

infobox software

developer = Edgewall Software
released = initial release|2006|10|01
frequently updated = yes
programming language = Python
operating system = Cross-platform
genre = Project management software
license = Modified BSD license
website =

Trac is an open source, web-based project management and bug-tracking tool. The program is inspired by CVSTrac, and was originally named "svntrac" due to its ability to interface with Subversion. [cite web |url= |title=Trac and Subversion |publisher=Edgewall Trac |accessdate=2008-05-19] It is developed and maintained by Edgewall Software.

Trac is written in the Python programming language. Until mid-2005, it was available under the GNU General Public License; since version 0.9, it has been released under a modified BSD license.cite web | url= | title=TracLicense - The Trac Project | publisher=Edgewall Trac | accessdate=2007-03-06] Both are free software licenses.


Trac allows hyperlinking information between a computer bug database, revision control and wiki content. It also serves as a web interface to a version control system like Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs. Prior to version 0.11 the web front end presentation of Trac was handled by the ClearSilver template system. Starting with 0.11 an in-house template system called Genshi is used, although compatibility with ClearSilver based plugins will remain for several versions.cite web |date=2007-01-27 |title=ClearSilver - The Trac Project |publisher=Edgewall Trac |url= |accessdate=2007-02-06 ]


Trac is reported to have more than 450 major installations worldwide.cite web |date=2008-06-25 |title=Who uses Trac?|publisher=Edgewall Trac |url= |accessdate=2008-06-25 ] Among the users of Trac is NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which reports that it uses this tool to manage various deep space and near space projects, and WebKit, the open source browser rendering engine that powers Apple's Safari browser (and also Adobe's AIR among other implementations).

See also

* List of project management software
* Comparison of issue tracking systems
* Software configuration management
* TracExplorer - Visual Studio and TortoiseSvn Bugtraq Integration


External links

* [ Trac Project home page]
* [irc:// #trac] on freenode
* [ Bugzilla Vs. Trac] - The article (beginning on page 14) compares Trac with Bugzilla

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • trac — trac …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • trac — [ trak ] n. m. • traque 1830; o.i., p. ê. formation expressive ou du même rad. que traquer; cf. tracasser ♦ Vieilli Peur, frousse. « Vous lui avez tellement fichu le trac » (Romains). ♢ (1833) Mod. Peur ou angoisse irraisonnée que l on ressent… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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