R.C. Pro-Am II

R.C. Pro-Am II

Infobox VG| title = R.C. Pro-Am 2

developer = Rare Ltd.
publisher = Tradewest
designer =
composer = David Wise
engine =
released = 1992
genre = Racing/Vehicular combat
modes = Up to four players, simultaneously
ratings =
platforms = Nintendo Entertainment System
media = Cartridge

"R.C. Pro-Am II" is a racing game for the Nintendo Entertainment System released by Tradewest in 1992. The game was developed by Rareware as a sequel to R.C. Pro-Am. The game wasn't as successful as its predecessor, mainly due to the popularity of the SNES, which was already released by the time this game was.


The player takes control of a remote-controlled car, and tries to reach the finish in time. While racing, players can attack each other with bought weapons, such a buckshots or missiles. There can also be several power-ups available on the track, such as a speed boost, a 1-up and others. At the end of each race, points are awarded, and the player moves on on the next circuit.

In between races, players get the opportunity to buy equipment for their vehicle, such as weapons, better tires, better engines, etc. at the cost of points. The player's car can also be upgraded to a Formula 1 racing vehicle depending on his or her performance during the race. The CPU controller opponents can also visit the shop, making the upgrading of the player's vehicle essential if he or she wants to be able to win the next races.

External links

* [http://www.nescentral.com/games/detail/rc-pro-am-2.html "R.C. Pro-Am II" at the NES Game Database]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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