List of Minnesota mammals

List of Minnesota mammals

The List of Minnesota mammals lists all the mammals native to Minnesota.

*Thirteen-lined ground squirrel "Spermophilus tridecemlineatus"
*Arctic shrew "Sorex arcticus"
*Badger "Taxidea taxus"
*Beaver "Castor canadensis"
*Big brown bat "Eptesicus fuscus"
*Bison "Bison bison"
*Black bear "Ursus americanus"
*Bobcat "Lynx rufus"
*Common Raccoon "Procyon lotor"
*Cottontail "Sylvilagus"
*Cougar "Felis concolor"
*Coyote "Canis latrans"
*Deer mouse "Peromyscus maniculatus"
*Eastern chipmunk "Tamias striatus" sometimes called the gray chipmunk
*Fox Squirrel "Sciurus niger"
*Eastern gray squirrel "Sciurus carolinensis"
*Eastern mole "Scalopus aquaticus"
*Eastern pipistrel bat "Pipistrellus subflavus"
*Elk "Cervus canadensis"
*Fisher "Martes pennanti'
*Franklin's ground squirrel "Spermophilus franklinii"
*Gray fox "Urocyon cinereoargenteus"
*Gray wolf "Canis lupus"
*Heather vole "Phenacomys intermedius"
*Hoary bat "Lasiurus cinereus"
*House mouse "Mus musculus"
*Keen's little brown bat "Myotis keeni"
*Least chipmunk "Tamias minimus"
*Least shrew "Cryptotis parva"
*Least weasel "Mustela nivalis"
*Little brown bat "Myotis lucifugus"
*Long-tailed weasel "Mustela frenata"
*Lynx "Lynx lynx"
*Masked shrew "Sorex cinereus"
*Meadow jumping mouse "Zapus hudsonius"
*Meadow vole "Microtus pennsylvanicus"
*Mink "Mustela vison"
*Moose "Alces alces"
*Muskrat "Ondatra zibethicus"
*Northern bog lemming "Synaptomys borealis"
*Northern flying squirrel "Glaucomys sabrinus"
*Northern grasshopper mouse "Onychomys leucogaster"
*Northern pocket gopher "Thomomys talpoides"
*Northern short-tailed shrew "Blarina brevicauda"
*Northern water shrew "Sorex palustris"
*Norway rat "Rattus norvegicus"
*Opossum "Didelphis virginiana"
*Otter "Lontra canadensis"
*Pine marten "Martes americana" sometimes called the American Marten
*Pine vole sometimes called the woodland vole
*Plains pocket gopher "Geomys bursarius"
*Plains pocket mouse "Perognathus flavescens"
*Porcupine "Erethizon dorsatum"
*Prairie vole "Microtus ochrogaster"
*Pronghorn "Antilocapra americana"
*Pygmy shrew "Sorex hoyi"
*Eastern Red Bat "Lasiurus borealis"
*Red fox "Vulpes vulpes"
*Red squirrel "Sciurus vulgaris" sometimes called the pine squirrel
*Richardson's ground squirrel "Spermophilus richardsonii"
*Rock vole "Microtus chrotorrhinus"
*Short-tailed weasel "Mustela erminea"
*Silver-haired bat "Lasionycteris noctivagans"
*Snowshoe hare "Lepus americanus"
*Southern bog lemming "Synaptomys cooperi"
*Southern flying squirrel "Glaucomys volans"
*Southern red-backed vole "Clethrionomys gapperi"
*Spotted skunk "Spirogale putorius"
*Star-nosed mole "Condylura cristata"
*Striped skunk "Mephitis mephitis"
*Western harvest mouse "Reithrodontomys megalotis"
*White-tailed deer "Odocoileus virginianus"
*White-footed mouse "Peromyscus leucopus"
*White-tailed Jackrabbit "Lepus townsendii"
*Wolverine "Gulo gulo"
*Woodchuck "Marmota monax"
*Woodland jumping mouse "Napaeozapus insignis"

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