List of Prešeren laureates

List of Prešeren laureates

Winners of the Prešeren Award are Slovene scientists and artists who have been awarded in their field of endeavor and who are known collectively as Prešeren laureates.


* Anton Melik for the treatise "Ljubljansko mostiščarsko jezero in dediščina po njem" ("The Ljubljana Pile-Dweller's Lake and its Heritage")
* Gojmir Anton Kos for the oil painting "Dekle s harmoniko" ("A Girl with an Accordion")
* Boris Kalin for the statue "Petnajstletna" ("A Fifteen-year-old Girl")
* Božidar Jakac for the drawings collection "Po sledovih 4. in 5. ofenzive" ("Following the Traces of the 4th and 5th Offensive")

* Blaž Arnič for the composition "Gozdovi pojejo" ("The Woods are Singing")
* Lucijan Marija Škerjanc for the "Koncert za violino in orkester ("Concerto for Violin and Orchestra")
* Igo Gruden for the poem collections "V pregnanstvo" ("Into the Exile") and "Pesnikovo srce" ("The Poet's Heart")
* Matej Bor for the drama play "Raztrganci" ("Tatterdemalions")
* Vitomil Zupan for the drama play "Rojstvo v nevihti" ("A Birth in a Storm")
* Ivan Potrč for the drama play "Kreflova kmetija" ("Krefl's Farm")
* Tone Seliškar for the story "Tovariši" ("Comrades")


* Jakov Cipci, a conductor
* Marjan Kozina for the opera "Ekvinokcij" ("The Equinox")
* Lucijan Marija Škerjanc for the "4. simfonija" ("Symphony No. 4")
* Karel Grabeljšek for the literary collection "Za svobodo in kruh" ("For Freedom and Bread")
* Anton Slodnjak for the novel "Pogine naj - pes" ("May He Perish - the Scoundrel")
* Mira Danilova, an actress
* Samo Hubad, as a conductor of the opera "The Fair at Sorochyntsi"
* Vekoslav Janko for his lifetime work in the field of the opera
* Bratko Kreft for the poetic re-creation and stage direction of Tugomer (a tragedy)
* Mileva Zakrajšek, an actress
* Božidar Jakac for the sepia drawing "Portret Otona Župančiča" ("A Portrait of Oton Župančič")
* Boris Kalin for the statue "Portret Maršala Tita" ("A Portrait of Marshal Tito")
* Gabrijel Stupica for the oil painting "Deklica z lampijonom" ("A Girl with a Chinese Lantern")


* Maks Samec for the scientific explorations and the scientific results of importance for the realisation of the five-year plan
* Anton Melik for the book "Jugoslavija, zemljepisni pregled" (Yugoslavia, a Geographic Overview)
* Feliks Lobe for the successful execution of important original constructions and for the establishment and completion of the Mechanical Engineering Institute
* Milovan Goljevšček for the execution of model experiments in hydroelectricity being of prime importance in carrying out the five-year plant and in the construction of a hydroconstruction laboratory
* Srečko Brodar for important results of excavations at Paleolithic sites, especially in Betal rock shelter near Postojna
* Igor Tavčar for the textbook of internal disease based on author's own experiences and observation, and incorporating the modern advancements in the internal medicine
* Ciril Kosmač for the script play of "Na svoji zemlji" ("On Our Own Land")
* Anton Ingolič for the novel "Pot po nasipu" ("A Path on the Embankment")
* France Bevk for the youth story "Tonček" ("Tony Boy")
* Vladimir Levstik for well done translations, especially the translation of "Taras Bulba" by Nikolai Gogol, and the translation of "The Legend of Thyl Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak" by Charles De Coster
* France Mihelič for the fine art works "Kolona v snegu" ("A Column in Snow") and "Vaška ječa" ("The Village Jail")
* France Pavlovec for the fine art works "Sava" and "Soča"
* Božidar Jakac for "Ilustrativni ciklus XIV. divizija na Štajerskem" ("The XIVth Division in Lower Styria Illustrative cycle")
* Božidar Pengov for the statue "Odločitev" ("A Decision")
* Frančišek Smerdu for the statue of France Prešeren
* Jože Plečnik for the project of the monumental palace of the PRS Public Assembly, and a number of memorials of People's Liberation War, built in People's Republic of Slovenia, in Split, and in Kraljevo
* Branko Gavella for the direction of the play "Deep are the Roots" by James Gow-d´Usseau, the play "A Month in the Country" by Ivan Turgenev, and the opera "Jenůfa" by Leoš Janáček
* Slavko Jan for the direction of "Hlapci" ("Farmhands") by Ivan Cankar
* Hinko Leskovšek for the direction of the operas "The Fair at Sorochyntsi" by Modest Mussorgsky and "Don Pasquale" by Donizetti
* Ivan Cesar for his role as Berden in the play "Pot do zločina" ("A Path to the Crime") by Miško Kranjec
* Stane Sever for his role as Jerman in "Hlapci" by Cankar
* Milan Skrbinšek for his role as the parish priest in "Hlapci" by Cankar
* Branka Verdonik for her role as Gruden's wife in "Za narodov blagor" ("For the Good of the People")
* Valerija Heybal for her role as Tosca in the homonymous opera by Puccini, and for her role as Leonore in the opera Fidelio by Ludwig van Beethoven
* Elza Karlovac for her role as Jela in the opera "Ekvinokcij" ("The Exuinox") by Marjan Kozina, and for her role as the sacristan Buryjovka in the opera "Jenůfa" by Leoš Janáček
* Rudolf Francl for his role as Mario Cavaradossi in the opera "Tosca" by Puccini
* Ladislav Korošec for his role as Don Pasquale in the homonymous opera by Donizetti
* Samo Smerkolj for his role as Eugene Onegin in the homonymous opera by Pyotr Tchaikovsky
* Pia Mlakar and Pino Mlakar for a ballet choreography by Antonín Dvořák and for the "The Fair at Sorochyntsi"
* Anton Neffat for conducting Eugene Onegin by Tchaikovsky, La Boheme by Puccini and successful management of the Maribor Opera
* Ernest Franz for stagings: "Kranjski komedijanti" ("The Carniolan Comedians") by Bratko Kreft, The School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, and "Fidelio" by Beethoven
* Viktor Molka for stagings: "Hlapci" by Cankar, "Don Pasquale" by Donizetti, "Pot do zločina" by Kranjec, "The Fair at Sorochyntsi" by Modest Mussorgsky
* Marijan Lipovšek for "Simfonija, I. stavek" ("Symphony, movement 1")
* Uroš Krek for "Koncert za violino in orkester" ("Concerto for violin and orchestra")
* Jakov Cipci for leading the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra
* Rado Simoniti for leading and organisation of the choir of Slovenian Philharmonics
* Anton Trost for his piano concert performances


* Maks Samec for his successful work for the production of the metallurgic coke from the domestic coal
* Fran Ramovš for his scientific and scientific-organisational work at the "Slovene Ortography"
* Jakob Šolar, Anton Bajec, Mirko Rupel, Matej Šmalc, Rudolf Kolarič for their scientific work on the "Slovene Ortography"
* Božidar Lavrič for his work on the organisation of a complete medical faculty in Ljubljana
* Pavel Lunaček for the organisation of a gynaecological clinic in Ljubljana
* Janko Sketelj for the organisation and work of the Institute of Sanitary Engineering in Ljubljana, especially the work of the chemistry and hydrobiology laboratory of the institute
* Svetko Lapajne for the handbook on execution of static calculations of reinforced concrete constructions (Cross method)
* Branko Žnideršič for the handbooks on a handy and simple method for tracing communications
* France Kidrič for his lifetime work in the field of literary history
* Prežihov Voranc for the collection of sketch stories "Solzice" ("Lilies of the Valley")
* Anton Sovre for the translation of "Iliad" by Homer
* Boris Ziherl for the treatise on France Prešeren
* Mira Puc for her drama play "Ogenj in pepel" ("Fire and Ashes")
* Lucijan Marija Škerjanc for the cantata for soloists, chorus and orchestra "Sonetni venec" ("A Wreath of Sonnets")
* Gabrijel Stupica for the oil on canvas "Pred sprevodom" ("Before a Parade")
* Ivan Zajec for his lifetime statuary work
* Boris Kalin for the monument to the People's Liberation War in Vrhnika
* Gojmir Anton Kos for the oil on canvas "Avtoportret" ("Self-portrait")
* Tine Kos for the statues: "Žanjica" ("A Reaperwoman"), "Delavski par" ("A Workingclass Pair"), and "Dekle z vrčem" ("A young woman with a jug")
* Božo Pengov for the memorial to hostages in Šentvid
* Zlata Gjungjenac for the creation of La Traviata in the homonymous opera by Giuseppe Verdi and for the creation of Jenůfa in the homonymous opera by Leoš Janáček
* Mihaela Šarič for her role as Regan in King Lear by William Shakespeare
* Marija Vera for her role as Kate in the play "All My Sons" by Arthur Miller
* Pavle Kovič for his role as Komar (Mosquito) in the play "Hlapci" by Ivan Cankar as well as for his role of Cosme in "La Dama duende" ("The Phantom Lady") by Pedro Calderón de la Barca
* Jože Tiran for his artistic recitation of "Bela krizantema" ("A White Chrysanthemum")

* Stanislav Polik for his role as Marko in the ballet "Ohridska legenda" ("The Legend of Ohrid") by Stevan Hristić


* Fran Saleški Finžgar for his lifetime work (literature)
* Mile Klopčič for the translation of poems by Alexander Pushkin
* France Koblar for his work in the fields of theatre culture, literary history, and literary criticism
* Anton Melik for the treatise "Planine v Julijskih Alpah" ("Mountains in the Julian Alps")
* Pavel Lunaček for the book "Porodniške operacije" ("Obstetric operations")
* Ciril Rekar for his organisational and scientific work in the Institute of Metallurgy (Ljubljana)
* Roman Poniž for his expert and organisational work at "Elektrotehniški vestnik" ("Electrotechnical review")
* Julij Betetto for his art and educational work (music)
* Mirko Polič for his lifetime art and organisational work in the field of music
* Demetrij Žebre for the artistic leadership of Opera of Maribor and Philharmonics of Maribor in 1950
* Friderik Lupša for his role as Don Quixote in the homonymous opera by Jules Massenet
* Marija Vera for her educational work at the Academy of Performing Arts and her role as Bernarda Alba
* Pia Mlakar and Pino Mlakar for their original choreographies in 1950
* France Pavlovec for his work presented on a retrospective exhibition in 1950


* Juš Kozak for his literary work
* Fran Tratnik for his artistic work presented in a retrospective exhibition in 1951
* Slovene Philharmonics Choir and the Slovene Philharmonics Orchestra for their concert work in 1951
* Vladimir Pavšič - Matej Bor, for his collection of poems "Bršljan nad jezom" ("The Ivy above the Lake")
* Vladimir Rijavec for staging Romeo and Juliet in the Maribor Drama Theatre
* Jože Plečnik for his work in architecture
* Anton Kuhelj for the scientific treatises "Novovrstne statične predstave konstrukcij kril in trupov letal" ("New Static Representations of the Aircraft Wing and Fuselage Constructions"), "Prispevek k teoriji prozornosti lupin" ("A Contribution to the Theory of the Hull Transparency"), Relaksacijske metode pri numeričnem obračunavanju" ("Relaxation Methods in Numerical Calculations")
* Dušan Lasič for the organisation of scientific work at the Institute for Vacuum Technology
* Svetozar Ilešič for the treatise "Sistemi poljske razdelitve na Slovenskem" ("Systems of Agrarian Distribution in the Slovene Lands)
* Ivan Vidav for the work "Višja matematika" ("Higher Mathematics") part I and II
* Zlatko Deniša for the organisation of public librarianship in Celje
* Srečko Tič for his stage management work with the collective of the Jesenice industrial school


* Rajko Nahtigal for his scientific work (linguistics)
* Maksim Gaspari for his art work (painting)
* Osip Šest for his art work (theatre)
* Nada Vidmar for her role as Violetta in "La Traviata" and other successful creations in 1952
* Samo Hubad and Hinko Leskovšek for the conduction and stage direction of "Romeo and Juliet"
* Lojze Potokar for his role as Krefl in Krefli and other successful creations in 1952
* Fran Žižek for the direction of "El alcalde de Zalamea" and other successful directing works
* Uroš Krek for the composition "Simfonietta"
* Metod Badjura for producing the cultural movie "Pomlad v Beli krajini" ("Spring in White Carniola")


* Josip Plemelj for his scientific work in the field of mathematics
* France Bevk for his lifetime work (literature)
* Anton Lajovic for his lifetime work (music)
* Jakob Kelemina for his lifetime work (literary studies)


* Milko Kos for the work "Urbarji Slovenskega Primorja" ("Land Registers of the Slovene Littoral") (history)
* Anton Peterlin for his scientific work in the field of macromolecules
* Fran Novak for a variant of the Wertheim cervical cancer operation

* Ivan Potrč for the novel "Na kmetih" ("In the Country")
* Mira Danilova for her role as Vassa Zheleznova in the homonymous play by Maxim Gorky and as the mother in The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams and in the Filumena Marturano by Eduardo De Filippo
* France Mihelič for his graphic works


* Jovan Hadži for the treatises "Morfološki značaj pnevmatofora pri sifonoforah" ("The Morphological Character of Pneumatophor in Siphonophores) and "Nadaljnja raziskovanja o ishiropsalidih (opiliones)" ("Further Investigations in Ischyropsalididae (Opiliones)
* Aleš Strojnik for having constructed an electron microscope at the Faculty of Engineering in Ljubljana
* Anton Sovre for the translation of the "Epistolæ Obscurorum Virorum" and the trilogy "The Last Days of Socrates" by Plato
* Ferdo Kozak for the book "Popotoval sem v domovino" ("I Have Traveled to the Homeland")
* Vilma Bukovec for her role as Manon in the homonymous opera by Massenet


* Cene Vipotnik for the collection of poems "Drevo na samem" ("A Tree in Solitude")
* Gabrijel Stupica for the works "Deklica z igračkami" ("A Girl with Her Toys") and "Avtoportret z otrokom" ("A Self-portrait with a Child")
* Bratko Kreft for the direction of Henry IV by Shakespeare
* Igor Ozim for his concert work in the past year
* Slovene Octet ("Slovenski oktet"), for the concert work in the past year
* France Bezlaj for the book "Slovene Water Names" (linguistics)


* Lojz Kraigher for his important writing activity - at his 80. anniversary
* Beno Zupančič for the novel "Sedmina" ("A Funneral Repast")
* Marij Pregelj for the mosaic composition at the building of the Worker's Cultural Centre in Trbovlje
* Lojze Potokar for the title role as Platon in "The Last Days of Socrates"
* Samo Hubad for the conduction of "Črne maske" ("Black masks") by Marij Kogoj in the Slovene National Theatre Opera
* Samo Smerkolj for the title role as Lorenzo in "Črne maske" by Marij Kogoj
* Hinko Leskovšek for the stage adaptation of "Črne maske" in the Slovene National Theatre Opera
* Edvard Kardelj for the work "Razvoj slovenskega narodnega vprašanja" ("Development of Slovene National Question")
* Boris Ziherl for the work "Književnost in družba" ("Literature and Society")


* Miško Kranjec for the book "Mesec je doma na Bladovici" ("The Moon is a Native of Bladovica")
* Danilo Lokar for the collection of short stories "Sodni dan na vasi" ("The Judgement Day in the Country")
* Slavko Pengov for the fresco "Zgodovina Slovencev" ("A History of Slovenes") in the building of the People's Assembly of the People's Republic of Slovenia
* Zdenko Kalin for his plastic art at the building of the People's Assembly of the People's Republic of Slovenia
* Karel Putrih for his plastic art at the building of the People's Assembly of the People's Republic of Slovenia
* Ladko Korošec for his singing role as Sancho Panza and as Don Pasquale
* Anton Hudarin for his work as a conductor and music educator at the Trbovlje Workers' Band
* Mileva Zakrajšek for her role as the grandmother Eugenia in the play "Los árboles mueren de pie" by Alejandro Cason
* Stane Sever for his role as Aleksej Gornik in the homonymous comedy by Ivan Cankar

* Branko Simčič and collaborators for the building of Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre


* Fran Albreht for his lifetime literary work
* Riko Debenjak for his graphic creations in 1959
* Stojan Batič for the statuary cycle "Rudarji" ("Miners")
* Egon Kunej for his work as a conductor and a music educator
* Srečko Brodar for the work "Črni Kal - nova paleolitska postaja v Slovenskem Primorju" ("Črni Kal - A New Palaeolithic Station in the Slovenian Littoral")


* Mile Klopčič for his poetical and translational work
* Vladimir Skrbinšek for his creations in performing arts
* Dragotin Cvetko for the work "Zgodovina glasbene umetnosti na Slovenskem" ("A History of Music Art in the Slovene Lands")
* Edvard Ravnikar for his architectural creations

----Since 1962 the Prešeren Award has been bestowed only for exceptional contributions in art.


* Julij Betetto for his lifetime work in Slovene music
* Niko Kralj for his achievements in the industrial design and architecture
* France Štiglic for the film direction of "Dolina miru" ("Valley of Peace"), "Deveti krug" ("The Ninth Circle"), and "Balada o trobenti in oblaku" (The Ballad of a Trumpet and a Cloud)
* Jože Udovič for the collection of poems "Ogledalo sanj" ("Mirror of Dreams")


* Matija Bravničar for "Koncert za violino in orkester" ("Concerto for Violin and Orchestra")
* Juš Kozak for his lifetime work in Slovene literature


* Štefanija Drolc for theatre creations in 1963
* Edvard Kocbek for the collection of poem "Groza" ("Dread")
* Miško Kranjec for the novel "Mladost v močvirju" ("Youth in a Swamp")
* Marij Pregelj for his painting creations exhibited in 1963 in Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana
* Slovene Octet for their art service in 1963


* L'Oiseau Bleu by Maeterlinck
* Vladimir Skrbinšek for his acting works in 1964
* Marko Turk for his design of electroacoustic instruments


* Josip Vidmar at the publication of the book "Misli" ("Thoughts")
* France Stele for his contribution to the development of Slovene fine arts
* Ivan Vurnik for his contribution to the development of Slovene architecture
* Duša Počkaj for her theater performances in 1965


* Božo Vodušek for the collection of poems "Izbrane pesmi"
* Maksim Sedej for his painting works exhibited in 1966 in the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana


* Janko Glazer for his work in poetry, essayistics, and literary history
* Janko Ravnik for his work as a conductor, a pianist, and an educator
* Bojan Stupica for his theater direction work


* Lojze Dolinar for his exhibition in the City Art Museum in Ljubljana in 1968
* France Koblar for his lifetime work in the field of the literary arts
* Elvira Kralj for her lifetime work in the field of the theater arts
* Edo Mihevc for his architectural - urbanistic solution of the Lucija complex
* Karol Pahor for his lifetime work in the field of musical creativity


* Mihaela Šarič for her lifetime work in the field of the acting arts
* Veno Pilon for his lifetime work in the field of painting
* Handicapped Partisans Choir at its 25-year anniversary for the concert performance of partisan songs
* Stanko Kristl for the school of dr. France Prešeren in Kranj


* Vida Juvan for her lifetime work in the field of performing arts
* Stane Kregar for his lifetime work and his paintings in the past years
* Janko Lavrin for his lifetime work and for the distribution of Slovene literature in foreign countries
* Savin Sever for his ten year work in the field of architecture
* Lucijan Marija Škerjanc for his lifetime work in the field of musical composition


* Tone Kralj for his lifetime work in the field of fine arts
* Bogo Leskovic for his successes in the field of conduction
* Pia Mlakar and Pino Mlakar for their lifetime work in the field of the dance arts
* Marjan Mušič for his lifetime work in the field of architecture
* Sava Sever for her lifetime work in the field of theatre arts


* Lojze Kovačič for his narrative "Sporočila v spanju - Resničnost" ("Messages During Sleep - The Reality")
* Danilo Švara for his lifetime work in the field of musical composition


* Marijan Lipovšek for his work in the field of musical arts
* Bert Sotlar for his film performance
* Lojze Spacal for his graphic and painting works


* Zoran Didek for his lifetime work and exhibition in 1974
* Bratko Kreft for his lifetime work in the field of literature and of theatre arts
* Frane Milčinski for his lifetime work in the field of radio and television, film, and literature
* Pavel Šivic for his artistic and educational achievements in the field of music
* Dubravka Tomšič Srebotnjak for her topmost artistic achievements in the field of musical creativity


* Rado Simoniti for his lifetime work in the field of music
* Miško Kranjec for his lifetime work in the field of literature
* Karel Grabeljšek for his chosen writing work
* Milan Mihelič for his achievements in the field of architecture
* Avgust Černigoj for his achievements in the field of fine arts


* Boris Kobe for his architecture, painting, monument design, book illustration, and educational work
* Branko Kocmut and Ivan Kocmut for their architectural and city planning solutions of the Maribor region
* Lojze Krakar for his collection of poetry "Nekje tam čisto na robu" ("Somewhere There Right at the Edge)
* Miha Maleš for his graphic, painting and illustrative works
* Igor Pretnar for film direction of "Idealist" and all of his film works
* Tatjana Remškar for her ballet and artistic creativity
* Jože Babič, Polde Bibič, Darijan Božič, Beno Hvala, Peter Skalar, Matjaž Vipotnik, and Primož Kozak for their staging of "Hlapec Jernej" at the central commemoration of the birth of Ivan Cankar


* Anton Ingolič for his modern history testimonies and his children's and youth literature
* Ladko Korošec for his opera singing works
* Kajetan Kovič for his collection of poetry "Labrador"
* Nikolaj Omersa for his creative painting work
* Edo Ravnikar for his urbanistic architectural creation of the Revolution Square, Ljubljana
* Nande Vidmar and Drago Vidmar for their artistic and social partisan design


* Bojan Adamič for his creative works in the film music and popular music
* Vanda Gerlovič for her numerous opera roles
* Vladimir Makuc for his graphic works
* Janez Menart for his collections of poetry and his translation (declined the award)
* Rado Nakrst for his lifetime work in theatre
* Ive Šubic for his fine art creations
* Fran Žižek for his successful television direction work


* Božidar Jakac for a rich exhibition activity in the past years and a vivid fine art presence in the Slovene and Yugoslav cultural space
* Slavko Jan for his lifetime work in the Slovene National Theatre Drama
* Ciril Kosmač for his writing works


* Jože Babič for his lifetime work in the field of theatre, film and television direction
* Janez Bernik for his fine art creations in the past years
* Mile Korun for his direction work in Slovenian theatres
* Filip Kumbatovič - Kalan for his lifetime work in the field of artistic literature, essayistics, and theatre studies
* Majda Potokar for her acting creations in the Slovene National Theatre Drama in Ljubljana
* Gabrijel Stupica for his lifetime work in the field of the fine art creation
* Dane Zajc for his poetic and drama works


* Zdenko Kalin for his lifetime work in the field of fine art creation
* Vilma Bukovec for her lifetime work in the field of opera singing
* Ciril Zlobec for the collection of poems "Glas" ("A Voice")


* Mira Mihelič for her lifetime work
* Primož Ramovš for his lifetime work
* Slavko Tihec for his quality innovations in the statuary art and especially for creatively new solutions of the People's Liberation War memorials


* Oton Jugovec for his achievements in the field of architecture
* Tone Pavček for his collection of poetry "Dediščina" ("Heritage")
* Vitomil Zupan for his literary work


* Polde Bibič, a master of Slovene performance arts and the Slovene artistic word
* Ivan Minatti for his lyric poetry, collected in the book "Prisluškujem tišini v sebi" ("I'm Hearkening to the Silence In Me")
* Vilko Ukmar for his lifetime work (a composer)


* Marjan Pogačnik for his lifetime work
* Dominik Smole for his drama works
* Gregor Strniša for his lifetime work in the field of poetry
* Damjana Kenda Hussu for her diploma work


* Miloš Bonča for his lifetime work
* Boris Cavazza for his role as Doctor in "Veliki briljantni valček" ("The Great Brilliant Waltz"), as Danton in the drama play "Dantonov primer" in Stavrogina v dramatizaciji "Besov"
* Pavle Zidar for his narrative creations


* Janez Boljka for his lifetime work
* Marjana Lipovšek for her topmost artistic achievements
* Andrej Hieng for his prose and drama works


* Alenka Bartl for his lifetime work
* Mojmir Lasan for his classical and modern ballet roles
* Rudi Šeligo for his drama and prose works


* Dušan Jovanović for his drama and direction works in the past years
* Drago Tršar for his lifetime work


* Zoran Mušič for his lifetime work
* Marjan Rožanc for his lifetime work
* Jakob Jež for his lifetime work


* Uroš Krek for his lifetime work
* Boris Pahor for his lifetime work


* Drago Jančar for his narratives, plays and essays
* Milena Zupančič for the roles performed in Slovene theaters and movies


* Andrej Jemec for his painting works
* Lojze Lebič for his musical composing


* Matjaž Klopčič for his film works
* Alojz Rebula for his literature works


* Veno Taufer for his literature works
* Vojko Vidmar for his lifetime work


* Emerik Bernard for his topmost achievements in the fine arts
* Niko Grafenauer for his literature works


* Meta Hočevar for her theatre works
* Saša Vuga for his literary works, especially the novel "Opomin k čuječnosti" ("The Admonition to Stay Vigilant")


* Alojz Srebotnjak for his lifetime work
* Tomaž Šalamun for his poetry works


* Svetlana Makarovič for her poetry works (declined the award)
* Marko Rupnik for the mosaic painting of the "Redemptoris Mater Chapel" in the Vatican City


* Gustav Gnamuš for his painting work


* Vinko Globokar for his lifetime work
* Milan Jesih for his poetry work


* Vojteh Ravnikar for his architectural works
* Zlatko Šugman for his acting works


* Florjan Lipuš for his literary works


* Bogdan Borčič for his lifetime work
* Irena Grafenauer for her topmost music reproduction


*Milan Dekleva, for his lifetime poetry and writing work.
*Karpo Godina, for his lifetime work in film creation.


*Radko Polič, a theatre and film actor
*Janez Matičič, a music composer


*Janez Gradišnik for his lifetime work in the field of literature, literature translation, writing, and linguistics
*Miljenko Licul for his numerous creative works in the field of design

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  • Prešeren Award — (the so called Grand Prešeren Award ) ( sl. Prešernova nagrada) is the highest decoration in the field of artistic and in the past also scientific creation in Slovenia awarded each year to one or two eminent Slovene artists. It has been bestowed… …   Wikipedia

  • Ciril Kosmac — Ciril Kosmač Ciril Kosmač est un écrivain slovène, né le 28 septembre 1910 à Slap ob Idrijci, à l époque territoire italien, mort le 28 janvier 1980 à Ljubljana. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Œuvre …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ciril Kosmač — est un écrivain slovène, né le 28 septembre 1910 à Slap ob Idrijci, à l époque territoire italien, mort le 28 janvier 1980 à Ljubljana. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Œuvre …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Milan Dekleva — Born 17 October 1946(1946 10 17) Ljubljana, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (now in Slovenia) Occupation poet, writer, playwright, composer, journalist Notable work(s) Mushi mushi, Zapriseženi prah, Zmagoslavje podgan …   Wikipedia

  • Ciril Zlobec — Born 4 July 1925(1925 07 04) Ponikve, Kingdom of Italy (now in Slovenia) Occupation poet, writer, journalist, translator, politician Literary movement Intimism Notable work(s) Pesmi štirih, Najin …   Wikipedia

  • Milan Jesih — Born 1950 Ljubljana, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (now in Slovenia) Occupation poet, playwright, translator Notable work(s) Soneti, Soneti drugi, Jambi, Grenki sadeži pravice Notable award(s) Prešeren Awa …   Wikipedia

  • Drago Jančar — Born April 13, 1948(1948 04 13) Maribor, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (now in Slovenia) Occupation …   Wikipedia

  • Matej Bor — in the 1930s Matej Bor was the pen name of Vladimir Pavšič (14 April, 1913 29 September, 1993), who was a Slovene poet, translator, playwright, journalist and partisan. Contents …   Wikipedia

  • Matija Bravničar — (24 February 1897 in Tolmin  – 25 November 1977 in Ljubljana) was a Slovenian composer. Bravničar was one of the first Slovenian symphonic composers. He composed 4 symphonies, 2 operas, several symphonic poems, chamber music, etc. He first… …   Wikipedia

  • Darijan Božič — (born in Slavonski Brod, Croatia on April 29, 1933) is a Slovenian composer and conductor. Contents 1 Biography 2 Works, musical style, and innovations 3 Works (selective list) …   Wikipedia

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