List of works by Nora Roberts

List of works by Nora Roberts

The List of Works by Nora Roberts includes all of the novels and novellas published by author Nora Roberts. The list, in chronological order, includes books published under the names Nora Roberts, J.D. Robb, and Jill March. The complete listing of J.D. Robb novels, in series order, can also be found at In Death.

The dates listed below are the dates the novels were originally issued. Many of those novels have been, or will be, reissued. To avoid confusion, all of Roberts's new releases include a logo that is a circle with the initials "NR" inside, indicating that the book has never been published before.citation|last=Memmott|first=Carol|title=Prolific Nora Roberts publishes 159th novel|newspaper=USAToday|date=July 12, 2005|page=04D.]

*"Title" (Contents notes) [if any] , Series (number in series) [if any] , Publisher


**"Irish Thoroughbred", Irish Hearts (1 of 3), Silhouette Romance
**"Blithe Images", Silhouette Romance
** "Heart's Victory", Silhouette Special Edition
** "Island of Flowers", Silhouette Romance
** "Melodies of Love" (written as Jill March, "appeared in 'a periodical' which is no longer in business")
** "Search For Love", Silhouette
** "Song of the West", Silhouette

** "Dance of Dreams", Reflections & Dreams or the Davidov series (2 of 2), Silhouette Special Edition
** "From This Day", Silhouette Romance
** "Her Mother’s Keeper", Silhouette Romance
** "Once More with Feeling", Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Reflections", Reflections & Dreams or The Davidov series (1 of 2), Silhouette Special Edition
** "This Magic Moment", none, Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Tonight and Always", Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Untamed", Silhouette

** "Endings and Beginnings", Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "First Impressions", Silhouette Special Edition
** "The Law is a Lady", Silhouette Special Edition
** "Less of a Stranger", Silhouette Romance
** "A Matter of Choice", Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Opposites Attract", Silhouette Special Edition
** "Promise Me Tomorrow", Pocket
** "Rules of the Game", Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Storm Warning", Silhouette
** "Sullivan’s Woman", Silhouette

** "All the Possibilities", The MacGregors (3 of 9), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Boundary Lines", Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Dual Image", Silhouette
** "Night Moves", Harlequin Intrigue
** "One Man's Art", The MacGregors (4 of 9), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Partners", Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Playing the Odds", The MacGregors (1 of 9), Silhouette Special Edition
** "The Right Path", Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Summer Desserts", Great Chefs (1 of 2), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Tempting Fate", The MacGregors (2 of 9), Silhouette Special Edition

** "Affaire Royale", Cordina's Royal Family (1 of 4), Silhouette
** "The Art of Deception", Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Home for Christmas" (novella, from "Silhouette Christmas Stories" anthology), Silhouette
** "Lessons Learned", Great Chefs (2 of 2), Silhouette Special Edition
** "One Summer", Celebrity magazine (1 of 2), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Risky Business", Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Second Nature", Celebrity magazine (2 of 2), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Treasures Lost, Treasures Found", Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "A Will and a Way", Silhouette Special Edition

** "Command Performance", Cordina's Royal Family (2 of 4), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "For Now, Forever", The MacGregors (5 of 9), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Hot Ice", Bantam
** "Mind Over Matter", Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "The Playboy Prince", Cordina's Royal Family (3 of 4), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Sacred Sins", Sacred Sins (1 of 2), Bantam
** "Temptation", Silhouette

** "Brazen Virtue", Sacred Sins (2 of 2), Bantam
** "Dance to the Piper", The O'Hurleys (2 of 4), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Irish Rose", Irish Hearts (2 of 3), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "The Last Honest Woman", The O'Hurleys (1 of 4), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Local Hero", Silhouette Special Edition
** "Name of the Game", Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Rebellion", The MacGregors (?), Harlequin Historical
** "Skin Deep", The O'Hurleys (3 of 4), Silhouette Special Edition

** "Best Laid Plans", Loving Jack (2 of 3), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Gabriel’s Angel", Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Impulse" (novella, from "Silhouette Summer Sizzlers" anthology), Silhouette
** "Lawless", Loving Jack (3 of 3), Harlequin Historical
** "Loving Jack", Loving Jack (1 of 3), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Sweet Revenge", Bantam
** "Time Was", Time and Again or The Hornblower Bros. (1 of 2), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "The Welcoming", Silhouette Special Edition


** "In From the Cold" (novella, from "Historical Christmas Stories 1990" anthology), The MacGregors (addition to series), Harlequin
** "Public Secrets", Bantam
** "Taming Natasha", The Stanislaskis or Those Wild Ukrainians (1 of 6), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Times Change", Time and Again or The Hornblower Bros. (2 of 2), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Without a Trace: O'Hurley's Return", The O'Hurleys (4 of 4), Silhouette Special Edition

** "Courting Catherine", The Calhoun Women (1 of 5), Silhouette Romance
** "For the Love of Lilah", The Calhoun Women (3 of 5), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Genuine Lies", Bantam
** "Luring a Lady", The Stanislaskis or Those Wild Ukrainians (2 of 6), Silhouette Special Edition
** "A Man for Amanda", The Calhoun Women (2 of 5), Silhouette Desire
** "Night Shadow", Night Tales (2 of 5), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Night Shift", Night Tales (1 of 5), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Suzanna’s Surrender", The Calhoun Women (4 of 5), Silhouette Intimate Moments

** "Captivated", The Donovan Legacy (1 of 4), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Carnal Innocence", Bantam
** "Charmed", The Donovan Legacy (3 of 4), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Divine Evil", Bantam
** "Entranced", The Donovan Legacy (2 of 4), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Honest Illusions", Putnam
** "Unfinished Business", Silhouette Intimate Moments

** "Falling for Rachel", The Stanislaskis or Those Wild Ukrainians (3 of 6), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Nightshade", Night Tales (3 of 5), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Private Scandals", Putnam

** "All I Want for Christmas" (novella, from "Jingle Bells, Wedding Bells" anthology), Silhouette
** "The Best Mistake" (novella, from "Birds, Bees and Babies '94" anthology), Silhouette
** "Born in Fire", The Concannon Sisters or Born In trilogy (1 of 3), Jove
** "Convincing Alex", The Stanislaskis or Those Wild Ukrainians (4 of 6), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Hidden Riches", Putnam
** "Night Smoke", Night Tales (4 of 5), Silhouette Intimate Moments

** "Born in Ice", The Concannon Sisters or Born In trilogy (2 of 3), Jove
** "Glory in Death", In Death 2, Berkley
** "Naked in Death", In Death 1, Berkley
** "The Pride of Jared MacKade", The MacKade Brothers (2 of 4), Silhouette Special Edition
** "The Return of Rafe MacKade", The MacKade Brothers (1 of 4), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "True Betrayals", Jove

** "Born in Shame", The Concannon Sisters or Born In trilogy (3 of 3), Jove
** "The Calhoun Women" (compilation: "Courting Catherine", "A Man for Amanda", "For the Love of Lilah", and "Suzanna's Surrender"), The Calhoun Women (1-4 of 5), Silhouette
** "Daring to Dream", Dream or Templeton House (1 of 3), Jove
** "The Fall of Shane MacKade", The MacKade Brothers (4 of 4), Silhouette Special Edition
** "From the Heart" (compilation: "Tonight and Always", "A Matter of Choice", and "Endings and Beginnings"), Jove
** "The Heart of Devin MacKade", The MacKade Brothers (3 of 4), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Immortal in Death", In Death 3, Berkley
** "Megan’s Mate", The Calhoun Women (5 of 5), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Montana Sky", Putnam
** "Rapture in Death", In Death 4, Berkley

** "Captive Star", Stars of Mithra (2 of 3), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Ceremony in Death", In Death 5, Berkley
** "Finding the Dream", Dream or Templeton House (3 of 3), Jove
** "Hidden Star", Stars of Mithra (1 of 3), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Holding the Dream", Dream or Templeton House (2 of 3), Jove
** "The MacGregor Brides", The MacGregors (6 of 9), Silhouette
** "Sanctuary", Putnam
** "The Stanislaski Sisters: Natasha and Rachel" (compilation: "Taming Natasha" and "Falling for Rachel"), The Stanislaskis or Those Wild Ukrainians (1 & 3 of 6), Silhouette
** "Vengeance in Death", In Death 6, Berkley
** "Waiting for Nick", The Stanislaskis or Those Wild Ukrainians (5 of 6), Silhouette Special Edition

** "The Calhoun Women: Catherine and Amanda" (compilation: "Courting Catherine" and "A Man for Amanda"), The Calhoun Women (1 & 2 of 4), Silhouette
** "The Calhoun Women: Lilah and Suzanna" (compilation: "For the Love of Lilah" and "Suzanna's Surrender"), The Calhoun Women (3 & 4 of 5), unknown
** "Holiday in Death", In Death 7, Berkley
** "Homeport", Putnam
** "The MacGregors: Serena ~ Caine" (compilation: "Playing the Odds" and "Tempting Fate"), The MacGregors (1 & 2 of 9), Silhouette
** "The MacGregor Grooms", The MacGregors (8 of 9), Silhouette
** "Midnight in Death" (novella, from "Silent Night" anthology), In Death 7.5, Jove
** "The Reef", Putnam
** "Rising Tides", Chesapeake Bay or Quinn Bros. (2 of 4), Jove
** "Sea Swept", Chesapeake Bay or Quinn Bros. (1 of 4), Jove
** "Secret Star", Stars of Mithra (3 of 3), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Spellbound" (novella, from "Once Upon A Castle" anthology), Once Upon novellas (1 of 6), Jove
** "Three Complete Novels" (compilation: "Born in Fire", "Born in Ice", and "Born in Shame"), The Concannon Sisters or Born In trilogy (1-3 of 3), Putnam
** "The Winning Hand", The MacGregors (7 of 9), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Conspiracy in Death", In Death 8, Berkley
** "The Donovan Legacy" (compilation: "Captivated", "Entranced", and "Charmed"), The Donovan Legacy (1-3 of 4), Silhouette
** "Enchanted", The Donovan Legacy (4 of 4), Silhouette
** "Ever After" (novella, from "Once Upon A Star" anthology), Once Upon novellas (2 of 6), Jove
** "Inner Harbor", Chesapeake Bay or Quinn Bros. (3 of 4), Jove
** "Jewels of the Sun", Irish Trilogy or Gallaghers of Ardmore (1 of 3), Jove
** "Loyalty in Death", In Death 9, Berkley
** "The MacGregors: Alan ~ Grant" (compilation: "All the Possibilities" and "One Man's Art"), The MacGregors (3 & 4 of 9), Silhouette
** "The MacGregors: Daniel ~ Ian" (compilation: "For Now, Forever" and "In from the Cold"), The MacGregors (5 of 9 and novella), Silhouette
** "The Perfect Neighbor", The MacGregors (9 of 9), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Rebellion" (short story, from "Forever Mine" anthology), The MacGregors (addition to series), Harlequin
** "River’s End", Putnam
** "Three Complete Novels" (compilation: "Daring to Dream", "Holding the Dream", and "Finding the Dream"), Dream or Templeton House (1-3 of 3), Putnam


** "Carolina Moon", Putnam
** "Christmas in Ardmore" (short story), Irish Trilogy or Gallaghers of Ardmore (addition to series), Jove
** "Christmas with the Quinns” (short story), Chesapeake Bay or Quinn Bros. (addition to series), Jove
** "Heart of the Sea", Irish Trilogy or Gallaghers of Ardmore (3 of 3), Jove
** "In Dreams" (novella, from "Once Upon A Dream" anthology), Once Upon novellas (3 of 6), Jove
** "Irish Hearts" (compilation: "Irish Thoroughbred" & "Irish Rose"), Irish Hearts (1 & 2 of 3), Silhouette
** "Irish Rebel", Irish Hearts (3 of 3), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Judgment in Death", In Death, 11, Berkley
** "Night Shield", Night Tales (5 of 5), Silhouette Intimate Moments
** "Night Tales" (compilation: "Night Shift", "Night Shadow", "Nightshade", and "Night Smoke"), Night Tales (1-4 of 5), Silhouette
** "The Stanislaski Brothers: Mikhail and Alex" (compilation: "Luring a Lady" and "Convincing Alex"), The Stanislaskis or Those Wild Ukrainians (2 & 4 of 6), Silhouette
** "Tears of the Moon", Irish Trilogy or Gallaghers of Ardmore, 2 of 3, Jove
** "Three Complete Novels" (compilation: "Honest Illusions", "Private Scandals", and "Hidden Riches"), Putnam
** "Witness in Death", In Death, 10, Berkley

** "Betrayal in Death", In Death 12, Berkley
** "Chapter 2" (novella(?), from "Naked Came the Phoenix" anthology), St. Martin's Minotaur
** "Considering Kate", The Stanislaskis or Those Wild Ukrainians (6 of 6), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Dance Upon the Air", Three Sisters Island (1 of 3), Jove
** "Heaven and Earth", Three Sisters Island (2 of 3), Jove
** "Interlude in Death" (novella(?), from "Out of this World" anthology), In Death 12.5, Jove
** Midnight Bayou, none, Putnam
** "Reflections and Dreams" (compilation: "Reflections" and "Dance of Dreams"), Reflections and Dreams or The Davidov series (1 & 2 of 2), Silhouette
** "Seduction in Death", In Death 13, Berkley
** "Three Complete Novels" (compilation: "True Betrayals", "Montana Sky", and "Sanctuary"), Putnam
** "Time and Again" (compilation: "Time Was" and "Times Change"), Time and Again or The Hornblower Bros. (1 & 2 of 2), Silhouette
** "The Villa", Jove
** "Winter Rose" (novella, from "Once Upon A Rose" anthology), Once Upon novellas (4 of 6), Jove

** "Chesapeake Blue", Chesapeake Bay or Quinn Bros. (4 of 4), Putnam
** "Cordina’s Crown Jewel", Cordina's Royal Family (4 of 4), Silhouette Special Edition
** "Cordina’s Royal Family" (compilation: "Affaire Royale", "Command Performance", and "The Playboy Prince"), Cordina's Royal Family (1-3 of 4), Silhouette
** "Dangerous" (compilation: "Risky Business", "Storm Warning", and "The Welcome"), Silhouette
** "Face the Fire", Three Sisters Island (3 of 3), Jove
** "Going Home" (compilation: "Mind Over Matter", "Unfinished Business", and "Island of Flowers"), Silhouette
** "A Little Magic" (compilation: "Spellbound", "Ever After", and "In Dreams"), Once Upon novellas (1-3), Berkley
** "Purity in Death", In Death 15, Berkley
** "Reunion in Death", In Death 14, Berkley
** "Summer Pleasures" (compilation: "One Summer" and "Second Nature"}, Celebrity magazine (1 & 2 of 2), Silhouette
** "Table for Two" (compilation: "Summer Desserts" and "Lessons Learned"), Great Chefs (1 & 2 of 2), Silhouette
** "Three Fates", Putnam
** "A World Apart" (novella, from "Once Upon a Kiss" anthology), Once Upon novellas (5 of 6), Jove

** "Birthright", Putnam
** "Engaging the Enemy" (compilation: "A Will and A Way" and "Boundary Lines"), Silhouette
** "Imitation in Death", In Death 17, Berkley
** "Irish Born", (compilation: "Born in Fire", "Born in Ice", and "Born in Shame"), The Concannon Sisters or Born In trilogy (1-3 of 3), Berkley
** "Key of Knowledge", Key Trilogy (2 of 3), Jove
** "Key of Light", Key Trilogy (1 of 3), Jove
** "Love by Design" (compilation: "Loving Jack", "Best Laid Plans", and "Lawless"), Loving Jack (1-3 of 3), Silhouette
** "Mysterious" (compilation: "The Right Path", "This Magic Moment", and "Search for Love"), Berkley
** "Portrait in Death", In Death 16, Berkley
** "Remember When", In Death 17.5, Putnam
** "Suspicious" (compilation: "Partners", "The Art of Deception", and "Night Moves"), Silhouette
** "Truly, Madly Manhattan" (compilation: "Dual Image" and "Local Hero"), Silhouette
** "Two of a Kind" (compilation: "Impulse" and "The Best Mistake"), Silhouette
** "The Witching Hour" (novella, from "Once Upon a Midnight" anthology), Once Upon novellas (6 of 6), Jove

** "Blue Dahlia", In the Garden (1 of 3), Jove
** "Born O'Hurley" (compilation: "The Last Honest Woman" and "Dance to the Piper"), The O'Hurleys (1 & 2 of 4), Silhouette
** "Charmed & Enchanted" (compilation: "Charmed" and "Enchanted"), The Donovan Legacy (3 & 4 of 4), Silhouette
** "Divided in Death", In Death 18, Putnam
** "The Gift" (compilation: "Home for Christmas" and "All I Want for Christmas"), Silhouette
** "Key of Valor", Key Trilogy (3 of 3), Jove
** "A Little Fate", (compilation: "The Witching Hour" and "A World Apart"), Once Upon novellas (5 & 6 of 6), Jove
** "Lovers & Dreamers" (compilation: "Daring to Dream", "Holding the Dream", and "Finding the Dream"), Dream or Templeton House (1-3 of 3), Penguin
** "The MacKade Brothers: Devin and Shane" (compilation: "The Heart of Devin MacKade" and "The Fall of Shane MacKade"), The MacKade Brothers (3 & 4 of 4), Silhouette
** "The MacKade Brothers: Rafe and Jared", (compilation: "The Return of Rafe MacKade" and "The Pride of Jared MacKade"), The MacKade Brothers (1 & 2 of 4), Silhouette
** "Northern Lights", Putnam
** "Reunion" (compilation: "Once More with Feeling" and "Treasures Lost, Treasures Found"), Silhouette
** "Visions in Death", In Death 19, Putnam
** "Winner Takes All" (compilation: "Rules of the Game" and "The Name of the Game"), Silhouette
** "With Open Arms" (compilation: "Song of the West" and "Her Mother's Keeper"), Silhouette
** "Wolf Moon" (novella, from "Moon Shadows" anthology), Jove

** "Black Rose", In the Garden (2 of 3), Jove
** "Blue Smoke", Putnam
** "The Calhouns: Catherine, Amanda, & Lilah" (compilation: "Courting Catherine", "A Man for Amanda", and "For the Love of Lilah"), The Calhoun Women (1-3 of 5), Silhouette
** "The Calhouns: Suzanna and Megan" (compilation: "Suzanna's Surrender" and "Megan's Mate"), The Calhoun Women (4 & 5 of 5), Silhouette
** "Night Tales" [blue] (compilation: "Night Shift" and "Night Shadow"), Night Tales (1 & 2 of 5), Silhouette
** "Night Tales" [green] (compilation: "Nightshade" and "Night Smoke", Night Tales (3 & 4 of 5), Silhouette
** "Night Tales" [pink] (compilation: "Night Shield" and "Night Moves"), Night Tales (5 of 5 & non-series), Silhouette
** "O'Hurley's Return" (compilation: "Skin Deep" and "Without a Trace"), The O'Hurleys (3 & 4 of 4), Silhouette
** "Origin in Death", In Death 21, Berkley
** "Red Lily", In the Garden (3 of 3), Jove
** "Rules of Play" (compilation: "Opposites Attract" and "The Heart's Victory"), Silhouette
** "Spellbound", Once Upon novellas (1 of 6), Jove
** "Survivor in Death", In Death 20, Berkley

** "Angels Fall", Jove
** "Haunted in Death" (short story, from "Bump in the Night" anthology), In Death 23.5, Jove
** "Born in Death", In Death 23, Berkley
** "Cordina’s Royal Family: Bennett & Camilla" (compilation: "The Playboy Prince" and Cordina's Crown Jewel), Cordina's Royal Family (3 & 4 of 4), Silhouette
** "Cordina’s Royal Family: Gabriella & Alexander" (compilation: "Affaire Royale" and "Command Performance"), Cordina's Royal Family (1 & 2 of 4), Silhouette
** "Dance of the Gods", Circle Trilogy (2 of 3), Jove
** "Dream Makers", (compilation: "Untamed" and "Less of a Stranger"), Silhouette Special Releases
** "Memory in Death", In Death 22, Berkley
** "Morrigan's Cross", Circle Trilogy (1 of 3), Jove
** "The Quinn Brothers: Cam & Ethan" (compilation: "Sea Swept" and "Rising Tides"), Chesapeake Bay or Quinn Bros. (1 & 2 of 4), Berkley
** "The Quinn Legacy: Phillip & Seth" (compilation: "Inner Harbor" and "Chesapeake Blue"), Chesapeake Bay or Quinn Bros. (3 & 4 of 4), Berkley
** "Valley of Silence", Circle Trilogy (3 of 3), Jove
** "Innocent in Death", In Death 24, Berkley

** "Blood Brothers", Sign of Seven trilogy (1 of 3), Jove
** "Creation in Death", In Death 25, Berkley
** "Eternity in Death" (short story, from "Dead of Night" anthology), In Death 25.5, Jove
** "High Noon", Putnam
** "Irish Dreams", (compilation: "Irish Rebel" and "Sullivan's Woman"), Silhouette Special Releases
** "Irish Hearts", (compilation: "Irish Thoroughbred" and "Irish Rose"), Silhouette Special Releases
** "The MacGregors: Robert ~ Cybil" (compilation: "The Winning Hand" and "The Perfect Neighbor"), The MacGregors (8 & 9 of 9), Silhouette

**"Salvation in Death", In Death 27, Putnam Adult (November 2008)
**"Strangers in Death", In Death 26, Putnam Adult
**"Suite 606", In Death 27.5, unknown (November 2008)
** "The Hollow", Sign of Seven trilogy (2 of 3), Jove
** "The Pagan Stone", Sign of Seven trilogy (3 of 3), Jove (December 2008)
**"Three in Death", (compilation: "Interlude in Death", "Midnight in Death", and "Haunted in Death"), In Death, Jove (January 2008)
**"Tribute", none, Putnam Adult

**"Promises in Death", In Death 28, Putnam Adult (February 2009)


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