Espresso Vivace

Espresso Vivace
Espresso Vivace's sidewalk espresso stand in Seattle
latte art created at Espresso Vivace

Espresso Vivace is a Seattle area coffee shop and roaster known internationally[1] for its high quality of coffee and roasting practices. Baristas and coffee-bar owners have traveled from as far away as Australia and the UAE to learn from Vivace's owner, David Schomer.[2]

Schomer is known within the coffee industry for his innovations, such as how he customizes his grinders and espresso machines to achieve a more constant water temperature, which ultimately leads to a better cup of coffee.[3]

Schomer is credited with developing and popularizing latte art in the United States.[4]


  1. ^ Genius at my Table
  2. ^ Allison, Melissa. Vivace founder, David Schomer is a coffee prophet. Seattle Times. Sunday, July 2, 2006
  3. ^ Higher Grounds
  4. ^ Meet espresso's exacting master - Food Inc. -, May 9, 2003

Further reading

  • David Schomer. (1994). Espresso Coffee - Professional Techniques. Classic Day Publishing. ISBN 1594040311. David Schomer's book on professional espresso making.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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