

In classical genetics, synteny describes the physical co-localization of genetic loci on the same chromosome within an individual or species. The concept is related to genetic linkage: Linkage between two loci is established by the observation of lower-than-expected recombination frequencies between them. In contrast, any loci on the same chromosome are by definition syntenic, even if their recombination frequency cannot be distinguished from unlinked loci by practical experiments. Thus, in theory, all linked loci are syntenic, but not all syntenic loci are necessarily linked. Similarly, in genomics, the genetic loci on a chromosome are syntenic regardless of whether this relationship can be established by experimental methods such as DNA sequencing/assembly, genome walking, physical localization or hap-mapping.

Students of genetics employ the term synteny to describe the situation in which two genetic loci have been assigned to the same chromosome but still may be separated by a large enough distance in map units that genetic linkage has not been demonstrated.

The Encyclopædia Britannica gives the following description of synteny[1]:

Genomic sequencing and mapping have enabled comparison of the general structures of genomes of many different species. The general finding is that organisms of relatively recent divergence show similar blocks of genes in the same relative positions in the genome. This situation is called synteny, translated roughly as possessing common chromosome sequences. For example, many of the genes of humans are syntenic with those of other mammalsnot only apes but also cows, mice, and so on. Study of synteny can show how the genome is cut and pasted in the course of evolution.


Shared synteny

Shared synteny (also known as conserved synteny) describes preserved co-localization of genes on chromosomes of different species. During evolution, rearrangements to the genome such as chromosome translocations may separate two loci apart, resulting in the loss of synteny between them. Conversely, translocations can also join two previously separate pieces of chromosomes together, resulting in a gain of synteny between loci. Stronger-than-expected shared synteny can reflect selection for functional relationships between syntenic genes, such as combinations of alleles that are advantageous when inherited together, or shared regulatory mechanisms.[2]

The term is sometimes also used to describe preservation of the precise order of genes on a chromosome passed down from a common ancestor,[3][4][5][6] although many geneticists reject this use of the term.[7] The analysis of synteny in the gene order sense has several applications in genomics. Shared synteny is one of the most reliable criteria for establishing the orthology of genomic regions in different species. Additionally, exceptional conservation of synteny can reflect important functional relationships between genes. For example, the order of genes in the "Hox cluster", which are key determinants of the animal body plan and which interact with each other in critical ways, is essentially preserved throughout the animal kingdom.[citation needed] Patterns of shared synteny or synteny breaks can also be used as characters to infer the phylogenetic relationships among several species, and even to infer the genome organization of extinct ancestral species. A qualitative distinction is sometimes drawn between macrosynteny, preservation of synteny in large portions of a chromosome, and microsynteny, preservation of synteny for only a few genes at a time.


Synteny is a neologism meaning "on the same ribbon"; Greek: σύν, syn = along with + ταινία, tainiā = band.


  1. ^
  2. ^ Moreno-Hagelsieb G, Treviño V, Pérez-Rueda E, Smith TF, Collado-Vides J (2001). "Transcription unit conservation in the three domains of life: a perspective from Escherichia coli". Trends in Genetics 17 (4): 175177. doi:10.1016/S0168-9525(01)02241-7. PMID 11275307. 
  3. ^ Engström PG, Ho Sui SJ, Drivenes O, Becker TS, Lenhard B (2007). "Genomic regulatory blocks underlie extensive microsynteny conservation in insects". Genome Res. 17 (12): 1898908. doi:10.1101/gr.6669607. PMC 2099597. PMID 17989259. 
  4. ^ Heger A, Ponting CP (2007). "Evolutionary rate analyses of orthologs and paralogs from 12 Drosophila genomes". Genome Res. 17 (12): 183749. doi:10.1101/gr.6249707. PMC 2099592. PMID 17989258. 
  5. ^ Poyatos JF, Hurst LD (2007). "The determinants of gene order conservation in yeasts". Genome Biol 8 (11): R233. doi:10.1186/gb-2007-8-11-r233. PMC 2258174. PMID 17983469. 
  6. ^ Dawson DA, Akesson M, Burke T, Pemberton JM, Slate J, Hansson B (2007). "Gene order and recombination rate in homologous chromosome regions of the chicken and a passerine bird". Mol. Biol. Evol. 24 (7): 153752. doi:10.1093/molbev/msm071. PMID 17434902. 
  7. ^ Passarge, E., B. Horsthemke & R. A. Farber (1999). "Incorrect use of the term synteny". Nature Genetics 23 (4): 387. doi:10.1038/70486. 

External links

  • Synteny server Server for Synteny Identification and Analysis of Genome Rearrangementthe Identification of synteny and calculating reversal distances.
  • Comparative Maps NIH's National Library of Medicine NCBI link to Gene Homology resources, and Comparative Chromosome Maps of the Human, Mouse, and Rat.
  • NCBI Home Page NIH's National Library of Medicine NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) link to a tremendous number of resources.
  • ACT (Artemis Comparison Tool)Probably the most used synteny software program used in comparative genomics.

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  • synteny — synteny. См. синтения. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

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