U4atac minor spliceosomal RNA
- U4atac minor spliceosomal RNA
U4atac minor spliceosomal RNA is a ncRNA which is an essential component of the minor U12-type spliceosome complex. The U12-type spliceosome is required for removal of the rarer class of eukaryotic introns (AT-AC, U12-type) [cite journal |author= Lorkovic ZJ, Lehner R, Forstner C, Barta A; |title= Evolutionary conservation of minor U12-type spliceosome betweenplants and humans. |journal= RNA |volume= 11 |issue= |pages= 1095–1107 |year= 2005 |pmid=15987817 |doi= 10.1261/rna.2440305] . ]
U4atac snRNA is proposed to form a base-paired complex with another spliceosomal RNA U6atac via two stem loop regions. These interacting stem loops have been shown to be required for in vivo splicing [ cite journal |author= Shukla GC, Cole AJ, Dietrich RC, Padgett RA; |title= Domains of human U4atac snRNA required for U12-dependent splicing invivo. |journal= Nucleic Acids Res |volume= 30 |issue= |pages= 4650–4657 |year= 2002 |pmid=12409455 |doi= 10.1093/nar/gkf609] . U4atac also contains an 3' Sm protein binding site which has been shown to be essential for splicing activity ][ . U4atac is the functional analog of U4 spliceosomal RNA in the major U2-type spliceosomal complex ][ . ]
The Drosophila U4atac snRNA has an additional predicted 3' stem loop terminal to the Sm binding site [ cite journal |author= Padgett RA, Shukla GC; |title= A revised model for U4atac/U6atac snRNA base pairing. |journal= RNA |volume= 8 |issue= |pages= 125–128 |year= 2002 |pmid=11911359 |doi= 10.1017/S1355838202017156] .]
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U6atac minor spliceosomal RNA — is a non coding RNA which is an essential component of the minor U12 type spliceosome complex. The U12 type spliceosome is required for removal of the rarer class of eukaryotic introns (AT AC, U12 type) cite journal |author= Lorkovic ZJ, Lehner R … Wikipedia
U12 minor spliceosomal RNA — is formed from U12 small nuclear (snRNA), together with U4atac/U6atac, U5, and U11 snRNAs and associated proteins, forms a spliceosome that cleaves a divergent class of low abundance pre mRNA introns. Although the U12 sequence is very divergent… … Wikipedia
Minor spliceosome — The minor spliceosome is a ribonucleoprotein complex that catalyses the removal (splicing) of an atypical class of spliceosomal introns (U12 type) from eukaryotic messenger RNAs in plant, insects, vertebrates and some fungi (Rhizopus oryzae).… … Wikipedia
RNA splicing — In molecular biology and genetics, splicing is a modification of an RNA after transcription, in which introns are removed and exons are joined. This is needed for the typical eukaryotic messenger RNA before it can be used to produce a correct… … Wikipedia
ARN splicéosomal U4atac — Un ARNsn U4atac. Les parties rouges sont les parties invariantes. L’ARN splicéosomal U4atac est un petit ARN nucléaire (snRNA ou ARNpn) non codant entrant dans la composition des petites ribonucléoprotéines nucléaires U4atac. Il est une… … Wikipédia en Français
ARN splicéosomal U6atac — Un ARNsn U6atac. Les parties rouges sont les parties invariantes. L’ARN splicéosomal U6atac est un petit ARN nucléaire (snRNA ou ARNpn) non codant entrant dans la composition des petites ribonucléoprotéines nucléaires U6atac. Il est une… … Wikipédia en Français
LSm — s.The Sm proteins were first discovered as antigens in a patient with a form of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a debilitating autoimmune disease. They were named Sm proteins in honor of this patient, Stephanie Smith. Other proteins with very … Wikipedia
Spliceosome — A spliceosome is a complex of specialized RNA and protein subunits that removes introns from a transcribed pre mRNA (hnRNA)segment. This process is generally referred to as splicing. CompositionEach spliceosome is composed of five small nuclear… … Wikipedia