼhoan sound files at Cornell
- Ethnologue Report for Juǀʼhoan
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