
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Cucurbitales
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Subfamily: Cucurbitoideae
Tribe: Benincaseae
Subtribe: Benincasinae
Genus: Praecitrullus
Species: P. fistulosus
Binomial name
Praecitrullus fistulosus
(Stocks) Pangalo
  • Citrullus fistulosus Stocks
  • Citrullus lanatus var. fistulosus (Stocks) Duthie & J.B.Fuller

The tinda, also called Indian round gourd or apple gourd or Indian Baby Pumpkin, is a squash-like cucurbit grown for its immature fruit, a vegetable especially popular in South Asia. It is the only member of the genus Praecitrullus. "tinda" is also called "tindsi" in rajasthan. In Marathi, it is called Dhemase ढेमसे

The plant is, as with all cucurbits, a prolific vine, and is grown as an annual. The fruit is approximately spherical, and 58 cm in diameter. The seeds may also be roasted and eaten.

This unique squash-like gourd is native to India, very popular in Indian and Pakistani cooking with curry and many gourmet dishes. Green colored, apple sized fruits are flattish round in shape and 50-60 grams in weight. Plants are vigorous, productive and begin to bear fruits in 70 days after planting.

Can be confused with Tendli or Kundru due to similar sounding name from different languages and regions. Tinda in Punjabi or most North Indian Languages is "Indian Baby Pumpkin".

External links

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