Augustyn Józef Czartoryski

Augustyn Józef Czartoryski
Augustyn Józef Czartoryski
Prince Czartoryski with his wife Maria Dolores and their son Adam Karol.
Coat of arms Czartoryski coat of arms
consort Princess Maria de los Dolores of Borbon y Orleans
Noble family Czartoryski
Father Adam Ludwik Czartoryski
Mother Maria Ludwika Krasińska
Born October 10, 1907
Warsaw, Poland
Died July 1, 1946
Seville, Spain

Prince Augustyn Józef Czartoryski (1907–1946) was a Polish noble (szlachcic). He was the son of Prince Adam Ludwik Czartoryski (a son of Princess Marguerite Adélaïde of Orléans) and Countess Maria Ludwika Krasińska.

Augustyn took over the running of the Family Museum and became ordynat of the Sieniawa Ordynacja properties. He married Princess Maria de los Dolores of Borbon y Orleans, daughter of The Infant Don Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Princess Louise of Orléans.

Due to the prospect of war The Museum prepared 16 cases with the most precious objects to be transported to Sieniawa Palace and walled up. The rest of the items were carried down to the Museum cellars, but in September as the bombs fell on Kraków Prince Augustyn and Princess Dolores, who was pregnant, decided to leave Sieniawa for a better refuge. On 18 September German troops found the cases and looted them for small tradable objects.

After the Germans moved on, Prince Augustyn removed all the treasures to his cousin's estate in Pelkinie saving them from the Russian army, but the Gestapo traced all objects and removed all important cases from their hiding places. Soon after, Prince Augustyn and Princess Dolores were picked up by the Gestapo and put under arrest. After heavy negotiation and thanks to their Royal Italian and Spanish connections they were deported and managed to reach Spain before the end of 1939.

In 1946 Prince Augustyn died and was buried in the crypt of the Silesian Church in Seville, Spain.

See also

External links

Media related to Augustyn Józef Czartoryski at Wikimedia Commons

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