- List of Scientologists
A Scientologist is a follower of the doctrines and beliefs of
Scientology . [cite book
last =Urdang | first =Laurence | coauthors =Anne Ryle, Tanya H. Lee | title =-Ologies & -Isms | publisher =Gale Research Co. | date =1986 | pages =502 | isbn = 0810311968]Eileen Barker writes in "New Religious Movements: Challenge and Response" that theChurch of Scientology considers any individual who has taken at least one Scientology course to be a Scientologist. [cite book | last =Wilson | first =Bryan R.; Jamie Cresswell (editors) | title =New Religious Movements: Challenge and Response | publisher =Routledge | date =1999 | pages =Page 18 | isbn =0415200504 |quote=Being familiar with the phrase 'Once a Catholic, always a Catholic', we should not be surprised that the Church of Scientology considers all those who have ever done one of their courses to be a Scientologist, and counts them as such even if they have not been in touch with the movement for years - even, presumably, if they are among the movement's most virtiolic opponents. -Eileen Barker ] The following is an incomplete list of notable past and present Scientologists.Church officials
David Miscavige , [cite news | last =Tobin | first =Thomas C. | title =The man behind Scientology: David Miscavige, the seldom-seen leader of the church, comes forth in his first newspaper interview to talk of a more peaceful time for Scientology | work =St. Petersburg Times | date =October 25, 1998 | url =http://www.sptimes.com/TampaBay/102598/scientologypart1.html | accessdate = 2008-06-23 ] chairman of the board,Religious Technology Center
*Heber Jentzsch , [cite news | last =Donahue | first =Ann | title =From Las Vegas lounge singer to Scientology leader | work =Los Angeles Business Journal | date = July 19, 1999 ] president, Church of Scientology International
*Kurt Weiland , director of external affairs,Office of Special Affairs , and director,Church of Scientology International [cite news | last =Fisher | first =Marc
title =Church in Cyberspace: Its Sacred Writ Is on the Net. Its Lawyers Are on the Case | work =The Washington Post | page =C1, C5 | publisher =The Washington Post Company | date =August 19, 1995 ]
*Karin Pouw , spokeswoman, [cite web|url=http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,23066394-5001021,00.html|title=Is Scientologist Tom Cruise out of control |work=The Daily Telegraph |publisher=News Limited|accessdate=2008-06-02|date=January 17, 2008|last=Boshoff|first=Alison] director of public affairs forChurch of Scientology International , [cite web|url=http://www.thestar.com/article/302880|title=German administrative court upholds government's right to observe Church of Scientology|work=Toronto Star |publisher=www.thestar.com|accessdate=2008-06-02|date=February 12, 2008|last=Eddy|first=Melissa (Associated Press )] and member ofOffice of Special Affairs (OSA)cite web|url=http://www.rickross.com/reference/scientology/scien199.html|title=Report Urges Dissolution of Scientology Church in France - Europe: Panel calls group a danger to the public and a threat to national security|work=Los Angeles Times |publisher=copy of article hosted at www.rickross.com|date=February 29, 2000|last=Dahlburg|first=John-Thor]
*Leisa Goodman , [cite news | last =Rubin | first =Joel | title =District Scrambles to Ensure Human Rights Event Is Religion-Free; Officials were unaware of Scientology's role in the international forum at Jordan High in Watts | work =Los Angeles Times | page =B4 | date =October 1, 2005 ] Human Rights Director, Church of Scientology International
* Tommy Davis,cite book|last =Morton| first =Andrew| authorlink =Andrew Morton (writer)| title =| publisher =St. Martin's Press | date =2008| location =New York | pages =243, 317, 318| isbn =0312359861 ] cite news | last =Derakhshani | first =Tirdad | title =Cruise camp: sorry about Shields | work =The Philadephia Inquirer | date =2006-08-26 ] cite news | last =Staff | title =Tom 'Incensed' Sumner's Wife | work =New York Post | page =14 | publisher =N.Y.P. Holdings, Inc. | date =2006-08-25 ] spokesman and director ofCelebrity Centre International, Los Angeles
*John Carmichael, [cite web|url=http://www.beliefnet.com/story/189/story_18985.html|title=Rev. John Carmichael, Church of Scientology, Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, silent birth, L. Ron Hubbard|publisher=Beliefnet, Inc.|work=Beliefnet |accessdate=2008-06-06|date=April 18, 2006|last=Chasan|first=Alice] president of the Church of Scientology in New York
*Michelle Stith , [cite news | last = Staff | title = Dollars and sense: Bloggers take on costs of Scientology | work =Bakersfield Californian | date = August 6, 2005 ] president of Church of Scientology of Los Angeles branch
*David Gaiman , Scientology spokesman, [cite news | last =Lewis | first =Anthony | title =Britain Curbs Activities of Cult of Scientologists; Refuses to Admit Americans Known to Be Followers Minister of Health Declares Group Socially Harmful | work =The New York Times | publisher =The New York Times Company | date =August 1, 1968 ] former public relations director of Scientology in England [cite book | last =Cooper | first =Paulette | authorlink =Paulette Cooper | title =The Scandal of Scientology | publisher =Tower Publications | date =1971 | pages = [http://www.factnet.org/Books/ScandalOfScientology/sos-app.html Appendix - The Scientologist's Story] ]Former church officials
L. Ron Hubbard , [cite news | coauthors = author = Joel Sappell and Robert W. Welkos | url = http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-scientology062490,1,4817487.story | title = The Mind Behind the Religon | work = Los Angeles Times | date =1990-06-24 | accessdate = 2008-05-21 ] founder (deceased 1986)
*Mary Sue Hubbard [cite news|url=http://www.sptimes.com/TampaBay/102598/scientologypart3.html|title=The man behind scientology|last=Tobin|first=Thomas C.|date=1998-10-25 |work=St. Petersburg Times (Florida)|publisher=Times Publishing Company |pages=3|accessdate=2008-06-01] (deceased 2002)
*Mark Rathbun , [cite web|url=http://www.xenu.net/archive/rtc/
title=Operation Clambake presents: Marty and Warren's Excellent Adventure - Mark C. "Marty" Rathbun's name comes up as an executive of various arms of the Church of Scientology over the past 25 years or more. At least, it used to.|publisher=www.xenu.net|work=Operation Clambake |accessdate=2008-06-02] [cite web|url=http://www.sptimes.com/News/022300/TampaBay/Church_member_s_death.shtml|title=Tampabay: Church member's death now called accident|publisher=www.sptimes.com|work=St. Petersburg Times |accessdate=2008-06-02|date=February 23, 2000|last=Tobin|first=Thomas C.] former inspector general of theReligious Technology Center (removed from church web pages September 2005)
*Mike Rinder , former executive director ofOffice of Special Affairs International (OSA)cite news| last =Cook| first =John| title =Scientology - Cult Friction: After an embarrassing string of high-profile defection and leaked videos, Scientology is under attack from a faceless cabal of online activists. Has America's most controversial religion finally met its match?| work =Radar Online| publisher =Radar Magazine| date =March 17, 2008| url =http://radarmagazine.com/from-the-magazine/2008/03/scientology_anonymous_protests_tom_cruise_01.php | accessdate =2008-03-20]Notable Scientologists
Kirstie Alley ,cite news | first = Janet | last = Reitman | url = http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/9363363/inside_scientology | title = Inside Scientology | work =Rolling Stone | date =2006-02-23 | accessdate= 2006-06-28] cite news | first=Joel | last=Sappell | coauthors= Welkos, Robert W. | url=http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-scientology062590b,1,279442.story?coll=la-news-comment | title=The Courting of Celebrities| work=Los Angeles Times | page=A18:5 | date=1990-06-25 | accessdate=2006-08-06 ( [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Library/Shelf/la90/la90-2c.html convenience link] )] actress
*Anne Archer , actress (her son, Tom Davis, runs the Los AngelesCelebrity Centre )
*Jennifer Aspen , [cite news | last =Staff | title =Jennifer Aspen and David O'Donnell marry | work =UPI NewsTrack | publisher =United Press International | date =September 3, 2006 ] actressB
James Stacy Barbour , [cite news | last =Lemire | first =J | title =Teenage Cutie & 'The Beast'. B'Way Star, 39, Hit In Sex Bust | work =New York Daily News | date =December 6, 2006 |url=http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2006/12/06/2006-12-06_teenage_cutie__the_beast_bway_star_39_hi.html|accessdate=2008-06-23] Broadway actor
*Lynsey Bartilson ,cite news | last =Eddy | first =Steve | title =People - Scientologists throw a 35th-birthday bash | work =The Orange County Register | date =August 10, 2004 ] actress, raised Scientologist
*Beck , musician, raised Scientologist
*Catherine Bell ,cite journal | last = Kent | first = Stephen A. | authorlink = Stephen A. Kent | year = 2001 | month = January | title = The French and German versus American Debate over 'New Religions', Scientology, and Human Rights | journal = Marburg Journal of Religion | volume = 6 | issue = 1 | url = http://web.uni-marburg.de/religionswissenschaft/journal/mjr/kent2.html | accessdate = 2006-08-06 ] actress
*Karen Black , [cite news | last = Hampson | first = Sarah | title = Like a kid in a candy store | pages = R3 | publisher = The Globe and Mail | date = 2006-12-30 | url = http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20061230.HAMPSON30/TPStory/Entertainment | accessdate = 2007-01-11 ] actress
*Sonny Bono ,cite news | first = Richard | last = Behar | url = http://time-proxy.yaga.com/time/archive/preview/0,10987,972865,00.html?internalid=ACA | title = The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power | work = Time | date =1991-05-06 | accessdate= 2006-06-27] musician and member ofU.S. House of Representatives (R-Palm Springs) (deceased 1998)C
* Nancy Cartwright,cite news | first = Jonathan | last = Leggett | author = Jonathan Leggett | url = http://arts.guardian.co.uk/features/story/0,,1739025,00.html | title = Cult musicians: Scientology has long been regarded as 'a Hollywood thing', but as Isaac Hayes cooks up a storm and quits his role as South Park's Chef, Jonathan Leggett reveals other musical followers | work =
The Guardian | publisher = Guardian Newspapers Limited | date =2006-03-25 | accessdate = 2008-06-23] voice-over actress
*Kate Ceberano , [cite web| url=http://www.abc.net.au/tv/enoughrope/transcripts/s917578.htm|title=interview on ABC TVAustralia| accessdate= 2006-08-06] actress and musician
*Erika Christensen , actress, raised Scientologist
*Jeff Conaway , [cite news | last =Inside Edition | title =Jeff Conaway Credits Scientology For Rehab Success | work =The Huffington Post | date =February 29, 2008
url =http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/02/29/jeff-conaway-credits-scie_n_89257.html | accessdate = 2008-06-25 ] actor
*Chick Corea , musician
*Tom Cruise , actorD
Bodhi Elfman , [cite news |title=Opposite Daffy - Jenna Elfman Ducks the Notion of Easy Laughs |work=Buffalo News |date=November 21, 2003] [cite book |last=Laufenberg |first=Norbert B. |title=Entertainment Celebrities |publisher=Trafford Publishing |date=2005 |pages=Page 206 |isbn=1412053358] [cite news |title=Comedy and Clout Define Actress' New Life |work=Miami Herald |date=February 27, 1998] [cite news |last=Strauss |first=Gary |title =Stars unleash their passion: What happens when a Hollywood star spouts off about religion? |work=USA Today |publisher=Gannett Co. Inc. |date=July 4, 2005 |url=http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/2005-07-04-celebs-religion_x.htm |accessdate=2008-02-25] actor
*Jenna Elfman , actress
*Richard Elfman ,cite news | last =Friedman | first =Roger | title =Tom Cruise Finally Meets His Match | work =FOX News | publisher =FOX News Network, LLC | date =June 26, 2007 | url =http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,286707,00.html?sPage=fnc/entertainment/cruise | accessdate = 2008-06-23 ] writer and directorF
Doug E. Fresh , musician and actorG
Kenton Gray , [cite news | last =Haug | first =Jim | title =Race car 'logical' step for Scientology | work =Daytona Beach News-Journal | page =01A | publisher =The News-Journal Corporation | date =June 8, 2006 ] car and motorcycle race driverH
Paul Haggis , [cite news | title =The silence of cruise's 'sinister' Cult | work =Irish Independent | date =January 26, 2008 ] director, Academy Award winner
*Isaac Hayes , musician and actor (deceased 2008)
*Katie Holmes , [cite news | last =World Entertainment News Network | title =Tom Cruise Says Baby Will Be a Scientologist | work =Starpulse | publisher =Starpulse.com | date =April 14, 2006 | url =http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2006/04/14/tom_cruise_says_baby_will_be_a_scientolo | accessdate = 2008-09-26 ] actress (raised Catholic), introduced to Scientology byTom Cruise while they were dating.
*Nicky Hopkins ,cite book | last = Corydon | first = Bent | coauthors = L. Ron Hubbard, Jr. | year = 1987 | title = | publisher = Lyle Stuart | location = Secaucus, New Jersey | id = ISBN 0-8184-0444-2 Convenience link at http://www.clambake.org/archive/books/mom/Messiah_or_Madman.txt .] musician (deceased 1994)I
Kimberley Kates , actress
*Milton Katselas , [cite web | first = Mark | last = Oppenheimer | title = The Actualizer | url = http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/15/magazine/15Katselas-t.html?_r=1&oref=slogin&pagewanted=all | work = | publisher =New York Times | date =2007-07-15 | accessdate = 2008-01-16 ] acting teacher
*Chaka Khan , singerL
* Jason Lee, actor
* Geoffrey Lewis,cite news | first = Paul | last = Freeman | url = http://www.redwoodcitydailynews.com/article/2007-11-30-lewis-and-licks | title = Juliette Lewis gets her kicks with Licks: Actress turned rock star is loving her | work = Redwood City Daily News | date =2007-11-30 | accessdate = 2008-05-25 ] [cite news | last =Meyer | first =Carla | title =Juliette Lewis Is All Grown Up: Actress moves beyond her intense, troubled image | work =San Francisco Chronicle | publisher =Hearst Communications Inc. | date =September 3, 2000 | url =http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article/article?f=/c/a/2000/09/03/PK78825.DTL | accessdate = 2008-06-23] actor
*Juliette Lewis , actressM
Christopher Masterson , [cite news | last =Fink | first =Mitchell | coauthors =Alissa MacMillan | title =Scientology Soiree | work =New York Daily News | date =July 30, 2001 | url =http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/gossip/2001/07/30/2001-07-30_janet_jackson_s_prenup_hiccup.html | accessdate =2008-06-23 ] actor, raised Scientologist
*Danny Masterson ,cite news | last =Shaviv | first =Miram A. | title =The Passion of the Cruise | work =The Jerusalem Post | page =24 | date =June 28, 2007] actor
*Lisa McPherson , [cite web | first = Lucy | last = Morgan | title = McPherson's death incites Web protests | url = http://www.sptimes.com/TampaBay/111498/McPherson_s_death_inc.html | work=St. Petersburg Times | date =1998-11-14 | accessdate = 2008-06-23 ] American woman whose death has been a source of controversy for Scientology
*Jim Meskimen , [cite news | last =Tobin | first =Thomas C. | title =Battlefield of dreams: L. Ron Hubbard said he didn't want his science-fiction work to be a press release for the church he founded. Nevertheless, the connections between Battlefield Earth and Scientology are worth noting | work =St. Petersburg Times | date =May 12, 2000 | url =http://www.sptimes.com/News/051200/news_pf/Floridian/Battlefield_of_dreams.shtml | accessdate = 2008-06-23 ] actor and improviser
*Julia Migenes , opera singer
*Sofia Milos , [cite news | url = http://www.dailylobo.com/media/storage/paper344/news/2004/10/12/Culture/Tv.Actress.To.Discuss.Scientology-750298.shtml?norewrite200607051803&sourcedomain=www.dailylobo.com | title = TV actress to discuss scientology | work = Daily Lobo (student newspaper ofUniversity of New Mexico ) | date =2004-10-12 | accessdate = 2006-07-05 ] actressN
Haywood Nelson , [cite news | last =Christian | first =Margena A. | title =Where is … the cast of 'What's Happening'? | work =Jet | publisher =Johnson Publishing Co.; Gale, Cengage Learning | date =October 15, 2007 | url =http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1355/is_15_112/ai_n27413154 | accessdate = 2008-06-29 ] actor
*Marisol Nichols , actress
*Judy Norton Taylor , [cite news | last =Mouland | first =Bill | title =Good night? Not quite | work =The Sunday Mail | page =56 | publisher =Nationwide News Pty Limited | date =July 21, 2002 ] actressP
Eduardo Palomo , [cite news | last =Morales | first =Magaly (Tribune Media Services) | title =Busy, popular actor Eduardo Palomo gone too soon | work =Houston Chronicle | page =7 | date =November 23, 2003 ] [cite news | last =Aguila | first =Justino | title =Actor Eduardo Palomo mourned: The popular leading man in Mexican television and movies died suddenly at 41 | work =The Orange County Register | date =November 11, 2003 ] actor
*Michael Peña , actor
*Laura Prepon , actress
*Priscilla Presley , [cite news | last =Tobin | first =Thomas C. | title =Kirstie Alley buys Presley mansion: Public records indicate that Alley, who bought the house May 1, will use it for a second home | work =St. Petersburg Times | date =May 17, 2000 | url =http://www.sptimes.com/News/051700/NorthPinellas/Kirstie_Alley_buys_Pr.shtml | accessdate =2008-06-23 ] actress
*Lisa Marie Presley ,cite news | last =Shaw | first =William | title =The Science of Celebrity: Religion to Non-Believers, It Seems Barmy. But to the Faithful, Like John Travolta and Tom Cruise, Scientology is Life-Affirming, Empowering and the Secret of Their Success. What Do They Know That We Don't? William Shaw Reports | work =The Sunday Telegraph | page =26 | date =February 17, 2008 ] singer
*Kelly Preston , actress and John Travolta's wife [cite news|url=http://www.reuters.com/article/televisionNews/idUSN1636166120080516|title=Kelly Preston fired up for HBO suburban satire|work=Reuters |publisher=reuters.com|date=March 16, 2008|accessdate=2008-06-02|last=Reuters/Hollywood Reporter]
*Lee Purcell , actressR
Leah Remini , actress
*Giovanni Ribisi , actor
*Marissa Ribisi , actress raised Scientologist
*Michael D. Roberts , actor
*Ruddy Rodriguez , [cite news | last =Cohen | first =David | title =Tom's Alien Target | work =Evening Standard | date =October 23, 2006 ] cite news | last =Didcock | first =Barry | title =Hubbard Love Cover Story: Inside the Church of Scientology Barry Didcock puts his scepticism aside and goes in search of the truth behind one of the world's most controversial religions | work =The Sunday Herald | date =February 18, 2007 ] actress*
Pablo Santos , [cite news | last =Rush | first =George | coauthors =Joanna Molloy, Kasia Anderson, Suzanne Rozdeba | title =Scientology turns 33 | work =New York Daily News | page =20 | publisher =Daily News, L.P. | date =July 31, 2002 ] actor
*Billy Sheehan ,cite news | last =Washington Post News Service | title =Bart Simpsons's 'Voice' Talks About Belief In Scientology | work =The Press of Atlantic City | page =B5 | date =December 17, 1994 ] rock bassist
*David Singer , [cite news | last =Koff | first =Stephen | title =Chiropractors seeking advice find Scientology-influenced seminars | work =St. Petersburg Times | page =1B | date =November 29, 1987 | url =http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/sptimes/access/50162617.html?dids=50162617:50162617&FMT=FT&FMTS=ABS:FT | accessdate = 2008-06-24 ] chiropractor, Management by Statistics consultant
*Reed Slatkin , [cite web|url=http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/Retirementandwills/Createaplan/P124450.asp |title=The Basics: 7 reasons to fire your financial adviser |accessdate= 2006-08-05 |author=Liz Pulliam Weston |work= MSN Money |publisher=Microsoft] criminalPonzi scheme perpetrator
*Michelle Stafford , actress
*Ethan Suplee , actorT
Greta Van Susteren ,cite news | last =Staff | title =Scientology: A Star-Studded Sect | work =ABC News | publisher =ABC | url =http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/popup?id=1882601&contentIndex=1&start=false&page=1 | accessdate = 2008-06-23 ] television show hostW
Former Scientologists
Adi Da (Franklin Jones ), [cite book | last =Samraj | first =Adi Da | authorlink =Adi Da | title =The Knee of Listening: The Life and Understanding of Franklin Jones | publisher =Franklin Jones | date =1971 | pages = [http://www.beezone.com/AdiDa/KneeofListening/book/chapter12.html Chapter 12: The Search for Release From the Mind: Scientology] ] spiritual teacher
*Jason Beghe , [cite web | last =Bunker, Mark | title =Jason Beghe Interview | work =The Wog Blog from Xenu TV | date =April 21, 2008 | url =http://xenutv.wordpress.com/2008/04/21/jason-beghe-interview/ | accessdate =2008-09-26 ] [cite web | first = Roger | last = Friedman | title = Star Exits Scientology | url = http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,351287,00.html | work = | publisher =FOX News | date =2008-04-14 | accessdate = 2008-04-15 ] actor
*Mary Bono , [cite news|title=Proud Mary Bono|work=George Magazine|date=August 1999|last=Bardach|first=Ann] widow ofSonny Bono (took classes in 1989 and 1990)
*Kate Bornstein , [cite news | last =Bell | first =Shannon | title =Kate Bornstein: A Transgender Transsexual Postmodern Tiresias | work =CTheory | page =a019 | date =October 20, 1994 | url =http://www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=61 | accessdate = 2008-09-26 ]transgender author, playwright, performance artist and gender theorist
*Stephen Boyd ,cite book | last =Malko | first =George | title = | publisher =Delacorte Press | date =1970 | pages =6-7] actor
*John Brodie , [cite news | last =Murphy | first =Brian | title =Profile: John Brodie - Spirited comeback - 49er legend relentlessly positive after stroke | work =San Francisco Chronicle | page =B1 | publisher =The Chronicle Publishing Co | date =January 4, 2004] cite news | first=Joel | last=Sappell | coauthors= Welkos, Robert W. | url=http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-scientology062590b,1,279442.story?coll=la-news-comment | title=The Courting of Celebrities| work=Los Angeles Times | page=A18:5 | date=1990-06-25 | accessdate=2006-08-06 Additional convenience link at [http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Library/Shelf/la90/la90-2c.html] .] football player
*William S. Burroughs , [cite book | last =Upton | first =Charles | title =Cracks in the Great Wall: UFOs and Traditional Metaphysics | publisher =Sophia Perennis | date =2005 | pages =7 | isbn =1597310247 ] author and poet
*Diana Canova , [cite news | last =Richardson | first =John H. | title =Catch a Rising Star: Scientology's membership boasts some of Hollywood's top talent, despite the most sinister reputation of any modern religion | work =Premiere | publisher =johnhrichardson.com | date =September 1, 1993 | url =http://johnhrichardson.com/html/catch_a_rising_star.html | accessdate = 2008-09-26 ] actress
*Leonard Cohen , [cite book | last =Ratcliff | first =Maurice | coauthors =Chris Charlesworth | title =The Complete Guide to the Music of Leonard Cohen | publisher =Omnibus Press | date =1999 | pages =37 | isbn = 0711975086] [cite news | last =Beam | first =Alex | title =Leonard Cohen has survived his own fame | work =The Boston Globe | page =D1 | date =August 23, 2000 ] [cite news | last =O'Connor | first =Rob | title =But seriously, folks, he wasn't trying to be depressing | work =The Star-Ledger | page =6 | date =March 9, 1997 ] singer
* Robert and Mary Anne de Grimston, [cite web | url = http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/Process.html | title = The Process | work = Religious Movements | author= Kathryn L. Duvall |publisher = University of Virginia | accessdate = 2006-07-15 ] founders of The Process Church of The Final Judgment
*Werner Erhard ,cite book | last = Lewis | first = James R. | authorlink = James R. Lewis | title = Odd Gods: New Religions and the Cult Controversy | publisher = Prometheus Books | date= 2001 | location =Amherst, New York | pages = 382-387 | isbn = 1573928429 ] cite book | last = Pressman | first = Steven | authorlink = Steven Pressman | title = | publisher =St. Martin's Press | date = 1993 | location =New York | pages = 25-26, 30-31| isbn = 0-312-09296-2] cite book | last = Cogswell | first = Betty E. | coauthors = Marvin B. Sussman | title = Family Medicine | publisher = Haworth Press | date = 1982 | pages = 190 | isbn = 0917724259 ] cite book | last = Stark | first = Rodney | coauthors = William Sims Bainbridge | title = The Future of Religion: Secularization, Revival, and Cult Formation | publisher = University of California Press | date = 1986 | pages = 182 | id = ISBN 0520057317] cite book | last = Lande | first = Nathaniel | title = Mindstyles, Lifestyles: A Comprehensive Overview of Today's Life-changing Philosophies | publisher = Price/Stern/Sloan | date = October 1976 | pages = 133, 135, 143 | isbn = 0843104147 ] cite book |last=Carroll |first=Robert Todd |title=The Skeptic's Dictionary |url=http://skepdic.com/est.html |accessdate=2006-08-07 |date=2003 |publisher=Wiley |id=ISBN 0-471-27242-6 |chapter=est and Werner Erhard ] founder of est
*Philip Gale , [cite news | last =Ebner, Mark | title =Death of a 'Nethead' | work =Hollywood, Interrupted | date =March 19, 2006 | url =http://www.hollywoodinterrupted.com/archives/death_of_a_nethead.phtml | accessdate = 2008-09-26 ] MIT student and primary developer ofEarthLink 's innovative ISP software; committedsuicide
* Robert Hunter, [cite book | last = Jackson | first = Blair | year = 1999 | title = Garcia: An American Life | publisher = Viking Adult |pages=62, 179 | id=ISBN 0-67-088660-2 ] lyricist
*Al Jarreau ,cite news | last =Kahn | first =Joseph P. | title =Scientollywood's A List | work =The Boston Globe | page =F5 | publisher =Globe Newspaper Company | date =March 15, 2006 |url=http://www.boston.com/ae/celebrity/articles/2006/03/15/scientollywoods_a_list/|accessdate=2008-06-25] singer
*Nicole Kidman , actress and former wife of Scientologist Tom Cruise
*Charles Manson ,cite book | last =Bugliosi | first =Vincent | authorlink =Vincent Bugliosi | coauthors =Curt Gentry | title = | publisher =W. W. Norton & Company | date =2001 | pages =200-202, 225, 300-301, 316, 318, 608, 610-611 | isbn =0393322238] cite news | last =Mallia | first =Joseph | title = Inside the Church of Scientology - Church wields celebrity clout | work =Boston Herald | page =30 | date =March 5, 1998 ] [cite news | first =Steven V. | last = Roberts | title = Charlie Manson, Nomadic Guru, Flirted With Crime in a Turbulent Childhood | work =New York Times | page = 84 | date =1969-12-07 ] studied Scientology and incorporated its doctrines in his teachings
*Demi Moore , actress
*Van Morrison , singer
*Vince Offer , [cite web|url=http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=109&STORY=/www/story/05-11-2004/0002171569&EDATE=|title=Filmmaker Sues Church of Scientology|publisher=www.prnewswire.com|work=PR Newswire |accessdate=2008-08-31|accessdate=2008-08-31] director ofThe Underground Comedy Movie and spokesman for Shamwow!
*James Packer , [cite news|url=http://www.smh.com.au/news/people/see-ya-tom-packer-quits-cruises-church/2008/05/09/1210131257772.html|title=See ya, Tom: Packer quits Cruise's church|publisher=smh.com.au|work=The Sydney Morning Herald |accessdate=2008-05-12|date=2008-05-10|last=Hornery|first=Andrew] the second richest man in Australia
*Dini Petty , [Citation | last = Saunders | first = John | last2 = Appleby | first2 = Timothy | title = Web not helping Scientology | newspaper = The Globe and Mail | pages = p. A4 | year = 1998 | date = 1998-01-20 ] Canadian television and radio host
*Christopher Reeve , [cite book | last = Reeve | first = Christopher | authorlink = Christopher Reeve | title = Nothing Is Impossible: Reflections on a New Life | edition = Hardcover | year = 2002 | month = September | publisher = Random House | isbn = 0375507787 | chapter = Religion] [cite news | last =Staff | title =Superman Christopher Reeve blasts Scientology | work =The Age | date =February 5, 2003] actor and director
*Mimi Rogers , [cite web | first = Boyd | last = Farrow | title = The A-listers' belief system | url = http://www.newstatesman.com/200508010024 | work = | publisher =New Statesman | date =2005-08-01 | accessdate = 2007-10-31 ] actress (former member; introduced Tom Cruise to Scientology)
*Jerry Seinfeld , [cite book | last = Oppenheimer | first = Jerry | year = 2002 | title = Seinfeld The Making of an American Icon | publisher = HarperCollins | chapter = Chapter 19 The Dianetics Kid | pages=113 | id=ISBN 0-06-018872-3 ] [cite news | last =Rensin | first =David | title =Interview Jerry Seinfeld | work =Playboy | date =October 1993 ] actor and comedian
*Patrick Swayze ,cite book | last =Bjorklund | first =Dennis A. | title =Toasting Cheers: An Episode Guide to the 1982-1993 Comedy Series, With Cast Biographies and Character Profiles | publisher =Praetorian Publishing | date =1997 | pages =22 | isbn = 0899509622] actoree also
Scientology and celebrities References
External links
;Church of Scientology sites
* [http://celebritycentre.org/ Scientology Celebrity Centre]
* [http://www.whatisscientology.org/html/part05/chp19/pg0308.html What Celebrities say about their religion]
*dmoz|Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Scientology/Church_of_Scientology/People/|Church of Scientology: People;Critical sites
* [http://home.snafu.de/tilman/faq-you/celeb.txt Scientology celebrities FAQ] (Tilman Hausherr ) — with documentation and references
* [http://www.scientology-kills.org/celebrities/celebrities.htm Celebrity listing] (scientology-kills.org)
* [http://www.truthaboutscientology.com/stats/by-name/ Truth About Scientology] Database of people who tried Scientology, from church publications
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