
Eclipse Mylyn Project
Developer(s) Eclipse Foundation
Stable release 3.6.2 / September 23, 2011; 53 days ago (2011-09-23)
Written in Java
Operating system Cross-platform
Available in Multilingual
Type Task management
License Eclipse Public License

Mylyn (pronunciation: /ˈmlɪn/) is a subsystem of Eclipse for task management.

Mylyn is an open source implementation of the Task-Focused Interface. It provides an application programming interface for tools embedding the task-focused interface. For software developers, it helps a developer work efficiently with many different tasks (such as bugs, problem reports or new features). Tasks are integrated into Mylyn; for all tasks that have been integrated, Mylyn monitors user activity and tries to identify information relevant to the task-at-hand. It uses this task context to focus the Eclipse UI on the related information. Mylyn can integrate with repositories such as Bugzilla, Trac, Redmine, Mantis[1], JIRA, codeBeamer, Unfuddle[2], and Github[3].

It focuses on improving productivity by reducing searching, scrolling, and navigation. By making task context explicit, Mylyn is also meant to facilitate multitasking, planning, reusing past efforts, and sharing expertise.

Project name

The project name comes from myelin, an electrically-insulating layer that surrounds neurons.[4] The original name of this project, "Mylar", replicated a trademark of a boPET film company, so the Eclipse Foundation changed the project name.[5]


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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