OMAS logo.png

OMAS is an Italian manufacturer of writing instruments, fountain pens, ink and related luxury goods, founded in 1925. Their products are in the upper price range of writing instruments and are still manufactured in their factory located in Bologna Italy.

OMAS stands for Officina Meccanica Armando Simoni. The company was founded by Armando Simoni, who also designed the tools and equipment needed to manufacturer the OMAS line of pens.

OMAS manufactures a variety of pens, including the "Doctor's pen" (which has a tiny built-in clinical thermometer), the twelve faceted Arte Italiana range, the fountain pen with two alternative, selectable nibs, and a range of fountain pens with transparent barrels.

In 2000, the French company LVMH acquired OMAS. It was the only writing instrument company in its suite of companies. In October 2007 the Xinyu Hengdeli Group of Hong Kong purchased 90% equity stake in OMAS. Xinyu has a strategic partnership with LVMH and plans to use OMAS for its expansion of luxury goods in the Asia market.

US distributors of Omas are

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