- History of North Africa
North Africa is a relatively thin strip of land between theSahara desert and the Mediterranean, stretching fromMoroccan Atlantic coast toEgypt . The region comprises the modern countries,Morocco ,Algeria ,Tunisia ,Western Sahara ,Mauritania ,Libya and Egypt.a="" history="" of="" the="" maghrib="" in="" islamic="" period,="" cambridge="" university="" press,="" 1987.<="" i="">] The history of the region is a mix of influences from many distinct cultures. The development of sea travel firmly brought the region into theMediterranean world, especially during the classical period. In thefirst millennium AD the Sahara became an equally important area for trade as thecamel caravans brought goods and people from the south. The region also has a small but crucial land link to theMiddle East , and that area has also played a central role in the history ofNorth Africa .Prehistory
The earliest known
hominid s inNorth Africa arrived around 200,000 BC. Through most of theStone Age theclimate in the region was very different than today, the Sahara being far more moist andsavanna like. Home toherd s of largemammal s, this area could support a largehunter-gatherer population and theAterian culture that developed was one of the most advancedpaleolithic societies.In the
Mesolithic , theCapsian culture dominated the region withNeolithic farmers becoming predominant by 6000 BC. Over this period, the Sahara region was steadily drying, creating a barrier between North Africa and the rest of theAfrica ncontinent . Eventually North Africa became culturally and ethnically quite distinct from the rest of the continent.The Nile Valley on the Eastern edge of North Africa is one of the richest agricultural areas in the world. The desiccation of the Sahara is believed to have increased the population density in the Nile Valley and large cities developed. Eventually
Ancient Egypt unified in one of the world's firstcivilization s.Classical period
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North Africa during the Classical Period ,Ptolemaic Egypt ,Roman Egypt "The expanse of the
Libyan Desert cut Egypt off from the rest of North Africa. Egyptianboat s, while well suited to the Nile, were not usable in the openMediterranean . Moreover the small Egyptian merchant had far more prosperous destinations onCrete ,Cyprus and theLevant .Greeks from
Europe and thePhoenicia ns fromAsia also settled along the coast of Northern Africa. Both societies drew their prosperity from the sea and from ocean-born trade. They found only limited trading opportunities with the native inhabitants, and instead turned tocolonization . The Greek trade was based mainly in the Aegean, Adriatic, Black, and Red Seas and they only established major cities inCyrenaica , directly to the south of Greece. In332 BC ,Alexander the Great conqueredEgypt and for the next three centuries it was ruled by the GreekPtolemaic dynasty .The
Phoenicia ns developed an even larger presence in North Africa with colonies from Tripoli to theAtlantic . One of the most important Phoenician cities wasCarthage , which grew into one of the greatest powers in the region. At the height of its power,Carthage controlled the Western Mediterranean and most of North Africa outside of Egypt. However, Rome, Carthage's major rival to the north, defeated it in a series of wars known as thePunic Wars , resulting in Carthage's destruction in146 BC and the annexation of its empire by the Romans. In30 BC ,Roman Emperor Octavian conquered Egypt, officially annexing it to the Empire and, for the first time, unifying the North African coast under a single ruler.The Carthaginian power had penetrated deep into the Sahara ensuring the quiescence of the
nomad ic tribes in the region. TheRoman Empire was more confined to the coast, yet routinely expropriated Berber land for Roman farmers. They thus faced a constant threat from the south. A network of forts and walls were established on the southern frontier, eventually securing the region well enough for localgarrison s to control it without broader Imperial support.When the Roman Empire began to collapse, North Africa was spared much of the disruption until the
Vandal invasion of429 AD. The Vandals ruled in North Africa until the territories were regained byJustinian of the Eastern Empire in the 6th century. Egypt was never invaded by the Vandals because there was a thousand mile buffer of desert.Arrival of Islam
:"See also
History of Arab Egypt ,Rise of Islam in Algeria ,Berbers and Islam ,Muslim History ,Islam in Africa "The Arab Conquest
:"see also
Umayyad conquest of North Africa ,Byzantine-Arab Wars , and theBattle of Carthage (698) "The Arab conquest of the Maghrib began in 642 AD when Amr ibn al-As, the governor of Egypt, invaded
Cyrenaica , advancing as far as the city ofTripoli by 645 AD. Further expansion into North Africa waited another twenty years, due to theFirst Islamic civil war . In 670 AD, Uqba ibn Nafi al-Fihiri invaded what is nowTunisia in an attempt to take the region from theByzantine Empire but was only partially successful. He founded the town ofKairouan but was replaced by Abul-Muhajir Dinar in 674 AD. Abul-Muhajir successfully advanced into what is now easternAlgeria incorporating the Berber confederation ruled byKusaila into the Islamic sphere of influence. "A History of the Maghrib in the Islamic Period, Cambridge University Press, 1987.]In 681 AD Uqba was given command of the Arab forces again and advanced westward again in 682 AD, holding Kusaya as a hostage. He advanced as far as the Atlantic Ocean in the west and penetrated the
Draa River Valley and the Sus region in what is nowMorocco . However,Kusaila escaped during the campaign and attacked Uqba up his return and killed him nearBiskra in what is nowAlgeria . After Uqba’s death, the Arab armies retreated fromKairouan , whichKusaila took as his capital. He ruled there until he was defeated by an Arab army underZuhair ibn Kays . Zuhair himself was killed in 688 AD while fighting against theByzantine Empire who had reoccupiedCyrenaica while he was busy inTunisia . A History of the Maghrib in the Islamic Period, Cambridge University Press, 1987.]In 693 AD,
Caliph Abd al-Malik sent an army of 40,000 men, commanded byHasan ibn al-Nu'man , intoCyrenaica andTripolitania in order to remove the Byzantine threat to theUmayyads in North Africa. They met no resistance until they reachedTunisia where they capturedCarthage and defeated the Byzantine Empires andBerbers aroundBizerte A History of the Maghrib in the Islamic Period, Cambridge University Press, 1987. ] .Soon afterwards, al-Nu'man’s forces came into conflict with
Berbers of the Jrāwa tribe under the leadership of their queen,Al-Kahina . The Berbers defeated al-Nu'man in two engagements, the first on the riverNini and the second near Gabis, upon which al-Nu'man’s forces retreated toCyrenaica to wait for reinforcements. Reinforcements arrived in 697 AD and al-Nu'man advanced into what is now modern dayTunisia , again meetingAl-Kahina near Gabis. This time he was successful andAl-Kahina retreated to Tubna where her forces were defeated and she was killed. A History of the Maghrib in the Islamic Period, Cambridge University Press, 1987. ] .al-Nu'man next recaptured
Carthage from the Byzantine Empire, who had retaken it when he retreated fromTunisia . He founded the city ofTunis nearby and used it as the base for theUmmayad navy in theMediterranean Sea . TheByzantine s were forced to abandon theMaghreb and retreat to their islands of theMediterranean Sea . However, in 705 AD he was replaced byMusa bin Nusair , a protégé of then governor ofEgypt , Abdul-Aziz ibn Marwan. Nusair advanced into what is nowMorocco , capturedTangier , and advanced as far as theSus river and theTafilalt oasis in a three-year campaign. A History of the Maghrib in the Islamic Period, Cambridge University Press, 1987. ]Kharijite Berber Rebellion
:"see also
Kharijite s"Rustamids
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Rustamid "Banu Midrar
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Aghlabid "Abbasidds
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Abbasid "Idrisids
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Idrisid Dynasty "Fatimids
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Fatimid "Zirids
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Zirid "The Berber Dynasties
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Almoravid dynasty "In the 11th century, Berbers of the Sahara began a
jihad to reform Islam in North Africa. This movement created an empire encompassing parts of Spain and North Africa. At its greatest extent, it appears to have included southern and eastern Iberia and roughly all of present-day Morocco andWestern Sahara . This movement seems to have assisted the southern penetration of Africa, one that was continued by later groups.Almohads
:"See also:
Almohad Dynasty "The
Almohads , or Almohadis, were similar to the Almoravids in that they were similarly attacking what they saw as corruption of Islam. They managed to conquer southern Spain, and their North African empire extended further than that of the Almoravids, reaching to Egypt.Marinids
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Marinid Dynasty "Hafsids Zayyanids
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Zayyanid "Wattasids
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Wattasid Dynasty "Ottoman rule
:"See also
History of Ottoman Egypt "After theMiddle Ages , Northern Africa was loosely under the control of theOttoman Empire , except for the region ofMorocco . Ottoman rule was centered on the cities of Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli.European colonization
:"See also
French rule in Algeria "During the 18th and 19th century, North Africa was colonized byFrance , theUnited Kingdom ,Spain andItaly . During the 1950s and '60s, and into the 1970s, all of the North African states gained independence from their colonial European rulers, except for a few small Spanish colonies on the far northern tip ofMorocco , and theWestern Sahara , which went from Spanish to Moroccan rule.In modern times the
Suez canal inEgypt has caused a great deal of controversy. TheConvention of Constantinople in 1888 declared the canal a neutral zone under the protection of the British, after British troops had moved in to protect it in 1882. Under theAnglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936 , the United Kingdom insisted on retaining control over the canal. In 1951 Egypt repudiated the treaty, and by 1954 Great Britain had agreed to pull out.After the
United Kingdom and theUnited States withdrew their pledge to support the construction of theAswan Dam , presidentGamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the canal, which caused Britain,France andIsrael to invade in the week-longSuez War . As a result of damage and sunken ships, the canal was closed until April, 1957, after it had been cleaned up with UN assistance. A United Nations force (UNEF) was established to maintain the neutrality of the canal and theSinai Peninsula .See also
History of Algeria
*History of Egypt
*History of Libya
*History of Mauritania
*History of Morocco
*History of Tunisia
*History of Western Sahara References
* Stearns, Peter N., et al. World Civilizations: The Global Experience. AP Edition DBQ Update. New York: Pearson Education, Inc., 2006. 174.
External links
* [http://home.earthlink.net/~lilinah/Library/HistoryMaroc.html "A Taste of Maghribi History"]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.