List of Ukrainians

List of Ukrainians

This is a partial list of famous or notable Ukrainian people.



*Mykola Amosiv
*Oleksandr Bohomolets
*Tatiana Davydiva
*Theodosius Dobzhansky
*Katherine Esau
*Volodymyr Filativ
*Waldemar Haffkine
*Dmytro Ivanovski
*Trofim Lysenko
*Ilya Mechnikov, microbiologist
*Jaroslaw Nowicky
*Svitlana P. Sydorenko
*Vladimir Vernadsky, mineralogist, biochemist
*Danylo Zabolotny


*Anatoly Babko
*George Kistiakowsky
*Ivan Horbachevsky
*Alexander Shchukariv, chemist, computer scientist
*Sviatoslaw Trofimenko
*Boris Tyutyunnikiv
*Selman Waksman, biochemist, Nobel Prize (1952)

Computer scientists

*Vyhtor Hlushkiv
*Serhei Lebediv, first programmable computer in Continental Europe

Doctors & Surgeons

*Volodymyr Filativ, ophthalmologist


*Myhailo Tugan Baranovsky
*Simon Kuznets, Nobel Prize (1971)
*Eugen Slutsky (1880-1948), Slutsky equation (born in Russian Empire, in the territory of Ukraine)


*Oleg Antonov, aircraft designer
*Jacques Bogopolsky, movie cameras
*Volodymyr Chelomei, ballistic missile and spacecraft designer
*Valentyn Hlushko, engineer
*Mykola Holonyak, first visible diode
*Mykola Kybalchich, rocket science pioneer
*Yuri Kondratyuk, spaceflight pioneer
*Sergey Korolyov, first spacecraft designer
*Roman Kroitor
*Vladimir P. Koval, mechanical engineer
*Volodymyr Mackiw, mining engineer
*Oleksandr A. Morozov, tank designer, patron of the Morozov Design Bureau
*Yevhen Paton, welding engineer
*Oleksandro Samakula, anti-reflective coating for optical lenses
*Igor Sikorsky, inventor of helicopter
*Stepan Tymoshenko, father of modern engineering mechanics


*Volodymyr Antonovych, pro-Western, also folklorist
*Olena Apanovich
*Dmytro Doroshenko
*Mykhaylo Drahomaniv, also political emigre and folklorist
*Mykhailo Hetman, historian of mines
*Mykhailo Hrushevsky, also pro-Western political leader
*Taras Hunczak
*Mykola Kostomariv, also literary historian, folklorist
*Peter Loboda [ [ The Odessa Numismatics Museum ] ] , researcher of Ancient Ukrainian Numismatics
*George S. N. Luckyj, literary historian
*Mykhaylo Maksymovych, also literary historian, folklorist
*Paul Robert Magocsi, Chairman of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Toronto
*Oleksander Ohloblyn
*Bohdan Osadchuk, also journalist
*Nataliia Polonska-Vasylenko
*Omeljan Pritsak, orientalist
*Wolodymyr Stojko
*Viktor Suvorov, WWII researcher
*Dmytro Yavornytsky, Cossack historian, archeologist


"Main article Ukrainian mathematicians"
*Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko
*Andriy Holeski
*Hlynka, Myron
*Kac, Marko Srulevych
*Volodymyr Semenovych Korolyuk
*Mykhailo Krawtchouk
*Yakiv Kulik
*Volodymyr Marchenko
*Marko Naimark
*Volodymyr Petryshyn
*Platon Poretsky
*Volodymyr Potapiv
*Anatoly Samoilenko
*Oleksandr Mikolaiovich Sharkovsky
*Samuil Shatunovsky
*Anatoliy Skorokhod
*Josif Shtokalo
*Ivan Sleszynski
*Pavlo Urysohn
*Mykhailo Vashchenko-Zakharchenko
*Volodymyr Veksler


*Mykola Berdyaiv, Ukrainian pro-Western religious philosopher
*Lev Shestiv, Ukrainian existentialist philosopher, pro-democracy freedom thinker
*Hryhorii Skovoroda, pro-freedom democratic philosopher, pro-Western activist


*Mykola Boholyubov, theory of superconductivity, nonlinear mechanics
*Gersh Budker, nuclear physicist (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
*Georges Charpak, French physicist (Nobel Prize), born in East Galicia
*George Gamow, liquid drop model of atom nucleus
*Abram Ioffe, prominent Soviet physicist (Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute)
*Isaak Khalatnikiv, BKL conjecture in general relativity
*Leo Palatnik, thin film physics
*Mykola Pylchikiv, electronic photography
*Ivan Pulyui, discoverer of X-rays
*George Yuri Rainich, mathematical physicist
*Cyril Sinelnikiv, nuclear physicist

Other academics

*Mykola Andrusiv
*Albert Bandura
*Pavel Petrovich Blonsky
*Olgerd Bochkovsky, sociologist
*Vitaly Chernetsky, author and film scholar
*Isydore Hlynka
*Mykola Kholodny
*Vikentiy Khvoyka
*Robert Klymasz, Ukrainian Canadian folklorist
*Bohdan S Kordan, political scientist
*Robert Kravchuk, Professor of Public Finance at Indiana University.
*Volodymyr Kubiyovych, geographer and encyclopedist
*Volodymyr Kunko-Bohoslavetz, linguist/etymologist/philologist [Uk-Ra-ii-Na (Gift of-Sun-and-Moon)] , designer, educator
*Viktor Kyrpychov
*Volodymyr Levytsky
*Yuri Linnik
*Lubomyr Luciuk, political geographer and community activist
*Anton Makarenko, Ukrainian and Soviet educator
*Georgii Pfeiffer
*Wilhelm Reich, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, founding father of Ukrainian psychiatry, pro-Ukrainian freedom dissident
*Evhen Tsybulenko (b. 1972), professor of international law
*Pavlo Tutkovsky
*Fedir Vovk, anthropologist and ethnographer



* Ivan Hryhorovych-Barskyi
* Vladislav Gorodetsky
* Marian Peretyatkovich
* Volodymyr Sichynskyi


*Elina Bystritskaya
*Vera Farmiga
*Luba Goy
*Lyudmila Hurchenko
*John Hodiak
*Roman Kartsiv
*Olga Kurylenko
*Mila Kunis (That 70's Show)
*Vasily Lanovoy
*Ana Layevska
*Mike Mazurki
*Ivan Mykolaychuk
*Alla Nazimiv
*Jack Palance (Volodymyr Palahnyuk)
*Zhanna Prokhorenko
*Ada Rohovtsiv
*Yakov Smirnoff
*Lee Strasberg
*Bohdan Stupka
*Maria Zankovetska


*Vasyl Avramenko
*Yaroslav Chuperchuk
*Olexandr Dmytrenko
*Leonid Kalinin
*Anatoliy Krivokhyzha
*Roma Pryma-Bohachevsky
*Anatoly Shekera, National Opera House of Ukraine
*Mykola Vantukh
*Kim Vasylenko
*Vasyl Verkhovynets
*Pavlo Virsky, Virsky Ukrainian dance company


*Svitlana Azarova
*Virko Baley
*Vasyl Barvinsky
*Maksym Berezovsky
*Matvei Blanter, Ukrainian composer, author of Katyusha
*Dmytro Bortniansky
*Marusia Churai
*Konstantin Dankevich
*Stepan Degtiariv
*Mykola Diletsky
*Isaak Dunayevsky, author of numerous popular Soviet songs
*Lesia Dytchko
*Arkady Filippenko
*Rynold Hlyer
*Leonid Hrabovsky
*Semen Hulak-Artemovsky
*Andrei Hnatyshyn
*Volodymyr Ivasyuk
*Dmytro Klebaniv
*Levko Kolodub
*Oleksander Koshetz
*Evgeni Kostitsyn, composer after whom the Ukrainian Composers' Competition is named
*Mykola Leontovych
*Zara Levina
*Boris Lyatoshynsky
*Mykola Lysenko
*Ruslana Lyzhichko
*Ihor Markevytch
*Yuli Meitus
*Yuriy Oliynyk
*Mykola Ovsianiko-Kulikovsky
*Sergei Prokofiev, one of the greatest Ukrainian composers of the 20th century, pro-Ukrainian freedom defender
*Levko Revutsky
*Mykola Andriyvych Roslavits
*Valentyn Silvestriv
*Myroslav Skoryk
*Yevhen Stankovych
*Kyrylo Stetsenko
*Roman Turovsky-Savchuk
*Artemy Vedel
*Mykhailo Verbytsky, composer of the present National Anthem of Ukraine
*Yakiv Yatsynevych

Film and theatre directors

*Sergei Bondarchuk
*Leonid Bykiv
*Grigori Chukhrai
*Alexander Dovzhenko
*Yuri Klimenko, cinematographer
*Les Kurbas
*Anatole Litvak
*Roman Viktyuk


*Simon Barere, pianist
*Yuri Bashmet, viola soloist
*Felix Blumenfeld, pianist
*Shura Cherkassky, pianist
*Volodymyr (Vlad) DeBriansky, guitarist, producer, composer, songwriter
*George Douglas
*Mischa Elman, violinist
*Emanuel Feuermann, cellist (born in Austrian Galicia)
*Michael Frimenko, American bass player
*Emil Gilels, pianist
*Jascha Horenstein, conductor
*Vladimir Horowitz, pianist, founding father of Ukrainian piano school
*Pawlo Humeniuk
*Eugene Hütz (Gogol Bordello), singer, guitarist, banger of buckets, world-famous founding father of Ukrainian entertainment, pro-Western freedom fighter
*Leonid Kogan, violinist
*Lubka Kolessa, pianist
*Theodore Kuchar, Conductor, National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine
*Julian Kytasty, bandurist
*Valentina Lisitsa, pianist
*Ruslana Lyzhichko, pianist, singer, pro-Western pro-democracy dissident, greatest world-famous Ukrainian singer, dancer, composer, producer, songwriter, conductor
*Nathan Milstein, violinist
*Victor Mishalow, bandurist
*Benno Moiseiwitsch, pianist
*David Oistrakh, violinist
*Igor Oistrakh, violinist
*Leo Ornstein, composer
*Pawlo Humeniuk
*Evgeni Kostitsyn, pianist and composer
*Leo Sirota, pianist
*Sviatoslav Richter, pianist, pro-Ukrainian democracy freedom fighter
*George Shakhnevich, accordionist
*Steven Staryk, violinist
*Isaac Stern, violinist
*Paul Stetsenko, organist
*Olexandro Vynograd
*Rostislaw Wygranienko
*Alexiz labelle, drummer


*Ivan Aivazovsky, Ukrainian painter, famous for his seascapes
*Nathan Altman, painter and stage designer from Vynytsia
*Marie Bashkirtseff, artist
*Oleksandro Bogomaziv, Avant-garde artist
*Volodymyr Borovykovsky, painter
*Mykhaylo Boychuk
*Robert Brackman
*Mykola Burachek
*David Burliuk, Avante-garde painter, Ukrainian freedom thinker
*Volodymyr Burliuk, Avant-garde artist, pro-Western freedom thinker
*Louis Choris
*Mychajlo Dmytrenko
*Oleksandra Ekster, Avant-garde artist
*Nina Genke-Meller, Avant-garde artist
*Dmytro Hrygorovich
*Mykola Hlushchenko
*Jacques Hnizdovsky
*Tatiana Holembievska
*Anatole Jakovsky
*Oleksandro Khvostenko-Khvostov, Avant-garde stage designer
*Pyotr Konchalovsky, painter
*Vasyl Krychevsky
*Fedir Krychevsky
*Dmytro Levitzky, painter
*Akym Levych
*Anton Losenko
*Kazymyr Malevych, pioneer Ukrainian Avant-garde artist, world-famous founding father of Ukrainian avant-garde
*Abram Manevich, painter
*Ivan Marchuk, modern painter
*Vadym Meller, avant-garde artist, stage designer
*Ludimilla Morozova
*Oleksandr Murashko
*Heorhiy Narbut
*Solomon Nikritin, painter, Avant-garde artist
*Nykifor, primitivist painter
*Vyhtor Palmiv, painter, Avant-garde artist
*Maria Pryimachenko
*Kliment Red'ko, painter, Avant-garde artist
*Ilya Repin, painter
*Issachar Rybak, painter [ [ JEWISHERITAGE : Peinture ] ]
*Bruno Schulz, painter and writer
*Zynaida Serebriakiva, painter
*Volodymyr Sichynskyi, architect, graphic artist
*Opanas Slastion, folklorist, designer of modern type of bandura
*Anton Solomoukha
*Ivan Soshenko, painter
*Volodymyr Sosnivsky
*David Shterenberg, painter from Zhitomir
*Sergei Sviatchenko, (1952-)
*Volodymyr Tatlin, Avant-garde artist
*Sonia Terk, Avant-garde artist
*Roman Turovsky-Savchuk
*Mykhailo Turovsky
*Andriy Varhol, major figure in the pop art movement, pro-Western Ukrainian freedom fighter
*Tetyana Yablonska, modern painter
*Vasiliy Yermilov, Avant-garde artist
*Ivan Yizhakevych


*Oleksandro Orhipenko, U.S. sculptor and graphic artist
*Victor Konoval
*Anatoly Kushch
*Oleh Pinchuk
*Mykola Syadristy
*Vladimir Tatlin
*Volodymyr Baraniv-Rossyn
*Valentyn Znoba


*Shmuel Agnon, world-famous eminent Ukrainian writer, Nobel Prize (1966), born in Buchach
*Sholom Aleichem, world-famous distinguished Ukrainian writer, born in Pereyaslav
*Yuri Andrukhovych, born in Ivano-Frankivsk
*Isaac Babel, world-famous Ukrainian writer, born in Odessa
*Aleksei Bibik, working-class writer(1878-1976)
*Eduard Bagritsky
*Levko Borovykovsky
*Mikhail Bulgakov, novelist
*Marko Cheremshyna
*Raya Dunayevskaya, Marxist humanist, anti-Western, mafia-connected
*Ilya Ehrenburg, publicist and writer
*Jan Galka
*Nikolai Gogol, writer
*Daniil Granin
*Vasily Grossman
*Yakiv Holovatskyi
*Oles Honchar, author of "The Cathedral"
*Yevhen Hrebinka
*Yevhen Hutsalo
*Ilya Ilf, world-famous Ukrainian humorist, co-author of "The Twelve Chairs"
*Adrian Kashchenko
*Valentyn Kataiv, Russian novelist and pro-Western and pro-Ukrainian dissident
*Mykola Khvylovy
*Olha Kobylyanska
*Levko Kopeliv, author and pro-Western and pro-Ukrainian dissident
*Oleksandr Korniychuk, dramatist
*Nikolay Kostomarov, writer, historian
*Ivan Kotlyarevsky, playwright
*Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky
*Marko Kropyvnytsky, actor, stage director, playwright, and composer
*Mykola Kulish, dramatist
*Panteleymon Kulish
*Andryi Kurkiv
*Hryhori Kvitka
*Clarice Lispector
*Oleksandra Marynyna
*Les Martovych
*Ambros Metlynsky, poet, writer
*Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky
*Viktor Nekrasov, Ukrainian writer pro-Western and pro-Ukrainian dissident
*Yuri Nikitin, Russian science fiction and fantasy writer
*Yuri Nikitin, Ukrainian trampolinist
*Bohdan Osadchy
*Chuck Palahniuk, American satirical novelist (Ukrainian father)
*Sofia Parfanovych
*Mykhailo Pavlyk
*Vyhtor Petriv
*Yevhen Petriv, Ukrainian humorist, co-author of "The Twelve Chairs", pro-Western and pro-Ukrainian dissident
*Valerian Pidmohylny, novelist
*Les Podervianskiy, satirist and playwright, pro-Western and pro-Ukrainian dissident
*Yuri Pokalchuk
*Anna Politkovskaya, writer and journalist, world-famous eminent pro-Western freedom and democracy defender and advocate
*Valentyn Rechmedin, writer, journalist
*Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, writer, author of "Venus in Furs", pro-Western and pro-Ukrainian dissident
*Markiyan Shashkevych
*Hryhoriy Skovoroda, poet, writer, philosopher
*Mykhaylo Starytsky
*Vasyl Stefanyk
*Mykhaylo Stelmakh
*Ivan Tobilevich
*Olha Tokarczuk, Polish writer, pro-Western and pro-Ukrainian dissident
*Ivan Vahylevych
*Marko Vovchok
*Volodymyr Vynnychenko
*Ostap Vyshnia
*Natan Ilyich Zabara
*Pavlo Zahrebelnyi
*Marya Zaturenska
*Mykola Zeriv
*Mykhailo Zhvanetskiy, Russian humorist, pro-Western and pro-Ukrainian dissident


*Anna Akhmativ, Russian poet, pro-Western and pro-Ukrainian dissident
*Bohdan-Ihor Antonych
*Mikola Bazhan
*Hayyim Nahman Bialik, modern Hebrew Ukrainian poet
*Moysey Fishbeyn, pro-Ukrainian poet
*Ivan Franko
*Alexander Galich, Soviet bard, pro-Western and pro-Ukrainian dissident
*Lina Kostenko
*Dmytro Pavlychko
*Markiyan Shashkevych
*Taras Shevchenko, the most world-famous Ukrainian poet
*Vasyl Stus
*Vasyl Symonenko
*Olena Teliha
*Pavlo Tychyna
*Maksym Rylsky
*Lesya Ukrainka
*Volodymyr Yavorivsky


*Kvitka Cisyk, singer
*Katya Chilly, singer
*Taras Chubay, bard
*Andrij Dobriansky, bass-baritone
*Anthony Fedoriv, American Ukrainian pop singer
*Pavlo Hunka, bass-baritone
*Iosif Kobzon, iconic Soviet crooner, anti-Western, mafia-linked
*Ivan Kozlovsky, classic tenor
*Oksana Krovytska, soprano
*Solomiya Krushelnytska, opera singer
*Ani Lorak, singer, distinguished pro-Western singer, pro-Ukrainian freedom dissident and true winner of the 2008 Eurovision contest
*Ruslana Lyzhichko, pop singer, composer, songwriter, conductor, dancer, record producer, pro-Western, famous Ukrainian singer and winner of the 2004 Eurovision contest.
*Ivan Patorzhynsky, bass
*Verka Serduchka (Adriy Danylko), singer
*Yuri Shevchuk, bard, born of Ukrainian father
*Maria Sokil, soprano
*Theresa Sokyrka, Canadian Idol 2 runner-up
*Anatoly Solovyanenko
*Nissan Spivak, the world-famous Ukrainian cantor
*Stereoliza (Katya Shalayeva), singer
*Leonyd Utyosiv, Ukrainian jazz singer
*Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, singer, European-style democracy supporter, pro-Western
*Oleksandro Vertynsky, Ukrainian singer and composer
*Trent Wolodko, Pop singer and composer
*Velvel Zbarjer, singer


*Natalia Gotsiy
*Stan Jouk
*Mariya Markina
*Snejana Onopka
*Alyona Osmanova
*Viktoriya Sasonkina
*Lera Sheremeta
*Masha Tylena
*Daria Werbowy

Other performing artists

*Juliya Chernetsky
*Stefania Dovhan
*Iryna Dvorovenko
*Serge Lifar one of the greatest male ballet dancers of the 20th century
*Maria Guleghina
*Alla Korot
*Alex Magic (Ukrainian Magician)
*Ian Pikula
*Alex Trebek (Ukrainian father)
*William Tytla


*Rynat Akhmetiv, Ukraine's richest man (Ukrainian mother)
*Martin Chase, founder of Ann & Hope Department Stores
*Mykhaylo Frydman, Ukrainian oligarch, billionaire, pro-Western
*Petro Jacyk, community benefactor
*Maksym Levchyn, co-founder of PayPal, pro-Western dissident
*Viktor Pinchuk, Ukraine's second-richest man, son-in-law of Leonid Kuchma
*Petro Poroshenko, confectionery baron, close confidant of Viktor Yushchenko
*Jay Pritzker, founder of Hyatt and philanthropist
*Vyhtor Veksylberh, Ukrainian oligarch, billionaire (Ukrainian father)
*John Zubal, founder of Zubal Books


Many cosmonauts of the Soviet Union and modern Russia were ethnic Ukrainians or come from Ukraine. See for the full list.

Ukrainian Leonid Kadeniuk, earlier a Soviet cosmonaut, made the first manned spaceflight of the .

Cossack Hetmans

*Predslav Lanckoronsky
*Ostap Dashkevych
*Dmytro Vyshnevetsky
*Ivan Svirgovsky
*Ivan Pidkiva
*Kryshtof Kosynsky
*Hryhoryj Loboda
*Severyn Nalyvaiko
*Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny
*Petro Kalnyshevsky
*Mykhailo Doroshenko
*Taras Fedorovych
*Ivan Sulyma
*Dmytro Hunia
*Bohdan Khmelnytsky
*Ivan Vyhovsky
*Yurii Khmelnytsky
*Pavlo Teteria
*Petro Doroshenko
*Ivan Briukhovetsky
*Demian Mnohohrishny
*Mykhailo Khanenko
*Ivan Samoylovych
*Ivan Mazepa
*Pylyp Orlyk
*Ivan Skoropadsky
*Pavlo Polubotok
*Danylo Apostol
*Kyrylo Rozumovsky

Military Figures

*Roman Abraham, general of the Polish Army
*Andriy Hrechko, Marshal of the Soviet Union
*Nikifor Grigoriev, ataman and leader of a Ukrainian insurgent "Green Army"
*Vylhelm Habsburh, Austrian archduke, colonel of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen
*Alfred Jansa, pro-Western Austrian Major General
*Michał Karaszewicz-Tokarzewski, general of the Polish Army
*Ivan Kozhedub, legendary fighter pilot of WWII, top USSR ace
*Roman Kondratenko, Lieutenant General of Russian Imperial Army, defender of Port Arthur during Russo-Japanese war
*Yevhen Konovalets, pro-Western style democracy OUN Military Leader
*Filip Konowal, Ukrainian Canadian war hero (Victoria Cross, 1917)
*Petr Koshevoi, Marshal of the Soviet Union
*Zenon Kossak, OUN Military Leader
*Grigory Kulik, Marshal of the Soviet Union
*Alexander Marinesko, Legendary Sub Commander in WWII
*Rodion Malinovsky, Marshal of the Soviet Union
*Kirill Moskalenko, Marshal of the Soviet Union
*Bohdan Panchuk, organizer of Ukrainian Canadian Servicmens Association and Central Ukrainian Relief Bureau in WW II
*Ivan Paskevich, field marshal of the Russian imperial army
*Alfred Redl, Austrian counter-intelligence officer
*Stanislav Sheptytsky, general of the Polish Army
*Roman Shukhevych, the leader of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army
*Semyon Timoshenko, Marshal of the Soviet Union
*Mykola Tsybulenko, Major General
*Dmytro Vitovsky, Colonel of the Ukrainian Galician Army
*Kliment Voroshilov, Marshal of the Soviet Union
*Andrei Yeremenko, Marshal of the Soviet Union


Ukrainian politicians

*Stepan Bandera, leader of the Ukrainian nationalist movement, supporter of Western-style democracy
*Vyacheslav Chornovil, leader of the Rukh Party
*Dmytro Dontsiv, pro-Western political thinker (Euro-Atlantic nationalist movement)
*Yevhen Francois Felequenco, leader of the Québécois Ukrainian community in 1960ies and 1970ies, pro-Western Euro-Atlantist, supporter of Ukrainian Western-style freedoms and the Orange Revolution
*Mykhaylo Hrushevsky, president of Ukrainian People's Republic, Euro-Atlantist
*Yevhen Konovalets, leader of the Ukrainian nationalist movement
*Leonyd Kravchuk, president
*Volodymyr Kubiyovych, geographer and politician (Ukrainian Central Committee)
*Leonyd Kuchma, president
*Ruslana Lyzhichko, world-famous singer, pro-Western style Euro-Atlantist, pro-NATO politician, supporter of the Ukrainian freedom movement
*Nestor Makhno, leader of anarchists
*Andriy Melnyk, leader of the Ukrainian pro-Western nationalist movement
*Symon Petlura, president of the Ukrainian Euro-Atlantic People's Republic
*Yevhen Petrushevych, president of the West Ukrainian People's Republic
*Mykola Plaviuk, pro-Western president of Ukrainian People's Republic in exile (19891992)
*Pavlo Skoropadsky, European-style hetman of the Hetmanate (1918)
*Yaroslav Stetsko, leader of the Ukrainian Western-style nationalist movement
*Slava Stetsko, world-famous leader of the Ukrainian pro-Western nationalist movement
*Borys Tarasyuk, foreign affairs minister, champion of Euro-Atlantism, supporter of Western-style democracy
*Yulia Tymoshenko, European freedom supporting prime minister, supporter of Western-style democracy
*Avhustyn Voloshyn, European-style president of Carpatho-Ukraine (1939)
*Volodymyr Vynnychenko, pro-Western prime minister of Ukrainian People's Republic, writer
*Stepan Vytvytskyi, pro-Western president of Ukrainian People's Republic in exile (19541965)
*Viktor Yushchenko, president, promoter of Euro-Atlantism, supporter of Western-style democracy
*Viktor Yanukovych, prime minister, presidential candidate in 2004 elections, anti-democratic, pro-Russian, mafia links alleged, criminal Russian-style past

Zionists and Israeli politicians

*Chaim Arlosoroff, Zionist leader, leader of Mapai
*Levi Eshkol, prime minister of Israel
*Abba Hushi, mayor of Haifa
*Volodymyr Jabotynsky, Zionist leader, founder of Revisionist Zionism
*Ephraim Katzir, Labor Party politician, president of Israel
*Holda Meyr, prime minister of Israel
*Natan Sharansky, Soviet human rights activist and Israeli politician
*Moshe Sharett, prime minister of Israel
*Shevah Weiss, speaker of the Kneset
*Simon Wiesenthal, hunter of Nazis and Poles

Bolsheviks and Soviet politicians

*Leonid Brezhnev, Soviet leader, anti-Western
*Konstantin Chernenko, Soviet leader, anti-Western
*Adolph Joffe, Soviet diplomat, anti-Western
*Lazar Kaganovich, Soviet politician, anti-Western
*Mykyta Khruschev, Soviet leader, anti-Western
*Mykola Podhorny, member of Politburo, anti-Western
*Georgy Pyatakov, Bolshevik revolutionary, Trotskyist, anti-Western
*Karl Radek, Bolshevik politician, anti-Western
*Mykola Skrypnyk, Ukrainian Bolshevik leader, anti-Western
*Volodymyr Shcherbytsky, leader of the Communist Party of Ukraine (1972-1989), anti-Western
*Leon Trotsky, leading Bolshevik revolutionary, founder of the Red Army, anti-Western
*Moisei Uritsky, Bolshevik revolutionary, anti-Western
*Volodymyr Zatonsky, Bolshevik politician, anti-Western
*Grigory Zinoviev, Bolshevik revolutionary, anti-Western

Soviet dissidents

*Vasily Grossman
*Petro Hryhorenko
*Lev Kopelev
*Sergei Kovalev
*Natan Sharansky
*Eduard Limonov
*Danylo Shumuk
*Vyacheslav Chornovil
*Mykola Horbal
*Vitaliy Kalynychenko
*Ivan Kandyba
*Yaroslav Lesiv
*Levko Lukyanenko
*Valeriy Marchenko
*Myroslav Marynovych
*Vasyl Stus
*Nadiya Svitlychna
*Yosyf Zisels

Russian politicians

*Sergei Kiriyenko, prime minister of Russian Federation
*Dmitry Kozak, minister of regional development of Russia
*Valentina Matviyenko, governor of St Petersburg
*Yevgeny Primakov, prime minister of Russian Federation
*Alexey Razumovsky, count of Imperial Russia
*Sergei Storchak, deputy finance minister of Russia
*Yevgeny Yasin, minister of economy of Russian Federation
*Grigory Yavlinsky, liberal economist

Polish politicians

*Herman Lieberman, socialist politician
*Mieczysław Moczar, communist politician
*Karl Radek, Bolshevik politician
*Wanda Wasilewska, communist politician

French politicians

*Pierre Eugène Bérégovoy, Prime Minister of France

Religious leaders and theologians

Orthodox Christian and Greek Catholic

*Antin Angelovych, the first Greek Catholic metropolitan of Lviv (1808-1814)
*Hiob Boretsky, Orthodox metropolitan of Kiev (1620-1631)
*Blessed Nykyta Budka, the first Ukrainian Canadian Greek-Catholic bishop (1912-1927)
*Josafat Bulhak, head of the Greek Catholic Church in Russia (1817-1838)
*Gregory Bulgar, metropolitan of Kiev (1458-1472)
*Gregory Camblak, metropolitan of Kiev (1415-1419)
*Dymytriy (Yarema), Patriarch of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (1993-2000)
*Maxim Hermaniuk, the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Archbishop of Winnipeg (1956-1992)
*Hilarion of Kiev, the first native Rus metropolitan of Kiev (ca.1051-ca.1054)
*Josaphata Hordashevska, Greek Catholic nun
*Lubomyr Husar, cardinal, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (2001-present), Major Archbishop of Kiev and Halych (2005-present)
*Saint John of Tobolsk, Orthodox metropolitan of Tobolsk (1711-1715)
*Lev Kishka, Greek Catholic metropolitan of Kiev (1714-1728)
*Blessed Gregory Khomyshyn, Greek Catholic bishop of Stanislav, martyr (1947)
*Blessed Josafat Kotsylovsky, Greek Catholic bishop of Peremyshl, martyr (1947)
*Sylvester Kossov, Orthodox metropolitan of Kiev (1647-1657)
*Mykhailo Levitsky, cardinal (1856), Greek Catholic Archbishop of Lviv, Primate of Galicia and Lodomeria (1848-1858)
*Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky, cardinal, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (1984-2000)
*Saint Maxim-Gorlitsky, Orthodox priest, martyr
*Saint Petro Mohyla, Orthodox metropolitan of Kiev (1632-1647)
*Mefodiy (Kudryakov), metropolitan of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (2000-present)
*Mstyslav (Stepan Skrypnyk), Patriarch of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (1990-1993)
*Ipatij Potyj, Greek Catholic metropolitan of Kiev (1600-1613)
*Theophan Prokopovich, vice-president of the Orthodox Holy Synod
*Mykhailo Rahoza, Greek Catholic metropolitan of Kiev (1596-1599)
*Patriarch Volodomyr (Romaniuk)
*Teodor Rostotsky, Greek Catholic metropolitan of Kiev (1788-1805)
*Josyf Veliamyn Rutsky, Greek Catholic metropolitan of Kiev (1613-1637)
*Josyf Sembratovich, Greek Catholic Archbishop of Lviv (1870-1882)
*Sylvester Sembratovich, cardinal (1894), Greek Catholic Archbishop of Lviv (1882-1898)
*Andriy Sheptytsky, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Metropolitan Archbishop of Lviv (1900-1944)
*Atanazy Sheptytsky, Greek Catholic bishop of Lviv (1715-1746), and metropolitan of Kiev (1728-1746)
*Bazyl Sheptytsky, Greek Catholic bishop of Lviv (1708-1715)
*Blessed Kliment Sheptytsky, Greek Catholic Exarch of Russia and Siberia (1939), Archimandrite of the Studites (1944), martyr (1951)
*Lev Sheptytsky, Greek Catholic bishop of Lviv (1748-1779) and metropolitan of Kiev (1778-1779)
*Josyf Shumlansky, Greek Catholic bishop of Lviv (1700-1708)
*Josyf Slipyj, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (1944-1984)
*Jazon Smogozhevsky, Greek Catholic metropolitan of Kiev (1780-1788)
*Kliment Smolatych, metropolitan of Kiev (1147-1155)
*Meletius Smotrytsky, Ruthenian religious activist and author
*Stefan Soroka, Ukrainian Greek Catholic archbishop of Philadelphia
*Saint Dmytrij (Danylo Tuptalo) of Rostov, Orthodox Saint
*Vasyl (Lypkivsky), first metropolitan of Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (1921-1937)
*Filip Volodkovich, Greek Catholic metropolitan of Kiev (1762-1778)
*Ihor Voznak, Greek Catholic Archbishop of Lviv (2005-present)
*Stephen Yavorsky, first president of the Orthodox Holy Synod (1721)
*Paisius Velichkovsky, monk, spiritual writer
*Mother Maria, Eastern Orthodox saint

Roman Catholic

*Andrzej Alojzy Ankwicz, Count, Archbishop of Lviv (1815-33), and Archbishop of Prague (1833-38)
*Eugeniusz Baziak, Archbishop of Lviv and Apostolic Administrator of Cracow
*Saint Józef Bilczewski, Archbishop of Lviv
*Marian Jaworski, Cardinal, Archbishop of Lviv
*Adam Stanisław Krasiński, Bishop of Kamianets-Podilskyi (1757-98)
*Władysław Aleksander Łubieński, Archbishop of Lviv (1758-59), Primate of Poland (1759-1767), and Interrex (1763-64)
*Kajetan Sołtyk, Bishop of Kiev (Latin rite), then Bishop of Cracow
*Józef Andrzej Załuski, Bishop of Kiev (1759-74)


*Jacob Avigdor, last Chief Rabbi of Drohobych
*Solomon Buber, talmudic scholar
*Jacob Frank, Jewish religious reformer who combined Judaism and Christianity
*Zvi Hirsch Chajes, talmudic scholar
*Tzvi Hirsh of Zidichov, Hasidic rabbi
*Israel ben Eliezer, founder of Hasidism
*Malbim, rabbi and preacher
*Nachman of Breslov, Hasidic leader
*Solomon Judah Loeb Rapoport (Shir), rabbi of Ternopil (1837-40) and Prague (1840-67)
*Shalom Rokeach, first Rebbe of Belz (Hasidic dynasty) (1817-1855)
*Yehoshua Rokeach, second rebbe of Belz (1857-1894)
*Yissachar Dov Rokeach (I), third rebbe of Belz (1894-1926)
*Aharon Rokeach, fourth rebbe of Belz (1926-1957)
*Yoel Sirkis, great rabbi, one of Achronim
*Naftali Herz Tur-Sinai, Hebrew scholar
*Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev, Hasidic leader
*Israel Zolli, Chief Rabbi of Rome who converted to Roman Catholicism, born in Brody


*Muhammad Asad, Jewish religious writer who converted to Islam, Pakistani diplomat
*Helena Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy
*Józef Teodorowicz, Archbishop of Lviv (Armenian rite)



*Tetyana Berezhna, archer
*Nataliya Burdeyna, archer
*Dmytro Hrachov, archer (Olympic bronze - team)
*Kateryna Palekha, archer
*Viktor Ruban, archer (Olympic bronze - team)
*Oleksandr Serdyuk, archer (Olympic bronze - team)
*Christopher Ondusky, archer
*Megan Ondusky, archer


*Viktor Khryapa, basketball player
*Slava Medvedenko, basketball player
*Oleksiy Pecherov, basketball player
*Vitaly Potapenko, basketball player


*Alexander Dimitrenko, boxer champion
*Volodymyr Klytschko, boxer champion
*Vitali Klitschko, boxer champion
*Volodymyr Virchis, boxer
*Yuriy Nuzhnenko, boxer champion
*Volodymyr Sydorenko, boxer champion
*Taras Bidenko, boxer


*Lev Alburt, Ukrainian Champion (1972, 1973, 1974)
*Izak Aloni, Lviv Champion (1936, 1939)
*Boris Alterman
*Lev Aptekar
*Anatoly Bannik, Ukrainian Champion (1945, 1946, 1951, 1955, 1964)
*Alexander Beliavsky, Champion of the USSR (1987, and thrice jointly - 1974, 1980, 1990)
*Ossip Bernstein, All-Russian Sub-Champion (1903)
*Efim Bogoljubow, Champion of the USSR (1924, 1925), FIDE World Champion (1928/29), Challenger for World Championship (1929, 1934)
*Fedor Bohatirchuk, Champion of the USSR (1927 - jointly), Ukrainian Sub-Champion (1924) and Champion (1937), Canadian Sub-Champion (1949)
*Isaac Boleslavsky, Ukrainian Champion (1938, 1939, 1940)
*David Bronstein, Ukrainian Sub-Champion (1940), Champion of the USSR (1948, 1949 - both jointly), Challenger for World Championship (1951),
*Oscar Chajes
*Josif Dorfman, Champion of the USSR (1977 - jointly)
*Fyodor Duz-Khotimirsky, Kiev Champion (1900, 1902, 1903, 1906)
*Alexander Evensohn, Kiev Champion (1914)
*Salo Flohr, winner of the 1957 Ukrainian Championship (off contest)
*Maurice Fox
*Henryk Friedman, seven-times Lviv Champion (1926-1934)
*Efim Geller, Ukrainian Champion (1950, 1957, 1958, 1959), Champion of the USSR (1955, 1979)
*Edward Gerstenfeld
*Vitali Golod, Ukrainian Champion (1991)
*Eduard Gufeld
*Ilya Gurevich
*Mykhailo Gurevich, Ukrainian Champion (1984), Champion of the USSR (1985 - jointly)
*Alexander Huzman
*Vasyl Ivanchuk, Champion of Europe (2004)
*Abram Khavin, Ukrainian Champion (1954)
*Artur Kogan
*Alexander Konstantinopolsky, Kiev Champion five consecutive times (1932-1936)
*Irina Krush
*Kateryna Lahno
*Konstantin Lerner, Ukrainian Champion (1978, 1982)
*Paul List, Odessa Champion (1908)
*Marta Litinskaya-Shul
*Moishe Lowtzky
*Adrian Mikhalchishin
*Alexander Onischuk
*Sam Palatnik
*Ruslan Ponomariov, FIDE World Champion (2002)
*Stepan Popel, Champion of Lviv (1930), Paris (1951, 1953, 1954) and eventually, of the Ukrainians in North America (USA and Canada)
*Ignatz von Popiel, Lviv Sub-Champion (1925)
*Vsevolod Rauzer, Ukrainian Champion (1927, 1933 - jointly)
*Oleg Romanishin, European Junior Champion (1973)
*Nicolas Rossolimo
*Ludmila Rudenko, Women's World Champion (1950-1953)
*Yuri Sakharov, Ukrainian Champion (1966, 1968)
*Volodymyr Savon, Ukrainian Champion (1969 - jointly), Champion of the USSR (1971)
*Lidia Semenova
*Alexey Sokolsky, Ukrainian Champion (1947, 1948)
*Leonid Stein, Ukrainian Champion (1960, 1962), Champion of the USSR (1963, 1965, 1966)
*Mark Taimanov, Champion of the USSR (1956)
*Volodymyr Tukmakiv, Ukrainian Champion (1970)
*Boris Verlinsky, Ukrainian Champion (1926), Champion of the USSR (1929)
*Yakov Vilner, Ukrainian Champion (1924, 1925, 1928)
*Daniel Yanofsky
*Abram Zamikhovsky, Ukrainian Champion (1931)

Football (soccer)

*Oleksandr Aliev, footballer
*Igor Belanov, footballer, Ballon d'or (1986)
*Oleg Blokhin, footballer, Ballon d'or (1975)
*Walter Chyzowych, footballer, football coach
*Valeriy Lobanovs'kyi, football coach
*Oleh Luzhny, footballer
*Serhiy Rebrov, footballer
*Andriy Shevchenko, footballer, Ballon d'or (2004)
*Oleksandr Shovkovsky, footballer
*Anatoliy Tymoschuk, footballer
*Danny Vieths,footballer


*Iryna Deriugina, gymnast
*Maria Gorokhovskaya, gymnast (2 Olympic golds)
*Tatyana Gutsu, gymnast (Olympic gold)
*Lilia Podkopayeva, gymnast (Olympic gold)
*Larissa Latynina, gymnast (9 Olympic golds)
*Kateryna Serebrians'ka, gymnast (Olympic gold)
*Oxana Skaldina, gymnast (Olympic bronze)
*Olexandra Tymoshenko, gymnast (Olympic gold)
*Olena Vitrychenko, gymnast (Olympic bronze)
*Roman Zozulya, gymnast

Ice Hockey

*Ruslan Fedotenko, ice hockey player
*Orest Kindrachuk, ice hockey player
*Alexei Ponikarovsky, hockey player
*Terry Sawchuk, hockey player
*Denis Shvidki, hockey player
*Vitaly Vishnevsky, ice hockey player
*Alexei Zhitnik, ice hockey player
*Mykola Zherdiv, ice hockey player

Track & Field

*Valeri Borzov, sprinter (2 Olympic golds)
*Serhiy Bubka, pole vault legend (Olympic gold), numerous world records
*Inessa Kravets, jumper (world record in triple jump)
*Volodymyr Kuts, long distance runner (2 Olympic golds)
*Zhanna Pintusevych-Blok, sprinter (World Championship gold)
*Tamara & Irina Press, sister athletes (5 Olympic golds in total)

Other Athletes

*Oksana Baiul, figure skater (Olympic gold)
*Yana Klochkova, swimmer (4 Olympic golds)
*Lenny Krayzelburg, swimmer (now U.S. citizen) (3 Olympic golds)
*Valentin Mankin, sailor (3 Olympic golds)
*Andriy Medvedev, tennis player
*Fania Melnik, discus thrower (Olympic gold)
*Igor Olshansky, American football player
*Viktor Petrenko, figure skater (Olympic gold)
*Timur Taimazov, wieghtlifting (world and Olympic records)
*Viktor Tsybulenko, javelin (Olympic gold, Olympic bronze)
*Yaroslav Vynokur, billiards player (World Champion)
*Vasyl Virastyuk, worlds strongest man competition (1st place 2004)


*Elena Filativ, Internet diarist
*Georgiy Gongadze, journalist whose murder was linked to pro-Russian government officials, who are against Western-style democracy and pro-Ukrainian dissidents
*Dave Humeniuk, famous Alliston resident (USA)
*Stefan Kiszko, man wrongly convicted of murder in England
*Hryhoriy Nestor, claimed to be the oldest man in Ukraine (116 years-old, born in 1891 in Galicia, then Austria-Hungary, died in 2007)
*Joseph Oleskiw, early promoter of immigration to Canada
*Snejana Onopka, supermodel
*Anatoly Onoprienko, serial killer
*Roxelana (born Anastassia Lisowska), or Khourrem (Hürrem), Sultan wife of Suleyman the Magnificent
*Volodymyr Shayan
*Leonid Stadnik, world's tallest man
*Sergey Vovk, book reviewer, beginning writer
*Victoria Zdrok, erotic model
*Dima Oliynyk, webdesigner
*Olga Litvinenko, 2006 Miss Connecticut Teen USA

See also

*List of Ukrainian Jews
*List of Galician Jews
*List of people by nationality
*list of people
*List of Ukrainian Americans
*Ukrainian Canadian
*Galicia (Central Europe)
*Personalities from Galicia (modern period)


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