Members of the Australian House of Representatives, 1961–1963

Members of the Australian House of Representatives, 19611963
Member Party Electorate State Term of office
Hon Charles Adermann Country Fisher Qld 19431972
Ian Allan Country Gwydir NSW 19531969
Doug Anthony Country Richmond NSW 19571984
John Armitage Labor Mitchell NSW 19611963, 19691983
Lance Barnard Labor Bass Tas 19541975
Charles Barnes Country McPherson Qld 19581972
Sir Garfield Barwick Liberal Parramatta NSW 19581964
Jeff Bate Liberal Macarthur NSW 19491972
Noel Beaton Labor Bendigo Vic 19601969
Kim Beazley Labor Fremantle WA 19451977
Sam Benson [2] Labor Batman Vic 19621969
Alan Bird [2] Labor Batman Vic 19491962
Wilfred Brimblecombe Country Maranoa Qld 19511966
Gordon Bryant Labor Wills Vic 19551980
Alexander Buchanan Liberal McMillan Vic 19551972
Leslie Bury Liberal Wentworth NSW 19561974
Dr Jim Cairns Labor Yarra Vic 19551977
Hon Arthur Calwell Labor Melbourne Vic 19401972
Clyde Cameron Labor Hindmarsh SA 19491980
Donald James Cameron Labor Lilley Qld 19611963
Fred Chaney Liberal Perth WA 19551969
Don Chipp Liberal Higinbotham Vic 19601977
Joe Clark Labor Darling NSW 19341969
Lionel Clay Labor St George NSW 19581963
Richard Cleaver Liberal Swan WA 19551969
John Cockle Liberal Warringah NSW 19611966
Fred Collard Labor Kalgoorlie WA 19611975
Jack Comber Labor Bowman Qld 19611963
Jim Cope Labor Watson NSW 19551975
Dominic Costa Labor Banks NSW 19491969
Frank Courtnay Labor Darebin Vic 19581969
Wilfred Coutts Labor Griffith Qld 19541958, 19611966
Hon John Cramer Liberal Bennelong NSW 19491974
Frank Crean Labor Melbourne Ports Vic 19511977
Manfred Cross Labor Brisbane Qld 19611975, 19801990
Daniel Curtin Labor Kingsford-Smith NSW 19491969
Fred Daly Labor Grayndler NSW 19431975
Hon Charles Davidson Country Dawson Qld 19461963
Ron Davies Labor Braddon Tas 19581975
Frank Davis Liberal Deakin Vic 19491966
Roger Dean Liberal Robertson NSW 19491964
Leonard Devine [4] Labor East Sydney NSW 19631969
Hon Alexander Downer Liberal Angas SA 19491964
Hon David Drummond Country New England NSW 19491963
Nigel Drury Liberal Ryan Qld 19491975
Gilbert Duthie Labor Wilmot Tas 19461975
Syd Einfeld Labor Phillip NSW 19611963
John England Country Calare NSW 19601975
Dudley Erwin Liberal Ballaarat Vic 19551975
Laurence Failes Country Lawson NSW 19491969
David Fairbairn Liberal Farrer NSW 19491975
Hon Allen Fairhall Liberal Paterson NSW 19491969
Bill Falkinder Liberal Franklin Tas 19461966
Dr Jim Forbes Liberal Barker SA 19561975
Max Fox Liberal Henty Vic 19551974
Allan Fraser Labor Eden-Monaro NSW 19431966, 19691972
James Fraser [1] Labor Australian Capital Territory ACT 19511970
Malcolm Fraser Liberal Wannon Vic 19551983
Gordon Freeth Liberal Forrest WA 19491969
Arthur Fuller Labor Hume NSW 19431949, 19511955,
Bill Fulton Labor Leichhardt Qld 19581975
Patrick Galvin Labor Kingston SA 19511966
George Gray Labor Capricornia Qld 19611967
Charles Griffiths Labor Shortland NSW 19491972
Brendan Hansen Labor Wide Bay Qld 19611974
Ted Harding Labor Herbert Qld 19611966
James Harrison Labor Blaxland NSW 19491969
Hon Paul Hasluck Liberal Curtin WA 19491969
William Haworth Liberal Isaacs Vic 19491969
Bill Hayden Labor Oxley Qld 19611988
Leslie Haylen Labor Parkes NSW 19431963
Rt Hon Harold Holt Liberal Higgins Vic 19351967
Mac Holten Country Indi Vic 19581977
Peter Howson Liberal Fawkner Vic 19551972
William Jack Liberal North Sydney NSW 19491966
Bert James Labor Hunter NSW 19601980
John Jess Liberal La Trobe Vic 19601972
Les Johnson Labor Hughes NSW 19551966, 19691984
Charles Jones Labor Newcastle NSW 19581983
Victor Kearney Labor Cunningham NSW 19561963
Bert Kelly Liberal Wakefield SA 19581977
Hon Wilfrid Kent Hughes Liberal Chisholm Vic 19491970
Jim Killen Liberal Moreton Qld 19551983
Bob King Country Wimmera Vic 19581977
Hugh Leslie Country Moore WA 19491958, 19611963
Robert Lindsay Liberal Flinders Vic 19541966
Anthony Luchetti Labor Macquarie NSW 19511975
Philip Lucock Country Lyne NSW 19531980
Rt Hon John McEwen Country Murray Vic 19341971
Frank McGuren Labor Cowper NSW 19611963
Hector McIvor Labor Gellibrand Vic 19551972
Daniel Mackinnon Liberal Corangamite Vic 19491951, 19531966
Hon John McLeay Liberal Boothby SA 19491966
Hon William McMahon Liberal Lowe NSW 19491982
Neil McNeill Liberal Canning WA 19611963
Hon Norman Makin Labor Bonython SA 19191946, 19541963
Rt Hon Robert Menzies Liberal Kooyong Vic 19341966
Daniel Minogue Labor West Sydney NSW 19491969
James Monaghan Labor Evans NSW 19611963
Jack Mortimer [3] Labor Grey SA 19631966
John Nelson [1] Labor Northern Territory NT 19491966
Peter Nixon Country Gippsland Vic 19611983
Reginald O'Brien Labor Petrie Qld 19611963
William O'Connor Labor Dalley NSW 19461969
Hubert Opperman Liberal Corio Vic 19491967
Ted Peters Labor Scullin Vic 19491969
Hon Reg Pollard Labor Lalor Vic 19371966
Leonard Reynolds Labor Barton NSW 19581966, 19691975
Hon Bill Riordan Labor Kennedy Qld 19361966
Hon Hugh Roberton Country Riverina NSW 19491965
Edgar Russell [3] Labor Grey SA 19431963
Joe Sexton Labor Adelaide SA 19581966
Billy Snedden Liberal Bruce Vic 19551983
Frank Stewart Labor Lang NSW 19531979
Philip Stokes Liberal Maribyrnong Vic 19551969
Reginald Swartz Liberal Darling Downs Qld 19491972
Albert Thompson Labor Port Adelaide SA 19461963
Hon Athol Townley Liberal Denison Tas 19491964
Winton Turnbull Country Mallee Vic 19461972
Harry Turner Liberal Bradfield NSW 19521974
Tom Uren Labor Reid NSW 19581990
Hon Eddie Ward [4] Labor East Sydney NSW 1931, 19321963
Harry Webb Labor Stirling WA 19541958, 19611972
William Wentworth Liberal Mackellar NSW 19491977
Gough Whitlam Labor Werriwa NSW 19521978
Ray Whittorn Liberal Balaclava Vic 19601974
Keith Wilson Liberal Sturt SA 19491954, 19551966
1 At this time, the members for the Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory could only vote on matters relating to their respective territories.
2 The Labor member for Batman, Alan Bird, died on 21 July 1962; Labor candidate Sam Benson won the resulting by-election on 1 September.
3 The Labor member for Grey, Edgar Russell, died on 31 March 1963; Labor candidate Jack Mortimer won the resulting by-election on 1 June.
4 The Labor member for East Sydney, Eddie Ward, died on 31 July 1963; Labor candidate Leonard Devine won the resulting by-election on 28 September.

See also

Members of the Australian Parliament
House of Representatives

19581961  · 19611963  · 19631966


19591962  · 19621965  · 19651968

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