- List of Poles
This is a
partial list of famous Polish or Polish-speaking or -writing persons. In the interest of fairness and accuracy, a minority of persons of mixed heritage have their respective ancestries credited.History
*Stefan Banach
*Tadeusz Banachiewicz
*Kazimierz Bartel
*Andrzej Białynicki-Birula
*Karol Borsuk
*Jacob Bronowski
*Jan Brożek
*Samuel Eilenberg
*Witold Hurewicz
*Henryk Iwaniec
*Zygmunt Janiszewski
*Stanisław Jaśkowski
*Mark Kac
*Stefan Kaczmarz
*Marek Karpinski , computer scientist
*Krystyna Kuperberg
*Kazimierz Kuratowski
*Bronisław Knaster
*Zdzisław Krygowski
*Kazimierz Kordylewski
*Robert Kowalski
*Kazimierz Kuratowski
*Franciszek Leja
*Stanisław Leśniewski
*Adolf Lindenbaum
*Stanisław Łojasiewicz
*Antoni Łomnicki
*Jerzy Łoś
*Jan Łukasiewicz
*Benoît Mandelbrot (born in Poland of Lithuanian-Jewish descent)
*Edward Marczewski
*Józef Marcinkiewicz Mazurkiewicz
*Stanisław Mazur
*Stefan Mazurkiewicz
*Jan Mikusinski
*Andrzej Mostowski
* Jerzy Spława-Neyman
*Otton M. Nikodym
*Andrew Odlyzko
*Władysław Orlicz
*Józef H. Przytycki
*Helena Rasiowa
*Marian Rejewski , who broke Germany'sEnigma machine cipher s
*Jerzy Różycki
*Stanisław Ruziewicz
*Czesław Ryll-Nardzewski
*Stanisław Saks
*Juliusz Schauder
*Wacław Sierpiński
*Roman Sikorski
*Władysław Ślebodziński
*Jan Śniadecki
*Yulian Sokhotski
*Hugo Steinhaus
*Włodzimierz Stożek
*Alfred Tarski
*Stanisław Ulam , co-designer (withEdward Teller ) of thehydrogen bomb
*Tadeusz Ważewski
* Józef Hoene-Wroński
*Kazimierz Zarankiewicz
* Stanisław Zaremba
*Kazimierz Żorawski
*Henryk Zygalski
*Antoni Zygmund Physics
"see also:
List of Polish composers "
*Grażyna Bacewicz , composer
*Edyta Bartosiewicz , singer
*Rafał Blechacz , pianist
*Grzegorz Ciechowski , composer, singer
* Fryderyk Chopin, (French father of distant Polish heritage, Polish mother), composer
*Krzysztof Czerwinski , conductor and organist
*Adam Darski , singer-songwriter
*Krzesimir Dębski , composer
*Andrzej Dobrowolski , composer
*Ignacy Feliks Dobrzyński , composer
*Urszula Dudziak , singer
*Józef Elsner , composer,Chopin 's teacher
*Mikołaj Gomołka , composer
*Konstanty Gorski , composer and violinist
*Henryk Górecki , composer
*Edyta Górniak , singer
*Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki , composer
*Mieczysław Horszowski , pianist
*Bronisław Huberman , violinist
*Zdzisław Jachimecki , musicologist, composer
*Alicja Janosz , singer
*Anna Jantar , singer
*Adam Jarzębski , composer
*Reni Jusis , singer
*Jan A. P. Kaczmarek , film composer (Oscar prize)
*Bronisław Kaper , film composer
*Mieczysław Karłowicz , composer
* Kayah, singer
*Stefan Kisielewski , composer, writer
*Wojciech Kilar , composer
*Krzysztof Komeda , jazz composer
*Zygmunt Konieczny , composer
*Kasia Kowalska , singer
*Gene Krupa , jazz drummer
*Theodor Kullak , composer
*Karol Kurpiński , composer
*Wanda Landowska , harpsichordist
*Teodor Leszetycki , pianist, pedagogue
*Franciszek Lilius , composer
*Karol Lipiński , composer
*Jan z Lublina , composer
*Witold Lutosławski , composer
*Krzysztof Meyer , composer
*Carl Mikuli , composer
*Maciek Miernik , producer
*Marcin Mielczewski , composer
*Emil Młynarski
*Moritz Moszkowski , composer
*Stanisław Moniuszko , composer
*Leszek Możdżer , pianist and composer
*Czesław Niemen , composer, singer-songwriter
*Katarzyna Nosowska , singer, composer
*Feliks Nowowiejski , composer
*Zygmunt Noskowski , composer
*Michał Kleofas Ogiński , composer
*Ignacy Jan Paderewski , pianist, composer
*Andrzej Panufnik , composer
*Krzysztof Penderecki , composer
*Jerzy Petersburski , pianist, composer
*Bartłomiej Pękiel , composer
*Piotr Półtorak , guitarist
*Wacław Kiełtyka , guitarist
*Zbigniew Preisner , composer
*Zbigniew Robert Promiński , drummer and percussionist
*Krzysztof Raczkowski , drummer and percussionist
*Mikołaj z Radomia , Middle Ages composer
*Ryszard Riedel , singer
*Maryla Rodowicz , singer
*Mstislav Rostropovich , Russian cellist and conductor of Polish father fromszlachta
*Piotr Rubik , composer
*Arthur Rubinstein , pianist
*Bogusław Schaeffer , composer
*Xaver Scharwenka , composer
*Kazimierz Serocki , composer
*Tomasz Stańko , jazz trumpeter
*Kazik Staszewski , singer, songwriter
*Zygmunt Stojowski , composer
*Leopold Stokowski ,Academy Award -winning conductor
*Wacław z Szamotuł , composer
*Władysław Szpilman , pianist
*Patryk Dominik Sztyber , guitarist and vocalist
*Maria Agata Szymanowska , composer, concert pianist
*Karol Szymanowski , composer (Polish father, Swedish mother)
*Paweł Szymański , composer
* Barbara Trzetrzelewska, singer
*Grzegorz Turnau , singer
*Andrzej Wasowski , pianist
*Henryk Wieniawski , composer
*Brad Wilk , American drummer of Rage Against The Machine/Audioslave of polish decent
* Wanda Wiłkomirska, violinist
*Piotr Wiwczarek , guitarist and vocalist
*D'arcy Wretzky , Polish-American former bassist of The Smashing Pumpkins
*Tomasz Wróblewski , bassist, guitarist, and vocalist
*Michael Zabrocki , Catholic recording artist, composer, and vocalist
*Mikołaj Zieleński , composer
*Krystian Zimerman , pianist
*Wojciech Żywny , composer, teacher ofChopin Literature
"See also:
List of Polish writers " and "List of Polish novelists "Dołęga-Mostowicz
*Agnieszka Baranowska , author
*Karol Olgierd Borchardt , maritime author
*Joseph Conrad (Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski), English-language novelist.
*Lucyna Ćwierczakiewiczowa , the first Polish cook book author
*Maria Dąbrowska , novelist
*Johannes Dantiscus (Jan Dantyszek),Latin poet and Prince-Bishop ofWarmia
*Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz , novelist
*Jacek Dukaj , science-fiction writer
*Adolf Dygasiński , novelist
*Aleksander Fredro , poet, comedy writer
*Janusz Głowacki , playwright, non-fiction author
*Witold Gombrowicz , novelist, drama writer
*Rene Goscinny , cartoonist
*Stefan Grabiński , horror writer
*Marek Hłasko , writer
*Paweł Huelle , essayist
*Wincenty Kadłubek political scientist, writer
*Ryszard Kapuściński , writer and journalist
*Tadeusz Konwicki
*Jerzy Kosiński
*Zofia Kossak-Szczucka , novelist and World War II resistance fighter
*Ignacy Krasicki , author of "Fables and Parables " and of the first Polish novel
*Józef Ignacy Kraszewski , writer
*Stanisław Lem , science-fiction writer, essayist, philosopher
*Stanisław Lubieniecki writer, astronomer
*Waldemar Łysiak , writer
*Józef Mackiewicz , writer, journalist
*Andrzej Majewski , aphorist, writer, poet
*Stanisław Michalkiewicz writer
*Eliza Orzeszkowa , Positivist writer
*Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski , writer
*Jan Chryzostom Pasek (memoir ist)
*Sergiusz Piasecki , writer
*Krzysztof Piesiewicz , screenwriter and politician
*Jan Potocki (author of "The Manuscript Found in Saragossa ").
*Bolesław Prus , journalist, novelist, author of "The Doll" and "Pharaoh".
*Władysław Reymont , writer,Nobel Prize in Literature (1924)
*Maria Rodziewiczówna , novelist
*Andrzej Sapkowski , fantasy writer
*Bruno Schulz , novelist and painter
*Joanna Siedlecka , non-fiction writer
*Lucjan Siemieński
*Henryk Sienkiewicz , writer,Nobel Prize in Literature (1905)
*Isaac Bashevis Singer , writer,Nobel Prize in Literature (1966).
*Piotr Skarga , poet, writer, humanist
*Robert Stiller , polyglot, writer, poet, translator, editor
*Jędrzej Śniadecki , terminologist, writer
*Olga Tokarczuk , Polish-Ukrainian writer
*Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz ("Witkacy")
*Lucjan Wolanowski , writer, journalist, and traveller
*Stanisław Wyspiański , painter and writer
*Rafał A. Ziemkiewicz , writer
*Franciszek Zabłocki , comic dramatist and satirist
*Janusz A. Zajdel , science-fiction writer
*Gabriela Zapolska , novelist
*Roger Zelazny (Żelazny), American writer of fantasy and science fiction, son of a Pole
*Stefan Żeromski , novelist
*Eugeniusz Żytomirski , novelistPoetry
"See also:
List of Polish poets ."Krasiński
*Adam Asnyk , Positivism
*Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński
*Edward Balcerzan
*Miron Białoszewski
*Władysław Broniewski
*Jan Brzechwa
*Andrzej Bursa
*Piotr Czerniawski
*Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński
*Marian Hemar
*Zbigniew Herbert
*Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz
*Jan Kasprowicz , translation
*Jan Kochanowski
*Ignacy Krasicki , "Fables and Parables "
*Zygmunt Krasiński
*Paweł Kubisz
*Stanisław Jerzy Lec
*Jan Lechoń
*Bolesław Leśmian
*Ewa Lipska
*Adam Mickiewicz
*Grazyna Miller , translation
*Czesław Miłosz ,Nobel Prize in Literature , 1980
*Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski , humanism
*Adam Naruszewicz , translation, history
*Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz , independence activist
* Cyprian Kamil Norwid
*Antoni Edward Odyniec
*Agnieszka Osiecka
*Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska
*Wincenty Pol
*Halina Poświatowska
*Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer
*Jeremi Przybora , songs
*Mikołaj Rej
*Tadeusz Różewicz
*Zygmunt Rumel
*Antoni Słonimski
*Juliusz Słowacki
*Edward Stachura
*Anatol Stern
*Leopold Staff
*Wisława Szymborska ,Nobel Prize in Literature (1996)
*Julian Tuwim
*Jan Twardowski
* Richard (Ryszard) Tylman
*Kornel Ujejski
*Aleksander Wat
*Kazimierz Wierzyński
*Stefan Witwicki
*Rafał Wojaczek
*Józef Bohdan Zaleski
*Piotr Zbylitowski Philosophy
Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz
*Zygmunt Bauman
*Józef Maria Bocheński
* Stanisław Brzozowski
*Leon Chwistek
*August Cieszkowski
*Wawrzyniec Grzymała Goślicki
*Józef Maria Hoene-Wroński
*Roman Ingarden
*Stanisław Jaśkowski
*Leszek Kołakowski
*Hugo Kołłątaj
*Tadeusz Kotarbiński
*Casimir Lewy
*Karol Libelt
*Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski
*Adam Schaff
*Stanisław Staszic
*Maria Szyszkowska
*Alfred Tarski
*Władysław Tatarkiewicz
*Józef Tischner
*Andrzej Towiański
*Kazimierz Twardowski
*Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz ("Witkacy")
*Marian Zdziechowski Fine arts
"see also:
List of Polish artists and painters"*
Magdalena Abakanowicz , sculptor
*Paweł Althamer
*Tomasz Bagiński , painter, animator, computer graphics
*Mirosław Bałka
*Krzysztof Bednarski , sculptor
*Zdzisław Beksiński , painter
*Christian Boltanski
*Olga Boznańska , painter
*Józef Brandt , painter
*Józef Marian Chełmoński , painter
*Tytus Czyżewski , painter, poet, art critic
*Jacenty Dędek , photographer
*Zbigniew Dłubak , painter
*Andrzej Dłużniewski
*Xawery Dunikowski , sculptor
*Maksymilian Fajans , Jewish–Polish artist, lithographer, photographer
*Julian Fałat , painter
*Wojciech Fangor , painter
*Wojciech Gerson , painter
*Stefan Gierowski , painter
*Aleksander Gierymski , painter, brother ofMaksymilian Gierymski
*Maksymilian Gierymski , painter
*Zygmunt Gorgolewski , architect
*Vladislav Gorodetsky , architect
*Artur Grottger , painter, illustrator
*Władysław Hasior , sculptor, painter, stage designer
*Janosch , German illustrator and writer, born in what is nowZabrze
*Wladyslaw Kazmierczak , performance artist
*Tadeusz Kantor , (1915-1990) painter, theatre director
*Balthus , Polish-French painter
*Katarzyna Kobro , sculptor
*Jerzy Kossak , painter
*Juliusz Kossak , painter, illustrator
*Wojciech Kossak , painter
*Katarzyna Kozyra , video artist
*Nikifor Krynicki , painter
*Alexander Kucharsky , painter
*Zofia Kulik , performer
*Tamara de Lempicka , painter
*Zbigniew Lengren , cartoonist and illustrator.
*Jan Lenica , graphic designer and cartoonist
*Daniel Libeskind , architect
*Jacek Malczewski , painter
*Jan Matejko , painter
*Piotr Michałowski , painter
*Ambroży Mieroszewski ,Chopin 's first portraitist
*Igor Mitoraj , sculptor
*Teresa Murak , sculptor
*Jan Piotr Norblin
*Jerzy Nowosielski , painter
*Rafał Olbiński , illustrator, painter
*Roman Opałka , painter
*Aleksander Orłowski , painter
*Józef Pankiewicz , painter, graphic artist
*Władysław Podkowiński , painter and illustrator
*Joanna Rajkowska
*Ferdynand Ruszczyc , painter, graphic artist, cartoonist, stage designer
*Henryk Rodakowski , painter
*Wilhelm Sasnal , painter
*Jan Sawka , cartoonist
*Henryk Stażewski , painter
*Józef Stolorz , painter
*Władysław Strzemiński , painter
*January Suchodolski , painter
*Józef Szajna , sculptor, stage designer, theatre director
*Stanisław Szukalski , sculptor, painter
*Wacław Szymanowski , sculptor, designer ofChopin monument inWarsaw
*Roland Topor , illustrator, painter, writer and filmmaker
* Richard (Ryszard) Tylman, painter
* Max Weber, painter
*Wojciech Weiss , painter and draughtsman
*Jan de Weryha-Wysoczański , sculptor
*Stanisław Witkiewicz , painter, architect
*Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz ("Witkacy"), painter, photographer, playwright, novelist, philosopher
*Kazimierz Wojniakowski , painter
*Leon Wyczółkowski , painter
*Stanisław Wyspiański , painter
*Jan Zamoyski , painter
*Korczak Ziółkowski , designer and sculptor ofCrazy Horse Memorial Entertainment
Piotr Adamczyk , actor
*Piotr Andrejew , film director
* Michael Anthony (Sobolewski), Van Halen band
*Józef Arkusz , film director
*Tomasz Bagiński ,BAFTA Award winning short animated movies maker, nominated to Academy Award
*Andrzej Bartkowiak , cinematographer, director and actor.
*Eugeniusz Bodo , singer and actor
*Wojciech Bogusławski , actor, theater director, playwright.
*Walerian Borowczyk , film director
*Ewa Braun , Academy Award winning set decorator, costume designer, production designer
*Zbigniew Cybulski , actor
*Elżbieta Czyżewska , actress
*Ewa Demarczyk , actress, poetry singer
*Dagmara Dominczyk , actress
*Paweł Edelman , cinematographer,European Film Award winner.
*Katarzyna Figura , actress
*Aleksander Ford , director
* Małgorzata Foremniak, actress, starred in Avalon
*Piotr Fronczewski , actor and singer
*Janusz Gajos , actor
*Sir John Gielgud , English theatre and film actor with Polish "szlachcic" father
*Samuel Goldwyn , legendary film producer
*Jerzy Grotowski , theatre reformer
*Adam Hanuszkiewicz , actor
*Jerzy Hoffman , film director
*Agnieszka Holland , film director, nominated toAcademy Awards andBAFTA Award
* Gustaw Holoubek, actor
*Sławomir Idziak , cinematagrapher, nominated to Oscar
*Jan A.P. Kaczmarek , Academy Award winning composer, nominated toBAFTA Award
*Jacek Kaczmarski , protest songwriter, poetry singer, guitarist
*Janusz Kaminski , two Oscars andBAFTA Award winning cinematographer and film director
*Bronislau Kaper , Academy Award winning composer
*Krzysztof Kieślowski , film director, nominated toAcademy Awards
*Max Kolonko TV personality, producer, writer
*Kazimierz Kutz , film director
*Martin Kunert (born Marcin Kunert-Dziewanowski) - writer/director
*Irena Kwiatkowska , actress
*Bogusław Linda , actor
*Tadeusz Łomnicki , actor
*Rudolph Maté , accomplished cinematographer and film director, nominated for 5 Oscars
*Helena Modjeska /Modrzejewska, actress (born Helena Opid)
*Pola Negri , actress
*Wacław Niżyński (Vaslav Nijinsky), ballet dancer and choreographer
*Karen O (Orzołek), the lead vocalist for the New York art punk band Yeah Yeah Yeahs
*Daniel Olbrychski , actor
*Jerzy Owsiak , broadcaster
* Joanna Pacuła, actress
*Ludwika Paleta , Polish-Mexican actress
*Cezary Pazura , actor
*Roman Polański , award winning film director educated in Poland
*Jeremi Przybora
*Anna Przybylska , actress
*Wojciech Pszoniak , actor ofComedie Francaise
*Krzysztof Ptak , cinematographer
*Zbigniew Rybczynski , Oscar andEmmy Award winning filmmaker
*Lew Rywin , film producer and criminal
*Leon Schiller , theatre director
*Izabella Scorupco , Polish-born Hollywood-actress and singer.
*Andrzej Seweryn , actor ofComédie Française
*Casey Siemaszko , actor
*Nina Siemaszko , actor
*Jerzy Skolimowski , film director
*Przemysław Skwirczyński , cinematographer
*Adam Smoluk , director, screenwriter and actor
*Piotr Sobocinski , cinematographer
*Ladislas Starevich properly: Władysław Starewicz, film director, stop-motion animator
*Allan Starski , Oscar winning production designer, art director, set designer
*Jerzy Stuhr , actor, film director
*Loretta Swit ,Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan on M*A*S*H.
*Piotr Tokarski , actor
* Henryk Tomaszewski, mime
*Basia Trzetrzelewska , singer
*Andrzej Wajda , Academy Award,Golden Palm ,BAFTA Award , Silver Berlin Bear,César Award andGolden Lion winning film director
* TheWarner Brothers
*Jerzy Wasowski
* Lilliana Wilczkowsky, actress
* Samuel "Billy" Wilder, six Oscars winning film director, screenwriter and producer
*Roman Wilhelmi , actor
*Dariusz Wolski , cinematographer
*Zbigniew Zamachowski , actor
*Krzysztof Zanussi , film director
*Michał Żebrowski , actor
*Artur Żmijewski , actor
*Andrzej Żuławski , film directorBusiness
Hipolit Cegielski
*André Citroën , founder of Citroën
*Franciszek Czapek , co-partner in Patek, Czapek & Co.
*Max Factor, Sr. , cosmetics entrepreneur
*Andrew Filipowski , technology entrepreneur
*Henryk Grohman , textile manufacturer and patron of the arts
*Nathan Handwerker
*Barbara Piasecka Johnson , humanitarian, philanthropist, widow ofJ. Seward Johnson, Sr.
*Leopold Kronenberg , banker
*Jerzy Franciszek Kulczycki , legendary merchant, spy, diplomat; opened firstcafé inVienna (1683)
*Jan Kulczyk , one of the richest Poles
*Michael Marks , co-founder ofMarks and Spencer retail chain
*Samuel Orgelbrand , editor
*Antoni Patek , co-founder of watchmakersPatek Philippe & Co.
*Izrael Poznański , textile magnate, philanthropist
*Helena Rubinstein , cosmetics entrepreneur
*Ziggy Switkowski , formerchief executive officer ofTelstra
* Hyppolite Wawelberg, Polish-Jewish banker and philanthropist
* Steve Woźniak, co-founder ofApple Inc.
*Andrzej Artur Zamoyski Royalty
Mieszko I , first Duke of Poland.
*Dubrawka , first Duchess of Poland.
*Świętosława (Gunhild), daughter ofMieszko I of Poland, mother ofCanute the Great , King of England, Denmark and Norway.
*Bolesław I the Brave , first King of Poland.
*Mieszko II Lambert , second King of Poland.
*Richeza of Lotharingia , Queen of Poland.
*Casimir I the Restorer , Duke of Poland.
*Bolesław II the Bold , third King of Poland.
*Bolesław III Wrymouth , Duke of Poland.
*Mieszko III the Old , Duke of Greater Poland, Senior Duke of Poland.
*Casimir II the Just , Duke of Cracow, Senior Duke of Poland.
*Leszek I the White , Duke of Cracow, Senior Duke of Poland.
*Henry I the Bearded , Duke of Silesia, Senior Duke of Poland.
*Henryk II the Pious , Senior Duke of Poland, commander of Polish forces in theBattle of Legnica (1241).
*Premislas II , King of Poland.
*Władysław I the Elbow-high , King of Poland.
* Casimir III the Great, Piast Dynasty last King of Poland.
* Jadwiga Angevin, King and Queen of Poland.
*Władysław II Jagiełło , Lithuanian, King of Poland, victor at theBattle of Grunwald (1410).
*Władysław III of Varna (Ulászló I ), King of Poland andHungary , killed at theBattle of Varna (1444).
*Casimir IV Jagiellon , King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, victor in theThirteen Years' War (1454-1466).
*John I Albert , King of Poland.
*Alexander Jagiellon , Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland.
*Sigismund I the Old , King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania.
*Roxelana (Khourrem , wife ofSuleiman the Magnificent ).
*Barbara Radziwiłł , consort ofSigismund II August .
*Sigismund II Augustus , Jagiello Dynasty last King of thePolish-Lithuanian Commonwealth .
*Anna Jagiellon , reigned together with her husband Stephen Báthory
* Stephen Báthory, Hungarian-born King of thePolish-Lithuanian Commonwealth .
*Sigismund III Vasa , King of thePolish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and King of Sweden.
*Władysław IV Vasa , elected Tsar of Russia, King of thePolish-Lithuanian Commonwealth .
*John II Casimir Vasa , King of thePolish-Lithuanian Commonwealth , victor at theBattle of Beresteczko (1651).
*John III Sobieski , King of thePolish-Lithuanian Commonwealth , victor at theBattle of Vienna (1683).
*Catherine I (Marta Skowrońska), second wife of RussianTsar Peter the Great , andEmpress of Russia (1725-27).
*Stanisław Leszczyński , King of thePolish-Lithuanian Commonwealth andDuke of Lorraine .
* Catherine Opalińska, Queen of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Duchess of Lorraine.
*Maria Leszczyńska , consort of Louis XV, King of France.
*Stanisław August Poniatowski , last King of thePolish-Lithuanian Commonwealth , co-author of theConstitution of May 3, 1791 .Nobility (szlachta)
List of szlachta "Military
Władysław Anders , general, military commander during theBattle of Monte Cassino (1944)
*Krzysztof Arciszewski , general of artillery of Holland (1639), and Poland (1646).
*Józef Bem , military commander, commander-in-chief of Hungarian army (1849)
*Jan Karol Chodkiewicz , military commander, victor fromKircholm (1605)
*Michał Czajkowski (Sadyk Pasha), (1804-1886), Polish-Ukrainian commander-in-chief of an Ottoman Cossack Brigade during theCrimean War (1853-1856)
*Stefan Czarniecki , Field Crown Hetman of Poland (1665)
*Jan Henryk Dąbrowski , general, military commander during theNapoleonic Wars
*Jarosław Dąbrowski , military commander during theJanuary Uprising (1863), and theParis Commune (1871)
*Henryk Dembiński , military commander in theNovember Uprising and the Hungarian uprising of 1849
*Bolesław Wieniawa-Długoszowski , general, ambassador, nominated President of Poland (1939)
*Józef Dowbor-Muśnicki , general, military commander in the Greater Poland Uprising (1919)
*Jerzy Pajaczkowski-Dydynski (1894-2005), Polish soldier inWorld War I and in the 1920-21Polish-Soviet War . At his death, he was the oldest man in theUnited Kingdom (111 years old). [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/cumbria/4516532.stm]
* Józef Haller, politician, commander of the Polish Army inFrance duringWorld War I
*Stanisław Jan Jabłonowski , Grand Crown Hetman (1682/3-1702)
*Jan Nowak-Jezioranski (1913-2005), Polish journalist and World War II hero.
*Mikołaj Kamieniecki , first Grand Crown Hetman of Poland (1503-1515)
*Michał Karaszewicz-Tokarzewski , general, founder of the resistance movement "Polish Victory Service" (27 September 1939)
*Kazimierz J. Kasperek , Lt. Commander, veteran of WW II, the most decorated NCO in thePolish Navy
*Tadeusz Bór-Komorowski , general, commander of theHome Army during theWarsaw Uprising (1944)
*Stanisław Koniecpolski , Grand Crown Hetman (1632-1646)
*Tadeusz Kościuszko , Polish and American commander, general and revolutionist.
*Wladimir Krzyzanowski Polish general on the Union side during the American Civil War
*Marian Kukiel , general, military commander, historian
*Aleksander Lisowski , commander of 17th-centuryLisowczycy .
*Jerzy Sebastian Lubomirski , Prince, Field Crown Hetman (1657-1664), victor from theBattle of Chudniv (Cudnów) (1660)
*Stanisław Maczek , (1892-1994), commander of the Polish Armored Division, later commander-in-chief of Polish forces in exile afterWorld War II
*Mieczyslaw Norwid-Neugebauer , general and minister
*Leopold Okulicki , general, last commander-in-chief of theHome Army
*Julian Konstanty Ordon , officer in theNovember Uprising (1830-31)
*Jadwiga Piłsudska
*Emilia Plater , Countess, hero of theNovember Uprising
*Józef Poniatowski , prince, Polish general and marshal of France
*Kazimierz Pułaski (Casimir Pulaski), Polish and American military commander
*Hyman G. Rickover , U.S. NavyAdmiral ,Father of the Nuclear Navy
*Konstantin Rokossovsky , (born Konstanty Rokossowski) Marshall of the Soviet Union and Polish defense minister, communist
*Stefan Rowecki , general, military commander, commander-in-chief of theHome Army
*John Shalikashvili , retiredUnited States Army general
*Władysław Sikorski , general, commander-in-chief of the Polish Armed Forces and Prime Minister of Poland (1939-1943)
*Piotr Skuratowicz , general of the Polish Army
*Stanisław Sosabowski , commander of thePolish 1st Independent Parachute Brigade , which saw action atArnhem duringOperation Market Garden (1944)
*Kazimierz Sosnkowski , general, Commander-in-Chief of Polish Armed Forces (1943-1944)
*Józef Sowiński , general, hero of theNovember Uprising (1830-31)
*Edward Rydz-Śmigły , marshal, military commander, successful in thePolish-Bolshevik war , C-i-C of the Polish Army in the September Campaign
*Jan Tarnowski , Grand Crown Hetman (1527-1561), victor of Obertyn (1531)
*Piotr Wysocki , led the November Uprising (1830)
*Kordian Józef Zamorski
*Jan Zamoyski , Great Chancellor of Poland (1578-1605) and Grand Crown Hetman (1581-1605)
*Stanisław Żółkiewski , chancellor of Poland, military commander, conqueror ofMoscow (1610), Grand Crown Hetman (1613-1620)
*Janusz Żurakowski , World War II fighter pilot andAvro Arrow test pilotPolitics
*Tomasz Arciszewski , first Prime Minister of Poland in exile (1944-1947)
* Kazimierz Feliks Badeni, count, Minister-President of Austria (1895-1897)
*Marek Belka , former director of economic policy in the interim coalition administration ofIraq , Prime Minister of Poland (2004-2005)
*Bolesław Bierut , leader of communist Poland (1948-1956)
* Michał Bobrzyński, Governor of Galicia (1908-1913)
* Zbigniew Brzeziński , political scientist, advisor to US PresidentJimmy Carter .
*Józef Cyrankiewicz , Prime Minister of communistic Poland (1947-1952 and 1954-1970)
* Adam Jerzy Czartoryski, prince, statesman, Prime Minister (1830-1831)
*Ignacy Daszyński , Prime Minister of the Temporary People’s Government of the Republic of Poland (1918)
*Roman Dmowski , nationalist politician, statesman
* Feliks Dzierżyński, the founder of theBolshevik secret police , theCheka
* Jaś Gawroński, Italian politician
*Edward Gierek , leader of communist Poland (1970-1980)
*Władysław Gomułka , leader of communist Poland (1956-1970)
*Piotr Jaroszewicz , Prime Minister of communistic Poland (1970-1980)
*Wojciech Jaruzelski , last leader of communist Poland (1981-1989), first President of III RP (1989-1990)
*Ryszard Kaczorowski , sixth and last President of Poland in exile (1989-1990)
*Jarosław Kaczyński , identical twin brother of Lech, leader of theLaw and Justice party, Prime Minister of Poland (2006-2007)
*Lech Kaczyński , fourth President of III RP (since 2005)
*Hugo Kołłątaj , co-author ofConstitution of May 3, 1791
*Wojciech Korfanty , leader of Silesians during theThird Silesian Uprising
*Janusz Korwin-Mikke , free-market activist
* Stanisław Kosior, Soviet politician
*Tadeusz Kościuszko
*Jan Kucharzewski first Prime Minister of Kingdom of Poland (1917-1918),
*Pedro Pablo Kuczynski - Prime Minister of Peru
*Aleksander Kwaśniewski , third President of III RP (1995-2005)
*Andrzej Lepper , leader ofSamoobrona and former Vice-PM
*Herman Lieberman
*Julian Marchlewski , Soviet politician
*Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz , Prime Minister of Poland (2005-2006)
*Tadeusz Mazowiecki , politician, first Prime Minister of III RP (Poland)
* Stanislaw Mikołajczyk, Prime Minister of Poland (1943-1944), politician of the agrarian party
*Jędrzej Moraczewski , first Prime Minister of II RP (1918-1919)
*Ignacy Mościcki , third President of II RP (1926-1939)
*Lewis Bernstein Namier , British politician and historian
*Gabriel Narutowicz , first President of the Second Polish Republic (1922)
*Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz
*Marian P. Opala , Justice of the Oklahoma Supreme Court
*Stanisław Ostrowski , third President of Poland in exile (1972-1979)
*Ignacy Paderewski , second Prime Minister of II RP (1919)
*Waldemar Pawlak , Prime Minister of Poland (1992 and 1993-95)
*Józef Piłsudski , statesman, politician and Marshal of Poland
*Michel Poniatowski , prince, French politician
*Alfred Józef Potocki , count, Minister-President of Austria (1870-1871)
*Ignacy Potocki , co-author ofConstitution of May 3, 1791
*Władysław Raczkiewicz , first President of Poland in exile (1939-1947)
*Edward Raczyński , fourth President of Poland in exile (1979-1986)
*Antoni Radziwiłł , prince, the Duke-Governor of Grand Duchy of Posen (Poznań) (1815-1831)
*Adam Ronikier , count, president of theCentral Welfare Council (1916-1918) and (1940-1943)
*Dan Rostenkowski , American politician
*Kazimierz Sabbat , fifth President of Poland in exile (1986-1989)
*Jacek Saryusz-Wolski , vice-president ofEuropean Parliament (2004-2007)
*Władysław Sikorski , general, Prime Minister of Poland (1939-1943)
* Anatoly Sobczak, first post-Soviet mayor of St Petersburg
*Stefan Starzyński , President of Warsaw (1934-1939)
*Donald Tusk , chairman of theCivic Platform , Prime Minister of Poland (since 2007)
*Lech Wałęsa , trade unionist who started dismantling of the Soviet bloc, theNobel Peace Prize in 1983, second President of III RP (1990-1995)
* Ludwik Waryński, socialist activist in 19th c.
*Roy Welensky , Prime Minister of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
*Edward Werner , (born in Poland to parents of German origin) vice-Minister of Finance, and Polish diplomat during World War II
*Alexander Wielopolski , count, Marquis of Gonzaga, statesman
*Wincenty Witos , politician of the agrarian party
*Stanisław Wojciechowski , second President of II RP (1922-1926)
*Tadeusz Wróblewski
*August Zaleski , second President of Poland in exile (1947-1972)
*Andrzej Artur Zamoyski Diplomats
Władysław Bartoszewski , foreign affairs minister of III RP (1995 and 2000-2001)
*Józef Beck , foreign affairs minister of II RP (1932-1939)
*Alois Friedrich von Brühl , Polish-Saxon diplomat, starost of Warsaw
*Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz , foreign affairs minister of III RP (2001-2005)
*Adam Jerzy Czartoryski , prince, foreign affairs minister of the Russian Empire (1804-1806)
*Władysław Czartoryski , prince, the main diplomatic agent of the National Government (1863-1864)
*Roman Dmowski , foreign affairs minister of II RP (1923)
*Bronisław Geremek , foreign affairs minister of III RP (1997-2000)
* Agenor Count Gołuchowski, foreign affairs minister of Austria-Hungary (1895-1906)
*Stanisław Janikowski , diplomat in Rome, to Holy See (1927-1954)
*Krzysztof Grzymułtowski , diplomat and voivod ofPoznań , author of theEternal Peace Treaty withRussia (1686)
*Julian Klaczko , Polish-Austrian diplomat
*Stanisław Kot , Polish ambassador to the Soviet Union (1941-1942) and to Italy (1945-1947)
*Józef Lipski , Polish ambassador to Germany (1933-1939)
*Ivan Maysky , Soviet diplomat
*Stefan Meller , foreign affairs minister of III RP (2005-2006)
*Lewis Bernstein Namier , British diplomat and historian
*Andrzej Olechowski , foreign affairs minister of III RP (1993-1995)
*Ignacy Paderewski , foreign affairs minister of II RP (1919) and third prime minister of Poland
*Stanisław Patek , foreign affairs minister of II RP (1919-1920)
*Edward Bernard Raczyński , count, Polish ambassador to the United Kingdom (1934-1945) and foreign affairs minister (1941-1943)
*Adam Rapacki , foreign affairs minister of communist Poland (1956-1968)
*Joseph Retinger , precursor of theEuropean Union
*Dariusz Rosati , foreign affairs minister of III RP (1995-1997)
*Adam Daniel Rotfeld , foreign affairs minister of III RP (2005)
*Radosław Sikorski , foreign affairs minister of III RP (since 2007)
*Konstanty Skirmunt , foreign affairs minister of II RP (1921-1922)
* Aleksander Skrzyński, foreign affairs minister of II RP (1922-1923 and 1924-1926)
*Krzysztof Skubiszewski , first foreign affairs minister of III RP (1989-1993)
*Romuald Spasowski , Polish ambassador to the United States (1955-1961 and 1978-1981)
*Andrey Vyshinsky , Soviet jurist and diplomat
*Alexandre Joseph Count Colonna-Walewski , French foreign affairs minister
*Leon Wasilewski , foreign affairs minister of II RP (1918-1919)
*August Zaleski , foreign affairs minister of II RP (1926-1932)
*Maurycy Klemens Zamoyski , foreign affairs minister of II RP (1924)
*Josef Zieleniec , Czech foreign affairs minister
*Sergey Yastrzhembsky , Russian diplomatIntelligence
Roman Czerniawski , Polish Air Force captain and BritishDouble Cross System agent.
*Michael Goleniewski ,Cold War Polish, Soviet and American CIA agent.
*Jan Kowalewski , engineer, intelligence officer and cryptologist, one of many who broke Sovietcipher s during thePolish-Soviet War of 1919–21.
*Andrzej Kowerski , Polish Army officer and World War II British SOE agent; colleague ofKrystyna Skarbek .
*Ryszard Kukliński , Polish Army colonel,Cold War CIA master spy.
*Jerzy Franciszek Kulczycki , Polish spy at theBattle of Vienna (1683); founder ofVienna 's firstcoffee house , which offered coffee produced fromcoffee bean s captured from the Turks.
*Gwido Langer , head of Poland'sinterbellum Cipher Bureau, which in 1932 first broke the GermanEnigma cipher s.
*Kazimierz Leski , engineer, fighter pilot, World War II "Musketeers" andHome Army intelligence officer.
*Jerzy Pawłowski , Olympic gold-medalist fencer and Cold-Wardouble agent .
*Tadeusz Pełczyński , general, head of Polish military intelligence (1922-1932 and 1935-1938).
*Marcel Reich-Ranicki , Polishconsul-general and intelligence agent in London,1948–49; the most influential contemporary critic ofGerman literature .
*Krystyna Skarbek , World War II British SOE agent.
*Mieczysław Zygfryd Słowikowski ("Rygor-Słowikowski"), Polish Army intelligence officer whose work inNorth Africa facilitated Allied preparations for the 1942Operation Torch landings.
*Jerzy Sosnowski , major, a Polish spy in Germany (1926-1934) as Georg von Sosnowski, Ritter von Nalecz.
*Antoni Szymański , Polishmilitary attaché in Berlin (1932–39).
*Halina Szymańska , World War II British intelligence agent; wife ofAntoni Szymański .
*Jan Włodarkiewicz , lieutenant colonel, the first commander ofWachlarz .
*Marian Zacharski , Cold-War Polish intelligence agent convicted of espionage against theUnited States .Holocaust resisters
Mordechaj Anielewicz , Military Leader of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943)
*Władysław Bartoszewski
*Adolf Berman
*Anna Borkowska (Sister Bertranda)
*Icchak Cukierman
*Marek Edelman
*Yitzhak Gitterman
*Haika Grossman
*Irena Gut
*Jan Karski
*Zofia Kossak-Szczucka , co-founder ofŻegota
*Wanda Krahelska-Filipowicz ,Provisional Committee for Aid to Jews
*Zivia Lubetkin
*Witold Pilecki
*Irena Sendler
*Henryk Sławik , Polish politician and diplomat in Hungary
*Henryk Woliński
*Lidia Zamenhof
*Szmul Zygielbojm Religion
Andrzej Alojzy Ankwicz (Roman-Catholic Archbishop of Lwow, 1815-33, and Archbishop of Prague 1833-38).
*Baal Shem Tov (Yisroel ben Eliezer (1698-1760), rabbi, the founder of Hasidic Judaism).
* St.Józef Bilczewski (Roman-Catholic Archbishop of Lvov, 1900-23).
*Szymon Budny (Polish-Belarusian humanist and Arian priest).
* St. Casimir Jagiellon (grandson of King Władysław II Jagiełło).
* St. Adam (Albert) Chmielowski (Albertine).
*August Czartoryski (beatified Prince).
*Edmund Dalbor (Primate of Poland, Cardinal, 1915-26).
*Albin Dunajewski (Bishop of Kraków, Cardinal, 1879-94).
*Stanisław Dziwisz (Archbishop of Kraków since 2005, Cardinal).
*Antoni Melchior Fijałkowski
*Jacob Frank (Jewish messianic leader who merged Judaism and Christianity).
*Piotr z Goniądza (religious writer).
*Piotr Gamrat (Primate of Poland, 1541-45).
*Józef Glemp (Primate of Poland since 1981, Cardinal).
* St. Hedwig (Queen of Poland, 1384-99).
*August Hlond (Primate of Poland, 1926-48, Cardinal).
*Stanislaus Hosius (legate to Poland, Cardinal and Prince-Bishop of Warmia).
* St. Hyacinth (Dominican).
*Henryk Jankowski (Prelate, Chaplain of "Solidarność")
*Marian Jaworski (Polish Roman-Catholic Archbishop of Lvov, since 1991, Cardinal).
*Aleksander Kakowski (Archbishop of Warsaw, Cardinal).
* St.Raphael Kalinowski (Carmelite).
* St. Jan Kanty (professor at Kraków University).
*Stanisław Karnkowski (Primate of Poland, 1581-1603; Interrex, 1586-87).
* St. Maksymilian Maria Kolbe (Franciscan martyr, Auschwitz 1941).
*Hugo Kołłątaj (priest, statesman).
* St. Stanisław Kostka (Jesuit).
* St. Faustina Kowalska (Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy).
*Ignacy Krasicki (Primate of Poland).
*Adam Stanisław Krasiński (Bishop of Kamieniec Podolski, 1757-98).
*John Krol (Archbishop of Philadelphia, Cardinal, 1961-88).
*Mieczysław Halka Ledóchowski (Primate of Poland, 1866-86, Cardinal).
*Jan Łaski (Primate of Poland, 1510-31).
*Władysław Aleksander Łubieński (Archbishop of Lwów, 1758-59; and Primate of Poland, 1759-67; Interrex, 1763-64).
*Franciszek Macharski (Archbishop of Kraków, 1978-2005, Cardinal).
*Zbigniew Cardinal Oleśnicki (Bishop of Kraków, 1423-55, first Cardinal of Polish origin, since 1449, statesman).
* Zbigniew Oleśnicki (nephew of Zbigniew Cardinal Oleśnicki; Primate of Poland, 1481-93).
*Walenty Potocki (Count; converted to Judaism as Avrohom ben Avrohom, the Ger Tzedek of Vilna; died 1749).
*Jan Puzyna (Bishop of Kraków, 1895-1911, Cardinal).
*Jerzy Cardinal Radziwiłł (Bishop of Kraków, Cardinal, 1591-1600).
*Tadeusz Rydzyk (Redemptorist).
* St.Stanislaus of Szczepanów (Bishop of Kraków, martyr 1079).
*Adam Stefan Sapieha (Bishop/Archbishop of Kraków, Cardinal, 1911-51).
*Piotr Skarga (Jesuit).
*Kajetan Sołtyk (Bishop of Kiev, 1756-59; Bishop of Kraków, 1759-88).
*Edmund Szoka (Archbishop of Detroit, Cardinal 1981-90).
*Józef Tischner (priest, philosopher and first chaplain of the trade union "Solidarity").
*Mikołaj Trąba (Archbishop of Gniezno, first Primate of Poland, 1418-22).
*Jakub Uchański (Primate of Poland, 1562-81; Interrex, 1572-73 and 1574-75).
*Piotr Wawrzyniak (priest and economist).
* Karol Józef Wojtyla (Archbishop of Krakow, 1963-1978, Pope John Paul II, 1978-2005).
*Stefan Wyszyński (Primate of Poland, Cardinal, 1948-81).
* Reverend Monsignor (Wawrzyniec)Lawrence Wnuk (Protonotary Apostolic).Assassins
Leon Czolgosz ,Anarchist assassin of U.S. PresidentWilliam McKinley
*Ignacy Hryniewiecki , assassin ofTsar Alexander II of Russia
*Eligiusz Niewiadomski , modernist painter, art critic, assassin of Polish PresidentGabriel Narutowicz Miscellaneous
George Adamski , controversial ufologist
*Florian Ceynowa , Kashubian activist
*Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz , the first woman to sail single-handed (i.e. solo) around the world
*Franciszek Czapek , watchmaker
*Michał Drzymała
*Piotr Gawryś , contract bridge champion
*Wincenty Gostkowski , watchmaker
*Piotr Iwanicki , wheelchair dancing world champion
*Marek Kamiński , adventure traveller
*Adam Michnik , journalist
*Piotr Naszarkowski , engraver
*Stefan Ossowiecki ,psychic
*Anthony Radziwill , U.S. news journalist/producer (nephew ofJohn F. Kennedy )
*Włodzimierz Waloc Trubecki , prince
*Wilfrid Michael Voynich , bibliophile
* Arkadiusz Weremczuk a.k.a. Arkadius (Ukrainian-Polish) fashion designer
*Warren Winiarski , California winemaker
*Magdalena Wróbel , modelLegendary persons
John of Kolno ("Jan z Kolna", "Johannes Scolnus" or "Scolvus"), semi-legendary explorer and discoverer of America before Columbus (1476).
*Pan Twardowski , semi-legendary Faust-like sorcerer; in Polish legend, the first man on the Moon.
*Janek Wiśniewski , freedom fighter, hero of 1970Gdynia riots.Fiction characters
* Captain William Joseph "B.J." Blazkowicz fromWolfenstein 3D
* Waldemar Daninsky, wolfman from La Marca del Hombre Lobo
* Nicodemus Dyzma (inTadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz 's novel, "The Career of Nicodemus Dyzma ").
* Dr Judym (inStefan Żeromski 's novel, "Homeless People").
* Florentyna Kane from "The Prodigal Daughter " and "Shall We Tell the President? "
*Commander Keen , grandson of B.J. Blazkowicz
*Hans Kloss (Captain Kloss),WW II secret agent from Polish TV serial "More Than Life at Stake"
*Funky Koval , space detective
*Stanley Kowalski of the play "A Streetcar Named Desire"
*Koziołek Matołek (Matołek the Billy-Goat) is a fictional character created by Kornel Makuszyński (story) and Marian Walentynowicz (art) in one of the first and most famous Polish comics back in 1933
* Magneto,mutant (Marvel Comics)
* Mike Nomad (with Steve Roper), an American adventure comic strip (1936 - 2004)
* from
* Abel Rosnovski from "Kane and Abel"
*Pan Samochodzik , a fictional adventurer byZbigniew Nienacki
* Sasquatch (Dr. Walter Langkowski), Marvel superhero
*Walter Sobchak , the "Polish Catholic" from the film "The Big Lebowski "
*Silk Spectre I & II, superheroines fromWatchmen
* Stanislau fromBlackhawk (comics) , ace pilot
*Tytus, Romek i A'Tomek , Polishcomic book heroes
*Walter Koskiusko Waldowski , the "Painless Pole" inMASH (film)
*Miś Uszatek , cartoon character
*Konrad Wallenrod (poem) byAdam Mickiewicz
*John Paul Wiggin (Jan Paweł Wieczorek) fromEnder's Game series
* Stanisław Wokulski (inBolesław Prus ' novel, "The Doll").
*Piotr Zak , fictional composer from a spoofBBC documentary
* Sophie Zawistowski from "Sophie's Choice", a novel byWilliam Styron and a film byAlan J. Pakula .
*The Witcher , fantasy hero by Sapkowskiports
"see also:
list of Polish sports players "Track and field
Andrzej Badeński , sprinter
*Jerzy Chromik , athlete
*Teresa Ciepły , sprinter
*Marian Foik , sprinter
*Halina Górecka , sprinter
*Piotr Haczek , track athlete
*Barbara Janiszewska , sprinter
*Ewa Kłobukowska , sprinter
*Władysław Komar ,shot putter
*Halina Konopacka ,discus thrower
*Robert Korzeniowski , racewalker
*Władysław Kozakiewicz ,pole vaulter
*Elżbieta Krzesińska ,long jumper
*Zdzisław Krzyszkowiak , athlete
*Wacław Kuchar , athlete
*Janusz Kusociński , athlete
*Maria Kwaśniewska ,javelin throw er
*Tomasz Majewski , shot putter
*Piotr Małachowski , discus thrower
*Wiesław Maniak , sprinter
* Bronisław Malinowski, athlete
*Józef Noji , athlete
*Wanda Panfil , athlete
*Artur Partyka ,high jumper
*Edmund Piątkowski , discus thrower
*Marek Plawgo , athlete
*Monika Pyrek , pole vaulter
*Anna Rogowska , pole vaulter
*Tadeusz Rut ,hammer throw er
*Piotr Rysiukiewicz , sprinter
*Janusz Sidło , javelin thrower
*Kamila Skolimowska , hammer thrower
*Irena Szewińska , sprinter
*Józef Szmidt ,triple jumper
*Tadeusz Ślusarski , pole vaulter
*Jadwiga Wajs , discus thrower
*Stanisława Walasiewicz , sprinter
* Jan Werner, sprinter
*Jacek Wszoła , high jumper
*Kazimierz Zimny , athlete
*Szymon Ziółkowski , hammer throwerBoxing
Tomasz Adamek
*Aleksy Antkiewicz
*Zygmunt Chychła
*Leszek Drogosz
*Charley Goldman (International BoxingHall of fame )
*Andrzej Gołota
*Janusz Gortat
*Józef Grudzień
*Marian Kasprzyk
*Jerzy Kulej
*Dariusz Michalczewski
*Zbigniew Pietrzykowski
*Jerzy Rybicki
*Feliks Stamm , coach
*Jan Szczepański
*Janusz Zarenkiewicz Chess
Arnold Aurbach
*Zdzisław Belsitzmann
*Agnieszka Brustman
*Oscar Chajes
*Josef Cukierman
*Hieronim Czarnowski
*Moshe Czerniak
*Arthur Dake
*Dawid Daniuszewski
*Arthur Dunkelblum
*Hanna Ereńska
*Samuel Factor
*Alexander Flamberg
*Henryk Friedman
*Paulino Frydman
*Regina Gerlecka
*Róża Herman
* Krystyna Hołuj-Radzikowska
*Dawid Janowski
*Max Judd
*Henrijeta Konarkowska-Sokolov
*Michał Krasenkow
*Adam Kuligowski
*Salo Landau
*Edward Lasker
*Paul Saladin Leonhardt
*Grigory Levenfish
*Moishe Lowtzky
* Bartłomiej Macieja
*Kazimierz Makarczyk
*Stasch Mlotkowski
*Piotr Murdzia
*Miguel Najdorf
*Edmund Nash
*Menachem Oren
*Julius Perlis
*Jusefs Petkevich
*Kazimierz Plater
*Ignatz von Popiel
*Artur Popławski
*Dawid Przepiórka
*Teodor Regedziński
*Samuel Reshevsky
*Samuel Rosenthal
*Gersz Rotlewi
*Akiba Rubinstein
*Gersz Salwe
* Włodzimierz Schmidt
*Stanislaus Sittenfeld
*Franciszek Sulik
*Bogdan Śliwa
*Savielly Tartakower
*Jean Taubenhaus
*Vitaly Tseshkovsky
*Szymon Winawer
*Aleksander Wojtkiewicz
*Daniel Yanofsky
*Johannes Zukertort
*Adolf Zytogorski Fencing
Zbigniew Czajkowski
*Danuta Dmowska
* Egon Franke
*Sylwia Gruchała
*Roman Kantor
* Edward Korfanty
* Ryszard Parulski
*Jerzy Pawłowski
* Witold Woyda
*Wojciech Zabłocki Ice hockey
Wayne Gretzky Canadian ice hockey player of polish decent
*Mariusz Czerkawski
*Mike Komisarek
*Ed Olczyk
*Krzysztof Oliwa
*Peter Sidorkiewicz
*Pete Stemkowski
*Wojtek Wolski kiing
Bronisław Czech
*Wojciech Fortuna ,ski jumper
*Adam Małysz , ski jumper
* Jan Marusarz, brother ofStanisław Marusarz and fellow Olympian;Krystyna Skarbek 'sWorld War II escort on skis across theTatra Mountains fromHungary toPoland
*Stanisław Marusarz , ski jumperFootball (Soccer)
Zygmunt Anczok , defender
*Zbigniew Boniek , midfielder
*Artur Boruc , goalkeeper
*Gerard Cieślik , midfielder
*Lesław Ćmikiewicz , midfielder
*Kazimierz Deyna , midfielder
*Jerzy Dudek , goalkeeper
*Robert Gadocha , attacker
*Jerzy Gorgoń , defender
*Kazimierz Górski , coach
*Paweł Janas , defender, coach
*Józef Kałuża , attacker, coach
*Henryk Kasperczak , midfielder, coach
*Miroslav Klose , (Polish-German) attacker
*Józef Klotz , defender
*Tomasz Kuszczak , goalkeeper
*Grzegorz Lato , attacker
*Włodzimierz Lubański , attacker
*Stefan Majewski , defender, coach
*Józef Młynarczyk , goalkeeper
*Erwin Nyc , midfielder
*Ryszard Piec , midfielder
*Antoni Piechniczek , coach
*Lukas Podolski , (Polish-German) attacker
*Ernest Pohl , attacker
*Fryderyk Scherfke , midfielder
*Euzebiusz Smolarek , attacker
*Włodzimierz Smolarek , midfielder
*Grzegorz Szamotulski , goalkeeper
*Andrzej Szarmach , attacker
*Władysław Szczepaniak , defender
*Piotr Świerczewski , midfielder
*Jan Tomaszewski , goalkeeper
*Krzysztof Warzycha , attacker
*Gerard Wodarz , attacker
*Ernest Wilimowski , attacker
*Łukasz Załuska , goalkeeper
*Władysław Żmuda , defenderwimming
Katarzyna Baranowska
*Otylia Jędrzejczak
*Bartosz Kizierowski
*Michael Klim
*Paweł Korzeniowski
*Sławomir Kuczko
*Mariusz Podkościelny
*Mateusz Sawrymowicz
*Rafał Szukała
*Artur Wojdat Weightlifting
Waldemar Baszanowski
*Marcin Dołęga
*Szymon Kołecki
*Mieczysław Nowak
* Ireneusz Paliński
*Agata Wróbel
*Marian Zieliński Others
Leszek Blanik ,gymnastics
*Janusz Centka , soaring
*Wojciech Fibak ,tennis
*Anni Friesinger ,speed skater
*Tomasz Gollob ,motorcycle speedway
*Andrzej Grubba ,table tennis
*Sebastian Janikowski ,American football
* Jadwiga Jędrzejowska,tennis
*Sebastian Kawa , soaring
*Rafał Kubacki ,judo
*Robert Kubica ,auto racing
*Mateusz Kusznierewicz ,sailing
*Waldemar Legień ,judo
*Jerzy Makula ,glider aerobatics
*Dan Marino ,American football
*Piotr Markiewicz ,canoeing
*Bill Mazeroski ,baseball
*Paweł Nastula ,judo
*Aneta Pastuszka ,canoeing
*Mariusz Pudzianowski , strongman
*Ivan Putski ,professional wrestler
*Agnieszka Radwanska ,tennis
*Urszula Radwanska ,tennis
*Elwira Seroczyńska ,speed skater
*Tomasz Sikora ,biathlete
*Paul Slowinski ,Muay Thai
*Roger Verey , rowing
*Piotr Wadecki ,cycling
*Bogdan Wenta , handball
*Jerzy Wojnar ,luge
*Sobiesław Zasada ,auto racing
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.