

Infobox Software
name = Geneious

caption =
developer = Biomatters Ltd.
latest release version = 4.0.2
latest release date = 17 September 2008
latest preview version =
latest preview date =
operating system = Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris
platform = Java
genre = Bioinformatics
license = commercial (Pro), free for academic use (Basic)
website =

Geneious is a commercial, cross-platform bioinformatics application.


Geneious comes in a basic version that is free for academic use, and a commercial Pro version with added features. Geneious tries to bundle various bioinformatics tools under one hood.

* Sequence alignment and Sequence viewing
* Motif search and open reading frames (ORFs)
* Phylogenetic tree building UPGMA, Neighbour joining with bootstrapping and consensus trees
* Contig assembly and chromatogram editing
* Restriction analysis - find and view restriction cut sites and perform restriction enzyme digests
* PCR Primer design - designing and testing, degenerate primers, mismatches and multiple primer searching
* Protein structure viewer
* Database integration - integrated searching with Genbank, PubMed, BLAST and UniProt
* Collaborate and share data over the internet
* Teach bioinformatics - Create tutorials with direct links to material in Genieous
* Public API to develop free bioinformatics plugin by the community
* Various standard bioinformatics applications such as ClustalW, MrBayes, EMBOSS, Mauve, MUSCLE and PAUP*

Popularity and awards

According to its authors, in May 2007 Geneious had 50,000 users from 30 countries [ [ Beckman Coulter, Cartesian Gridspeed, GenomeQuest, University of California, Santa Cruz, Biomatters ] ] , and it has gathered attention on GenomeWeb [ GenomeWeb] ] , BioInform, Bio-IT World [ Bio-IT World] ] and bioinformatics blogs [ BlindScientist blog] ] [ [ Technocrat blog] ] . It was also awarded the 2007 World Summit Award in the category e-science [ [ 2007 World Summit Awards] ] , and a 2007 Computerworld Excellence award for innovative use of ICT [ [ 2007 Computerworld excellence awards] ] .


Geneious is sometimes criticized for trying to be everything to everyone, leading to obscure, not frequently used features and a long startup time (citation needed). It has also been criticized for being commercial, and for not offering unique killer features not available in any of its competitors [ [ Geneious: one year (or almost) later ] ] .


External links

* [ Geneious Official website]
* [ Biomatters website]

[ List of phylogeny software] , hosted at the University of Washington

Other Software

* [ Discovery Studio]
*Vector NTI
* [ CLC Main Workbench]

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