
A bag of Combos.

Combos, officially called Combos Snacks, invented in the mid 1970s, are a snack food created and distributed by Mars, Incorporated, and sold throughout North America. They are cylindrical tubes of cracker, pretzel, or tortilla, available with various fillings.



Combos Snacks, invented in the mid 1970s, are a snack food created and distributed by Mars, Incorporated, and sold throughout North America.[1] Though the pretzel form was produced first, Combos were first released in cracker form. They are also available with tortilla shells.


Combos are produced by forming a soft bread-like dough, which is hollowed out into a tube-shaped form. A cutter slices the dough into bite-sized lengths. The snacks are then baked, cooled, and filled with the appropriate filling.


In 2006, Combos worked with TBWA and to create the Man Mom campaign,[2][3] and in 2008, Combos worked with to create the Combos Nation campaign. Combos is an official sponsor of Kyle Busch, NASCAR driver of the fix 18 Toyota Camry.[4] It is the official cheese-filled snack of NASCAR.[5]

Current flavors

  • Cheddar Cheese Pretzel
  • Cheddar Cheese Cracker
  • Nacho Cheese Pretzel
  • Pepperoni Pizza Cracker
  • Pizzeria Pretzel
  • Zesty Salsa Tortilla
  • Jalapeño Cheddar Tortilla
  • Buffalo Blue Cheese Pretzel (Limited Edition)

Discontinued flavors

  • Bacon, Egg and Cheese Cracker
  • Cheeseburger Cracker
  • Mustard Pretzel
  • Peanut Butter Cracker
  • Peanut Butter Pretzel[6]


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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