- Khulna University
name = Khulna University
image_size =80px
established =1991
type = Public,Coeducational
chancellor =Iajuddin Ahmed
vice_chancellor=Prof. Dr. Md. Saifuddin Shah [http://www.ku.ac.bd/vc/index.html]
city =Khulna
country =Bangladesh
website = [http://www.ku.ac.bd/ www.ku.ac.bd]Khulna University (KU) ( _bn. খুলনা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়) is a public university [ [http://www.ugc.gov.bd/universities.php University Grants Commission] ] situated at Gollamari,
Khulna ,Bangladesh , by the river Moyuree, beside the Khulna-Satkhira highway. It is one of the divisional public universities of Bangladesh. Khulna university has 16 disciplines under five school.History
The university came into being in 1987 in the name of University of Khulna; and the Khulna University Act was passed in the Bangladesh National Parliament in July 1990. [ [http://www.ku.ac.bd/ku/history_002.html History on Official Website] ] Accordingly the University started its journey through the inauguration of academic activities with only 80 students in four Disciplines on
25 November 1991 . Khulna University bears a distinct significance due to its location in a divisional headquarters, which is the third largest metropolitan city of Bangladesh. The Mongla Port and the Khalishpur Naval Base are also located in Khulna.Standing on the estuary of the Bhairab and the Rupsha rivers, the city that was established in 1884 now contains about 1.8 million people. It is also a divisional headquarters and location of the second international sea port, Mongla Port. The Sundarbans tropical mangrove forest and World Heritage site is a few hours by boat.
Aims and Objectives
* To impart technology-based and need oriented higher education befitting the age
* To generate the skilled based manpower in order to exploit, utilize and conserve available resources for sustainable development of the region and the country as a whole, keeping the process and impact of the globalization in mind
* To offer the quality education and to maintain the highest academic standard in line with the international standard of education
* To undertake fundamental and applied research in the relevant field of knowledge
* To produce capable manpower to contribute to fulfill the global demands by equitable participationInformation
The academic program of the University commenced in August 1991 with four disciplines: Computer Science and Engineering, Architecture, Business Administration, and Urban and Rural Planning. In the following year, Forestry and Wood Technology and Fisheries and Marine Resources Technology disciplines started their academic activities. Now there are sixteen disciplines under five schools. It is the only university in Bangladesh where student politics is not allowed. There is also no session jam which has created a stable facility of study.
The medium of instruction is English. The academic year lasts from July to June.
There are five schools in Khulna University which have 16 disciplines. They are as follows-· Science Engineering and Technology School · Life Science School· School of Management and Business Administration · School of Arts and Humanities· School of Social Science
cience, engineering and technology school
*Architecture [visit: http://www.ku.ac.bd/arch]
*Computer Science and Engineering(the second university to open this discipline in Bangladesh) [visit: http://www.cseku.ac.bd]
*Electronics and Communication Engineering (the first University to open this Discipline in Bangladesh)
*Urban and Rural PlanningLife science school
*Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering:
*Environmental Science
*Fisheries and Marine Resources Technology
*Forestry and Wood Technology
*Soil ScienceKhulna University was first to introduce multidisciplinary subjects in the field of life sciences. Integration of technological aspects in biological sciences for human welfare was prime concern. Each subject introduced was unique and first of its kind in Bangladesh. The students from the life science school are now doing well all over Bangladesh and abroad.
Management and business administration school
The discipline is the pioneer of introducing Business Administration study in Bangladesh. From the discipline 12 batches has already passed out and they are serving in all the leading corporate houses both at home and overseas.
*Business Administrationocial science school
*SociologyArts and humanities school
*English [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/2c/Ku-campus.jpg]
The university has bilateral program with
Asian Institute of Technology ,Bangkok ,Thailand .Disciplines of the university
*Agrotechnology (AT)
*Architecture Discipline (Arch)
*Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Discipline (BGE)
*Business Administration Discipline
*Computer Science And Engineering Discipline (CSE)
*Economics Discipline
*Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline (ECE)
*English Discipline
*Environmental Science Discipline (ES)
*Fisheries and Marine Resources Technology Discipline (FMRT)
*Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline (FWT)
*Mathematics Discipline
*Pharmacy Discipline
*Soil Science Discipline
*Sociology Discipline
*Urban and Rural Planning Discipline (URP)Agrotechnology (AT) Discipline
The sustainable development of Bangladesh is largely dependent on the balanced development of agriculture, which is the backbone of her economy. Manpower equipped with integrated knowledge in production, exploitation and conservation of agricultural resources as a whole is extremely essential for the country. In view of these Agrotechnology Discipline started its academic activities in 1996 with a production oriented course curriculum having provisions for field corps, horticultural crops, fisheries, agribusiness, livestock, agricultural extension as a whole integrated curriculum offering four years undergraduate course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. The Discipline has extended its academic platform and has already started enrolling students for MS in Agronomy.
Architecture Discipline
Architecture Discipline is one of the first four Disciplines opened at Khulna University, which formally launched its academic activities under SET School in 1991. The curriculum of Architecture Discipline aims at the highest degree of professionalism and provides the students with broad-based knowledge in various aspects of man, his society, his physical environment and the technological development round the world. The Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) program of the Discipline is designed for a period of five years, which is based on both theoretical and sessional works and strongly biased towards design and practice with due emphasis on learning through doing rather than through instructions.
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (BGE)Discipline
Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (the then Biotechnology) Discipline launched its academic activities in 1996 for the first time in the country in view of the universal applicability and usefulness of biotechnology in everyday life. The science and application of biotechnology has made tremendous strides, gaining ever increasing significance as a field of education and research through its important implications in the field of modern sciences. In 2003, the Discipline was renamed as "Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering" with a vision to improve quality of human life through Research and Development along with the applications of eco-friendly biotechnological and genetic engineering innovations. The Discipline is now offering four years professional B.Sc. degree in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering and one year MS degree in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering.Business Administration Discipline
The introduction of Business Administration Discipline at Khulna University in 1991 was the first ever institution in Bangladesh to offer a 4-year bachelor degree in Business Administration (BBA). The School is devoted to advance, promulgate and patronize formal business education, training and research. The school is committed for the development of management practices in the country as well as in the South Asian region. This commitment is reflected through its active participation in management development forums namely AMDIB (Association of Management Development Institutions of Bangladesh) and AMDISA (Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia ). The regular arrangement of Management Training Program for the Bangladesh Naval Officers since 1995 is the evidence that justifies the commitment. This school introduced regular MBA program in 2002. The School has also introduced the EMBA program at the beginning of the year 2005 to cater to the needs for the business executives of the region to be better equipped with the knowledge of business. The academic program such as, BBA, MBA and EMBA are designed to meet the present needs and responsibilities of business managers. The programs stress the practical orientation along with theoretical education, which are essential in today's market place where business is globalized.
Computer Science and Engineering Discipline
CSE discipline of KU is one of the earliest Computer science department in Bangladesh which has been successfully provided a good number of graduates through out the last decades. Student passed from this department are working all over the world in various international organaizations, research labs and universities. Every year a national seminar on information technology has been held in the university. Many national as well as International renowned faces participated the seminars. Various software fares have been held in the campus premises.
CSE discipline also runs the PGDIT (post graduate diploma in information technology) program.
Students of CSE has operated a computer club named CLUSTER. And CLUSTER arranged seminar, programming contest and published publication. The [http://www.cseku.org/ CSE KU alumni] is a social organization of the ex-students.
Economics Discipline
All developing countries are struggling to attain a better standard of living for their people. Bangladesh has already passed more than a quarter of a century since her independence. But the country still needs to go a long way to ensure a decent standard of living for the majority of its people. As a nation we are underdeveloped because our economic condition is weak. To be a developed nation we need to use our both natural and human resources properly. Only a trained economist can best contribute in this regard. Economics discipline of Khulna University was established to fulfill this requirement. The curriculum of this discipline has been framed by blending both theoretical and practical courses. The discipline is presently offering four years Bachelor of Social Science (Hons.) in Economics degree and two years Masters in Economics degree. The Discipline is committed to produce skilled professional economists who will be best suited to the challenging world of new millennium through teaching and research.
Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline
Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline was first offered in 1997 under School of Engineering and Technology (SET)of Khulna University. This discipline is the first of its kind in Bangladesh(i.e. It is the first discipline in Bangladesh that teaches Electronics mean of communication subjects as well as Electronics). Presently it is the top ranked discipline of this university.Fact|date=February 2007 Beside regular study curriculam it conducts a project fair every year at the world telecommunication day. The students bring their electronics based projects in the fair. Among them best ones are selected and rewarded. This discipline currently has a seminar library, a digital electronics lab, an electrical lab, a computer lab. Soon it will have a communication lab facility.
Major Courses in Electronics & Communication Engineering Discipline
Electronics:Basic Bipolar & Unipolar devices & circuits, Switching & Finite Automata Theory, Digital Electronics & Pulse Technique, Op-Amps & IC Technology, VLSI Technology, Television Engineering, Measurements & Electronics Instrumentation, Industrial Electronics, Control Theory.
Communication: Mobile Communication, Telecommunication Engineering, Opto-electronic Devices & Optical Communication, Electromagnetic Fields & Waves, Microwave Engineering, Analog Communication, Digital Communication, Radar & Satellite Communication, Digital Signal Processing, Linear System Analysis.
Computer:Computer Programming (C), Data Structures & Algorithms, Microprocessor, Computer Networking, Simulation & Modeling.
English Discipline
Khulna university is a technology-oriented university that has shortly included English Literature and Language in its curriculum. English Discipline came into existence in 1998, but the academic activities started from 1999. At the very beginning, university authority felt a necessity to establish a Language Centre to relish the curriculum needs of the students. Later, to give the efforts a full scale, English Discipline is brought into its existence. This discipline aims at the exalted study of culture, society and literature and the proper contribution to other discipline's courses. In Bangladesh, English Literature is a celebrated curriculum chosen by the students, and English Discipline of Khulna University has given a dimension to this study. This discipline is GPA-oriented, it maintains a very up-to-date curriculum, and tries to contribute through its theoratical basics.
Environmental Science (ES) Disciline
Environmental Science as an undergraduate teaching programme is relatively a new one in this country. Khulna University, in its pioneering attempt, opened this Discipline in 1997 and developed a multidimensional, interdisciplinary curriculum related with science, engineering and technologies as well as socio-economy and managerial aspects of environment. To achieve the objective for a holistic approach on teaching and research in the discipline, faculties have been drawn from diverse areas of knowledge and expertise. Such areas of expertise are physical, chemical and biological sciences, engineering and technology, socio-economics and management. The discipline offers four years undergraduate (Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science) and one and half years postgraduate (Master of Science in Environmental Science) degrees and recently started offering Ph.D. programme.
Fisheries and Marine Resources Technology Discipline
The greater Khulna region, the south west part of Banglasdesh has been characterised by a unique blend of aquatic habitats; fresh, brackish and marine waters supporting a wide diversity of biological and physical resources. Situated a few kilometres away from the Bay of Bengal this region is blessed with Sunderbans, the world largest mangrove forest crisscrossed by numerous creeks and canals.
Understanding the potential of such resources to the prospects of the country, the Fisheries and Marine Resources Technology Discipline was established in 1992 with a mandate to establish an avenue for research and academic programs in all aspects of fisheries for the first time in the country. Over the last fourteen years the FMRT Discipline has experienced substantial growth resulting in an international reputation for training and research in a number of areas, particularly with respect to coastal aquaculture and mangrove ecosystem.
The course followed in the Discipline is a multifaceted one having provisoins for education in biology, ecology, culture and post harvest fisheries. The course, in addition, involves socio-economics, statistics, GIS and remote sensing, computer application etc. The teaching staffs of the Discipline possess speacialised knowledge in the areas of fish biology, marine science, aquaculture, fisheries management, genetics and fish breeding, ecology, oceanography and post harvest technology. With all the expertise and facilities that have gone into formulating a balanced fisheries curriculum, the graduate of the FMRT Discipline themselves are worthy for the development of integrated and sustainable fisheries in the country. The Discipline has been on steady growth with manpower being trained from overseas and new facilities being added. Considering the demands of the sectors and having been attained the thresold of expert capabilities, the FMRT Discipline is now preparing to launch Ph.D. course in addition to B.Sc and M.S. ones currently being offered.
Though the principle aim of the Discipline is to carry on providing technically best qualified graduates in Fisheries and Marine Resources Technology, the inner vision is to make efforts for building this institution as a centre of excellence in the country. Throughout the world tyhis day, the keenest attraction has been given in the exploitation of the fisheries resources in the coastal and marine waters in a sustainable manner; the Discipline vows for taking future challenges with its courage and magnitude. [visit:http://www.fmrtku.org/] [visit:http://fmrt04.googlepages.com/]
Forestry and Wood Technology (FWT) Discipline
Forestry and Wood Technology (FWT) Discipline launched its academic activities in 1992 offering a four years Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Forestry and a one year Master of Science (MS) degree in Forestry with a balanced curriculum that imparts the students a broad-based knowledge on forestry to meet the future challenges of forestry and environmental issues of the country and the globe as a whole. In Bangladesh with high population pressure and rapidly declining forest resources, there is an urgent need to conserve environment and forest resources. For sustainability of the resources along with the maintenance of the environment, it is imperative to develop forest resources and ensure optimum utilization of the available resources. The Discipline is in close proximity to the world’s largest single tract mangrove forest, Sundarbans and the forest deficient northern region of the country where forest extension and social forestry programmes are increasingly realized. Given this geographic consideration, the specific mission of FWT Discipline in education and research stresses on mangrove forestry, social forestry, forest management, forest tree improvement and wood science and technology along with due and balanced thrust on core forestry areas.
Mathematics (Math) Discipline
The Mathematics (Math) Discipline was opened from the academic session 1998-99, offering four years undergraduate course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics, abbreviated as B.Sc. (Hon's) in Mathematics and Masters of Science in Applied Mathematics abbreviated as M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics.
Pharmacy (PHARM) Discipline
Most of the present day medicines are directly or indirectly obtained from plants of local origin and those of the Sundarbans, a large source of medicinal plants. Some of the reported medicinal plants enjoy their use in the herbal preparation. But most of the plants need to be scientifically evaluated. To this end, Pharmacy Discipline started its academic activities in 1997 under Life Science School offering a four years Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons.) degree with a aim of proper evaluation of the plants of medicinal value available in the mangrove forest as well as of medicinal plants in the native southern region.
oil Science (SS) Discipline
Started in 1999, Soil Science Discipline is the last discipline of Life Science School with a single domain, soil: the only irreplaceable resource of the earth. The course and curriculum of this Discipline were designed to provide its graduates a thorough knowledge in the field of Pedology, Soil Physics, Soil Chemistry, Soil Biochemistry, Soil Microbiology, Soil Ecology, Soil Mineralogy, Soil Survey, Land Evaluation, Soil Conservation, Sustainable Land use, Watershed Management, Irrigation & Drainage Technology, Groundwater Hydrology, Agronomy, Soil Fertility, Plant Nutrition, and Soil Management. Thus, the discipline has a promise to produce competent graduates to face future challenges of utilization, conservation and management of this resource. Currently the Discipline offers four years undergraduate programme leading to the B. Sc. (Hons.) in Soil Science degree.
ociology Discipline
Sociology has become an integral part of teaching in all areas of knowledge, as it is established that knowledge about society is essential to develop and apply one’s full potential. Started in 2003, Sociology is the youngest discipline of Khulna University under the Social Science School. The discipline is presently offering four years Bachelor of Social Science (B.S.S.) Honors in Sociology degree. This discipline is engaged in producing trained sociologist and studying society scientifically. It also teaches students of almost all other disciplines of Khulna University to fulfill their course requirements.
Urban and Rural Rlanning (URP) Discipline
The physical environment is the platform of all human activities, to accommodate which it is constantly been modified in order to ensure social desirability, economic feasibility, and ecological sustainability of human intervention, the need for planning for the built environment, ranging from a narrow lane to a large region is an unquestionable. In the backdrop of scarcity of land and other resources and high product of mutually interacting social, political, cultural, economic and technological factors needs skilled planners for managing it and guiding its change in desired direction.
The Urban and Rural Planning (URP) discipline the earliest academic discipline in the country to in part planning education at under graduate level, was established in Khulna University in 1991 with a view to producing qualified planners. It is one of the four disciplines with which Khulna University started its academic programme. The urban and rural planning discipline offers a four years undergraduate degree in urban and rural planning. This discipline is now offer master’s degree programme in urban and rural planning.
Urban and rural planning discipline at a glance
* Degree programs: BURP, MURP
* Laboratories: Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS)
* Library: Seminar Library
* Research Center: Planning and Development Research Center (PDRC)
* Discipline Journal: Plan Plus
* Discipline's official web: [http://www.kuurp.ac.bd][http://www.ku.ac.bd/schools/departments_index.html]
Khulna University Central Library was established in 1987. At present it is housed at Academic Building -I, D -block. The present library room has a total floor space of 5000sq. ft (Approximately 465 sq meters). The library is expected to be shifted in its own building within a short span of time. The reading room has accommodation for 125 students, 25 teachers and research scholars working simultaneously. Khulna University library has a total collection of 24845 reading materials, including nearly 22645 books, more than 200 bound volumes of journals. The university library has been taken under computer network and all the necessary arrangements have been made for communication with different national and International University and Institutions through Internet.
Presently the library is linked with the "Automation and Networking of Science Technology Libraries in Bangladesh" (BANSLINK) a pilot Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh and Bangladesh National Scientific and Technical Documentation Center (BANSDOC) is the executing agency of the Project. Khulna University also linked with Bangladesh Education and Research Network. (BERNET) Project organized by University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh.
Khulna University has three halls of residence for the students- namely:
- Khan Jahan Ali Hall
- Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah Hall
- Aparajita Hall
Khan Jahan Ali Hall and Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah Hall are providing residence for the both undergraduate and postgraduate male students whereas the hall of residence for the female students is Aparajita Hall.
External links
* [http://www.ku.ac.bd/ Khulna University Official Website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.