Saos-2 cells

Saos-2 cells

Saos-2 (sarcoma osteogenic) are a non-transformed cell line derived from the primary osteosarcoma of an 11-year old Caucasian girl (since identified as Alice) in 1973 by Fogh et al. [ Fogh J, Fogh JM, Orfeo T (1977) One hundred and twenty-seven cultured human tumor cell lines producing tumors in nude mice. J Natl Cancer Inst 59(1):221226 ]

In 1987 Rodan et al. determined that Saos-2 cells "possess several osteoblastic features and could be useful as a permanent line of human osteoblast-like cells and as a source of bone-related molecules." [ Rodan SB, Imai Y, Thiede MA, Wesolowski G, Thompson D, Bar-Shavit Z, Shull S, Mann K, Rodan GA (1987) Characterization of a human osteosarcoma cell line (Saos-2) with osteoblastic properties. Cancer Res. 1987 Sep 15;47(18):4961-6 ] .


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