November Moth

November Moth
November Moth
Epirrita dilutata
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Geometridae
Genus: Epirrita
Species: E. dilutata
Binomial name
Epirrita dilutata
Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775

The November Moth (Epirrita dilutata) is a moth of the family Geometridae. It is found throughout Europe (including the British Isles) and the Near East.

The wingspan is 3844 mm, the forewings being variably marked with alternating pale and dark bands. Melanism is common and in some locations all-dark individuals make up the majority of the population. The species is extremely similar to two of its relatives, Pale November Moth and Autumnal Moth, and they cannot usually be separated without examination of the genitalia. The November Moth flies at night from September to November[1] and is attracted to light and sometimes to nectar-rich flowers.

The caterpillar is green with red markings and feeds on a wide range of trees and shrubs (see list below). The species overwinters as an egg.


Recorded food plants


  1. ^ The flight season refers to the British Isles. This may vary in other parts of the range.


  • Chinery, Michael Collins Guide to the Insects of Britain and Western Europe 1986 (Reprinted 1991)
  • Skinner, Bernard Colour Identification Guide to the Moths of the British Isles 1984

External links