CSL as an abbreviation may stand for:



  • C. S. Lewis, a novelist, academic, medieval scholar, literary critic, essayist, lay theologian and Christian apologist.


  • Coordinated Science Laboratory, a major scientific research laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Liège Space Center, also known as Centre spatial de Liège, a research center of the University of Liege in Belgium
  • Central Science Laboratory, a laboratory services agency of the United Kingdom Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs


  • Chinese Sign Language, a sign language used among deaf communities in China, Malaysia, and Taiwan. Has many dialects.
  • Clay Sanskrit Library, a series of books in Sanskrit with English translations published by New York University Press and the JJC Foundation


  • Crosshole Sonic Logging a nondestructive testing method used to determine the integrity of a constructed material
  • Context-sensitive language, in mathematics, logic, and computer science, a formal language that can be defined by a context-sensitive grammar
  • Coincidence-site lattice, a coincident site for lattices is a site where two separate lattices share a common point
  • Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate, a food additive used as an emulsifier


  • Citation style language, an open XML based standard to format citations and bibliographies
  • Chip support library, provides an application programming interface used to control and configure peripheral applications
  • Comma-separated values, also called a comma-separated list, a method using a comma as a delimiter in computer data exchanges or other files
  • C scripting language, a scripting language based closely on the C programming language
  • Computer Servo Lock, a technology Yamaha Electronics employs in its tuners and receivers
  • Computerized Speech Lab, a speech and signal processing computer workstation, software and hardware, used for research and speech therapy
  • Computer Science Laboratory, a laboratory of Xerox's research division, Xerox PARC; both the laboratory and the division are best known for essentially creating the modern personal computer graphical user interface (GUI) paradigm
  • Emitter-coupled logic, also known as current-steering logic, a high performance bipolar transistor logic family


  • CSL New World Mobility Group, a mobile network operator in Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong CSL Limited, a mobile network operator in Hong Kong, subsidiary of CSL New World Mobility Group
  • CSL (electronics), a Malaysian-based group of electronics companies that make mobile phones, netbooks, and provide wireless broadband service
  • CSL Limited, an Australian biotechnology company known as Commonwealth Serum Laboratories until 1994, when it was privatised
  • Canada Steamship Lines, a Canadian shipping company founded in 1845 with headquarters in Montreal, Quebec
  • Csl Sofas, a furniture chain in the United Kingdom

In sports


  • Personal seat license, also known as a charter seat license, gives the holder the right to buy season tickets for a certain seat in a stadium
  • Cooperative Security Location, a military term for a scaled down military facility with little or no permanent personnel presence

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  • CSL — steht für Canadian Soccer League, die höchste kanadische Fußballliga Chinese Super League, die höchste chinesische Fußballliga Citation Style Language, eine auf XML basierende Beschreibungssprache für Zitationsstile Codemist Standard LISP, eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ČSL — Logo der Partei Die Christliche und Demokratische Union – Tschechoslowakische Volkspartei, mit tschechischem Originalnamen Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová (kurz auch als lidovci bezeichnet), ist eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CSL — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. CSL, sigle composé des trois lettres C, S et L, peut faire référence à : Canada Steamship Lines, Canadian Soccer League, Confédération des syndicats… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • CSL Limited — Type Public (ASX: CSL) Industry medicine Founded 1994 (privatised), 1916 (government department) Headquarters Parkville, Melbourne, Vic …   Wikipedia

  • CSL Group — Inc. Rechtsform Sitz Montreal, Québec Kanada  Kanada Mitarbeiter …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CSL (Unternehmen) — CSL Limited Rechtsform Aktiengesellschaft Gründung 1994 Sitz …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CSL Behring — mit Sitz in King of Prussia, im US Bundesstaat Pennsylvania, ist eine Geschäftseinheit des australischen Biopharma Konzerns CSL Limited (Commonwealth Serum Laboratories) und auf die Herstellung von Plasmaprodukten spezialisiert. Die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Csl Sofas — Industry Retail Founded 1981 Headquarters Golborne, United Kingdom Products Furniture Website www.csl sofas.co.uk …   Wikipedia

  • CSL Behring — is a global leader in the plasma protein biotherapeutics industry, providing plasma derived therapies and their recombinant analogs that treat rare and serious diseases. History The company traces its roots back to Emil von Behring, an innovator… …   Wikipedia

  • CSL Limited — Création 1994 Personnages clés Brian A McNamee (PDG) Forme juridique Entreprise publique …   Wikipédia en Français

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