Serbian identity card

Serbian identity card

Serbian identity card (Serbian: Лична карта / Lična karta ) is the national identification card used in Serbia. Though the ID card is a primary photo ID, Serbian passport and national Drivers license are used as valid photo IDs for various purposes. It is issued to all Serbian citizens residing in the country above 10 years of age, while it's compulsory for those over the age of 16[1].



The front of a Lična karta
The back of a Lična karta, version without the chip

ID card has the same shape and size as many other ID cards, as specified by the ISO/IEC 7810 standard. It features a light red and blue background, colors of the Serbian flag. Obverse background has a picture of a statue on the top of the Serbian government building in Belgrade, while the reverse has the small Serbian coat of arms.

Language used on the form is Serbian (in Cyrillic script) and English, however, personal data is printed only in Serbian Cyrillic. This has caused some controversy, since obviously national ID card will be difficult to use as a valid ID document abroad, except in those countries which also use Cyrillic script.

Serbian citizens who are members of a national minority have the option to have the form of their ID card printed in Serbian, English and their native language (or Serbian Latin), while personal data will be entered in native language (for example, for Serbian Hungarians, in Latin script Hungarian alphabet, instead of the Serbian Cyrillic).

ID card includes the following data:

  • Презиме / Surname
  • Име / Given name
  • Датум рођења / Date of birth
  • Пол / Sex
  • Рег. бр. / Reg No
  • Датум издавања / Issuing date
  • Важи до / Valid until
  • Документ издаје / Issuing authority
  • Држава рођења / State of birth
  • Место и општина рођења / Place of birth
  • Пребивалиште и адреса стана / Place of residence (not included on the biometric ID cards)

Bearers signature and fingerprint of the right index finger are also printed on the ID card.

Validity of the document is five years from the date of handing in the application, while processing time is up to 15 days.


Blank ID card with a contact chip on the reverse side

After a long public debate, it has been decided that people will have an option to choose whether to have an ID card with or without the chip, containing the data already printed on the ID card. Those opting for the chip card do not have their place of residence (home address) printed, but it is stored in the chip. The police has provided the public with freeware software to download the data from any ID card to a computer (except for the scanned signature and the fingerprint) using a standard smart card reader.[2]

About two thirds of citizens applying for the ID card opt for the chipped version.[3]

Machine readable zone

The data of the machine readable zone consist of three lines of 30 characters each. The only characters used are those of Serbian Latin alphabet, except for letters with diacritics (ŠĐĆČŽ - they are replaced by the appropriate letter without a diacritical mark), 0-9 and the filler character <.

The format of the first row is:

Positions Type Meaning
1-2 alpha ID, indicating an ID card
3-5 alpha Issuing country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) code (SRB)
6–14 num ID card registration number
15 num check digit
16-28 num Personal number (JMBG)

The format of the second row is:

Positions Type Meaning
1–6 num Date of birth (YYMMDD)
7 num check digit
9-14 num Date of expiry (YYMMDD)
15 num check digit
16-18 num Nationality of bearer ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code (SRB)
30 num check digit

The format of the third row is:

Positions Type Meaning
1–30 alpha Last name, followed by two filler characters, followed by given names


To acquire the biometric ID card for the first time, a citizen must present a birth certificate and a proof of citizenship, as well as the expired old style Lična karta. In case of a renewal, only taxes should be paid and new photo will be taken at the police station.[4]

International travel

The card can be used for traveling to and staying in countries that have special agreements with Serbian Government without the need for a passport:

See also


  1. ^ The Serbian Law on ID card
  2. ^ Sertifikaciono telo MUP-a Republike Srbije PREUZIMANJE SOFTVERA (Serbian)
  3. ^ Nove lične karte nečitljive Politika, Retrieved 22 Aug 2008 (Serbian)
  4. ^ Biometrijska lična karta Ministry of Interior, Republic of Serbia (Serbian)

External links

  • - A procedure on applying for and issuing Serbian identity card (Serbian)

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