List of mathematics articles (T)

List of mathematics articles (T)



T-duality --
T-group --
T-group (mathematics) --
T-integration --
T-norm --
T-norm fuzzy logics --
T-schema --
T-square (fractal) --
T-symmetry --
T-table --
T-theory --
T.C. Mits --
T1 space --
Table of bases --
Table of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients --
Table of divisors --
Table of Lie groups --
Table of limits --
Table of logic symbols --
Table of mathematical symbols --
Table of mathematical symbols by introduction date --
Table of Newtonian series --
Table of polyhedron dihedral angles --
Table of prime factors --
Table of spherical harmonics --
Tabu search --
Tacnode --
TacTix --
Taguchi methods --
Tail sequence --
Tait-Bryan rotations --
Tait conjectures --
Tait's conjecture --


Tajima's D --
Tak (function) --
Takagi existence theorem --
Takens' theorem --
Takeuti conjecture --
Tally marks --
Talyrond --
Tame group --
Tameness conjecture --
Tanaka equation --
Tanaka's formula --
Tangent --
Tangent bundle --
Tangent circles --
Tangent cone --
Tangent developable --
Tangent half-angle formula --
Tangent lines to circles --
Tangent measure --
Tangent space --
Tangential and normal components --
Tangential angle --
Tangential developable --
Tangential quadrilateral --
Tangle (mathematics) --
Tangloids --
Tanh-sinh quadrature --
Taniyama-Shimura conjecture --
Tannaka-Krein duality --
Tannakian category --
Tanner graph --


Tarjan's off-line least common ancestors algorithm --
Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm --
Tarry point --
Tarski–Grothendieck set theory --
Tarski–Kuratowski algorithm --
Tarski monster group --
Tarski–Seidenberg theorem --
Tarski-Vaught test --
Tarski's axiomatization of the reals --
Tarski's axioms --
Tarski's circle-squaring problem --
Tarski's exponential function problem --
Tarski's plank problem --
Tarski's problem --
Tarski's undefinability theorem --
Tate cohomology group --
Tate conjecture --
Tate module --
Tate's algorithm --
Tau-function --
Taubes's Gromov invariant --
Taut foliation --
Taut submanifold --
Tautochrone curve --
Tautological bundle --
Tautological one-form --
Tautology (logic) --
Tav (number) --
Taxicab geometry --
Taxicab number --


Taylor expansions for the moments of functions of random variables --
Taylor–Proudman theorem --
Taylor series --
Taylor's theorem --
Teakettle principle --
Techniques for differentiation --
Technology Innovations in Statistics Education --
Technometrics --
Teichmüller space --
Telegraph process --
Telegrapher's equations --
Telescoping series --
Tellegen's theorem --
Tempered representation --
Temperley-Lieb algebra --
Temporal finitism --
Temporal logic --
Temporal mean --
Tennenbaum's theorem --
Tensor --
Tensor (intrinsic definition) --
Tensor algebra --
Tensor bundle --
Tensor contraction --
Tensor density --
Tensor field --
Tensor-hom adjunction --
Tensor product --
Tensor product of algebras --
Tensor product of fields --
Tensor product of graphs --
Tensor product of modules --
Tensor product of quadratic forms --
Tent map --


Teragon --
Term (mathematics) --
Term algebra --
Term logic --
Term test --
Termination proof --
Ternary Golay code --
Ternary logic --
Ternary numeral system --
Ternary operation --
Ternary search --
Terrell rotation --
Tessarine --
Tessellation --
Tesseract --
Tesseractic honeycomb --
Test-retest --
Testimator --
Testing hypotheses suggested by the data --
Tetracategory --
Tetrad (index notation) --
Tetrad formalism --
Tetradecahedron --
Tetradecimal --
Tetragonal trapezohedron --
Tetrahedral number --
Tetrahedral-octahedral honeycomb --
Tetrahedral prism --
Tetrahedral symmetry --
Tetrahedron --
Tetrahedron packing --
Tetrahemihexahedron --
Tetrakis hexahedron --
Tetrakis square tiling --
Tetralemma --
Tetramagic cube --
Tetramagic square --
Tetrated dodecahedron --
Tetration --
Tetraview --
Tetromino --


TeX --
Texas Math and Science Coaches Association --
Thâbit ibn Kurrah rule --
Thabit number --
Thai numerals --
Thales' theorem --
The American Statistician --
The Analyst --
The Analyst, or, Mathematical Museum --
The Beauty of Fractals --
The Book of Squares --
The chemical basis of morphogenesis --
The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing --
The Design of Experiments --
The Doctrine of Chances --
The Dot and the Line --
The Emperor's New Mind --
The Fibonacci Association --
The fifty nine icosahedra --
The Foundations of Arithmetic --
The Fourth Dimension (book) --
The Geography of Thought --
The Geometer's Sketchpad --
The Geometry Center --
The Ground of Arts --
The Harmful Effects of Algorithms in Grades 1-4 --
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Calculus --
The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications --
The International Research Forums on Statistical Reasoning, Thinking, and Literacy --
The Lady Tasting Tea --
The Laws of Thought --
The Library of Babel --
The Long Tail --
The Magical Bag of Mathematical Tricks --
The Man Who Counted --
The Man Who Knew Infinity --
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers --
The Martians (group) --
The Mathematical Diary --
The Mathematical Experience --
The Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford --
The Mathematical Intelligencer --
The Music of the Primes --
The New York Journal of Mathematics --
The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art --
The Number Devil --
The Oxford Murders (film) --
The Parrot's Theorem --
The Planiverse --
The Principles of Mathematics --
The Quadrature of the Parabola -- --
The Sand Reckoner --
The Schoolmaster's Assistant, Being a Compendium of Arithmetic both Practical and Theoretical --
The Sea Island Mathematical Manual --
The six symmetries of music --
The Swallow's Tail --
The Tyranny of Numbers --
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences --
The Value of Science --
The vector of a quaternion --
The Wright 3 --
The writing of Principia Mathematica --
Thébault's theorem --
Theil index --
Theorem --
Theorem of the cube --
Theorem on friends and strangers --
Theorema Egregium --
Theorems and definitions in linear algebra --
Theoretical and experimental justification for the Schrödinger equation --
Theoretical biology --
Theoretical physics --
Theory --
Theory (mathematical logic) --
Theory of computation --
Theory of conjoint measurement --
Theory of equations --
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior --
Theory of relations --
There is no infinite-dimensional Lebesgue measure --
Thermal history modelling --
Thermodynamic system --
Thermomagnetic convection --
Thesaurus Logarithmorum Completus --
Theta characteristic --
Theta-divisor --
Theta function --
Theta representation --


Thick set --
Thiele's interpolation formula --
Thin group --
Thin plate spline --
Thin set (Serre) --
Think-a-Dot --
Thirring model --
Thirty-six officers problem --
Thom conjecture --
Thom space --
Thomae's function --
Thomas A. Scott Professorship of Mathematics --
Thompson group (finite) --
Thompson groups --
Thomson cubic --
Thomson's lamp --
Three-dimensional graph --
Three-dimensional space --
Three Prisoners problem --
Threshold graph --
Thue-Morse sequence --
Thue number --
Thue–Siegel–Roth theorem --
Thue's theorem --
Thurston-Bennequin number --
Thurston elliptization conjecture --
Tian-Yau Conflict --
Tidal tensor --
Tietze extension theorem --
Tietze transformations --


TIFR Centre --
Tight closure --
Tight span --
Tightness of measures --
Tijdeman's theorem --
Tikhonov regularization --
Tiling by regular polygons --
Tiling with rectangles --
Tilted large deviation principle --
Time dependent vector field --
Time derivative --
Time domain --
Time evolution --
Time-frequency analysis --
Time-frequency representation --
Time hierarchy theorem --
Time-invariant system --
Time reversibility --
Time scale calculus --
Time series --
Time use survey --
Time value of money --
Time-variant system --
Timelike homotopy --
Timelike simply connected --
Timelike topological feature --
Timeline of abelian varieties --
Timeline of algebra --
Timeline of algebra and geometry --
Timeline of algorithms --
Timeline of calculus and mathematical analysis --
Timeline of classical mechanics --
Timeline of mathematical logic --
Timeline of mathematics --
Timeline of number theory --
Timeline of numerals and arithmetic --
Timeline of probability and statistics --


Tinkerbell map --
Tipping point --
Titanic prime --
Titchmarsh convolution theorem --
Titchmarsh theorem --
Tits alternative --
Tits group --
To Mock a Mockingbird --
Tobit model --
Toda bracket --
Toda field theory --
Todd class --
Todd–Coxeter algorithm --
Toeplitz algebra --
Toeplitz matrix --
Toeplitz operator --
Tohoku Mathematical Journal --
Tokutomi Mathematics Contest --
Tolerance interval --
Tolerant sequence --
Tomahawk (geometric shape) --
Tombstone (typography) --
Tomita–Takesaki theory --
Tomographic reconstruction --
Tonelli-Hobson test --
Tonelli's theorem --
Tonelli's theorem (functional analysis) --
Tonnetz --
Toom–Cook multiplication --
Top-dimensional form --
Topogravitic tensor --
Topological abelian group --
Topological algebra --
Topological Boolean algebra --
Topological censorship --
Topological combinatorics --
Topological conjugacy --
Topological data analysis --
Topological defect --
Topological degree theory --
Topological derivative --
Topological divisor of zero --
Topological dynamics --
Topological entropy --
Topological game --
Topological graph theory --
Topological group --
Topological half-exact functor --
Topological index --
Topological indistinguishability --
Topological K-theory --
Topological manifold --
Topological modular forms --
Topological module --
Topological pair --
Topological property --
Topological quantum computer --
Topological quantum field theory --
Topological quantum number --
Topological ring --
Topological semigroup --
Topological sorting --
Topological space --
Topological tensor product --
Topological vector space --
Topologically stratified space --
Topologist's sine curve --
Topology --
Topology (journal) --
Topology optimization --
Topos --


Tor functor --
Torbus --
Torelli theorem --
Toric geometry --
Toric manifold --
Toric section --
Tornado code --
Tornado diagram --
Toroid --
Toroid (geometry) --
Toroidal and poloidal --
Toroidal coordinates --
Toroidal graph --
Toronto space --
Torque --
Torricelli's equation --
Torsion --
Torsion (algebra) --
Torsion-free --
Torsion-free abelian groups of rank 1 --
Torsion of a curve --
Torsion subgroup --
Torsion tensor --
Tortuosity --
Torus --
Torus bundle --
Torus knot --
Total angular momentum quantum number --
Total coloring --
Total coloring conjecture --
Total curvature --
Total derivative --
Total least squares --
Total order --
Total quotient ring --
Total relation --
Total sum of squares --
Total variation --
Total variation diminishing --
Totally bounded space --
Totally disconnected group --
Totally disconnected space --
Totally indescribable cardinal --
Totally positive matrix --
Totally real number field --


Touchard polynomials --
Tournament (graph theory) --
Tournament of the Towns --
Tower of Hanoi --
Toy model --
Toy problem --
Toy theorem --
Trace (linear algebra) --
Trace class --
Trace diagram --
Trace identity --
Trace monoid --
Trace operator --
Traced monoidal category --
Trachtenberg system --
Track transition curve --
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus --
Tractor bundle --
Tractrix --
Tracy-Singh product --
Traditional mathematics --
Traffic flow --
Trailing zero --
Train track --
Trajectory --
Trajectory optimization --
Trakhtenbrot's theorem --
Transaction logic --
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society --
Transcendence (mathematics) --
Transcendence degree --
Transcendence theory --
Transcendental curve --
Transcendental equation --
Transcendental function --
Transcendental number --
Transcritical bifurcation --
Transfer (group theory) --
Transfer function --
Transfer matrix --
Transfer operator --
Transfer principle --
Transferable belief model --
Transfinite arithmetic --
Transfinite induction --
Transfinite number --
Transform (mathematics) --
Transform theory --
Transformation (geometry) --
Transformation geometry --
Transformation matrix --
Transforming polynomials --
Transiogram --
Transition function --
Transitive closure --
Transitive dependency --
Transitive reduction --
Transitive relation --
Transitive set --
Transitively normal subgroup --
Transitivity (mathematics) --
Translation (geometry) --
Translation plane --
Translational symmetry --
Transparallel processing --
Transparent Intensional Logic --
Transport function --
Transport of structure --
Transportation network (graph theory) --
Transportation theory --
Transpose --
Transpose graph --
Transposition (mathematics) --
Transposition cipher --
Transversal --
Transversal (disambiguation) --
Transversal (geometry) --
Transversal line --
Transversality --
Transverse measure --
Transylvania lottery --
Trapdoor function --
Trapezium rule --
Trapezo-rhombic dodecahedral honeycomb --
Trapezo-rhombic dodecahedron --
Trapezohedron --
Trapezoid --
Traveler's dilemma --
Travelling salesman problem --


Tree (descriptive set theory) --
Tree (graph theory) --
Tree (set theory) --
Tree decomposition --
Tree-graded space --
Tree rearrangement --
Tree rotation --
Tree spanner --
Tree traversal --
Trefftz method --
Trefoil knot --
Trellis (graph) --
Trend analysis --
Trend estimation --
Trend surface analysis --
Treviso Arithmetic --
Tri-oval --
Triadic relation --
Triakis icosahedron --
Triakis octahedron --
Triakis tetrahedron --
Triakis triangular tiling --
Trial division --
Triality --
Triangle --
Triangle-free graph --
Triangle group --
Triangle inequality --
Triangle wave --
Triangular bifrustum --
Triangular coordinates --
Triangular cupola --
Triangular dipyramid --
Triangular distribution --
Triangular factor --
Triangular function --
Triangular hebesphenorotunda --
Triangular-hexagonal prismatic honeycomb --
Triangular matrix --
Triangular number --
Triangular orthobicupola --
Triangular prism --
Triangular prismatic honeycomb --
Triangular tiling --
Triangulated category --
Triangulation --
Triangulation (advanced geometry) --
Triangulation (topology) --
Triaugmented dodecahedron --
Triaugmented hexagonal prism --
Triaugmented triangular prism --
Triaugmented truncated dodecahedron --
Tricategory --
Trichotomy --
Trichotomy (mathematics) --
Tricolorability --
Tricorn (mathematics) --
Tricubic interpolation --
Trident curve --
Tridiagonal matrix --
Tridiagonal matrix algorithm --
Tridiminished icosahedron --
Tridiminished rhombicosidodecahedron --
Tridyakis icosahedron --
Trigamma function --
Trigenus --
Trigger strategy --
Trigonal trapezohedron --
Trigonometric functions --
Trigonometric integral --
Trigonometric interpolation --
Trigonometric moment problem --
Trigonometric number --
Trigonometric polynomial --
Trigonometric rational function --
Trigonometric series --
Trigonometric substitution --
Trigonometry --
Trigonometry in Galois fields --
Trigyrate rhombicosidodecahedron --
Triheptagonal tiling --
Trihexagonal tiling --
Trilateration --
Trilinear coordinates --
Trilinear interpolation --
Trillionth --
Trilon --
Trimagic cube --
Trimagic square --
Trimean --
Trimetric projection --
Trimmed estimator --
Trimorphic number --
Trinification --
Trinomial --
Trinomial expansion --
Triple --
Triple bar --
Triple correlation --
Triple product --
Triple product property --
Triple product rule --
Triple spiral --
Triple system --
Triple torus --
Trisected perimeter point --
Trisectrix --
Trisectrix of Maclaurin --
Triskaidecagon --
Trispectrum --
Trivial (mathematics) --
Trivial group --
Trivial measure --
Trivial representation --
Trivial ring --
Trivial topology --


Trochoid --
Tromino --
Tropical geometry --
Trott curve --
Troy Raeder --
Trudinger's theorem --
True quantified Boolean formula --
True variance --
Truncatable prime --
Truncated 120-cell --
Truncated 16-cell --
Truncated 24-cell --
Truncated 5-cell --
Truncated 600-cell --
Truncated alternated cubic honeycomb --
Truncated cube --
Truncated cubic honeycomb --
Truncated cuboctahedron --
Truncated distribution --
Truncated dodecadodecahedron --
Truncated dodecahedron --
Truncated great dodecahedron --
Truncated great icosahedron --
Truncated hexagonal prismatic honeycomb --
Truncated hexagonal tiling --
Truncated icosahedron --
Truncated icosidodecahedron --
Truncated mean --
Truncated normal distribution --
Truncated octahedral prism --
Truncated octahedron --
Truncated power function --
Truncated regression model --
Truncated rhombic dodecahedron --
Truncated rhombic triacontahedron --
Truncated square prismatic honeycomb --
Truncated square tiling --
Truncated tesseract --
Truncated tetrahedral prism --
Truncated tetrahedron --
Truncated trapezohedron --
Truncated triakis tetrahedron --
Truncation --
Truncation (geometry) --
Truncation error --
Truncus --
Trust region --
Truth table --
Truth table reduction --


Tsallis entropy --
Tsallis statistics --
Tschirnhaus transformation --
Tschirnhausen cubic --
Tsen's theorem --
Tsirelson space --
Tsirelson's bound --
Tube lemma --
Tubular neighborhood --
Tucker decomposition --
Tucker's lemma --
Tukey-Kramer method --
Tukey lambda distribution --
Tukey median --
Tukey's test --
Tunnell's theorem --
Tuple --
Tuple relational calculus --
Tupper's self-referential formula --
Turán graph --
Turán number --
Turán sieve --
Turán's inequalities --
Turán's theorem --
Turbulence --
Turing completeness --
Turing degree --
Turing jump --
Turing machine --
Turing machine examples --
Turing machine gallery --
Turing reduction --
Turing tarpit --
Turing's proof --
Turn (geometry) --
Turnstile --
Turnstile (symbol) --


Tusi-couple --
Tutte-Berge formula --
Tutte–Coxeter graph --
Tutte matrix --
Tutte polynomial --
Tutte theorem --
Tverberg theorem --
Tweedie distributions --
Twelfth root of two --
Twelvefold way --
Twiddle factor --
Twin paradox --
Twin prime --
Twin prime conjecture --
Twin Prime Search --
Twisted cubic --
Twisted K-theory --
Twisted, The Distorted Mathematics of Greenhouse Denial --
Twistor correspondence --
Twistor space --
Twistor theory --
Two + two = five --
Two-center bipolar coordinates --
Two-dimensional graph --
Two-dimensional singular value decomposition --
Two-element Boolean algebra --
Two envelopes problem --
Two-fluid model --
Two-form --
Two-graph --
Two New Sciences --
Two-point tensor --
Two-sided Laplace transform --
Two-tailed test --
Two-vector --
Two's complement --


Tychonoff plank --
Tychonoff space --
Tychonoff's theorem --
Type (model theory) --
Type-1 Gumbel distribution --
Type-2 Gumbel distribution --
Type I and type II errors --
Type inhabitation problem --
Type theory --
Typed lambda calculus --
Typical set --
Typographical conventions in mathematical formulae --
Typographical Number Theory --

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