
Montegrappa logo.png

Montegrappa is the oldest Italian manufacturer of fine writing instruments[citation needed], founded as "Manifattura pennini d'oro e penne stilografiche" ("Maker of gold nibs and fountain pens") in 1912. Their products are still manufactured in their original factory by the shores of the river Brenta, in one of the parts of Bassano del Grappa - near Vicenza, in the North-East of Italy.

Montegrappa Extra 1930 Black Bamboo and Turtle Brown Fountain Pens.

During the First World War Bassano was a centre of military operations. Among the many soldiers who used the company's pens (Elmo at that time) for their correspondence were two celebrated 20th century writers, Ernest Hemingway and John Dos Passos, who had both volunteered for service as ambulance drivers.[citation needed]

In the 1930s the company enjoyed its most magnificent phase.[citation needed] It was a period when the fountain pen became widespread and the products of the house of Bassano met the taste of the public with their sober design, the variety of their colours and materials (among the first to use celluloid and galalith), the perfect operation of their technical solutions[citation needed], and the originality and precision of their manufacturing techniques.[citation needed]

The Montegrappa company is owned by Aquila's family and the ex F1 Ferrari driver, Jean Alesi is also a partner and a member of the board for P.R. and communication.

External links

Factory 1b.svg Companies portal

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