Drew Marshall

Drew Marshall
Drew Marshall DrewMarshall1.jpg
Birth name Drew Marshall
Born November 30, 1966.
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Show The Drew Marshall Show
Station(s) JOY 1250
Time slot Saturdays 1:00–5:00 pm
Style Talk Radio
Country Canada
Website www.drewmarshall.ca

Drew Marshall (born November 30, 1966) is the host of The Drew Marshall Show, a spiritual talkback radio show.[1] His show airs live on CJYE based in Oakville, Ontario.



Drew Marshall was raised in Richmond Hill, Ontario by his adoptive parents Grant and Leone Marshall. He grew up living above the family business Marshall Funeral Home. Struggling through his early years, kicked out of four schools and dropping out of high school at age 17,[citation needed] Drew left Ontario and ran away to California. Marshall worked off an on for four years at Hume Lake, California before returning to Ontario where he became the program director at Teen Ranch Canada. He then pursued a career in football and tried out for the NFL[citation needed] as well as the Toronto Argonauts, Hamilton Tiger-Cats and the Ottawa Rough Riders. Marshall also trained for a career as a fire fighter.[citation needed]

In 1997 Marshall and his wife moved to Australia.[citation needed] Marshall joined the pastoral team at a church where he was responsible for[citation needed] the development of a contemporary, post-modern style of service, and the provision of practical pastoral counselling. Marshall stayed at Glenbrook Baptist Church for five years before deciding to leave the ministry and move back to Canada.

Although Marshall never completed high school, he later went on to study at Humber College[citation needed], Sheridan College[citation needed], Tyndale University College & Seminary[citation needed] and Morling College[citation needed] in Sydney, Australia. His areas of study range from Theology & Counseling to Anatomy & Physiology.


After moving back to Canada in 2003, Marshall successfully proposed a spiritually-oriented talk radio programme to CJYE (AM).[2] Since then, he has interviewed numerous celebrities including B.B. King, Kathie Lee Gifford, Chuck Norris, Tim Conway, Alice Cooper, Prime Minister Stephen Harper,[3] Randy Travis, Candace Cameron and James Brown.

Marshall's show deals with subjects and people on the fringe of Christian culture and will interview people who do not identify as Christian such, as the High Priest of the Wiccan (Wicca) Church of Canada, ex-porn stars/producers and the leader of Canada's Mormon polygamist colony.

A segment on his show that has quickly become a listener favorite, which he began in 2008, is the "YO DUMMY" segment which he does every few weeks. This consists of Drew and a regular guest performing a roast in order to ridicule some member of the evangelical right. More often than not, the person is not actually in the studio. However occasionally they were, as in the case with Benny Hinn and Pat Robertson.

Marshall was interviewed by 100 Huntley Street, Canada's longest running Christian television show on January 29, 2007,[4] but was taken off the air and deleted from Huntley's web archives due to the controversy some of his comments created.[5] He'd stated to[6] the hosts, Ronald and Kathy Mainse, "You guys are the 'Ken & Barbie' of Christian television...the sign of a good church is how many ugly people there are." He also stated that he likes to, "find those with holy hand-grenades up their butts and pull the pin," and expressed his displeasure with, "Cheesy Jesus TV, where straight guys design the sets."[7] Marshall retains a friendly relationship[8] with the hosts of Huntley Street.

In June 2007, Marshall advertised in the Toronto Star newspaper that he would pay someone $500.00 to go to church with him.[9] Inspired by[10] the book, Jim and Casper Go to Church,[11] and Hemant Mehta's book, I Sold My Soul on eBay,[12] Marshall was looking to create dialogue about how outsiders view the church.[13] Two university students, "Sabrina the Pagan" and "Taylor the Agnostic," were chosen to survey five Churches in Southern Ontario: Orangeville Baptist, Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, The Prayer Palace, the Sanctuary, in Toronto, and The Meeting House. During this experiment[14] both Sabrina and Taylor wrote about their experiences at the different churches on Marshall's blog, entitled, Hoof Hearted. This began an interactive dialogue between the listeners of the show and the two paid outsiders.

In January 2008, Marshall hosted the world's first[citation needed] Preacher Idol Contest. He asked people to "step out of the pew and into the pulpit". Individuals were asked to send in 10-minute videos of themselves, preaching to non-churched people. The videos were placed on YouTube and GodTube for audiences to view and vote on. The top three finalists of Preacher Idol were offered $2,000.00[citation needed] in theological training and books and the opportunity to preach at one of Southern Ontario's mainstream churches.[15][16] Marshall ran into problems again when the majority of the churches he contacted were not willing to have the finalists preach at their churches,[citation needed] or even tell their congregations about the contest. The Churches did not like[citation needed] the use of the word "Idol" and did not approve of preaching as a contest.

September 2009 Marshall embarked on his next contest So You Think God Wants You To Sing[17] (STYGWYTS).[18] In July 2010 Marshall made it public that he was no longer sure there was a God.[19] During an interview with noted Christian Apologist Ravi Zacharias, Marshall revealed that he was having a crisis of faith.[20] He has chosen to continue with his spiritual talk show in hopes of opening up a dialogue surrounding doubt and faith. He has created DROOGLE http://drewmarshall.ca/droogle/ a web page devoted to 'Drew's search for God', as a forum for open and honest discussions on faith and the existence of God. It is possible that this is the only case of a Christian radio host admitting to a crisis of faith and not stepping down or losing their job. Marshall said he will be continuing his search publicly until December 18, 2010. He is hoping for "an encounter with God" for Christmas.[21]

Following on the heels of his declaration of a ‘Crisis of Faith’ in late November 2010,[22] Marshall was asked to join the cast of ‘Journey to Christmas’ a documentary about five individuals travelling though Israel during the Christmas season and following the same path Joseph and Mary would have taken. ‘Journey to Christmas’ will be a four part series airing November/December 2011. Marshall decided to join the cast. Finding himself even more disillusioned with religion after seeing the circus of holy monuments set up for worship in Israel, Marshall came home from his trip with no ‘God Encounter’ and posted on his Facebook page, “I will no longer share my personal beliefs until my beliefs are radically altered by the Almighty. It is finished”. Marshall resumed his show in January 2011.

Marshall's radio show broadcasts live to Southern Ontario and over 100 countries online via live streaming and audio archives.

Celebrity interviewees

Television, radio & speaking engagements

  • Cast Member on Journey To Christmas, Documentary Filmed In Israel. Film released Christmas 2011.[23]
  • Featured in The Devil We Know, Documentary 2011.[23]
  • Test The Nation On CBC (January 24, 2010)[24]
  • Guest at The Global ComedyFest in Vancouver (September 26, 2010)[25]
  • 100 Huntley Street (January 29, 2007.)[26]
  • Q107.1 Calgary, The God Guy[27]
  • Listen Up TV (June 19, 2007.)[10]
  • Good News Sports (www.goodnewssports.ca)[28]
  • Tal Prince Live (Sirius Radio 161) April 6, 2008.[citation needed]
  • Canadian Church Press, May 1, 2008."Christian Radio Host Tells Media Not to 'Tame' God"[29]
  • Canadian Association of Broadcaster's Annual Conference, Vancouver – Guest Panelist "The Societal Impact of Talk Radio"[27]
  • Write Canada's Annual Writer's Conference – Guest Faculty "Authors...You can write but can you survive an interview?"[27]
  • Youth For Christ Regional Conference 2008.[30]
  • Master of Ceremonies for Kingfest outdoor music festival.[31]


  1. ^ Girard, Carolyn (2008-05-07). "Christian radio host tells media not to 'tame' God". The Catholic Register. http://www.catholicregister.org/content/view/1818/854/. Retrieved 2009-02-02. [dead link]
  2. ^ "Biography at DrewMarshall.com". Drewmarshall.ca. September 26, 2009. http://www.drewmarshall.ca/bio.html. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  3. ^ "The Walrus >> Stephen Harper and the Theo-cons >> Canada Religion Politics". Walrusmagazine.com. http://www.walrusmagazine.com/articles/2006.10-politics-religion-stephen-harper-and-the-theocons/3/. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  4. ^ http://www.canadianchristianity.com/cgi-bin/na.cgi?nationalupdates/030716mainse
  5. ^ "Drew Marshall: Cultural Christianity is Killing Us!". The Thin Edge. April 16, 2008. http://thin-edge.org/2008/04/16/drew-marshall-cultural-christianity-is-killing-us/. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  6. ^ drewmarshallshow (February 1, 2007). "Drew Marshall on 100 Huntley Street PART TWO – YouTube". Ca.youtube.com. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=8J4OS33xIOs&feature=related. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  7. ^ 100 Huntley Street Interview <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WraKM3IzxW0> (January 29, 2007).
  8. ^ "The DREW MARSHALL Show – Canada's Most Listened to Spiritual Talk Show". Drewmarshall.ca. October 28, 2006. http://www.drewmarshall.ca/huntley.html. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  9. ^ "Drew Marshall’s Five Churches Experiment". Friendly Atheist. August 4, 2007. http://friendlyatheist.com/2007/08/04/drew-marshalls-five-churches-experiment/. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  10. ^ a b drewmarshallshow (July 18, 2007). "Drew Marshall on Listen Up TV – YouTube". Ca.youtube.com. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=9bo_0wxQbIs. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  11. ^ Jim and Casper Go to Church, Barna Books, (March 15, 2007).
  12. ^ I Sold My Soul on eBay, Waterbrook Press, (April 17, 2007).
  13. ^ "Razzmatazz or Ragamuffins? | Out of Ur | Conversations for Ministry Leaders". Blog.christianitytoday.com. http://blog.christianitytoday.com/outofur/archives/2007/07/an_excursion_in.html. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  14. ^ "Drew Marshall sent them to The Prayer Palace! – Hoof Hearted". Bene Diction Blogs On. July 6, 2007. http://www.benedictionblogson.com/2007/07/06/drew-marshall-took-them-to-the-prayer-palace-hoof-hearted/. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  15. ^ "GuelphMercury.com – News – The good word". News.guelphmercury.com. December 3, 2010. http://news.guelphmercury.com/News/article/323427. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  16. ^ "TheRecord.com – faith – Rockwood evangelizer wins Preacher Idol 2008 competition". News.therecord.com. June 8, 2010. http://news.therecord.com/Life/faith/article/348290. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  17. ^ Scrafield, Constance (January 21, 2010). "Drew Marshall – taking on the Nation’s IQ | www.citizen.on.ca | Orangeville Citizen". citizen.on.ca. http://www.citizen.on.ca/news/2010-01-21/Regional_News/Drew_Marshall__taking_on_the_Nations_IQ.html. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  18. ^ "Spiritual singer seeks online intervention". InsideToronto Article. November 25, 2009. http://www.insidetoronto.com/what%27s%20on/article/217545--spiritual-singer-seeks-online-intervention. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  19. ^ "Christian talk personality considers quitting faith". ChristianWeek. October 22, 2010. http://www.christianweek.org/stories.php?id=1256. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  20. ^ "The DREW MARSHALL Show – Canada's Most Listened to Spiritual Talk Show". Drewmarshall.ca. http://www.drewmarshall.ca/listen2010.html#100724. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  21. ^ "The DREW MARSHALL Show – Canada's Most Listened to Spiritual Talk Show". Drewmarshall.ca. http://drewmarshall.ca/droogle/. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  22. ^ "Christian Leaders Are Becoming Atheists?". Charismamag.com. December 9, 2010. http://www.charismamag.com/index.php/atheist-central/29721-christian-leaders-leaning-towards-atheism-. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  23. ^ a b "The DREW MARSHALL Show – Canada's Most Listened to Spiritual Talk Show". Drewmarshall.ca. http://www.drewmarshall.ca/booking.html#journey. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  24. ^ CBC News. http://www.cbc.ca/testthenation/episodes/iq/team_believers.php. 
  25. ^ "Vancouver ComedyFest |". Comedyfest.com. http://www.comedyfest.com/. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  26. ^ drewmarshallshow (February 1, 2007). "Drew Marshall on 100 Huntley Street PART ONE – YouTube". Ca.youtube.com. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=WraKM3IzxW0. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  27. ^ a b c "Tim Huff in the Signpost Village » Chapter Sixteen: Choking on Lies ~ Drew Marshall". Signpostvillage.com. April 7, 2008. http://signpostvillage.com/timhuff/2008/04/07/chapter-sixteen-choking-on-lies-drew-marshall/. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  28. ^ "Promise Keepers". Goodnewssports.ca. http://www.goodnewssports.ca/?archive. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  29. ^ [1][dead link]
  30. ^ "Canadian Youth Worker". Canadian Youth Worker. http://www.canadianyouthworker.com/index.php?module=CYWC&id=speakers. Retrieved October 19, 2011. 
  31. ^ http://athomeinyork.com/data/550/1ND_NOTC_63.pdf

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